Guided By the Force (Zellsantal and Scanthach)

Kaless was about to reply to her question but it seems she made it for him by saying she would keep the outfite on. Oh shes seem to be geting better in turning him on and they only knew each other for a short time as well. He watch her leave and already he wanted to just leave the room but he calm himself some for he had to make sure he have everything in order before he would have his fun. He set the computers to keep on going though the data, he would come in tomorrow and see what it picked up and hopfuly another good lead to the other part of the dagger. Once that was done he head for Aiofe's cell, as he did he starting to think maybe she be better in his personal room then a cell. Better bed and she would be with him the whole time, he only hope he wasn't geting too much into her for the fact he might have to kill her one of these days. She's not like Tamra by any means but still shes a jedi and an enemy of the sith. For now he put those thought's aside and have only one in mind and thats to do with her. Kaless walked into the room seeing the dark helf laying there waiting for him as he could tell "Hmm what to do first, so many things to do and so little time." he said as he start taking off his cloths.
She smirked as she watched Kaless take off his cloths, excitement swelling form with in, why she felt this way about him was still a unknown to her but she was embracing it, she didn't want to hid it any more she was falling for him and knew there was nothing she could do but except it and embrace it rather then try to fight it. She slowly ran her hand up her bare leg and bit her lip smirking still, she let out a small giggle saying "well i don't have much experience in the bedroom so why don't you do something you haven't done before... I... um.. Iv never been kissed here before..." she slid her hand all the way up and under her skirt of her slave out fit and started to play with herself, letting a small moan escape her lips as she looked over at Kaless and smiled.
Kaless still have the grin on his face as he move forword, he slowly get onto the bed and crawled slowly on top of her. Once he did he takes her other hand and guid it to his cock so she could start rubing it for a little hit. He kiss her very lips once more and this time more then just a lust for one, It kinda surprized himself to now be gentle with her or maybe his mind is into some good sex then just a quicky. While he had her lips with his he gets his hands behind her to unclip the top part of the slave outfite, once unhooked he takes it off and tossed it to the ground. Her lovely breasts now showing and open for him to do as he wish with them. His hands came up and cut both her breasts and start squeezing each breast.
Aiofe let out a soft moan as she kissed her and as soon as he had taken off her top and was playing with her breasts she leaned in to his hands and let another small moan escape her. His very touch was sending her in to a lustful trance and his kiss made her feel like she was almost melting beneath him. She kissed him back harder and wrapped her one leg around his waist and brought him in closer to her, she brought one hand up and touched the side of his face gently while still kissing him with such passion and her other hand stoked his cock ever so gently.
One hand let go of her breasts and slide onto one of her legs, he broke the kiss only to have his lips lower to the side of her neck. Kissing and nibling on her soft neck while the hand on her breast pinch her very nipple and twist it a bit as he did so. His hand on her leg then find the strap that held her bottlem part of the outfite on her and unhook it before taking it off of her leaving her now naked before him. Kaless then flip them over with her body on top of his "I'm not fully ready just yet but nether are you,turn around and start sucking on me while you get your lovely pussy over to my face.
She smiled and nipped playfully at his lip before changing her position and placed her legs carefully on ether side of his head and lowered her pussy on to his face and started to tease the tip of his cock with her tong, going up and down it and playing with his balls as the same time. She let a small moan of pleasure escape her as she licked his cock and pressed her body closer to his, she then placed the head of his cock in to her mouth and then took the rest of him in as well, her tong working his shaft the whole time.
Kaless gave a few gunts as he felt her teasing and sucking his cock while playing with ihs balls, oh she was good even though this would be her third time having sex. He give her dark ass a good slap before pulling her hips down so his mouth could get to work on her pussy. He first kissed her pussy lips as she wanted before he take his whole mouth and cover her pussy lips. He sldie his tougne across her lower lups before he slide in between them to get a taste of her inner core.
