Guided By the Force (Zellsantal and Scanthach)

Aiofe didn't let go of Kaless's hand the whole time, she stood there behind of Kaless trembling slightly still but sighed and relaxed when Naga did not recognize her, she shook a bit as she offered to by her and her olive skin paled a bit, this was almost to much for her, she wanted to leave but could not lose her cool, she stood there next to Kaless and continued to look at him or around the room, anywhere but at Naga.

When a voice sounded from behind and a female sith reveled herself from the shadows, Aiofe almost jumped, it caught her off guard, this woman was stunning for a human and even Aiofe found her self staring at this sith, when she realized that Kaless and this woman knew each other she started to wonder if he had been with her as well, with that thought Aiofe found her self in a way jealous, why would she be jealous.... it wouldn't be because shes starting to...... no! she thought to herself pushing the rest of that thought out of her head, hes a sith! But thews feeling still stirred twisting at her insides, she took a deep breath and remained quiet like a slave should be, and in all fairness she disliked it.
Kaless couldn't help but grin as he watch Tamra came closer to him "indeed it been a long time hasn't it? Time we help each other out when we first started to become sith and those types we shared in the bed room... oh those were good old days now weren't they?" she asked as she trace a finger onto his jaw and trais it down to his chin, to his neck and down to his chest area. It was starting to go lower but Kaless quickly took hold of her wrist to stop her hand. "Oh I remeber alright, after that last night you sent a few other sith to my room to try to kill me while you used that to your advantage to get with a sith lord. If not for the fact we helped each other out back then I would have come and killed you myself." Kaless said still had that grin on his face as did Tamra "if i didn't think you would handle it I wouldn't have sent them your way, beside you needed the work out and save the sith lords the trouble of dealing with weaker sith." she told him before Kaless let go of her wrist.

"Let me guess you want to team up against this gang in which we both get what we want, is that how it goes?" he asked her. "You could always guess what I'm thinking and its what I liked about you. And yes that's the way it's going to go, we both win so I don't see a problem." she said. "Oh there is one, what happens if I do help you, will you backstab me or will you leave me hanging while you finsh them off after I delt with most of them?" "I'll make you a deal, I give you my word that I will not do anything like I did in the past and you do the same for me with no revenge of some sort. We help each other like before and this time we'll depart with no hard feelings, what do you say?" she asked him.
Aiofe just stood there watching the interaction between the two with and shivered, there was something about this woman she didn't like, not just the fact that she was a sith or an old lover of Kaless but in her manner and the way she spoke, Aiofe had this nack for spotting lies when they were spoken and kept a close eye on her, watching her eyes and body language, her ears twitched as Tamra spoke listing to her words and looking threw her lies.

Aiofe moved behind Kaless and placed her hand gently on his back, leaning in and said quietly "Master..." she leaned in to his ear and dropped her voice to barley a whisper "you know shes not telling the truth right?... I can tell.... if you agree then i will watch your back, she will try to stab it agen and i will not give her the chance..." Aiofe glanced over quickly to Tamra and then back at Kaless "if you wish it..... i will end her if she try's anything.. that is if you don't catch her first." she finished still in a quiet whisper and smirked.
Kaless blinked as his eyes looking at Aiofe's way, he knew she was trying to warn him but he already knew that Tamra was lieing, he knew her all too well. He wasn't a fool to let Tamra fool him again but they also work well together. Though it was interesting that Aiofe would try to end Tamra's life but in a sense thats another reason why he aloud the dark elf to come, becuse he might just need her help but only as a last resort. Though Tamra notice the smirk on Aiofe face with a risen brow "whats your little toy smirking about?" she asked.

