Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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Jane knew link was stronger then fox, staying on the defence she attempts to retaliate and attack fox back. Landing a few blows, their damage raising. As they chase after each other, no where to hide or plan an attack this level irked Jane much. The match goes on in their dog fight, till one of them wins

Amy moans as blaze forces himself into her "finally show me what you got"
She said grinning as she grips the bed sheets, letting herself be taken by blaze.
Elspeth had awoken, the rays of light pulling past the curtains of the window that shared the wall with her bed shinning upon her face. The warm rays had run along the edges of the cloth, creeping out along the edges of the beaten wooden frame, the rays slowly dancing through the leaves of the tree outside the window. She shifted, once, under the weight of the many sheets, before finally letting out a yawn that had confirmed to her own psyche that she was now indeed awake. She place one gloved hand on the sheet to her side, before slowing forcing herself to arch her back against the wooden headboard. She sat, half arched against the head board, before bringing the second hand to her face, to rub at the eyelids that were red and raw from the night of crying before. They opened, simple golden eyes peaking out from behind the long black lashes, as she took in her surroundings.

She remembers having been left alone in the forest, and that she had received help, but little else. Elspeth swung her legs over the side, toned calves and thick thighs pulling out from under the sheets as she stretched her arms outward, before pulling herself out of bed with a simple push against the mattress.

In the corner of the room, a full body mirror caught her eye, her form appearing in it ever so normally, the reflection of herself lit from behind by the dancing light, giving her even more of a mysterious glow to her already unique form. She was a Mismagius, a simple purple hat placed over fine white hair that ran down past her neck, past her shoulder blades, to her lower back. A simple purple dress hung to the curves of her body, sleeveless, running tightly down the front and back of her body before flaring out at her waist, to form a traditional styled dress, three simple red jewels encrusted in gold at her waist. She had purple gloves, and simple black leather shoes ending in a stiletto tip.

She turned to her side, adjusting her hat and clothes while looking at herself in the mirror. She wasn't the youngest of pokemon, but she wasn't an old hag either, and her body showed that. She stood nearly at six foot four (in heels might she add), and was of a medium-heavy build, the curves in just the right places. Content, she shot a kiss to the mirror, before leaving the room, curious to explore the dwelling of the person that had rescued her.
((To much information, can't process x.x overload!! *blows up*))

"See? Or feel?" He says smartassily, as he thrusts hard.
Alistair took the hits he couldn't dodge, grabbing a weapon when it came his way, the occasional land mine or rifle, keeping up the attack where possible. Jane wasn't making it easy, not that he expected her too. He grit his teeth as they fought, trading blows with neither getting the upper hand. Then, the screen darkened, a flash of light heralding the arrival of the smash ball, and the focus of combat suddenly shifted, both sides racing to get it and end the match. At last though, Fox got it and summoned the Landmastrer, using it to deadly effect on the flat stage, and it was all she wrote.

That match over, Alistair looked over at Jane and grinned. "Good luck next time. Two out of three after all," he said as he sleected the Castle Seige stage for their next match
Amy giggles and moans she looks back and grins (fixed for Pols cause he no read my english ;P ) she retorts "just fuck me will you" she said pushing back, allowing blaze to get better access to her body. Amy moans softly under blaze as she grips the bed.

Losing the first match, Jane curses softly taking it seriously. As the second match she didn't give Alistar a chance to move. Going full out on physical attacking, jane doesn't let the link stop. It wasn't as close as the first one, Jane wins the second match. Sighing Jane looks at Alistar, "may the best link win, last match for all then cookies" Jane said smiling watching Alistar pick the last stage and everything. This time her plan was to be a bit defensive and offensive. She didn't care now if she won or not, as long as it was not a shut out.
Alistair was unexpected for the onslaught that came his way, Jane's Link kicking the tar out of Fox across and around the stage. she had obviously gotten very serious, and he would have to step up his game in retaliation as he loaded up the final stage. "I think you mean the best Fox," he replied with a smile as well, as the Great Halberd stage came up. the fight was fast and difficult, pokeballs, laser shots, explosions, and swords all over the place as they fought. He probably could have won if he wanted to spam attacks. But being a fair player, he didn't, even though it meant in the end that he lost, after she got the Smash Ball and ejected him from the stage and beat him up even more.

