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Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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"I know that is why I said that, bring me to your room" Jane said happily, kissing Memy on the head. As she stands up excited to try out Nero.
He chuckled "...Fine.. c'mon." He said leading the way, he went into a deeper part of the manor, towards a room which was pretty much going to be Nero's and Swaggers room...that is once he found Swagger. After he bangs Jane, then he'd resume his search. He pried the door to his room open, revealing a huge room, no doubt meant for larger guests such as Tyranitar or Tyrantrum. In the back corner there was a huge bed, meant for Nero. He chuckled looking at Jane. "You sure you wanna fuck? I can't say that it's 'safe' for me t' be fucking a girl as thin as you.."
Jane follows Nero and is impressed by his room, she twirls a bit as she walks into the center of his room. Hearing Nero asking if she was sure she giggled. "Sweetie I would be more worried about you then myself. After all dragons are no good against fairies. Besides the harder the better, Rydons are strong" Jane said twirling to his bed, sitting on it.
"Pfft you're forgetting that Tyrantrum are also ROCK type. I'm not one to get tired so easily either, I just keep at it until I'm more than satisfied." He said with a smirk, as his tail set itself on her lap, being quite thick on its own. "You're going to be taking something thicker than that and probably harder than rock too, so are ya sure?" He said with a chuckle as he removed his shirt, revealing his muscular physic which was lightly scarred in several places. "Last chance~"
Smiling brightly jane pushes the large tail off of her, and she straddles Neros lap. "Sweetie onknowni will be fine, I can see the future, I know who is gunna give me a baby, it's not you, but I know who, I know we will have sex more then this once, and I know you will be pleased" Jane said as she grinds on Nero having not yet gotten any new clothes sense evolving she grinds her wet slit on his lap
"Pfft... Does it look like I care entirely if I DO happen to impregnate you?" He said as he took hold of her legs lifting her up off of his lap for a moment, only to reveal a monstrous rod, thicker than much she's taken before but his length...needless to say it was also longer than much else she's taken. "I'm worried about tearing you apart.." He said with a chuckle. His massive cock was sleek along the shaft, minus the base, it was far thicker along there, but it was somewhat bumpy near the head of his huge rock hard rod. "Kinda sad...I even gave ya a chance t' back out...Oh well." He smirked pressing her small frame down on his cock, thankfully his dick was somewhat slimy, acting as a decent lube as he began grinding her down along the head of his cock. slowly forcing his massive cocks head into her, stretching her cunt wide. He pushed her down with a grin, forcing her down further along his cock. "It's a shame I didn't want to 'bust open' a girl like you, but I'm gonna get over the guilt later.." He said as he then began viciously fucking her, his hands placed on her hips, moving her up and down his giant shaft.
Hanging her arms around Neros neck she lets him take control and fuck her. Indeed this was the largest longest cock she has taken. His coco easily pushing the limits of her pussy, as it expanded more then it biologically should have. Screaming but with pleasure jane let's Nero bounce her on his huge cock. If she all ready didn't know she would live pass this she would think it would have killed her. Moaning and screaming jane throws her head back, her breasts bouncing wildly. "Oh god your fucking huge yes...ahhh it's so nice" Jane moans, as she is bounced on his balls
Nero grinned as his huge balls slapped against her round ass, his cock dug deeper and deeper inside her, punching away at her cervix. "Mmm fuck, I didn't think gardevoir pussy would feel this damn good." He said slowly bringing her closer as he began speeding up. "God-damn life is goood~! Your little cunt is already tightly wrapped around my huge cock so well~" He said with a chuckle.
"Hngggg ahhh hahaa I told you soon...ahhh my god....yes....oh" Jane half said half moans, as her body is ravished by Nero. Her pussy pushing all the limits, as it starts to form around his cock more, and starting to spazz. Her pussy now trying to milk his cock for his seed, though nothing will happen. "Ah ah oh shit...I Aahhh god amazing" Jane couldn't say she was going to orgasm soon, she didn't want to do. Her breasts bouncing close to his cheat, can feel the heat comming off of him. As he non stops bounces her on his cock and balls
"Fuck yes, take it you tight little" He said with a laugh as he began drilling much more ferociously into Jane, he wasn't even close to cumming yet, even if it felt so damn good, he knew how to last. He suddenly stopped and began gyrating his hips, his cock twisting around inside her in a clockwise motion, gently at first, until he then suddenly started pounding away at her juicy pussy, he repeated this for a while, gentle twisting, then fierce drilling, show a little love, then fuck her brains out. He grinned as his hips began pounding into hers, his cock hammering away at her cervix. "Cum already, you know ya wanna do it already, so DO IT."
Jane couldn't believe this man was so good, she held on to him, tighten her grip on his neck, while her pussy squeezed his cock. "Ahhh" Jane screams as her pussy spazzes out, and cum ozzes out, drizzling down the huge cock in her. "Ahhh don't don't stop....please...more...fuck me's so nice" she moans panting it took everything in her to hang on him.
"Mmm, damn, my cock is fucking drenched in your cum 'Jane-y'~" He said with a grin as he then tightens his grip on her waist on with his right hand, while he moved his left arm away, spanking her ass briefly. He cackled as he then moved his hand over to her breasts squeezing them tightly. "Oh yeah I forgot about these huge tits haven't I?" He said with a laugh as he moved his head down licking her left breasts teat, slowly wrapping his lips around her left nipple sucking. "mmm.."