Kaless chuckles before looking back at his former lover "Aiofe here believes your not to be trusted, something I already know. what might interest you is that if you do try anything she offer to end you if you did try anything onto me." he said with a small grin on his face. Tamra in the other hand couldn't help but laugh "her... end me?" she said as she laugh some more though trying very hard not to fall over on the ground laughing her ass off. In a few mintues she calmed herself down "you honstly don't believe that, I mean lies is one thing but this?" he said as she wave a hand to Aiofe. "You never know, she might just surpize you, she some times have that effect on people." he said once more. Tamra turn to look at Aiofe whcih she still keeping her self from laughing once again "You have balls I'll give you that but if I were you I wouldn't be telling such lies to him becuse you will get hurt but if you think you can take me one then I would love to see that happen because as it stands your word don't mean nothing slut!" he said before turning back to Kaless. "Now then do we have a deal or not?" she asked. "We do just as long you keep your end of it." Kaless said in reply to her.
Aiofe's hand tighten on kaless's back for a second, slight anger running threw her mind as the sith called her a slut, oh it was on now Aiofe thought, she wants to play it that way then fine, the bitch will have her little game, Aiofe would keep letting her thing shes weak and the moment and then when she tries what Aiofe knows she will try then she will strike, she will strike hard and fast, then she will show this bitch who she really is...... just before she takes her last breath. As these thoughts flowed thew Aiofe's head her eyes never leaving Tamra, she wisperd so quietly that only Kaless could hear her "i will be the last one laughing....... just you wait bitch." and with that Aiofe smirked at the thought of ending Tamra.

Aiofe could feel the seeds of anger start to stir even more with in her, normally she would try and fight off these feelings like she should but this time she could do nothing else but think on them, fuel all her anger on to this woman, she did not fight it nor did she push it out of her head. Aiofe would find a way to get to this woman and when she least expects it, she will strike, one way or another.

She took a step back with her hand still tightly holding Kaless's back, she appeared to be calm but her eyes screamed rage, she walked calmly behind Kaless and took a calm deep breath and stood there watching Tamra's every move and drew in a little closer to Kaless as they continued to speak to each other.
Kaless couldn't help but find it interesting that the jedi would sound more like a sith then anything else, he would like to see how she would take on Tamra on her own. He would even let her use the force to make the odds even but as of right now he needed both women working together for the time being. He said nothing to Aiofe though finaly it seems both he and Tamra have an agreement. "Good, then I'll me you there. Heres a comlink so we can stay in touch." she said before tossed a comlink ear pick to him then she was off. Kaless then mostins for them to fallow back to the over car.

In about an hour they reach were they need to be, form were they are at they could already see the ruins and the border to there and were Naga's men are at as well. Once they came into range of the border he heard Tamra's voice "well I am close to the ruins now, we just need to take out their leader and the rest will fallow. Though I do have to say these guys seem to be very well armed, makes one wonuder where they got their weapons and armor from. " he said. "That doesn't matter what does is that we get in and take them out, that mean no killing understand unless you have no other choice. These people are just misled and don't need to die for a pointless war." Kaless said and knew others around him would hear him. "Hmm I don't think Naga said anything about keeping them alive." she said in reply. "I don't give a dame if the hutt said we could or not, if your working with me your doing it this way, the leader is all we are after and no one else do you undertand?" he asked though those close to him could tell he said it more of a angry tone. "Fine we will do it you way, but really it wount make a differents. Oh and have fun going to the frount door, mean while I'm geting in another way, see who gets to him first." Tamra said before the comlink went dead.

Damit shes just going to kill anyone that she sees, this froce's his hand and have to rush it to make sure she doesn't kill too many people. He quickly look at Aiofe for a moment and with a growl he press something on his wrist band and at that moment she would fee the froce one again "heres is where you earn my trust Aiofe, I want you to use the froce by any means to get those four men there by the front door to stan down. How you do it is up to you, but make it fast because Tamra is know to leave a bloody mass in each mission she been on."
At the moment Kaless pressed the button on his wrist, Aiofe took a deep breath and shivered a little as she could feel the force flow back threw her, it felt....... different! She thought to her self, how..... why? She shook her head a little at her thoughts and turned to Kaless and nodded "Just four of them hu?" She smirked and nodded agen "with the force.... shouldn't be all that of a problem" she took another deep breath and leaned up to Kaless, kissing him of the cheek and then turning and started to walk towards the four men.

When Aiofe reached the four men they stood at guard first, pointing there guns at Aiofe, she stood her ground and held out her hand, waving them gracefully in the air and then stood there, just looking at them. They slowly lowered there guns and stared at the little dark elf with glazed eyes and a slight smile appearing on each of there faces, Aiofe smiled "That a boys" she said in a giggling tone almost taunting them to come to her, one started to walk slowly towards her, licking his lips and looking her over still with glazed eyes, Aiofe put her hand on her hips and continues to stand there, giggling tauntingly, the one man approached her, fully lowering his gun now and swooped her up in one scoop roaring with laughter, she didn't say anything, just smiled and looked over his shoulder and over at Kaless quickly and nodded, hoping he would get the clue to sneak in behind while she distracted them.

