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Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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Nero had left Jane, seeing as how he didn't particularly want to be bothered as he napped. Of course he was polite to Jane, saying that he needed to sleep due to the lack of sleep he had over the last few days. So now he walked on by the pool seeing Alistair and Flynn, he waved at them, as he lumbered on by them.
Alistair was glad for the confirmation it wasn't in the area, and so he walked back over to Flynn and they moved on, checking the nearby rooms and hallways, him following where Flynn thought he had gone next. As well, he didn't notice the looks he was getting, more intent on helping the housemate.
Flynn starts to cry after a few minutes as he thinks it's done for good.. but then Flynn saw it.. laying in the garbage as he grabs it ans hugs Alistair.. "Braixen?" he rubs Him.. wanting to see if he wants a reward..
Alistair was getting worried, as Flynn began to cry, but he breathed a sigh of relief as they found it, it having apparently fallen at some point into the garbage can. "There you go,' he said as he motioned to the stick, which Flynn practically ran up to with a happy face to recover. 'Oof," Alistair grunted as he received a hug. "You're welcome," He replied, though he'd be lying to say he didn't feel anything as Braixen rubbed his cock.
Flynn started to blush as he rubs Alistair and he was slowly getting hard "Braixen?" he leans down and slowly unzips his pants.. wanting to blow him in the kitchen
Alistair blinked in confusion as Flynn slowly unzipped his pants, his cock beginning to stiffen from the rubbing it was receiving. "I don't really need a reward if you feel like you have to do this," Alistair protested, though not too hard. "I was just doing my job." If Flynn insisted though he wasn't sure if he'd stop the Braixen.
(You.. don't mind do you?)
Flynn pulls it out as he sucks the head.. his tongue sliding along Alistair's length as he takes the fat head into his mouth.. bobbing slowly he jerks the lower half off with his paw

Alistair didn't stop Flynn as the Braixen began to suck him off, his cock rapidly springing to attention under the ministrations it was receiving. Alistair's breathing began to deepen as he stood over the other pokemon, his hands reaching down to scratch behind his ears and pet his head while he let Flynn reward him.
Flynn pulls off jerking him as he licks his pee hole.. after a moment he took a deep breath as he started to deepthroat Alistair. Taking him to the back of his throat and bobbing fast. Flynn small mouth makes a great seal as he pulls the skin back and forth with his mouth. Flynn starts to get hard as he jerks off
Memy was sitting there.. rubbing her little rounded belly "Nero.. great news!" she said hugging him
Memy blushes as her paw pulls his hand to her belly so he can feel the little thing inside her "Do.. you really want to know?.. Well.. I know Flynn cummed in me a few days ago.. so him maybe.."
Alistair grunted as Flynn jerked him off while his nimble fox tongue licked at the tip of his member. His legs slightly quivered as Flynn started taking in his cock, his mouth acting like a vacuum seal on his member as his tongue worked over Alistair's cock, pulling on the skin and sending jolts of pleasure shooting through him. He began rolling his hips in time with Flynn, his cock sliding in further as they went.
Flynn pumps his cock as he gets off his knees' looking around he finds some butter and rubs it along Alistairs rock hard cock.. he then turns to aim Alistair at his rear hole.. and slowly pressed down onto him.. taking him into his rear slowly.
Memy looks up and her paw rubs his thigh "I.. didn't know he could honestly.. a non-anthro getting me pregnant.. kinda turns me on.." she said kissing him
Alistair stood still, finding what Flynn was doing weirdly enjoyable as the other rubbed butter on his cock, a sensation that felt odd but also sent tingles up his spine as he pressed his prepared length to the Braixen's tight pucker. He let Flynn take him in at his own pace, to give the pokemon time to get used to it, before he pulled out, hands on his hips as he began to take Flynn, steadily and working up to a faster pace. He did want him to enjoy this as well.
Jane and Chris meet up, and wonder around. Chris and separate as he finds Alistar and Flynn. While Jane finds Nero and Memy. Both of them greet the others happily
"Ohhh" Jane exclaimed excitedly, she glides over and touches Memy belly "indeed she is I can feel OTC Ohhh congratulations sweet heart" janes hugs her tightly and smiles. "And I was gunna ask if you wanted to go for a rump with me...oh well...Nero can help me" Jane stands up and smiles
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