Fallen Without A Cause (Dementia x Spirits)

"Straight down this road," she murmurs to him before skipping off to find the source of the smell. She burst in and ordered all of the cookies to go, not liking the idea of having left Panty alone with Smoking. She ate what she could before leaving to walk home.

Panty looked at the male after Stocking had left, grasping his chin and pressing close. "Oh? You're just hers, are you? Why don't you give me a try?" she asks, only to crawl into her car and offer him the passenger side. Cum was running down her thighs and a little bits in her hair from the men in the alleyway.
He was honestly in shock, it felt as though the universe itself shattered in that moment. How did she find out? How did she figure out that he was in fact a male, he wore a robe and hood as suggested by Stocking but it didn't work. Unless...Panty could actually sniff out a man. Oh good god... He hadn't thought of that, and Stocking more than likely didn't think of that either didn't she? Hearing her practically insinuate sex already drove chills down his spine mainly due to the prospect of cheating on Stocking....Still she was in a car, and a car was significantly faster than just walking.. He naively went into the car taking the passengers seat, if push came to shove, he'd invoke his weapon... to help him get away from Panty. So now he was on high alert. "B-Because I love Stocking that's why." He finally said.
Panty scoffed, starting the car and the short drive home. "Yeah. Okay. Because men don't cheat," she mutters. Chuck was in the back seat, muttering about something as he bounced about in the bar from each speed bump. Panty sped into the drive and got out of the car, dragging whatever man by the doorway, in a long line, inside and immediately to her room.

Stocking was almost halfway home and she could make out the cathedrals figure in the distance. She smiles, pulling on the cap over her head to keep the snow away from her hair. She ate cookies on the way there, forcing herself to save some for Smoking. Stocking walked inside and shook out of her jacket and hat, skipping her way through the kitchen, then to her room to munch and watch TV.
Much to the goth angel's surprise, Smoking wasn't in his usual spot: By the altar praying for forgiveness. In fact he wasn't anywhere in the cathedral, not in the hallway, not in the bathroom, thankfully not in Panty's room and not... putting on her panties due to him not having any spare underwear. No where... Instead seated by the altar was a young man, he was quite handsome to boot. Shimmering yellow eyes, long scruffy black hair, a rather serious and rugged look to him, his eyes set in a sort of permanent 'glare', he was slender, dressed in a white button up shirt.

