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Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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Victor yawned as he stepped out of his room. Kicking the door closed behind him and tossing his shirt over his shoulder. He hiked up his undone skinny jeans before zipping them but not buttoning them. He ruffled his hair as he began walking down the hall, looking if anyone was free to fuck him.
Memy rested a bit before leaving him.. soon she finds Victors room and walks in "Hey victor.. we'll be having a new family member soon.." she said rubbing her little round tummy.. Memy lays on his bed and wants him to join "Want,. to join me?"
Victor smiled as he laid beside of her on the bed, stretching out. "Hell yeah, I'll join you." He laid a gentle hand on her stomach as he threw his shirt onto the floor. "That's great. Maybe I'll get a chance at having one with you next time."
Memy kisses the absol "You.. know just ask and I'll let you fuck me.. I love you dark types.." she said laying his head on her belly "You.. can hear it.." she said rubbing his sheath and balls
Victor grunted softly as he felt her touch his sheath. He unzipped his pants and slid them off as he felt himself begin to grow hard. "I'll fuck you, if you'd be so kind as to let me." As he spoke his hand slowly began to rub her sheath as well as her opening.
Flynn looks up at Alistair.. as he aims his own cock to his face "Love.. you..." he crys as his cock sprays ropes of creamy white cum all over his face and into his mouth.. giving Alistair a show as he ruts his pussy again
Memy's barbed cock quickly grows and slides out of her sheath.. "Can.. you cum all over me? she said moving to have him between her legs "I want you.. to cum all over me... as I cum all over you.." kissing him and jerking herself off
Alistair didn't reply, unsure if he shared the sentiment since they'd only met today. That and he felt it best to keep from getting quite that attached in this job, since you were never sure who'd be here one day and gone the next.So he didn't respond, watching Flynn giver himself a small shower of cum over his face, grunting as his member began to throb and leak with pre, not able to last as long due to having come so soon ago. But he tried to hold out as long as he could.
The Absol slowly began to push the head of his erection into Memy's body, grunting softly before leaning down to softly lick the head of her cock. "Sure thing, love. I'll cum all over you."
Memy squeaks a bit as Victer starts to fuck her pregnant pussy "Oh.. gosh.. harder you can do it.." she said as her paw jerks her cock off faster her mouth opened wide for when he cums all over her face
The Absol held onto her waist as he thrust forward into her body, filling her with his large erection. "Fuck." He said inbetween heavy breaths. Victor wrapped his hand around Memy's cock and began to stroke it slowly.
Leaning up she kisses him and fell back onto his bed "Yes.. oh.. fuck.." she moans watching him pound her pregnant pussy.. her belly jiggling with each thrust
Victor kissed her back as his thrusts began to grow heavier and harder, one hand sliding up and down her erection while the other gently grabbed one of her breasts. "I never knew you were such a good fuck, Memy."

(I'm gonna be logging out soon. Just letting you know that I'm not gone, just off for the night.)
(Same my Gf calls for me.. ^w^ hopes you'll have a good night)
Memy keeps moaning as he fucks her "Gosh.. I want your cock.. maybe everyone can fuck me at once.. or take turns.." she humps his hand getting ready to cum.
As he thrusts deeper and harder, Victor began to prepare himself to cum. After several more heavy thrusts he removed his cock from her and began to shoot thick streams of cum onto her face and body, grunting heavily as he stroked her erection roughly, awaiting her cum.
Flynn licks his lips then looks into his eyes "Please.. love.. me.." he crys just wanting a mate to keep him safe. His pussy juices squirt out as he cums from it to.. milking Alistair of his sprem
Alistair held his gaze for a few seconds, then looked away, ashamed but resolute. He wasn't sure, knew that it was too soon to decide something like that, as much as it might hurt Flynn. He'd get over it eventually, and he'd realize it was probably for his own good as well as Alistair's. Choosing a mate wasn't a spur of the moment decision to make. Alistair groaned as Flynn came, milking his already sensitive cock as he rammed into Flynn. Finally, he came as well, pulling out at the last second to add to the spattering of cum Flynn had on his face.

"I'm sorry," he said as he turned away. "I don't think I can. Not yet. Not now."
Flynn pulls off of his cock.. balls up and cry.. as he knows he'll be pregnant with Alistair's offsprings soon and he wouldn't even tell him he loves him for it.. He came to this place looking for someone to love him.. and now he.. just got impregnated and the one that did it doesn't want him as a lover.. or mate.
Alistair shifted to run a hand along the balled up Flynn. "I'm sorry. I just can't love someone after 1 day. That's not enough time." He got up and swung the door open so Flynn could leave, then went back to sit back down on his bed.
(Repost for Pols)

Swagger then looked sort of sad from what Katryna said, even so it continued, though it's face still held that same sad expression. Its tentacles expanded inside her streching her wider as it moved in and out of her tight womb, several other tentacles rose up to wrap around her thighs, carressing them lightly before groping her ass, several other tentacles wrapped around her breasts, the heads teased her perky nipples, wetting them slightly... However a while later, it just stopped all together lowering her. "...Um...I don't really feel like it anymore Kattie." It said as it slowly slithered out of her room.


Nero frowned feeling something was wrong deep inside him. He walked slightly faster to find Swagger.
Memy cums all over herself as she smiles at Victer.. after a moment she leaves him and hops into the shower.
Nero frowned noting that he was...kind of dirty, litterally due to all the sloppy sex he had with Jane... God damn was she good, still he had to get himself cleaned up. He walked into the nearest shower which was the same shower Memy was in, he didn't particularly CARE that she was naked, considering he was admiring the 'view' and because he was dirty.
Katryna watched as swagger left her room "Okay..." She said sounding sad a little. "Hey um swagger? I... I uh... Never mind..." She said.
Victor yawned and stood, trudging to the same shower as Memy and Nero. He bumped the shower button with his fist and leaned his head to the wall as the water rushed over him. So, are we gonna just stand here or are we gonna fuck?" He asked the two while he closed his eyes.

(Whoops, but " before So in that post of mine)
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