She let out a low giggling moan as she felt his tong inside of her, her own mouth still wrapped around his cock and her own tong teasing him the whole time. This felt so good and for it only being the third time she had ever had sex, it started to feel right, like this was what was suppose to happen between them and she didn't think anything about fighting it anymore, she was starting to really feel something for Kaless and it was making her feel all fuzzy, in a good sens, she continued to dance her tong around his cock and smiled agen moaning, enjoying how his tong felt inside of her.
Kaless stoped for a moment, giving out pleasureble grunt as she sucked him good. He couldn't help but love the feel of her body on top of him, the feel of pleasure she is givening him and the time she is taking as well. She wasn't trying to hurry it up like some women he done, really shes the only woman who seem to enjoy having him then anyone else, even when he was with Tamra. Or was it the fact she is a dark elf who are known for giving great pleasure to anyone? That the moment he didn't care. He gets a thum on ether side of her pussy lips and spread her opening wide before he start licking her once more, though he knew he wouldn't hold himself much longer for he wanted his cock in her very soon.
She let out another loud moan of pleasure as his tong continued to lick her some more, she was at a point now were she almost couldn't take it anymore, she wanted him so badly now, she wanted to feel him deep inside of her and the rest of him pressed up against her, she was almost aching to have him. Letting another small moan escape her, she began to trace the tip of his cock with her tong and let out a small giggle and smiled, she moaned agen without saying a word and then took his whole cock in to her mouth agen and deep throat'ed him yet agen, her tong never stopping and her motions becoming a little faster with excitement.
"Fuck!" was all he could say as she deep throat him, he couldn't hold it back any longer and so with a loud moan he came in her mouth. He wasn't sure if she was able to take it all in her mouth but he knew it would be a lot, however he was still hard and it was time he give to take her fully. Once her mouth was away from his cock he quickly slip from under her and got on top of her while she was on all fours. He ajust his cock to her pussy and once he did he thrust himself all the way in her. He takes both hands onto her breast and give them a good squeeze before he start thrusting himself in and out of her.
She let out a small giggle as he slipped out from under her and mounted her from behind, the moment his cock entered her she let out a loud moan of pleasure and smiled as he began to squeeze her breasts. She arched her back in to him and moved her hips with his, thrusting harder against his cock. The amount of pleasure his cock gave her was like nothing she had ever experienced and the more he trusted in to her the more she wanted, she let out another loud moan of pleasure and brought up her one hand to his face, drawing him a little closer to her, then she turned her head and pulled him in to a passionate kiss, continuing to move her hips she moaned agen lightly in to his mouth indicating she was close to climaxing.
Kaless kiss her back and while he did his thum and finger from each hand get a hold of her nipples, he pulled and pinch them only though to give her more waves of pleasure. He give the dark elf a grin before he slide his cock almost all the way out of her but then she would feel as if another cock was up against her ass. When he thrust once more she would feel as if a cock went into her ass, useing the same trick as before. He figure she would enjoy it sense she liked it the last time. He he did slow thrust to help teas some more and have her beg for him to go faster and harder.
The moment she felt as thew another cock was entering her ass at the same time he thrust back in to her she let out a loud scream of pleasure, her hands clenched up in to a ball dragging the sheets with her fingers and she tensed up, making herself feel even tighter, she bit her lip and moaned, thrust back hungry for more.
"Damn!" was all Kaless could say as he felt his cock being tighten by her tight pussy. He thrust harder and faster while his force cock pound her ass at the very same time. He could tell she was close and more likely trying to hold her self off for him to cum with her, he was already close for his second loud himself which was a surprize for him. "You want my seed in you my little dark elf? To fill every inch of that tight pussy of yours?" he asked almost in a whisper next to her ear as he was still pounding her but also on top of her.
She moaned whispering "Yes... go.. god.. yesss..." the feel of his cock pounding in and out of her along with his force cock was to much, she began to twitch and moan louder arching her back in to him and thrusting her hips back in to him as she began to cum, she quickly reached up and pulled him in to another passionate kiss and moaned lightly in to his mouth as she continued to cum all over his cock.
