Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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"Alright, man. I'll be there." The Absol tossed his can onto the floor as he began to walk upstairs, removing his shirt while stepping into his room.
Any standing around confused follows the absol "a-wait I am new, and looming for a friend" she called out hoping he heard

Jane giggles some more as her ass is touched, as the blanket comes over Jane slides a hand and gropes his cock under his shorts (you are wearing shorts at least x3) "let's try some passionate love?" Jane suggested smiling softly kissing his neck
"Follow me." He said lazily to the Glaceon. Victor sat in a chair inside of his room and leaned back on it, picking a single cigarette from his desk and lighting it. He wasn't a heavy smoker, he simply liked to have one on occasion. He took a long drag on the cigarette and thought about what Nero could possibly want.
Following Amy runs in and smiles not fond if the smiling but she let it go, his room after all. "I am Amy I have been here for a bit but now made myself public" Amy said smiling playing with her hands
Victor smiled at her and proped up his feet onto the desk. He observed her for a moment, takong another drag before twisting out the cigarette on his desk. He tossed it onto the already extremely messy floor and extended his hand to her. "Nice to meet you, Amy. Name's Victor."
"I've been somewhat angry for some reason, call it some kind of instinct... I suspected that some how possibly I felt angry due to the feeling that someone may have upset my brother..." He said with a frown. "...I didn't think that someone WOULD be so insensitive to actually hurt my little brother's feelings though."
Amy smiles and bows slightly "that's a cool name, how long have you been here?" She asks looking around but not moving
"Long ass time. Never had a kid, though." He continued to lean in his chair, rocking it a bit. "Care to open that door? My friend Nero'll be comin' through in a bit." The Absol yawned softly. "Y'know, I've always had a soft spot for Ice types."
"I dunno where he is." He said before leaving "I don't know where he is now, you'll have to find him.. He's probably going to be hiding in some place with a lot of water, like the showers." He said as he finally left, and located Victor's room. He walked over to the door, opening it, he walked in. "Hey Vic." He turned to see Amy. "Hello there."
Amy opens the door while blushing, she greets the second guy and shits the door but doesn't leave, something compels her to stay .
"So, what did'cha need to talk to me about?" Victor asked as he stood, removing his shirt and tossing it to the floor before leaning against the wall.
Alexander looks at Chris, watching Amy wander off as he then responds, "I, uhm...I think I got an invitation..." Looking rather confused, he produced a card from his wallet, the very same one he received in the mail, hoping Chris might shed some light on to whether it was or not.

(Sorry! I got busy.)
(Hey leave mah I phone alone x3 )

Haunter goes to the showers he is bored, and see Kat moves to her grazing her body as he passes by invisible

Amy stands and looks at the two men topless she is flabbergasted

Chris looks at the card of course mad he has one too a light sigh "yeah this is a vip card, gets you a special benifit but Memy the boss is not here right now I am, so make your self comfortable
(( XDD ))

"Eh nothin' much, basically to be careful around a certain new guy here. He wouldn't hesitate in tearing your ass apart if you disturb him or if you make him angry." Nero said.


"Who's there?" Said a voice in the shower drain.
Katryna shudders at the touch. "It's Katryna. Is that you swagger?" She asks.

((She asks this she asks this I think my character is curious...))
Haunter grins as he passes again getting a better feel for Kata ass, as he does he moves to the front and flicks her boobs
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