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Fellowship Of Forodwaith - LotR Group RP OOC

Well you've certainly done a lot more than me ^^;

Tis only fair that as you're contributing so much that you also have a say in how things are done. Glad to have you on board. Hugs

yay! *hugs and snuggles for you both*

Now... *puts out cookies to bait the others in*
*adds chocolate and strawberries to the mix to make it even more enticing*

Yes, please... let's see about how we'd like to start this thing off. The more feedback we get, the sooner we can launch! I think everyone would be down for that, yes? XD
Thanks to DA I can't write for my RP's until I've re-done Vaemyr's history xD.
The entire time I was walking all I could think about were the particulars when I was supposed to be thinking of how to write out the fight scene.

So thanks D;!

Throws in some pie and cake to the already generous offerings.
I don't think she does either <_<

But that was literally...ALL I could think about. X_X;
I am once more....going to go re-write Vaemyr's history xD! TO INCLUDE THE TIES WITH DA'S CHARACTER! <3
Well right now we are trying to get an idea of how people would like to eventually meet up.

Should we meet up early on and get things started that way? Or should groups us form in the different areas of Fordowaith [in the three area's we are starting with] and eventually come to form the "Fellowship of Fordowaith" or any other idea's people have.

Also you'll be fantastic ^-^!
Snugs her twin

Well, it's looking like our 3 IC threads are going to be Pynti-Peldot, Zigilgund and Kauppa-Kohta. All 3 locations are relatively close together and Pynti-Peldot has the Inn of the Snowy Eagle. So, hopefully that helps a bit. You can also use the maps in the 'interest' thread to give you an idea of where these places actually are in relation to each other. :)
Maybe start off in different places and start to gather as whispering of an upraising begins. Those that wish to stand and fight for forodwaith would eventually come together at a meeting place or something like that maybe...
Hm. There is an idea.
The people of Forodwaith have always stoutly refused to join up with the enemy but they lacked any form of real leadership or skilled fighters to aid them in breaking free entirely...
I would like to put in that I think it would be kind of cool if it was a local, a Lossoth, who leads anything like that, rather then people form outside. Have the Fellowship kind of be hers/his special forces and such.
I think that is a good idea.

Having the fellowship be there to lend support would be great. It would teach the people to stand up for themselves instead of having a bunch of strangers do it for them.

Well I think that the Lossoth will know a thing or two about fighting. I mean they have been up there for a long ass time keeping the enemy more or less out of the region without anyone's help. Hard to do that and not have some idea about what you're doing. In fact, I've already started thinking about some of their battle tactics and such >_>
I'm not saying they know nothing.

But instead of just fighting to hold them back, it would be a fight to FREE themselves. Instead of merely defend.

Vaemyr's history is re-written x3.
I'm a little more pleased with it this time around.
One thing I wanted to mention, so as to make it clear to everyone--since I want to make sure it is 100% clear to all involved--is that the Lossoth are natives to the area, just that they have to deal with the curse of the long winter that has befallen the area. So, they aren't under anyone's power per se, but they are fearful of perhaps what might be behind the curse of the seemingly endless winter and thus are leery about leaving the area of Forodwaith for fear that it might cause something worse to happen other than the winter they endure. They are a superstitious people, but have adapted to and more or less accepted the fact that Forodwaith has become the northern wasteland that is. As I see it, this is what the Witch-King wants (especially now that he no longer is in Angmar to keep tabs) because it means that they (he and Sauron) won't have to worry about them (the Lossoth and their allies) aiding the other nations. However, there is a history in which they've tried to persuade the people to aid Mordor and they refused. So, there could be some residual fear lingering especially if there are evil beings still skulking about the abandoned Angmar. But, whatever is left behind wouldn't necessarily be anything of any overt power. At least, not in my mind it wouldn't. Anyway, it's possible that whatever got left behind tries to keep that superstition alive to a degree and thus keep the people from meandering too far into regions of Eriador, etc. But, that's about it and as extensive as I can really see it getting as far as that is concerned. So, that's not really the Lossoth being ruled by anything, rather it's more of a fear tactic that works to the benefit of the Witch-King and Sauron. Also, another thing to think about is that the Lossoth aren't a pure single tribe. There are factions. Most are friendly with each other, however, there is one known hostile faction known as the Suri-Maja. They have remained in Forodwaith and do not have any ties to either Angmar or Mordor. But this is something that is open for discussion because it could be something that causes a bit of unrest within the Lossoth tribes and possibly lead to bigger troubles down the line as far as local trouble is concerned.
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