Fallen Without A Cause (Dementia x Spirits)

Upon seeing her reaction to his request, he knew that he stepped on several toes... or more than likely drove a sledgehammer right to her toes. Still he didn't mean anything by it, he just wanted to meet her, to just meet her. After all often times one had to meet the family. Though he didn't argue. He got comfortable in the bed curling up, hugging a pillow. Soon after thunder rumbled from above, then soon struck down on Chuck per usual for a new mission. This mission however was titled oddly, more oddly than the usual missions which usually had some sort of vague enigmatic message.

In this message it only had the letter D.

Nearby a ghost appeared
Stocking runs out of the bathroom, fully transformed into her anarchy form. Her teal eyes looking over the male before she ripped him out of the bed and jumped out of the window, her landing in the passenger seat of Panty's speeding car, him in the back seat. "What're we looking at?" Stocking asks, sharpening her blades as she looks over the windsheild of the car.

Panty looks over at her, loading her gun and driving with her knees. "A slimy one. Gross. It looks like it's covering the city in demonic spunk," she cackles, speeding up to the beast. Stocking turns to look at Smoking.

"You have an anarchy mode. You might want to transform," She states, launching herself out of the car, and onto the hood. She readies herself, hair flowing behind her easily.
Smoking of course had to leap into action, he stayed by Stocking keeping a hood over his head.. As he assumed that Stocking wouldn't want him to show his face to Panty. After all he had a semi-feminine figure and a fairly effeminate voice, if she didn't see his face she wouldn't know that he was male. Still though he was an angel, and though his weapon, in theory was strong, he'd never managed to use it to the best of its ability. So for now, he'd stick by Stocking and give aid in whatever way he could.