(Dunno why but I like making Nero sort of seem like this violent semi 'serial-killeresque' kind of character, NOT to say he IS a serial killer, if not he just kind of gives off that kind know 'whoa this guy seems kind of...' vibe ))
(That's fine my plans was to make Jane a bit of a slut ish type person)

As her breasts become under attacked she can't help bit love it. Throwing her head back, as it bounces while she is fucked. "Ahh yes fuck me like a good toy use me...please" Jane begs as never had she been fucked like this. Jane loved it more then she may have expected, she let her body be ravished by this man.
He continued this, his violent lovemaking for what seemed like an eternity until he finally came, he forced her down to the base of his cock. groaning as his seed began pumping into Jane's womb. He smirked as he then, more than likely to her surprise, resumed fucking her for a while, his dick repeatedly thrusting in and out of her, burying his seed deeper inside her body. He chuckled as he pulled out, some of his hot seed shooting onto her body and face. "Mmm~ That was damn good Jane, really fuckin' good~"
Screaming more as she can feel his cock throb, and soon pump his seed into her tight cunt. Panting she starts moaning loudly as he fucks her a bit more, pushing his cum in her more,
And some of it out onto his lap, but he then pulls out, extra cum shooting out his cock onto we chest and face. Licking her lips, Jane whips her face, tasting his cum. She pushes him down gently "my turn to take over just a bit, you clean me big boy, and I clean you" Jane mounts Nero her soaked pussy near his mouth, as she licks his cock, and starts to clean it
Nero chuckled, his cock throbbed as Jane licked it, slowly licking up his precious seed. "Go ahead n' lick me clean, I'd love it if y'd try t swallow my cock..I'd be more than happy t' do more than just 'lick' ya clean.." He said with a laugh as he pressed his snout against her sex, slowly taking his damn sweet time in licking her clean, letting his tongue drag along her clit.
Memy watched them as she jerked off to this "Oh.. you two are so hot.." she said kissing jane and pressing her cock up on or butt hole and she started to fuck her ass
Flynn moans as he takes Alistair's fat cock, slowly he humps back as the whole thing rest inside his rear "Bra.." he said humping back and forth as he jerks himself off. his little hole grips his rod
Alistair picked up speed, his cock pistoning into Flynn's tight rump as he moved his hips in tandem. He wasn't exactly inclined towards the male gender, but he was finding himself enjoying this. The extra lubricant was useful as he spread open Flynn, the warmth radiating through his member, and he ignored Chris as he arrived, slamming into Flynn faster and harder..
Chris does hear Memy right away, but as he glances around he sees her, and her stroking her own cock. Chris moves up to her, from behind and gently strokes her too.

Jane enjoying the gentle cleaning she was getting. Licks around the massive dirty cock, to the balls, as she slowly takes the head, slowly he bops down it a bit taking more and more each bob till she manages to deep throat this cock as she does she uses her tongue to massage the cock in her
Memy turns to put his hand on her round belly "I'm.. pregnant with Flynn's baby.." she said kissing him
Chris touches Memy's belly, and smiled "wonderful, i wish it was mine but that's fine" Chris smiled kissing her back, as he holds her. "Want to take me, relief your self? I don't mind" Chris said smiling willing to do anything for his good friend
Flynn jerks off as Alistair fucks him. he moans and finally cums.. and his hole squeezed Alistair's cock wanting him to cum deep inside his little rear
Memy tosses Chris onto his back and spreads his legs.. thrusting into his ass and pumps in and out harshly "Fuck.. your getting fucked but a pregnant hermaphrodite.." she said her barbed cock raking his insides Memy kisses him.
Faster and more forcefully, the sound of slapping flesh filling the kitchen as Alistair grunted with exertion, having sped up to now rut Flynn like the submissive Braixen he was. As Flynn came, his hole clamped down on the cock inside, Alistair groaning from how tight it was as he slammed into him, making it a bit longer before he came as well, hot seed flowing as Alistair planted his cock deep inside his reward, panting the while as he rode out the wave of pleasure.
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