Guided By the Force (Zellsantal and Scanthach)

She looked up at him and smiled lightly "a few hours I think.... I couldn't sleep" she sighed lightly and held him closer "bad dreams again...." she looked up at him and reached a hand up touching the side of his face lightly and then slid her hand tenderly under his neck and laid her head down on to his chest, cuddling him at the same time. His presence was comforting after such a dream and it felt like he to felt the same, she always woke up alone and afraid after her dreams but now with Kaless here, it was different some how, she wasn't afraid anymore, just confused, what was her dreams trying to tell her, she still couldn't figure it out but one day she will, all she knows now is that she needs to find out what she can and when she finds out what she need, then and only then will she get her revenge for the boy who was betrayed by lies and revenge for her master who was killed from the lies, she took a deep breath and continued to hold him close and looked back up in to his eyes after a few minutes "Did you have a bad dream to?.." she had a slight look of concern on her face.
The past few hours? It made him wouder if it was another vision but if so what was it that happened in it? He let his questions go though his mind but didn't ask any, he understood some visions are just those to torment you as if you did something wrong be didn't that he knew of. Though it could be part of useing the power of the darkside but it was a small price to pay for its power. "It was nothing, nothing you really need to worry about." he told her "I should get back and see if anything was found." he said once more though part of him didn't want to get up sense he liked the feel of her on him, on top of that the though of having some more fun with her did crosse his mind.
Aiofe cuddled in to Kaless's chest and barred her face in to his neck moaning lightly "Do you have to go right now?..." she kissed the side of his neck tenderly and lightly ran her fingers down his chest "... you do have some time I'm sure..." she nibbled on his ear and continued to slowly run her fingers lightly down his chest and stop just about his naval, she pulled away from his neck and looked him in the eyes for a minute smiling warmly, she was starting to feel a bit frisky again and was hoping he was in the mood as well, something to make them both feel better for the time being and being with him made all fears, bad memories and her frustrations disappear for the time they are joined as one. She continued to look deep into his eyes for another minute smiling and then leaned in and kissed him passionately, gently sliding her free hand up and under his neck pulling him closer to her as she kissed him, her tong dancing with his, a small moan escapes her in to his mouth and she presses her body against his, her breasts rubbing up against him as she continues to kiss him with such passion.
At first he was going to say he had to but after the display she was giving him his mind was onto her rather then anything else. He couldn't stop looking at those eyes of hers and the way she smiles as well, something about it reminded him of a dark elf in his past. The one with that jedi master who not only killed his family but her as well. Those dreams of seeing that happen and then the encounter with the same jedi just before he killed him have hunted him for all these years. When hes with her however it felt as if was nothing, is it becuse he was having feelings for her or was it he needed some good sex to help get his mind off things sense he have been working hard to find this power he seeks from the volk.

