Sugar & Spice. { Dementia & Jugger82 }

"Because any other way wouldn't get the point across," Stocking states, reverting to her attire. She flips her hair before looking at the two and gagging, walking away. Ever since the ghost she fell in love with before, any sort of affection made her sick and disgusted. She walked into the nearest bakery and squealed with delight.

Panty dusts herself off and shrugs, back to normal as well. "I think you liked it," she says nonchalantly and starts her bike again, pulling the helmet over her head. She rolls her neck and looks towards him. "You wanna ride back, Mittens?" She asks.
He looked to Panty as she was on the motorcycle and then back to the bakery that Stocking had run into. "You go on ahead, Panty. I should grab your sister before she eats the place out..." Glove murmured and headed off for the bakery. He peered inside, and looked around to see if he could find Stocking. When he did, he walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "You know...when you eat all of this junk food like that, its a wonder how you keep a skinny form and not become overweight, Stocking."
"Fast metabolism," She says, taking a bite of cake. She pulls her shoulder away from him, looking at the other available treats, her eyes widening with glee. She finishes off the slice in hand and asks for a different flavor, moaning at the delicious taste. Her cheeks were a happy shade of pink as she ate, enjoying each single chew. She turns slowly, looking at Glove. "What do you want?" She asks, frowning.
"Jeez...Why are you so cold towards me all of a sudden? You were...decent...yesterday but now you're just being cold hearted." He crossed his arms and frowned. "I'm just trying to make sure you don't go into some sugar coma or something. can you eat so much and not get full? I don't think metabolism has anything to do with that!" He sighed, and Glove reached over to try his own slice of cake. "I don't see what the big deal is. Its just cake." He murmured and took a bite, obviously enjoying the slice but not as much as Stocking seemed to be.
She doesn't bother to return the favor of replying, but orders eight different pieces to go and walks out, after paying of course. She walks home, annoyed with Glove for reasons she wouldn't reveal. She huffs, continuing to walk. It was sort of frustrating actually. She tried not to think about the fact that she wouldn't ever get a guy because Panty fucked them all before she had the chance to say hello. She holds her cake to her chest. The one thing the bitch wouldn't touch was sweets because it made her skin blotchy.
"Alright then..." He murmured and stayed there, eating the cake he paid for. Though, the shop owner saw the two of them with their small little argument and he came over, handing Glove a small box. "Give this to the lass. She'll get over it, lad!" Glove looked curiously at the box, and wondered what was inside. It didn't seem like anything dangerous. I mean this WAS a bakery after was probably some sweets. "Alright thanks..." He replied, and headed out for the church, carrying the box. Upon arriving, he looked around. "Stocking, you here? Got a package for ya!"
She peeks out from the top of the staircase, her eyes looking at him and the small box in his hand. She walks downstairs and grabs the box, turning away from him and grabbing Chuck. She mutters a thank you before going back upstairs. Panty was lounging on the couch, boredly watching TV and munching on pizza. She flicks through channels, pausing on the porn channel and watching curiously.

Stocking sat upstairs, having sat the box on her bookshelf and sitting back on her bed. She returned to fiddling on her computer, talking to Chuck idly. She occasionally threw him at the wall if she got too frustrated. She eventually calls Garterbelt on his phone, asking when dinner was ready.
Inside of the box would be a simple cake in the form of a heart. The bakery owner thought that they were a thing, and had some troubles so he gave Glove the cake for free. Glove walked over and turned off the TV when she seemed to gaze idly at the porn channel. "How can you watch this filth, Panty? Its immoral. And the people filming it are going to be damned unless they repent." He walked over and sat on the couch next to her, sighing. "Whats with your sister? She seems to hate me for some reason; like she wants me dead."
Panty looks over at him. "It's because she can't get laid. She refuses to fuck anyone that I have," She giggles. She switches the channel at his nagging, watching some lewd animating cartoon called Family Chick. She idly watches, munching on another slice of pizza. She crosses her long legs, one over the other. "Why?" She asks, turning back to the tv.

