Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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Jane listens and feels shitty about herself, she frowns and throws herself onto him. "I am sorry....I don't know what to say....if you don't want to later next week you won't have to give me my child I can wait.....I am sorry" she said close to crying but wasn't
"Shut up, you've gotten so tight already, so damn tight~ You seem to like anal a little more than that." He said with a chuckle as his tail played with her cock, rubbing her shaft tightly, squeezing it like a snake would its prey. He switched once more going back into Memy's pussy. Grinning as he only went faster becoming much more violent, he pinned Memy's head to the ground keeping her ass in the air, as he now began to brutally fuck her, ramming his cock deep inside her to the hilt. "Scream. I wanna hear you scream about how much you wanna cum, scream about how much you want me to let your little herm dick shoot cum all over the sofa."
Alistair braced himself as Jane leaned against him. "It's okay. It's nothing you did. As for, well, that, next week is a bit of time. Let me think about it, alright," he asked. After all, a lot of things could happen between now and later next week. Certainly enough time to work out this thing and get to know each other.
"Very well I will wait, let's relax here shall we? I don't think we have done that" Jane said smiling, "or your room, more room to lay down" Jane smiles and stands up looking at Alistar
"Here works,' he replied, motioning to a chair next to him for her to lay down in. He was silent for a few seconds as she got settled, before speaking up. "So, tell me about yourself. History, family, that sort of thing," he said with his eyes closed.
Alexander walked up to the gates of the Pokemon Mansion, looking around slowly as he searched for anyone that might be around. However, it seemed to be nearly deserted. As he walked into the courtyard and took a seat, he sighed softly to himself. "It must just be a joke. Everyone back at home must have made up that ad, that letter...this invitation..." Alex looked at the card he held, putting it into his wallet with a look of despair on his face. "They send me to a deserted mansion when I just wanted to be somewhere that had people that might understand me..." Closing his eyes, he held his head with his hands, the young adult human just trying to remain calm as his mind lied to him, making him believe that the mansion was deserted and must have been fake.
Jane sits back and smiles "well....grew up in a forest far father was captured by humans, my mom and I raped often, I got away found Chris and his family they cared for me. He left, then I wanted to follow him, I never met anyone who I though could keep me safe until now you and everyone here seem so great...." Jane said smiling as she tears up a bit "what about you?"

Amy a Glaceon Antro had been here for a while she been chilling in the forest near by. But now was bored, she enters the mansion and sees the human, she walks up and tries to fight him. "Hey you stinking human what are you doing here on you knees!" She said

Chris upstairs hears yelling and listens he knows who it is, and waits to see if he has to do something
Alex looks over towards the Glaceon, offering a light smile until she walked up to him with blood in mind. Looking at her in sheer fear, he quickly stood a bit to get onto his knees, frightened by the sudden yelling at him. "I...I...was invited..."
(Gonna get 'Swagged' up in HERE!)

Swagger was in the garden, still sort well it wasn't going to talk to Katryna, it thought that she was it's friend, then why the hell did she have to go and say that to a virgin? It frowned in anger, the grass under it slowly started to wild becoming over watered on moment then drained dry of its water the next. It slithered near Amy and Alex's location after hearing some shouting..
Alistair listened on with interest as Jane spoke of her life. "Wow," he replied as she finished. "Your life has been a lot more...interesting than mine. I grew up with an average family, set off on my own, worked in a few jobs before I got into the whole body guard business. Memy hired me, and here I am." He shrugged. "It's not so bad, but I do wonder what I'll do when Memy doesn't need me anymore." He smirked. "I have considered the life guard business, but maybe not with all that swimming."
Victor kept his fist raised at the Ghost type above him, growling loudly as the energy around his fist grew brighter. "Not now, Ghost. I'm not in the mood." He clenched his fist. "One hit and I'll take your fucking head off. Now bounce before I feel less generous." The Absol was telling the truth. He'd never liked Ghost types. Maybe it was the type difference, or maybe a deeper ingrained hate. Either way he wanted out, and would destroy her to get away.
Chris walks down stairs and pushes his sister down on the ground "sis you will treat our guest better and greet the man better. Welcome to Memy's Pokemon breeding are the first human...welcome....does Memy know you are comming?" Chris asked as Amy atbads back up and stands behind Chris.

Jane laughs "your a life guard who needs a life guard. " Jane gets up and sits in Alistars lap. And cuddles onto him. "Your the sweetiest body guard I know, " she said softly after yawning she snuggles into him more.
Swagger saw Amy and suddenly had a weird urge... What weird urge you may ask? Well to be frank he wanted to mess with Amy for some inexplicable reason. Several tentacles slithered over to Amy, tapping her on the back, only to retreat hidden amongst the trees. Swagger himself was in a tree hiding as well. He retracted his tentacles just in case Amy could some how...track him which wasn't that likely....he hoped.


Nero frowned as he got up from where he was resting: the lounge in the west wing of the manor, he yawned slightly as he got comfortable. He needed a nap... Maybe all these weird...mood flashes were just a result of exhaust. He sank into sleep in a few seconds.
Amy turns as she is tapped and leaves the manor looking for who did that. "Hey who's up there who hit show your self you chciken"
Alistair grinned as he pulled Jane in close. "Ah, that's because you've seen through my clever facade. It's all an illusion to lure people in before I pounce." At that he sprang into action, fingers dancing about as he tickled her with a triumphant chuckle.
Amy screamed a hell high pitched screamed and her hands went ice cold and grabbed Swagger. "What the hell are you?" Her eyes wide and panicked, but she calms down, and puts him down

Jane can't help but giggle, as she is tickled. "N-n-n-n-no no I am tickleish I surrender ahh" Jane tired to wiggle away but can't
"Hey...your cute....what else can you do with yor tentacles?" Amy asks holding swagger closer to herself
Alistair laughed as Jane abdicated, failing in her attempt to wriggle away as he kept a tight grip on her. But he relented, stopped the motion of his fingers. "Seriously though, I rarely have to be tough here, since everyone knows the boundaries and it's not like anyone would rob this place. It's a pretty easy job" he said as he went back to relaxing.
(I don't figure that Childer will be on much either, but if so then I'll continue with the Froslass)

Victor walked from his room and slid down the stairway rail, landing on his feet at the bottom. He pulled on a loosing fitting shirt that didn't match his skinny jeans while he walking into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and retrieved a can of soda. His gaze shifted to Katryna as he opened it. "Sup, Kat?" He asked before turning the can up at his lips.
"How long have you been here? What do you know of Chris?" Jane asked sitting on his lap more, laying back down onto his cest drawing circles on him.
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