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Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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Alistair smiled softly as Jane fell asleep on top of him. Not feeling like disturbing her, he continued his embrace, figners gently rubbing her back as he relaxed. Idly, he wondered if what she had said before about mating applied to when she evolved, though he supposed it was a bit late now to worry about that. Softly humming, he closed his eyes to wait for her to awaken, drifting off into a light sleep in the meanwhile.
Nero frowned, being unsuccessful in his search for his little brother, he yawned, letting out a roar as he did. "Maybe I should just do sumthin' else." He muttered groggily, as he then lumbered off, tired and horny-ish....mainly tired.
Katryna looked at her cards, an ace and a two, she needed a nine. She gave swagger a card and drew one herself. It was a three, her current total is fifteen she decides to hold for fearing she might go over.
Swagger's hope sank...a two, a two. It sighed showing what he had seeing as how he lost that round "Looks like you won that one Katryna." It said as it then put its cards back into the pile starting the game up again, this time he handed Katryna the cards, he dealt himself some cards. Seeing what his two cards were, he had some hope, a two and a six, not a bad start.
Katryna winced as she folded that hand. It was an eight. She went over by three.

((Lol I'm using real cards to determine what happens for me.))
Jane sleeps peacefully, but not long, as Chris comes in. "Ah sorry...thought you would be done, I have a gift for the both of you....Alistar, it is said Rydons will like this...I dunno what it is, it is called protector plate, and you Jane I have a Gardevoir stone, said to help unlock your greatest power, but of you don't want it it's fine, I leave them here" Chris places them on the ground and walks off.
Jane with half asleep eyes sighs, calling Chris an "ass" as she yawns and draws circles on his chest as she looks at him
"We both lost there." She said with a slight laugh. She decided to be dealer again, she shuffled the cards and gave both two each. She got an eight and a nine. Total of seventeen.
Katryna decided to push her luck, she drew a card. It's a two, her total is now nineteen. She decides not to risk it any further and stops there.
Swagger felt the tension start to get to him, it grabbed another card, it was a three, fifteen. Draw again? Draw once more? Risk it? No he couldn't he knew it was probably his only chance but he couldn't do it. The fear of losing had consumed hi- he drew again. An eight. Fuck beans. He lost.
((Haha we played blackjack on the 21st page xD the irony))

Katryna walked over to swagger and petted it. "So... Now to think about what I want..."
Tentacles.... Tentacles... Tentacles... Tenta- "That we could...what?" It asked tilting its head to the side... It's body was slimey and...strechy, polymorphic you could that small little tentacle it was using to scratch its antannae, didn't need to be THAT small at all... Thick slimey tentacles... tentacles..
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