Placing the controller at his feet, Alistair stretched and sighed. "Good match."
((ohh if I was facing you I would so cheezed off with you buddy XD ))

The match went on, and it was a good one. Alistar must have forgotten that Jane was physic and could tell he eased off a bit. Though she didn't care, it was his lost not hers. Glancing at him she decided not to bring it up, placing the wii remote/ numcuck down she smiles and leans back slowly laying on the floor. "Indeed, its a good thing your that easy to beat, I would have had to have to try harder" Jane giggles looking at Alistar and smiles gently.
Alistair smirked as he laid back. "Pfft. I just felt like being competitive and not completely dominating you, that's all," he replied to her jibe. Not totally true, but there was a thing to be said for having fun competition. "So, want to get something to eat,' he asked casually. He was getting a bit peckish.
((Felt like sayin something so: sorry I have been posting at all, I've been having troubles with my DS, I've been trying to level my new team -- been difficult with the DS problems -- plus I've been sleeping a lot, I don't know why, but I've been feeling extremely fatigued. So I'm sorry I haven't replied at all these past days/weeks however long it's been.))
(I been sick as a dog :/ sorry)

"Oh food...that sounds like a plan lets go" Jane stands up quickly her breasts bounce, she looks down and hums "I guess I going to need to get Chris to go get me some clothes tell him to get his lazy ass moving" Jane smiles and goes the door offing Alistar her arm.

Chris lays in the yard by himself, while Haunter floats around.
(Wow. That sucks. Hope you feel better)

Alistair rose from where he was seated as well, taking her offered arm. "Sounds like a plan," he replied, leaving the room hand in hand as they went to find Chris. He checked the man's usual places first before expanding the search to the rest of the mansion. Once he had been found, they could go get food.
(Get you ass back in here missy)

Chris stayed Where he wa laying on the ground looking at the sky, his mind pondering till he saw two figures one large one more femine. Looking up he sees it Jane and Alistar. "Ohh to what do I owe this pleasure ?" Chris asked sitting up now, looking at the two of them.

Jane looks at Alistar and black to Chris where she tells him she needs new clothes.

"Sure....maybe I can find Memy and Noel" Chris said getting up as he did he walks off, leaving the two alone agaian
Emerging from the house, Alistair walked over to where he had spotted Chris laying on the ground. Alistair grinned as Chris sat up and asked them what they wanted. "Well, I'd like a pay raise," he replied jokingly, before Jane explained about the clothes. After chris had left, he turned to Jane. "So, food then." Still hand in hand, he began to lead the way to the kitchen, to see what they could find. Maybe some pizza's, or taco's, maybe some lasagna. Pretty much anything would be good right now.
Memy layed on the soft floor playing with her cub.. her shinx had a bit of red tent in his fur as his father Flynn. "Goodboy.. Josh.." she said rubbing his belly.
"You're so desperate it's cute." Blaze chuckles, as he thrusts himself in and out of Amy.

((Little confused to the logic of whose child that was memy, as I recall blaze impregnated her, a day or two before Flynn If I remember right))
(Indeed that confuses me let alone I can't quiet remember who Flynn is....Childers?)

Jolteon walks his way to the town, bored hoping to find someone.

Haunter haunts the halls for someone to play with

Jane holds Alistars arm and hums happily "yes food I don't care what we have" Jane pulls the larger man along behind her she was famished and wanted to eat.

Amy moans loudly as blaze trusts into her, his heat and her coolness make for condensation making his and her wetter. "Yeah I am desperate maybe so, ah..." Her small hands grip his bed sheets, her body trembled, aching enjoying the feelings he was feeling a
(I am at work
Being all ninja like ion my phone
I can't be held responsible with it desires to change a word on me, cans that post is still easily to understand
You must open your mind young padawon )
(Lol.. sorry been so long.. I don't really remember)
Memy cuddles her son as she walks into the kitchen to make something to eat.. "Don't worry I'll feed you to... Josh." she said letting him nurse on her.
They arrived in the kitchen and Alistair set to making some food. He decided to go simple for the sake of making Jane wait with the obvious suffering she was going through from starvation, and he made them big sandwiches, with roast beef, colby cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, bacon, that sort of thing. He would enjoy it at least. He got some plates, put the sandwiches on them, put some of those lightly salted chips around them, poured two glasses of lemonade and with careful movement, placed that all at a nearby table for them to eat.

As he sat down, he looked over to Memy as she entered the kitchen. He was slightly surprised, though he'd noticed she was pregnant when she was handing out paychecks and such earlier. He just hadn't realized she had given birth already. "Congratulations," he said with a nod.

(Alright, I checked, and Pols Voice is right in that technically blaze impregnated memy first. But I suppose it might not have happened, or something. You're welcome :p )
Memy sits down at the table "Thanks... he's Josh.." she said as Josh nursed on her. "Mind... cooking me something to eat? I'm kinda.. lazy right now?" Memy smiles at him

(lol.. I'm so tired... going to get some more Zzz)
As it was starting to Rain and Maya hated it when her fur was wet. "Damn.. I hate this place..." she mumbles closing the door behind her. "Why.. did he have to go and leave me here.." she said sit on the floor away from everyone else and with her legs crossed..
Alistair nodded as he set down his sandwich and walked over to the counter, rummaging through the drawers for the stuff to make another sandwich. "It's a nice name,' he said, glancing up at Memy with her child. "So, who's the father?"
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