All four men now were distracted by the little dark elf, all four pawing over her, touching and rubbing, grunting like wild animals, lost in there own feral lust over this little woman. Aiofe closed her eyes and took a deep breath, when she opend them back up with a snap the force whorled up around her and blasted out with a burst of power, knocking all four men out cold, she stood there with all four men laying on the ground around her and smirked agen "well that was easy..." and she giggled agen this time like it was fun.
He watched her walk on over there with the four men seem to want to shoot her first but after they seen she had no weapons at hand they aloud her to come over. He watch as the men came and feeling around her body, it kinda got to him she would play it that way but then again he did aloud her to do what she needed to do and she didn't kill them when she used her force powers. Once the men were down he turned on the collar's power again and she would feel she lost the force again while Kaless and Sparten rush towards her. "Very good now then lets get in there." he said as he search the bodys for a key card. He found one and walked over to the door and used it to open it.

Kaless made sure all of them were inside before he close the door behind them "lets hurry this up, we don't want her to get to him first. " he said but then notice some cord and wires on the gorund "sparten, can you hack into those?" he asked. The doird right away when ahead and mass around with the wires and such, sticking one into his own systems to see if gotten a link. "Yes I can already see were we need to go, I could very easly make to were we have a 90% clear path to our target and make sure they can use their systems unless I let them. " he said in reply. "Do it." he said and right away the battle droid did what he was commanded to do. doors and walls could be hears shuting and opening down the hall. "The only ones that would be in our way is those that is with the lead commander, however I also detected four others that are not part of this group heading for our target as well. They looked to be hird mecs like the ones outside." Kaless had a feeling by what Sparten was saying that Tamra didn't come alone and more likely would have to deal with them. "Alright, try to stall them while me and Aiofe try to get there first then come to us quickly as you can." he told Sparten as he start walking down the hall.
The moment Kaless pressed the button Aiofe felt the force slip away from her agen and frowned, was that not good enough she thought to her self, if not then she will just have to try harder. She watched Kaless and Sparten run up to her and open the doors, with a small sigh she followed the two in and leaned against the wall inside, kicking some of the mess aside that was in her way. She watched Kaless and Sparten search threw the systems, thinking on what good she wouldn't be with out her force powers, sher she could just kick there asses, if she could get around there blaster guns, she sighed, it would be so much easier to take them all out if she could just use the force, she would just use her force speeds and knock them all out before they even reached there boss or there target, who ever was in the way, she could take care of it, but alas she can't, with these thoughts running threw her head, she gave a little frustrated huff and pushed her self off the wall and tailed behind Kaless as they started to walk down the hall to there target.
Kaless matched though the halls and the pathway that Sparten have layed out for them, he had a feeling Tamra wasn't going to own up to thier deal and try to take the ruins for her self. Hes dosen't believe she think he's weak but still that might be why the mercs are here, to take him own while Sparten is else were. He grins as he have a few surprize's ready for her as well. Soon enough Kaless came to the room which the commander was in but when he and Aiofe got there men were lieing on the ground leaving only Tamra face to face with the commander. The commander is human with a full tooper set of armor and a heavy blaster rifle. To his surpized it seems the commander is keeping up with her but just bearly, this guy must be every well trained to pull that off. That or Tamra have gotten slopy. Kaless looked at the men that were down and seen the light saber marks on them and all of them were dead as well. That alone got him pist off "Tamra we agreed no killing unless you have to!" Kaless yelled even though she was in the middle of combat. "They were a have to, just like the other ones that were in my way." she said as she didn't seem to have any regreats what so ever.

In a sudden the commander was slam against the wall, Tamra was able to get him to a corner and use the force to slam him there. The commander falls to the ground out cold and thats when Tamra turns to face them "just you and your pet, did your doid break down on the way here?" she asked though it was in that time that the mecs blow down a door "Your late!" she said as she start walking over to them. "Had to blow though some doors just to get though, some one is playing around with them and blocking us each step of the way." One said "you fools, if any of the ruins is damged becuse of it I'll have your heads!" she screemed but calmed her self afterwords to look at Kaless and Aiofe. "Hmm just you two huh, I think thats just fine, these guys are strong kaless, not even you can take them all on." she said with a grin. "I thought we had a deal tamra, were we not old freinds?" he asked though as he said that he was infront of Aiofe's, her double bladed light saber slide out of his sleeve for the dark elf to take.