The ghost seemed to grin seeing Panty and Stocking arrive, as Panty said, it was indeed slimey and it indeed was covering the city in demonic spunk. The spunk that dripped onto the people below made them ravenous and turn on the men like animals, while it made the men sickly too sick to run or even defend themselves. It was tall, it resembled a cloud of sorts, more accurately a huge group of clouds grouped together while the main controlling part of it seemed to be this ghostly nerd, the ravenous women seemed to be targeting good looking men and muscular men in general. He laughed seeing Panty and Stocking. "What's this? Two more 'dolls' to add to my already growing collection, or just some pieces of trash to crush just like all those guys who bullied me through highschool?!" He said as one of the ghastly clouds swirled around forming into a cloud of needles, now speeding at the sisters.
"Neither, sweetcheeks," Panty shouts, her smirk growing bigger as her blonde hair flowed behind her. She would stand, cocking her gun and taking three shots at the ghost. None of which hit Stocking flips her multi-colored locks behind her head and launches herself off of the car, skirt flying up. She was above the slime ghost, cyan eyes wide. She readies her blade, mouth opening with a long "Hyaa~!" as she slices right down the middle. The cry in anguish was cut short as the ghost exploded, dropping six holy coins. Stocking falls onto her feet quietly, flipping her hair back. She turns to Panty, sticking her tongue out.
The ghost hissed as it vanished after the explosion, and passed on leaving behind six heavens. Smoking shivered watching the handy-work of Stocking. Such grace and precision, he could feel himself becoming hard upon seeing such beauty. "Miss S-Stocking~ That was amazing~" He crooned in his effeminate voice, trying to keep his erection to a minimum. He had hoped that he'd be of greater help, however they were far more experienced than he, besides they took down the ghost easily even without his help. He'd just... train or at least refine his weapon later to try to keep his skills somewhat fresh. He bowwed at Panty to at least be polite. "E-Erm...You were also very skilled Miss Panty."
Panty would turn and looked at the hooded figure. "Who's the twerp you brought along, hmm?" she started over for the assumed female. Stocking got there first and hugged Smoking to her chest, almost cradling the male. She rests her head atop his, smirking. "This twerp is mine. Shoo shoo," Stocking grumbles, rubbing Smoking's back slightly. Panty raises an eyebrow and runs off, waving a couple men down and they disappeared into an alleyway.
Smoking's arms wrapped around Stocking, his large childish eyes looking into her tender eyes. "S-Stocking~ You really are a saint at heart...~:heart:" He shivered pressing his semi erect length against her thigh. "You were so graceful before... w-when you slayed that ghost..." He panted lightly drooling as he kissed her neck heatedly, driven by lust, thankful that Panty had left...hopefully.
Stocking takes a couple steps back, her thighs spreading to accommodate his erect length. She pants a bit as his moist kisses to her neck. "S-Smoking..~ W-we can't do it so public like this," she murmurs, back arching against him. She was turned on by his tone of voice, already being so crazily attracted. As her eyes drifted, she caught site of a public restroom stop and tugged on his hair a bit. "C-C'mon," she murmurs, standing and shakily dragging him inside. With that, she locks him and herself in the family bathroom, leaning against the wall.
Smoking only then noted what he was doing, he was doing this sort of thing, coming onto her here in public. He was incredibly embarassed, however hearing her voice beckon for him, he followed without a second thought. He followed her into the public restroom biting his lower lip slightly, "S-Stocking...It-it's trying to get out it's trying to tear right out of my pants~" He said referring to his member throbbing heavily.
"C'mere, sweetie," she says softly, holding her arms out for him. His submissiveness at the moment was making her heart melt into a liquidy puddle of feels, so put in aww by the adorable sweetness of him. Assuming he had walked over, she hugs him close, running a hand down to massage his length through his pants. "Does this feel good, baby?" she murmurs against his ear, beginning to lick and nibble on it.
He mewled at the sensation of Stocking touching him again, gasping, twitching lightly as he felt her hands run up and down his shaft not yet touching the very meat of his shaft directly as it was still covered by his pants. "Y-Yes Miss Stocking.. S-so good... s-so very good.." He crooned, "L-Let me please you too~..."
"P-Please touch me all over," she exhales heavily. She unzips his pants, sliding her hand inside. She strokes his length inside his pants a couple times, pulling his erection out. She looks up at him, still in her anarchy uniform. "My little subby angel," she murmurs, stroking his cock out into the clean air of the bathroom, smiling at him sweetly.
Her touch was making him melt~ Every single lesson of restraint, every word of wisdom told to him, all that was supposed to keep him on the path of good was now gone, yet he retained his innocent little mind. He suddenly wrapped his arms around her kissing her deeply without any warning, his small supple tongue, playing with hers, battling with hers for dominance or perhaps evidence as to who was the most aroused at the moment. One of his hands held her close the other explored her body, lightly moving up her waist to her chest, taking hold of one of her well sized breasts, squeezing it gently as he manipulated it, kneaded it.
She returns his kiss, her candy sweet tongue battling his. She moans in frustration as she strokes him a bit faster, teasing the head to get a reaction for him. She presses against his palm, exhaling shakily. "S-Smoking..you're so fucking cute," she breathes, moving her soft thighs forward. She slips his length in between her thighs and closes them, stroking his cock with them as she moves back and forth slowly.
