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Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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Flynn slowly pulls off and spread his legs more.. he pointed to his butt hole the more between his legs.. and were Alistair's sprem leaks out from Flynn.. was a little pink slit. "Bra..." Flynn blushes as Alistair cummed inside his pussy..
Laughing as Memy tosses him back, he lands on his back, and she pretty much starts to fuck him. Smiling as he returns the kiss "indeed I am how much more kinkyier can we get ahhh" Chris said then moaned as he feels her barbed cock ramming his ass, scratching it again. "Mmmm ahh man Memy your good...." He smiled moaning more as his balls bounced onto her Pelvis, Chris strokes his cock gently
Memy smiles as she leans up and puts his hand on his cock "Jerk off.." she said pumping into his ass harder. She rubs her pregnant belly.
Chris jerks himself off to the rythme of Memy's trusts. "Mmm Memy fuck me harder I don't mind" Chris smiled leaning up he plants a small kiss on her, as one hand jerks off the other plays with her breasts
Nero smirked as he gripped Jane's ass, groping her perfect white skin with his right hand. He reached over with his left hand putting it against Jane's head, slowly forcing her head down, making her 'swallow' his entire cock. He chuckled as he then held her head slowly moving her head up and down his cock. "That's right swallow all of it 'Jane-y'. Swallow all of my dragon cock."
Memy leans back thrusting her hips into his "Oh.. gosh.. Chris.. going.. to cum..." she crys as her cock throbs and after a moment... her cock throbs and ropes of hot luxray sprem sprays into his rear hole
Alistair blanched as Flynn revealed that that hadn't actually been his rump. "Um, oops," he said with embarrassment, scratching at his head as he stepped back. "Sorry," he apologized to Flynn.
Flynn turns to face him.. running his paw along his man meat.. "Di.. di.. you.. like me?" he trys to speak in their tongue. Flynn was a secret hermaphrodite as his pussy and work are hidden between his fuzzy legs.
Alistair was still radiating embarrassment as he heard Flynn trying to talk to him. He nodded as he leaned on a counter. "Yeah, I did," he replied. "But sorry, really. I should have noticed."
Flynn blushes as he knows what may happen soon to him "No.. it.. ok.." he leans up and kisses him. flynn's paw jerks him off keeping him hard "Your... room..?" he fights to speak to Alistair
Jane not used to having someone this rough, gags ever so slightly but manages not to, as she takes his whole cock. She giggles vibrating the huge cock in her mouth. Jane sucks harder and more, as she does this she forces her pussy into his face, using her physic power she speaks to him in his mind. "Then you Better clean my dirty little pussy, and clean it well" she said rubbing herself on him, as pulls back pulling on the cock making a popping noise wth her mouth

Chris enjoys this as he feels Memy's cock pulse and finally shot out its cum, he smiles. His cock still hard "I need to find someone to take me " Chris said as e shivered some cum ozzes out of his ass. His cock hard and erredt
While Flynn was okay with what he was done, Alistair was still embarrassed for not noticing. "Sure," he replied as he stepped forward and picked up Flynn, figuring the Braixen was a bit busy jerking himself off to be walking very far. Carrying him bridal style, he walked down the more sparse hallways until he arrived at his room. He stepped inside and closed the door, setting Flynn down before sitting down.
Memy stands over him aims his cock at her pussy.. then falls on him "Oh.. fuck.." she said riding him hard as she rocks the couch their on. she pregnant pussy was wet and grips him hard
Flynn lays back.. jerking off on Alistair's bed.. his legs spread wide as he rubs his little balls "Take.. me?" he said with red cheeks. his pussy leaks some of Alistair's sprem.
Chris gasps and sits up, wrapping his arms around Memy "mmm Memy your so awesome love, I wish you had my baby, ahh" Chris moans and leans back gasping as she takes him.
"Oh don't worry about that hon, just make sure that you can swallow really damn quickly." He said with a laugh, as he then smacked her bum letting it jiggle for a second. He then pressed his snout into her pussy, smirking as his tongue slithered inside her pussy. His tongue lashed around inside her warm insides. "That's right honey~ TRY to make me cum inside your little mouth~"
((So sorry everyone, I've been busy breeding, hatching and leveling Pokemon for the past couple days... Part of what takes so long is Pokémon-amie, and Super Training. Again, so sorry.))

Blaze gets up from where he's at and walks outside, and just stands there.
(Its okay Pols ^^')

Swaggers tentacles started to thicken slightly, becoming much more bulkier in size, he had laid down on Katryna's chest smiling at her slightly, two of his long throbbing tentacles slithered over to her sex, slowly prodding her moist slit, grinding right along her clit. "Grit your teeth a little 'Kattie'". It said as one of its tentacles sank into her cunt, streching it wide open as it slowly started to push its way in deeper inside Katryna's tight little womb. It slowly began twisting this thick tentacle around inside her gently as it began pumping in and out of her. "Does that feel good?"
(My phone is gunna die and I gunna be gone for a bit sorry Memy and Spirt )

Jane sucks the large cock more and more, till she orgams, squirting on his face. As she does she screams, and rolls off. Her body weak, panting she lays there no energy left. "Well fuck your a basket of surprises aren't you?" She asked almost falling asleep right away

As Memy rides Chris more he plays with her nipples a bit, but not for long, as she bounces on him, he cums, shooting strings of hot Jolteon cum into Memy, moaning Chris leans back panting out of energy
Nero smirked as he sat up. " Yep. Yeah I fuckin' am.." He said as he now stood over Jane, squirting his cum onto Jane's body, shooting his hot dragon seed on her chest and onto her face. He chuckled "...Come back any time 'Jane-y'~" He left his room, leaving Jane alone so that she could rest. He then resumed his task: Finding Swagger
Alistair stood back, watching the show Flynn put on for him. At the Braixen's request, he walked up, cock already springing back up. "If you still want to," he replied, taking a hold of Flynn's legs. He smiled warmly, rubbing the head of his member against Flynn's pussy. "Now then. Here, or here," he asked, switching from his pink slit to rub his real pucker, figuring Flynn should get a say this time.
"It feels amazing Swagger!" Katryna said moaning in pleasure. "But is this all you can really do? There must be more than what your showing me." She said in a mocking yet begging way.
Swagger then looked sort of sad from what Katryna said, even so it continued, though it's face still held that same sad expression. Its tentacles expanded inside her streching her wider as it moved in and out of her tight womb, several other tentacles rose up to wrap around her thighs, carressing them lightly before groping her ass, several other tentacles wrapped around her breasts, the heads teased her perky nipples, wetting them slightly.
Flynn moans as he slows down as he was close to cumming on himself "You... pick.. " he smiles spreading his legs as far as he can... rubbing up in Alistair's cock
"Alright then," Alistair replied, cock bobbing happily as Flynn shifted against him. He made his decision, muscles rippling as he lifted Flynn's bottom half up into the air, before spearing into his rear with little preamble, figuring Flynn was ready. He began rutting the fox, slamming into him and making up what he lacked in speed in force, as the bed rocked a bit. "Hows that," he grunted through bared teeth
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