"We were good freinds back then, but many things have changed and we all have to look after our own selfs. I tell you what, walk out of here and you will live, other wise well.." she said as she looked at her men and then back at them "its your choice." she said with a grin on her face. "Funny, I was about to say the same thing."
Aiofe stood close to Kaless, almost against his back, making herself appear weak for a reason, her one hand slid down Kaless's back and gently took the double bladed lightsaber from his hand and held if close to her, still looking over his shoulder at the others, appearing frightened but calm. She took a deep breath and wisperd in Kaless's ear "when your ready...." her hands positioned them self's on the handle of her lightsaber at the ready and she drew her self in closer to Kaless, getting ready for battle, tactically thinking who she would take out first...... the big one she thought, there leader, then the others will fall easy, she smiled to herself as she thought out what she would do and looked up at Kaless and gave him a small nod to signal she was ready.
"So stubborn and cocky, though it was one of the things I liked about you. Its a shame it have to end like this, though after heaing what Naga would pay for your pet I think selling her to him would make up for your death." she said before drawing her double red bladed light saber and ignited it. Kaless did the same by only his was a single blade "heh I think you will more so regreat it." he said in reply before useing the other hand to push his wrist band once more and suddenly Aiofe felt the force once more. "Take care of her while I handle her men." he told her just before he fired a force lighting at one of the men. He figure she would want to get a piece of her and plus he wanted to see if Aiofe's fighting skills were indeed good and it was a fluk that she lost against him or is she really useless. This is the real test for her and how far she would go do the dark side to prove herself.
The moment Kaless pushed the button, Aiofe could feel the force flow threw here agen, she looked at Kaless and gave him a nod, slowly walking to the other side of the room and not taking here eyes off Tamra, she held her blade behind her back and waited, she wanted to catch Tamra off guard. Tamra looked quickly away from Kaless and over to the dark elf, looking her up and down and smirked "you really think you can beat me you little slut...... HA!" Tamra laughed at Aiofe thinking this a cute little joke "I'l try to to damage you to bad...... Naga did put a nice little bounty on your pretty little head that well...... its just to hard to turn down!"

Aiofe glared at Tamra but did not speak, she was breathing slowly and deeply, clearing her mind with the help of the force and focusing in on Tamra's body language, watching and waiting for her to make the wrong move or let down her guard, even for a second, that's all Aiofe needed. Tamra continued to taunt and tease Aiofe to try and trigger a response, the only part getting to Aiofe a little was the salve tease, she would not allow anyone to do that to her agen, even a sith, sure Kaless had her submissive but that was different, she felt something for this man and knew that by sticking by his side she would also find out the truth behind all of her dreams, but Tamra was not Kaless, Tamra would sell or kill Aiofe just because the bitch was bored.

Aiofe stopped mere feet from Tamra and stood there, like she did before with the four guardsmen and stared at her, saying nothing but staring, Tamra glared back looking Aiofe over agen her smirk fading "There's something different about you now..... something i did not sens before..." Tamra's eyes drifted to the collar around Aiofe's neck and her eyes suddenly widened "Your a........" she began to scowl "fuck Naga..... I am going to kill you my self......" she jumped forward at Aiofe screaming "... die you jedi whore!" This was what Aiofe was waiting for, for Tamra to loose her cool and as Tamra came down with her saber in hand aiming right for Aiofe's head, Aiofe drew out her own blade and deflected Tamra's with one swift clean stroke, jumping back with grace and landed herself in a clean defensive position, waiting for the hot headed sith to make her next strike.

Aiofe took a deep breath and thought to herself that she was not going to lose this one, she lost to one sith and she will not lose to another, she waited and watched, Tamra growled with anger and frustration at Aiofe's speeds and darted towards the dark elf agen, bringing her blade up and around for another strike, Aiofe deflected it agen with out a hassle and bright up her hand, with a quick deep breath Aiofe exhaled and with one quick motion pushed her hand forward and force pushed Tamra across the room, slamming her against the wall and then charged at her, crossing the room with her own unmatched speeds, Aiofe jumped in the air and swung her blade in the air, aiming it right for Tamra, she rolled out of the was and just narrowly missed getting hit by Aiofe's blade and swung her own in counter to Aiofe's assault, missing the dark elf completely. Aiofe smirked at the dazed sith and knew if she kept her clam and kept playing with her, causing her to rage that she would eventually make a mistake and then Aiofe will have her.