Stocking looked at the box before opening it. At the sight she screamed a loud f-bomb in the air. With a hand, she rips the cake in half, flushing the other before downing it's twin. Chuck licks the box and laps up any crumbs, sitting down beside her. She looks at him and yanks on his nose before returning to her screen.
"I don't know. I went to see her in the bakery and she seemed cold." Upon finishing his sentence, he heard her scream the F-Bomb. "Er...Is she alright?" He murmured and stood up, walking upstairs and knocking on the angel's door. "Stocking? Stocking are you alright?" He slowly opened the door and peered inside, seeing Chuck cleaning out the box of crumbs and icing and other remnants of her tearing the cake in half. He walked in, confused. "Stocking are you in here?"
She looks at him from behind her computer, glaring over the screen. "What do you want?" She asks, shoving a cookie past her lips. She looks back down at her screen, the hentai playing in her ears so even if he spoke she couldn't hear him. She kicks her legs as she lay on her stomach, her skin quite exposed in the long shirt she was only wearing. She had the pervert version of striped panties on, her stockings around her knees and swaying a bit as she moved her legs.
He walked over to the box and looked in to see Chuck finishing off the last of it that was in there. He frowned. "I guess there was a cake in there?" He walked over and pulled out one of her headphones. "What happened earlier? You yelled 'Fuck' pretty loudly earlier..." He muttered and looked to see what she was playing, and his eye twitched a bit. "Ahem....You already know what I'm going to say about I'll just leave it alone...but you. Are you alright? What happened? What was in the box?"
"I'm fine," She grumbled, shoving the earbud back in her ear. It wasn't even a bad scene. The girls were just showering together. Naked. She smirks to herself, ignoring the male. He continued to bother her so she sat up, pulling the earbuds from her ears. Apparently he didn't like lewd things so she did one. She lifts her shirt off and sticks a hand down the front of her panties, touching herself. "Oh, Glooove..~ You've caught me doing something so dirty," She half whines and half moans, biting her bottom lip in a very suggestive manner.
"What the hell is wrong with you, girl?" He murmured and stepped back. Though he knew he was supposed to look away...he couldn't bring himself to. His face flushed a light red as he watched, his cock erecting in his pants slightly from the scene. "Stop demoralizing yourself, girl! Jeez..." He reached over and pulled her hand out of her panties and pulled her shirt down. "Whats with you lately? You're weirder than your sister! I thought you were the normal one." He then looked around the room and frowned. "Huh...I know that I slept in here last night, but I never really knew how...dark your room was themed." Something glinted off of the laptop's light, and he walked over to a stuffed animal with its tongue out, a ring on the tongue. "Whats this? And what the hell is that smell coming from it...?"
She jumps up and snatches the plush from his hand, kicking him in the groin. She turns away and moves to her closet, setting the toy in her closet, out of sight. "It's nothing," She pats his head and sits back on her bed, splaying out. She watches the angel with narrowed eyes, throwing up Chuck in the air like a ball. He seemed to enjoy as he giggled with joy, making different poses each time he was thrown in the air.
He cried out in pain when she kicked him in the groin, and he slumped over holding himself in pain. He watched her put the toy in the closet and say that it was nothing and then patted his head. "So 'nothing' was worth snatching away from me and kicking me in the balls!?" He said in pain, slowly getting up and using the wall for support. Fine. If she wouldn't spill the beans, then maybe her sister would. He slowly limped out and headed downstairs, sitting beside Panty once more as he held his groin. "Tell me somethin...Whats with the ring on your sister's plush toy? She kicked me in the balls and hid it from me when I asked about it. Ow ow..."
Panty grinned. "She fell in love with a ghost and it proposed but repented," she stated. She runs a hand over his thigh and to his hands. She smacks them away, slipping hers under his waistline. She slowly kneads the struck sac, still watching TV idly. "She hasn't really been the same since," she murmurs, putting her chin on her other hand. Her fingers eventually move to his slightly hardened length, stroking it slowly.