He gasped, moaning suddenly when she rubbed his cocks head. He mewled seeming to be holding back the urge to cum. Once he did he looked up at her with lust, "B-Beautiful S-Stocking~" He moaned in reply to her compliment. It seemed that she found his sweet spot. He gulped and panted lightly, shaking as he felt her soft thighs rub along her perfect flawless thighs, it-it was heaven, something finer than silk. His eyes rolled back as he held Stocking for dear life, panting rapidlly heatedly "T-Thank you for the s-service M-Miss S-Stockiiing~" He managed to get out as his hands shakily resumed to work her breasts.
"F-Fuck, Smoking," she pants, her arms wrapping around his neck. She strokes his cock faster with her thighs. She enjoyed the precum that coated her inner thighs, her own wetness coating his cock now at how turned on she was. "S-s....p-please fuck me more," she pants, ripping off her dress quickly him. She presses her ample breasts against his hands, tilting her head back.
Smoking was more than happy to oblige, he held his shaft in place with one hand while he used the other to play with her breasts, tugging at one of her teets lightly. "Y-Your body is perfect Stocking~ So perfect~" He crooned as he pressed the head of his cock against her warm if not wet slit, sinking it in was no challenge, it was like her insides were now molded around his shape. He mewled as he then hugged her tightly, looking up at her with lust as his hips rapidly started to pump his member in and out of her. "K-kiss me Miss Stocking~ Kiss me~"
She leans forward and kisses him deeply, moaning against his lips as he pumps his cock into her insides. Her arms tighten around his neck, fingers tightening in his locks of hair. She wraps her hips around his waist, the slick noise of their intimacy filling the air. She slides her tongue past his lips, drooling slightly as she lapped at his small, delicate tongue.
Smoking grew far more restless, his hips now started to erratically move thrusting at a ridiculous pace, often times not even fully exiting her womb, only making him hammer deeper into her. His tongue hungrily swirled around hers, his hands ran along her body, playing with her hair. "L-Let me cum Miss Stocking, l-let me cum inside you~" He said in a pant as he resumed this twisted little erotic scene. He wondered if Stocking in fact was worried about something... She kept trying to keep Panty away from him... Was it fear that she'd steal him away from her? Who knew really.. It was only for her to know.
Stocking releases a loud moan as his body sped up inside of hers, breasts bouncing and pussy slick for his monster cock. She pants and drills against his lips, fighting him with her own tongue. She grinds down against his erection, moaning lightly. "O-ohnnh..~ Please fill my pussy up, Smoking," she whines against him. "Fill it up with your thick, yummy semen...~!" She reaches down with a hand to stroke her own clit, body tensing and twitching as she did so.
Smoking mewled, shaking as his eyes rolled back, what a heavenly sensation, he started to suckle on her breasts like a newborn. His tongue swirled round and round her teet, his hips continued to go at its erratic pace until finally. He moaned, seeming to mentally orgasm as he cummed, filling her angel womb with his holy seed. He brought her close continuing to suckle on her breast, though far more gently. "M-Miss S-stocking~..." He then had a realization in that moment. "E-Erm.. w-we should clean outselves up quickly.. t-that is if you don't want your sister to find out about... us."
Stocking's body would seize up as she climaxed, tensing up heavily as she felt his semen unleash inside of her womb. She holds him close, legs tightening around him. She arches her back off of the wall, running her fingers through his hair. She pants heavily as she looks down at him. "O-Oh.. I don't care anymore," she shudders. She catches his mouth with her own, kissin him tenderly. "I.. I love you, S-Smoking....~"
He blushed at her words, it never seemed to tire him no matter how many times he heard those words being said by her sweeter than honey voice. He kissed her lovingly letting their tongues play once more "I l-love you too Stocking~" He panted in his heated kiss, groping her lovely body. Afterwords he exited the bathroom with her, keeping the hood on his head... only in case Stocking wasn't thinking all too clearly in her 'sexxed up stupor'. He had started to look around for her sister a moment, only to surprisingly see Panty in the distance walking over to them. Again surprisingly so seeing as how what he heard from Stocking was that she was quite.....quite.... apparently 'undependable' as well as a bit of a 'problem child', due to her being a, quote "whore of a sister". He bowed upon Panty finally arriving, "It's good to see you again Miss Panty."
Stocking shyly held the male's hand, a bit wobbly on her feet. She had gone back to her normal form, though a bit happier than usual. She watched Smoking greet her sister before catching a whiff of freshly baking cookies. Her mouth began to salivate and she whimpers inwardly. "H-holy shit those smell delicious," she murmurs to herself, rubbing her thighs together. Her lovers cum still leaked out of her slightly, coating her panties and making her womb bulge out slightly.
Smoking saw Stocking start to become excited apparently due to the smell of some sort of sweet. He laughed slightly patting his lovers back. "Um.. .Why don't you go treat yourself Stocking.. I'll just follow Panty home... seeing as how I... Um..." He felt embarrassed for what he was going to admit to. "...I don't remember the way back to the church. " He sighed slightly thinking about refining his weapon once he got home, either way he needed to practice with it, and Panty- Sh- Who was he kidding? He'd probably have to practice on his own... But he had to follow Panty home- Looking at it realistically she'd probably leave him behind. He sighed whispering to Stocking "Um... Tell me how to get home? I'll just go straight there and per your orders.. I'll either not bring Panty along or not... " He said looking back at her sister, hoping she wouldn't find them out.
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