They clashed there blades a few more times, saber sparks flying in the air as both woman fought, Tamra's screams of frustration and anger filling the room and not a peep out of Aiofe sept the sounds of her blade flying threw the air. Aiofe was going to show this sith that she was no joke, she was stonger then she thought and when the end came she would make this sith bitch see and realize it, then suddenly Tamra made a misstake, she left her one side open and unprotected to Aiofe for a second and she struck, she struck hard and fast, bring her blade down and slicing off Tamra's right hand in one clean swipe. Tamra stood there in shock at what just happend and then went flying across the room agen as Aiofe force pushed her aganst another wall.

Aiofe ran forward and jumped on top of Tamra pinning her down, knowing that even with out her hand she is still a big threat. Aiofe kicked Tamra's saber out of the way and knelt down close to her face, a look of disgust and rage appeared on Aiofe's face as she stared down at the nearly broken sith and held her blade up to her neck "... now how weak to you really think i am bitch..." Aiofe began to shake, she wanted to kill her, chop her head right of her shoulders but couldn't, something deep inside of her was screaming at her not to well another part of her was telling her to just do it. Aiofe's blade shook at Tamra's throat as she stared down at her, battling her own thoughts on weather to finish her off or not.
It didn't take Kaless long to take them down, useing his lighting clones and other froce powers that made his work on them easy. Afterwords he got site of the half end of the women's fight. He stood there watching them both at each other though he had to say he was surprised that Aiofe was indeed skilled and the surprize gave Aiofe the edge she needed. She was calm though sense the tension with in the femle jedi as she try to fight the darkside that was trying to come out of her. "Well done, I have to say your more skilled then I thought Aiofe. Now then, finsh her. She no longer have the power to fight back and there for she is weak, the weak must die to make way for the strong which is the sith way." he told her though he didn't care for such things but he wanted to see how far Aiofe would go, would she really kill Tamra or let her live?

While she would hear Kaless's word she would also remeber something her first master said to her years ago. It was the mid of her training and one time gotten angered for she couldn't seem to understand what she was doing wrong that wouldnt make bolder move though though her rage she did lift it but tosed and almost hiting her master with the bolder. Quickly however Shin stoped the bolder just an inch away from him before seting it down. "Aiofe.." Shine said as he walked around the bolder and start walking towards her "you must not let anger cloud your for anger leads to the darkside. You have right to be frustrated for you still don't understand your full power but you must not let anger over come you. Otherwise you could do harm to some one then helping them and you would have regreat for the rest of your life. The Sith are mislead to believe power is more emportent then life itself and half the time they dont relize it until its too late. Though they been trained to use the darkside they did so against there own will or some anyways. I know becuse I was once a sith and froce to sirrive though many of there trials and had to kill other sith just to prove that I wasn't weak. Only when my master save me from going any further down the darkside and help me relize how wrong the sith were. If you do face a sith and froce to kill them and killed them without anger or hate for if you do then you will be taking their place in the darkside."
Her hand shook as she stared down at Tamra, her blade at her throat, these memories flowing threw her mind, tears began to swell in her eyes and she fought with herself, her anger trying to take control, her rage almost overpowering her. She looked down at the sith and scowled shaking her head "I will not become like you...... as much as i want you dead and gone...... it will not be by my hand. I have taken you out, defeated you, brought you to your knees and now i am showing you who i really am....." Aiofe sheathed her blade and held the hilt of it still to Tamra's throat, holding her down and looking her in the eyes "I am Aiofe Nu'Chill Numary...... I am a jedi! And you do best to remember that name... i will remember your Tamra and if we ever meet agen..." Aiofe got closer to Tamra's face and growled "... I promise you.. i will not hesitate to kill you next time, i will cut off your other and and then your head to go along with it! Got me bitch!" Aiofe didn't even wait for an answer, she brought up the hilt to her saber and smashed Tamra over the head with it, knocking her out cold, Aiofe the quickly stood up and turned around to Kaless, still with an unmistakable look of frustration on her face and walked over to him, looking him over "You ok?......" she stood there in front of him looking up in to his eyes "... your not injured i hope!.... if not.... can we go now!" she looked over her shoulder to Tamra passed out on the ground "I don't want to be here any longer then we have to be..." she looked back at Kaless agen and took a deep breath "I really don't like this place.... its... got to many bad memories."
Kaless was disapointed that she didn't kill Tamra though what the dark elf surpized him once more. She push away the hate and anger which both power of the darkside and yet she rejected in even after what Tamra have done to her, he thought for sure she would kill her like she said she would but still she rejected the darkside's power which he can't understand why. Aiofe however still held his interest though he wasn't sure what to do with her as of yet. She didn't try to run away but insteed came back to him, still he had to make sure she would not try anything. One she came back to him he turned on the collar once more "I'm fine, they didn't stand much of a chance anyways." he told her before heaing she wanted to leave this place. "I'll have Sparten come and take you back to the ship while I go report to Naga, once I have all the data i need then we will leave this shit hole of a planet." he told her.
She felt the collar turn on agen and it didn't phase her this time, she walked right up to Kaless and hugged him close out of instinct, she was up set but did not want to leave his side, she stood there with her arms wrapped around him tightly for a minute and then looked up at him "I don't want to leave your side..... not even if its just to go back to the ship and wait for you there, i don't want to wait, i want to say were i am by your side and just get the information and data what we need and then leave...." she looked deep into his eyes for a second and took a deep breath "I..... um...... Thank you for wanting to make me feel better in a sens..... I... I just don't want to leave your side in case any more surprises try to come are way" she still battled her own thoughts as to why she felt this way about him but slowly she could also feel herself excepting these feeling, they were not bad by any means just something she had never felt about someone or ever expected to in her life time, she really did deeply care for his safety.
He didn't expect her to wrap her arms around him and what she said about not wanting to leave his side made him wounder if that was true or a lie to get something out of him. The way she looked in those eyes it felt more then just a need to be free and lust but something more or so he believes. Or its what part of him want to believe anyways, she's still a jedi and she could still be useing her body to just fool him but dosen't men he couldn't play along with it. Still however it felt more right, he put a grin on his face as he lower his lips to her ear "or is it you just want to make sure no one else get a piece of me?" he asked before sliding his hands onto her fine ass.