At the moment she kissed him his thoughts about anything else went blank and only on to her once more, the feel of her body rubing against him got him turned on. His cock rose between her legs though not sliding in her but rather rubing against her pussy lups, he broke the kiss only to kiss her neck "you just can't get enough of my cock can you?" he asked with a grin. He gets her more on top of him while his hands squeeze her nice ass before giving her a good slap. "The question is ... how badly do you want it?" he asked in a whisper to her ear before kissing her neck once more.
She smiled and moaned lightly as she felt his hard cock rub up against her entrance, she moved her hips and rubbed her wet pussy back against the shaft of his cock and giggled as he smacked her ass. "How badly do I want it......" She smirked and pressed her breast up against his chest and ran her lips lightly down the side of his face and to his neck, nibbling the side of his ear and purring "... this is how badly I want you and your cock..." she ran her hands lightly down his chest and fallowed them with her lips, wandering lower and lower, kissing him as she bright herself down to his hard cock and started tracing the head of his cock with her tong, smiling and looking up at him as she licked him and played with his balls.
In his mind he should be having her on the bed beging for hi to put it in her but insteed she just might be the one beging. He could feel the dark elf's tongue sliding along his cock and feel her hands playing with his balls, Kaless couldn't help but give a light moan and his cock geting much harder and longer as she given him the blow job "You know, it should be the other way around with me torturing you with pleasure." he said as he teased her though in true he was right sense she was his to do as he please with her , however he couldn't seem to keep it that way and leting her do what she wish as well. Ether hes geting very soft or maybe he was falling for this woman after all.
Aiofe let out a small giggle and continued to teas the tip of his cock with her tong, playing with his ball at the same time, this was fun she thought to her self, seeing him moan and give in to her desires, she wanted him, the way he made her feel was something beyond words and she knew she was falling for him, something about him drove her wild with passion and something inside of her told her not to resist, this felt to good to resist. She closed her eyes and smiled letting a small moan escape her as she continued to run her tong up and down the shaft of his cock, every once and a while letting one of his balls slip in to her mouth and she gave it a little suck and ran her tong around it and then back up to the tip of his cock and around his head. She lost all sens of control and let her passion take control "I am yours to do with what you will..." She began running her lips up his chest again, kissing him slowly and pressing her body closer to his, running her lips up to his neck and began kissing him softly just under his ear, moaning softly with pleasure.
Once she was on top of him again he roll them over, with him now on top of her and she on the bottom "to do as I will huh?" he asked with a grin before kissing her lips, he couldn't hold back anymore and so he get her legs spread wide and around his waist while his alines his cock to her pussy lips. He pull his lips away from hers with a playful grin on his face, his hands came under her back and take hold of her showders "then heres my will apon you." he whispers to her before giveing a hard and powerful thrust in her, he hope it was good enough to give a strong wave of pleasure in her and that she would injoy it.
She let out a small giggle as he flipped them both over and kissed him back passionately, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. The moment he thrust his powerful cock deep into her she let out a loud scream of pleasure, she smiled and arched her back in to him and moved her hips, enjoying how his cock felt deep inside of her, she moaned deeply and pulled him closer to her and in to another passionate kiss, breathing heavy and moaning lightly with pleasure she held him close to her and ran her fingers playfully up his back, kissing him the whole time.
She still felt tight as if she was a virgin still but the fell of her around his cock, he thrust himself in and out of her while he feels her pulling her self up against him when he entered her. Feeling her hands on his back he kept going giving both of them waves of pleasure. All that could be heard in the room was there moans and the slaping of their hipes together. He didn't stop and kept pounding her like there was no tomorrow, he was close once again to cum in her but whated for. He wanted both to cum at the same time and so he was willing to hold off until she came or a moment before he does.
She moaned loudly as he continued to thrust in to her, breathing heavily from pleasure and lust, she held him close to her and continued to kiss him with passion. Why did he make her feel this way? His very being made her feel something she was still not use to or still quite understanding of, it was driving her mad with so much passion and lust, she couldn't get enough of him, she wanted more even at this very second as he continued to pound in to her. She let out another loud moan and tensed up, holding him as close to her as she could, still locked in a passionate kiss, she couldn't hold it in any longer, waves of pleasure began to explode from her body as she began to cum, moaning louder and louder, she broke from the kiss and leaned her lead back, letting her screams of pleasure fill the room and the hallways of the ship.
Kaless felt her pussy tighten around knowing fully well she was at her peak, quickly he thrust with everything he have until he couldn't hold it any longer. He slap himself in her at the moment she came, he came as well screaming in pleasure once she let go of his mouth with her lips. He held the dark elf for a good few minutes until he was done filling her with his seed. Once he was done he fell almost limp on top of Aoife as he's weaking from the wild sex they just had. How many times have they fucked sense he got her, he couldn't remeber but it been one hell of a ride "Dame woman, keep this up and I'll end up having you more then just my presoner." he said before taking some deep breaths. He would need a shower after this, but still he couldn't get his mind off of the ride they had nore get his mind off her. "As much as I want to stay all day with you in the bed we need to find that last piece." he said though he just relize he said 'We' rather then just himself. Aoife could have betrayed him at any given time but yet the look in her eyes she seem to want him more then anything else, maybe she did wanted him and maybe if she prove more of that to him he would take of the collar. Kaless just had to get her to be a sith rather then a jedi then he would treat her much more like a lover then a presoner.
Aiofe let out a low growl as he laid limp on top of her and he held him closer to her "Just a few more minutes..." she kissed the side of his neck tenderly and whispered "... I like this time we spend together..." she trailed off as she continued to kiss his neck and rapped her arms around his neck and her legs tighter around his waist, holding him even closer to her and moaning lightly. His mere touch made her feel, again something she was not understanding of but it was starting to feel more and more recognizable and it was comforting for some reason, she had no idea why it was so recognizable but it did not bother her. She held him close and let out another low growl and cuddled her face in to his neck.
Part of him said to go back to do the research which was his mind telling him but his heart said something else, which he gave it to it. He stayed there with her feeling her lags and arms wraped around him, feeling her very skin and body rubing against him gave him. Giving him a feeling he haven't felt before and he didn't want it to stop either. They layed there for about ten minutes before he finaly thought it was enough, as much as he wanted to just lay in bed with her he theres work to be done and only after its done could they have some more time togethere. He have been thinking of taking the collar off of her but he wanted to wait a bit more before hand, he wanted to see if she truely want him for him or was she just getting close to him for her own ends? If anything he hope it last a little longer before he might have to kill her. However the thought of killing her felt wrong and he wasn't sure he could right now.

Putting those thoughts aside he slide out of her sense his cock was still in her the whole time, and he gave her a kiss on the lips before he gently gets off of her "we'll have more time later, right now I think we both need to get a shower and see were we are going next." he told her.
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