Kaless couldn't hold it anymore, he gave one good hard thrust before he gave a loud gunt of pleasure. He held her there while he shot his cum deep within her, after a few minutes however he start breathing heavely. He slide out of her and fell on the bed still breathing heavely, he would be ready for another around in a little bit but still he had to recover from the last one. "Damn woman, how the hell you geting me like this? I fucked other women and never this wild, does it have to do with your race or something?" he asked as he lay there on his back.
As she felt his cum fill her agen with his seed she let out a low growl of pleasure, cuddling up beside him as he lay there on the bed, purring lightly and giggling "I am not sher..... maybe I am just naturally good at making you cum like I can or maybe...." she leaned in to his ear and whispered ".. you just haven't been with a woman like me.... one so.... repressed for such a long time" she nibbled lightly on his ear and kissed his neck tenderly, continuing to cuddle him, pressing her body against his and purring lightly.
"That last part I would agree on, I been with many women but never done a dark elf." he said to her as he put an arm around her, he knew she was a jedi but she would be unable to do anything to him. Unless she knew how to turn off the collar she wouldn't able to use her force powers and if she did some how kill him then sparten would just blow up the ship with her in it."And yet your trying to cuddle with the same sith who you are a presoner to." he said as his hand came to her ass and give it a good squess.
She smiled softly and cuddled in to him, she giggled a little as he squeezed her ass and looked up at him and deep in to his eyes again "Something about you.... makes me feel less like your prisoner and more like a partner..." she looked over his face and brought her hand up to his face and gently stroked the side of his cheek still smiling lightly "... it feels like I am meant to be were I was always meant to be...." she cuddled him some more and kissed the side of his cheek lightly and whisperer in his ear "here in your bed .... and in your arms" she began to kiss his neck and nibbled on his ear playfully letting a small content sigh escape her.
There was some sense in what she was saying, it almost felt like she was more of a partner but he couldn't let himself get that far, not when a jedi betray his trust before. He would let her think what she want for now but once he have the power he seeks he wouldn't have need of her anymore would he? The feel of her was something he haven't felt before though he is still torn betweens feelings shes giving him and the feelings of hate for what her kind have done. "Heh, funny, this ain't my bed, its much bigger then a cell room. In ether case better get some sleep, for where ever we are going next we going to need our energy." he told her though he relize he said "we" but didn't think anything about it. Right now they are working together but she is still his prisoner, but don't mean he couldn't enjoy a fine body on top of him.
She smiled up at him again warmly and kissed him tenderly on the lips, then rested her head down on his shoulder and closed her eyes still smiling and nodded "some sleep dose sound good.... and I bet your bed is way more comfortable then this bed..." she wrapped her arms around his chest and held him closer to her, enjoying how his warm body felt against hers, she sighed contently "But with you here next to me.... I could sleep just about anywhere" she had realized what she had said and smiled again to herself, she realized that she was starting to feel something deeper for him, maybe she was falling for him but ether way, she really did mean what she said and left it at that as she started to doze off holding him close to her and listening to his heart beat as she rested her head against him.
Aiofe would find her self back as her younger self once more and knew she was dreaming as well. She would see herself at the cave entrance, the same cave that the boy she met earlyer showed her. With her was master Shin and the people that lived in the small village which are mostly famers but it seems the empire have sort of interest in them to be attack the village from space. The battle ship just outside the planet's orbit and the republic wouldn't be here at lest an hour so the only thing that can be done is hide these people. Shin already had a plan to do so by useing the cave that they have come to, he would collapse the cave but Aiofe would use the froce to keep anything from crashing the people until he got back. At first Aiofe didn't think she was strong enough to pull this off but Shin had fath in her and told her to just relie on the force and it will aid her. Shin hopes that this would fool the empire, ether that the people killed themselfs or some how got away which none of there scaners could pick up.