Stocking sat upstairs, playing with Chuck and talking on the phone. She seemed distant from remember the ring's situation. She sighs softly and rolls over, hugging Chuck to her chest.
"What are you..." He didn't oppose what she did as she slipped her hand into his pants and began to stroke his sac. It actually felt nice and he began to erect. He leaned into the couch some, arms hanging on the backrest as he watched whatever it was Panty was watching, and soon he felt her begin to stroke his slowly erecting cock. "Never been the same huh? Damn...It repented from proposing to her? She must've said yes or something..." He shook his head. "Must've hurt the poor girl...But at least some good came out of it. It didn't re-die a violent death like most ghosts do, right?" He sighed and reached down, unzipped his pants and let his erect cock out. "It was hurting from being strained by my pants."
She strokes him in the free air, her fingers unable to touch around the girth of his cock. She moans slightly with delight. She turns and leans down, lapping at the head. "God. Why can't men have this amazing length?" she asks, stroking the cock with two hands now. Panty laps at the head occasionally, almost worshiping his erection. After about ten minutes of stroking she moves onto his lap, yanking her shorts and panties to the side. She slowly slides onto his erection, her ass perked out for his hands. She smiles, capturing his mouth in a rough kiss as her walls swallowed his cock.
He didn't oppose what she was doing this time. He let her do whatever she wanted to him. As she stroked him off and licked at the tip of his cock, his head rolled back and he closed his eyes, relaxing peacefully as she went to work. The next thing he knew, he'd feel her slide onto his cock, pussy eating his cock and he looked forward to look at her, but felt her lips as she kissed his lips. His hands reached forward, grabbing onto her ass firmly and began to buck his hips up and down so he thrust into her. He said nothing as this now seemed natural, despite them having done it once already. He eventually pulled away from her lips so he could speak. "Do you think we should really be doing this in the open? What if Stocking comes down and sees us? She already hates my guts. What do you think she's gonna do when I find out we're doing this to each other now?"
"She's too busy sulking," she pants slightly, having been close to a moan. She puts her hands against his chest, beginning to bounce on his cock. She whines his name lightly, rotating her hips along his erection. "F-fuuuck. You're so much better than a human," she manages, happily continuing to move along his cock. She leans her head back, panting heavily and keeping down on her moans and such.

Stocking was actually passed out upstairs, soft rock music filling her room. She didn't even know what act Panty and Glove were committing, just downstairs. And the pair the seemed to enjoy it.
He moaned out as he felt her riding on his cock. Glove reached forward, massaging her breasts, gripping them and just playing with them while she bounced around on him. "Glad to hear that you're enjoying yourself..." He murmured. Her head was lulled back as she thrust, and Glove sat there and enjoyed it as well. He couldn't believe the pleasure he was feeling. A devious smirk came across his face, his eyes flashing red slightly for a brief moment before he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to his body as he began to buck harder into her. Her arms would be pinned to her body as he held onto her, standing up and moved her onto the couch so that she was on all fours with her upper half on the backrest of the couch. Glove gripped her hips, and thrust his cock roughly into Panty's pussy with amazing strength and speed that a human would find difficult to perform.
Panty bites onto the back of the couch, moaning loudly into the fabric. Her nails dig into the couch cushions as he thrusts into her needy pussy. "A-ahh, fuck," she groans, her knees resting on the couch. She arches her back, her pussy noisily sucking at his cock. She pants deeply, wanting more of him. "Glooove..~ Give me more," she manages through panting and moaning. He is so mine, she thinks. She starts pressing back into his ravaging erection, his skin against hers causing a smacking noise to fill the room.
He thrust more and more, his cock sliding deep into her pussy, the tip of it firmly rubbing into her inner walls. He reached forward to grasp her breasts, and pull her up into his body, her back to his chest as he thrust into the girl while standing up, his lips dancing on her neck tenderly with one hand holding her firmly, the other squeezing and rotating her breast. "I'm getting close, Panty...Where do you want me to cum?" He said with a grin, the tip of his tongue sliding along the flesh of her skin before flickering at her earlobe. Then, his lips would gently kiss her ear ever so lightly.
"Onnnhhh..~ Cum in mee," She moans, panting heavily as he fucked her needy cunt. She grasps as his arms to keep herself up, moaning needily. She smacks back into him, ready to cum as well but holding back. She pants quickly, almost to the most of screaming as he slammed his thick cock inside of her. "O-ohdevil, please don't tell anyone," she whines, his cock driving her crazy. In that moment she would become addicted to him and him alone, his angelic cock driving her places she'd never been.
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