He had a pair of black pants on, he held a huge thick cannon like weapon, within it was a huge harpoon seeming out of place being held by such a slender man, though it seemed fitting due to his rugged country-like appearance. The weapon itself was black, however it had a blue sheen, a dirty blue sheen which gave away the fact that he was indeed an angel. In his fist was a large sledge hammer. He streched slightly seeming oblivious to the fact that Stocking was around.
Stocking nearly jumped out her skin as she heard Garterbelt screaming at her to do her chores. She sighs and stands, locking the cookies in the fridge so Chuck couldn't get them. Speaking of which, he was following the multi-colored haired angel. She yawns softly, trudging into the main room and beginning to sweep at a mad woman pace. Her body was dressed in a frilly maid costume, adding more humor to the scene as she finally noticed the yellow eyed male. She sweeps up beside him, resting her head on the top of the broom. "Can I help you?" she asks, tone as sweet as always.
The young man looked up at the angel, his yellow eyes seeming to pierce right through her with his serious gaze. He then lightly smiled, as he stood up. "Now now... I'm not the least bit unfamiliar with the cathedral, though I will say that I apologize for loafing around considering you're so notably hard at work." He said as he heaved his weapon over his shoulder by a small strap. His own rugged appearance, or rather the somewhat worn down appearance that he had in general offered that perhaps he had exhausted himself doing... whatever it was that he was doing before, whaling? He patted her back. "It's at the very least quite heartwarming knowing you're doing so much to keep the place clean, even if it's more than likely tiring." He said as he walked by her. His voice was somewhat gruff, though it came out fairly well articulated, flowing fairly easily. He started up the stairs and smiled down at her before nodding "I will be on the roof if you need me... Miss Stocking.." He said as he finally left. Oh god no... Was that really.....?
Stocking watched him in utter confusion as he left. She was a bit pouty now as she did her chores since Smoking wasn't around with his optimistic attitude. She sighs, trudging up to her room. She waited a couple days, Smoking not appearing. Stocking hadn't even bothered to leave her room, a heap of existence on her bed. Left alone.. Once again... was the only thought in her head as she rot away.
A chimeing little effeminate voice rang through the air like a hushed whisper at first, then it became louder... Louder... "Miss Stocking?" He was home, her innocent little boy. Smoking frowned slightly, wearing panties...because Stocking told her days ago to do so, he didn't particularly understand why, but he did so anyway, underneath his normal presentable clothing was the panties, stripped to be exact. He frowned mewling to himself as he searched for her, of course he was still vunerable suseptable to lies and deciet either by women who also happened to be into young boys or by Panty, more than likely she wouldn't ever let her sister have him back once she found out what he was packing. His voice rang out once more "Stockiiing?"
Stocking faintly heard a familiar voice but was too weak to move, her cyan eyes now a dull gray from lack of movement and nutrition. Her hair had lost it's usual shine from not showering and she smelled of just laziness. She stared at the ceiling, the voice flooding her senses. "I'm not home," she says softly. Stocking like armageddon had happened as she lay on her bed.
Soft little footsteps soon rushed to her location, bare footsteps, they then stopped by her door, slowly opening her 'tomb' or rather her chamber. He peered in, gasping at the state she was in, Smoking closed the door behind him, and slowly walked over, sitting by her side looking her over with worry. "W-What's happened to you Stocking?" He said his voice shaking, quivering. Of course in this state, he too was vunerable... Slowly being overcome by grief and confusion as to what happened to her. He didn't understand... What had brought her to this state? Was it the fact that he got lost in the graveyard several days ago? Or when he accidentally put on her black undies and made her 'break her nose' or at least that's how he perceived her nosebleed back then. Or was it the fact that he went out again without telling her?
Stocking would look over, her eyes narrowing a bit to focus. "S..Smoking?" she murmurs, reaching up with a hand to run through his hair. She sighs softly, a ghost of a smile on her lips as she looked at him. "C..can you help me into the bath?" she asks, embarrassed by herself. She would attempt to sit up, barely being able to hold herself torso up by her elbows.
He mused, nodding with a sad little smile "... Yes Miss Stocking.." He said slowly taking her in his arms. He nuzzled her cheek, kissing her lightly. He carried her carefully, as though she were a bride... his bride. He brought her to the bathroom after walking down into the hall which lead to it. Undressing her, still enamored by her despite her being as she was. He drew a bath for her after setting her in the tub. He smiled as the warm water began filling the tub. He sat by her undoing the buttons on his smoking, removing it, he drew a sponge from nearby. " Will you be alright Stocking?... B-Because I can help you bathe if you wish...''
Stocking would blush and look down, nodding. "Yes, I would like that," she answers, offering her vanilla scented body wash. Her locks floated in the water around her, looking magical and mysterious. She had her eyes closed as the warm water surrounded her thin, pale body. She smiles softly as she began to be washed, humming softly as he did so.
Smoking smiled as he began lightly washing her soft form with a small towellette lightly soaked in her body wash. His gentle hands applied light pressure as he ran the towelette across her body, her belly, back and even the very place he 'defiled' several days ago. He kissed her on the cheek lightly , briefly before continuing to wash and clean her, as though he were washing away her sins. "Miss Stocking, your skin is very beautiful... It's p-practically perfection.."
Stocking only blush, leaning her head on his shoulder as she was washed. "Thank you," she murmurs at his compliment. She enjoyed his gentle touch as she was washed. She opens her eyes as he finished, sitting up. Stocking would lean back and dunk her head, cyan eyes opening slowly as she looked up at him. Her hair floated underneath the water, casting a halo of hair around her body. She sits up, water falling off her body. She reaches for her shampoo, running it into her hair.
Smoking scrubbed her hair sighing, he thought about several things while scrubbing her hair. He mused humming to himself as he then rinsed her hair, seeing her now clean locks shimmer in the decreped light of the cathedrals bathroom, like a gem hidden in the dark murk of a cave. After he finished, he began washing her face with a smaller towelette, lightly brushing the murk and grime that refused to go away with ease. He smiled at her as he then kissed her nose as he got up picking up her filthy clothes. "I'll take care of these Miss Stocking... Just enjoy your bath." He said with a light smile as he left her be. He went into the laundry room beneath the cathedral, Panty was in the same room, though she was just washing out her things due to them being fithy with.. god knows what.
Panty kept occupied as she begun her laundry, humming softly. She snickered at the site of the petty angel before walking out. Stocking kept occupied in the tub, having had to refill it with clean water and bubbles. She smiles softly to herself, leaning back in the warm water. She sighs happily, eyes closing and body completely relaxed in the water.
Smoking frowned at Panty as she left, however he resumed attempting to be 'happy'. Either way he didn't mind doing this for Stocking, he was too nice to say no. He was raised to be courteous and proper, in fact if Panty had attempted to take him, he wouldn't have fought back as it was improper to hit a woman... no matter how vile they may be. However what occured to Chuck was unusual, at first lightning from above struck him down with another mission from God to hunt a ghost, however it occured again... and again and again and again, by the time it had occured a full ten times, Chuck himself looked to be in terrible shape.