Shin collapse the gave when the time was right and hopfuly everyone was inside before he did this, that he knew of every one is here. At that monment she seen the boy outside of the cave but very far and before Aiofe could say anything Shin have close the cave and took off. By the time the boy got to cave she could sense him, she could feel a sense of betrayel and confuzion. At the same time she could feel some others just arriving as well, once she could feel a very powerful froce user but that of the darkside. The Sith Lord came forth apon the boy who was pounding on the rocks screaming and trying hard to dig out his famlly though after hiting a rock with his bear hand was then she felt the froce, the boy himself was gifted with the froce. When the boy turned to face the sith and the empire's soilders the sith hult them and he came close to the boy "Why do you cry dear boy, have you lost something?" The sith asked. The boy didn't say anything at first but after a moment they said "my family, they were buried in this cave. Aren't you a sith, can you feel them?" he asked though he knew it was wrong to ask form a sith but sense the jedi was the one that did this he didn't see what would be the diffrence. The Sith Lord looked at the rocks and Aiofe could suddenly feel the sith sensing them, she worryed now that the sith would come after them and she was no were near the skill to take on this sith ether. The sith had a mask on so it was hard to tell what the sith was acting.

"I'm afraid I sense nothing my boy, no life what so ever. They lie dead inside this tome." the sith said and she knew that was a lie but the boy she could tell believed him. "The jedi did this, he even had some one with him who he said was his padawon who was with my family." the boy said as he try to hold back the tears but it was very hard for him because he felt he lost everything. "Thats how the jedi are I'm afraid, some willing to share there power and others rather keep it for themselfs. The sith are a little more open minded but you have to prove your self to be a full sith. You have the froce my dear boy and only when you hit that rock I couldn't sense it, I can tell you have a strong power within you which you can use against the jedi that did this to your family. Come with me and I will make you strong and master the darkside, with it you will get your revenge." The sith lord said as he offer him a hand. Rion though about it and with a frown he takes the sith lords hand. I am Darth Creed, and you are?" he asked. "Rion, Rion Markess."

In a flash the dark elf would be back to were her master was slain, though she would notice it was Greed standing there watching the other sith and Shin fighting. Again she could not see the face for his hood coverd it but the sith picks up Shin's light saber. "Well done Rion, not only have you become strong within the darkside but took on a jedi master on your own. You have earn your Darth title, any ideas for your new name my boy?" Creed asked. Rion waited for a moment then then said "from this day forth I'll be know as...."

Before the name could be give she would awaken from her dream.
Aiofe moaned in her sleep as the force showed her old memory's almost long forgotten, she twitched as she remembered the boy that got left behind and small tears began to fall from her tightly closed eyes. When the memory came of the sith lord who took the boy came forth, sadness filled her heart, all the lies, all of it was lies. When the dream switched to the aftermath of her old masters death, more tears began to fall from her eyes and she began to breath heavy in her sleep, when she realized it was Rion, the boy from her childhood, that had killed her master, her heart sank even further, it was all because of lies, she cried out in her dream and then awoke with a little gasp.

Aiofe curled to to Kaless more and held him close, confused and shaking from her dream, thinking to herself, did that really happen, she thought about it for a couple of minutes as she tried to blink herself out of her daze, when she remembered that it really did happen, that it was not just a dream but another vision from her past a twinge stirred up in her stomach and she began to feel sick, she got up out of the bed, being careful not to startle Kaless like the last time and went in to the bathroom and began to get sick, when she was finished, she washed up and came back out, crawling back up next to Kaless and pulled the blanket over them, she cuddled back on top of him were she was more comfortable and closed her eyes again.

She couldn't get back to sleep with the memory of that boy still flouting threw her head, it disturbed her greatly both what happened at the cave and the aftermath of it all years later, what was the force trying to tell her...... her mind pondering over that question over and over, only causing her to involuntarily hold Kaless closer to her with frustration.
Some hours have pass sense Aiofe dream and it would be that time she would notice the young sith lord was stering in his sleep, he was a dream of his own though couldn't tell if it was a good dream or him having a nightmare. In a few moment however he open his eyes as he wakes up from his sleep. Kaless could still feel Aiofe next to him and holding on to him as well, after the dream he gotten it was nice to wake up with a woman with him. Pushing aside of his own nightmare he looks over at her and notice she was awake "how long you been up?" he asked.
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