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Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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Katryna picks up swagger and takes him to her room. Once inside her room she set swagger down on her bed. She closed her door and sat on the bed.
Swagger blushed heavily, it was a virgin, it had seen several sex scenes in some horror flicks, and it had accidentally seen a porno one particular day... Still one thing was knowing what to do another was actually DOING. "....U-Um...I'm kind of nervous Katryna...I'm still a virgin...but you know I'm not backing down from a promise." It said as it surprisingly produced several tentacles, around twelve to be exact,they had wrapped around Katryna as Swagger then went over to her, its lips slowly pressing against Katryna's.. Its tentacles slowly tightened around her arms and legs, as Swaggers kiss became much more intense.
Alistair awoke as Chris came in without knocking, carrying some items as well. "Thanks," he replied as Chris put down the items before beating a hasty retreat from the room. Seeing that that had caused Jane to stir from her sleep, he went back to rubbing her back, trying to soothe her back to sleep while she did the same for him.
Swaggers tentacles started to thicken slightly, becoming much more bulkier in size, he had laid down on Katryna's chest smiling at her slightly, two of his long throbbing tentacles slithered over to her sex, slowly prodding her moist slit, grinding right along her clit. "Grit your teeth a little 'Kattie'". It said as one of its tentacles sank into her cunt, streching it wide open as it slowly started to push its way in deeper inside Katryna's tight little womb. It slowly began twisting this thick tentacle around inside her gently as it began pumping in and out of her. "Does that feel good?"
Jane sighs lightly and continues to dance her fingers along Alistars chest. "Mmmm as comfy as you are, and relaxing. Don't you have a job me big scary security guard?" Jane asks giggling stretching and yawning. She slowly gets up, and rubs her body. "I think I will hit the hot tub to relax " Jane said sitting on Alistars lap, she leans into him agaian and kisses his cheek, before getting up, and leaving. Picking up the item Chris brought, Jane walks to the tub in a very good mood
Alistair chuckled. "Meh, The only person who really needs protecting is Memy, and that's from people without a card. Nobody tries to break in, and most of the time I just stand around looking tough to keep people from getting dumb ideas." He let her go so she could rise from the bed, returning her kiss.' But alright. See you around." He sat up as she left the room, giving her departing form a good look before he got up as well, grabbing the Protection Plate and putting it on before heading outside to do his rounds..
Nero was lounging by the pool, again. Close by the hot tub area not daring to step in, seeing as how he had suffered a prank from Swagger in the past involving Swagger scaring Nero into a pool of water. Not fun. So now when Nero napped near water, he slept nearer to land. He hadn't noticed Jane enter the he was close to being fully asleep.
Jane walks to the sleeping person by the pool, she walks up and pokes his nose. Smiling "good even young sir, who are you I have not seen you around
Nero frowned opening an eye to see who had disturbed him, he opened his eyes seeing Jane, yawning slightly. "I'm Nero, new around here... Nice t' meet you." He said as he slowly streched, his large tail thumping against the ground. "N' as you can see, I'm a Tyrantrum." He said with a small wry smile.
(Hey.. everyone Happy 541.. ish post ^w^ I hate working and wish I was on all the time..)

Memy lays in bed holding her belly.

Noel cumed inside Nox and falls to his side. "Nox.. I love you.. so much.."
(Loves you memy.. ^w^)

Flynn trotts along the manor singing to himself.. he stops then flops onto the floor "Braixen" he crys as tears run down his cheeks
Alistair finished his rounds outside before heading inside. Walking about, he thought he heard a disturbing sound and picked up speed, turning a corner to find that Braixen from the pool sitting on the floor crying. Alistair walked up and crouched in front of him. "Hey man, whats wrong," he asked with a frown.
Flynn looks up and sniffles wiping his nose "Bra.. Braixen Bra.." he crys pointing at his tail.. Flynns beloved stick was gone and was scared someone broke it or.. stole it from him.
"Hm." Alistair looked back at what Flynn was gesturing to, noticing his stick missing, and knowing the Braixen wouldn't go anywhere without it. He rose to his feet. "Well, we better go find it then,' he commented. "Do you know where you last had it?"
Nox moaned out, panting hard as he felt Noel's hot cum fill his ass while he leaning against her and kissed her deeply. "Oh Noel...I love you so very much~"
Flynn hops up and grabs his hand.. "Bra..." he looks sad as he's been doing nothing but looking around the manor..
Alistair took Flynn's hand and began walking, thinking back to remember if he had seen the Braixen with his stick back when they were at the pool. He had been understandably distracted back then, but he thought he had, which meant Flynn had probably lost it between then and now. He headed back to the pool first, walking around the edge and not seeing it. "So, I think you had it here earlier," he said thoughtfully. "So, where did you go from here?"
Flynn blushes as he remembers what happened a few hours ago "Braixen.." he shakes his head not smelling it in the area Flynn eyes his groin a few times.
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