Outside in the city, there were sounds of battle, and ghosts. Either today was the day where God was trying to make them bite off more than they could chew or there was something more to it than that..
Stocking's halo formed above her head just before havoc began. She groans loudly, transforming in the bathroom before launching herself out. She didn't wait on the other two, needing to blow off some steam anyway. Once she got to the edge of the wrecked town, she focused hard, wings formed and unfurling from her back. She would launch herself at the two nearest, slicing them up and watching them explode boredly. She turns to the others, wondering if Panty or Smoking was even going to show up.
Smoking was already rushing to the scene, having dragged Panty along with him. He wanted to try to reshape her into a more... proper angel, Stocking herself at the very least had some class and refinement to her while her sister...leaved much to be desired. He looked up at a gargantuan ghost, looking down at the two with a hiss. It had taken on the form of a rather fattened snake, with an appearance that resembled some sort of street thug. However it paused and without warning exploded. As did another and another. Another angel was in the skies, the one with the harpoon that Stocking had seen days before. He was taking down several ghosts with a harpoon launcher in one hand and a hammer in the other. He'd already taken down the stragglers before finally doing away with the remaining ones. He leaned on his rather large hammer with a small smirk. Smoking looked as though he'd just seen Heaven once more looking at the new angel. The 'Harpoon' Angel only smirked and waved at Panty and Smoking before retreating into the city.

Smoking stood there mouth open shaking slightly "W-w-w-w-w-wh-wh-w-w-what?"
Stocking shoves past the two, wings drooping and disappearing quickly. "Nice of you to show up," she mutters before walking away. Panty stood there with a smug look on her face. She turns to Smoking, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I bet you, him, and I could have an amazing threesome," she giggles, leaning her mouth close to his. "Whadaya say, boy-toy?" Panty's blue eyes bore into his, her small breasts compared to Stocking's pressed against him.
Hearing that come out of Panty's mouth wasn't at all surprising, but it was embarrassing to him. Considering he was wearing panties at the moment. He stammered, tripping over his words, as he said that he was only Stocking's. Of course through the studdering and the blushing of his adorable face. It made it hard for any woman to not want to smother him... especially knowing what Smoking had packing. He shivered as he started to strip, honestly he saw no way out of this considering Stocking was there, more than likely itching to get fucked again now that he was 'back'...though he was never actually gone. Panty would more than likely try hunting him down if he tried running. He saw no escape. He whimpered slightly, now shirtless, his hands slowly moved down to remove his pants.
Panty watched and then shook her head, handing his shirt back to him. She primped her hair and fluffed her skirt. "I couldn't take you from her," she mutters, looking away. Panty turns, speaking softly. "You better treat her right," Panty states. She then briskly walks away, leaving the male in a fluster. Stocking was maybe a block away, peaking in the window of sweet and lolita clothing shops. She was blushing with glee. "Oh, this is too much. I want it all," she giggles loudly.
Smoking was at first, understandably puzzled... However he soon realized he didn't have to do what he believed he had to do a moment ago, he quickly put his shirt back on, looking around frantically for Stocking, he however paused hugging Panty from behind in a rather friendly manner. He kissed her cheek smiling at her as he said softly, in his little meek way, "Thank you Miss Panty." He said soon breaking away from her darting off to find Stocking. It didn't take that long for him to find her, despite his bad sense of direction he knew where she'd more than likely be. He searched around areas that sold clothes, lolita type clothing and he soon found Stocking, smiling warmly as he hugged her from behind, practically squeaking with glee. "I found you Miss Stocking... I thought I never would."

Meanwhile another ghost appeared, though this one appeared to be different to an extent, it had the same spiritual aura of one, though it was dressed in a white robe, it's ghastly hair was unkempt, wild in general, it seemed to be completely inoffensive, defenseless. It appeared to be just a little boy, or rather the ghost of a little boy. He looked around poking several objects near him with a stick. He looked over seeing Panty. His skin wasn't that of a ghost, he appeared to be a normal human...aside from the ghostly aura he possessed. "...Hello."
Stocking only squeaked as she was surprise hugged. She turns, cyan eyes wide. She blushes a bit and turns back towards the window. She was admiring a very cute, very revealing, maid dress. The whole outfit was displayed, complete with stockings, a headband, and wristbands. She Sayers with delight, knowing she didn't have enough money. Stocking whimpers a bit, biting her bottom lip. "Hello, Smoking," she sighs, smiling softly.
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