"My lord I believe I found something that might interest you, I believe its the area you were looking for in these ruins." Sparten's voice could be heard on the comlink, Kaless gave a little growl as he was starting to enjoy a little fun with the dark elf. But as he remind himself that work comes before pleasure "Alright we are on our way." he said before looking down at her "I'll have that ass of yours once we get back on the ship." he said before let go of her and gently having her let go of him before start walking to where Sparten is at. In a few minutes he came to the door were the droid was at and took a look in. To his surprize it was the room he was looking for, the walls with everything in it seem undamaged and in the middle of the room is an stone altar with what looks to be a half of a dagger floating just above it. Kaless couldn't help but smile and be over joyed with such a find "very good Sparten, very good. Scan the room and once you are done we can get out of here. This went faster then I thought it would, and this.." he said as he looked at the half dagger "though its only an half piece but still once I find the other half then the power of the Volk will be mind to contorl."
Aiofe fallowed behind Kaless quickly, keeping an eye open for any more traps on the way. When they entered the room, she shivered, something about this room was strangely like the ones she had seen in her dreams and at the same time gave her this weird feelings in the pit of her gut, like she had been here before but not in her life. She seen the half dagger and gasped "That's it!.... half of the power!" she blinked for a second staring at this half peace of a dagger wondering how this thing can contain such a power. She shrugged off the thought and continued to look around the room, reading the wrights on the walls and pedestal, it all looked so familiar. She looked over at Kaless and said in an almost worried tone "Can you just take the dam peace of the dagger and lets get the hell out of here...... this place is giving me a very foreboding feeling... like.... like we shouldn't be here.... and i agree.... lets just take what we need and leave now!" she trebled a bit almost scared of what she could feel in this place, agen a grate power yes but one that also imitated a grate foreboding feeling as well.
Kaless waited until Sparten was done, he wanted to make sure if he did pull the half dagger away it wouldn't set a trap or antying of the sort. Once he was done Kaless make sure everyone was ready if need be then pull it away from the altar. Nothing happen though he could feel some sort of power coming from the half piece. He wasn't sure what Aiofe's dreams were about but he would find that out later, for now he wanted to get out of here. He singal the hutt's men to come over and pick up everyone that was in the ruins. Sparten have unlocked the doors just before they walked out of the ruins so what happens with them and Tamra was up to Naga's men.

Within a few hours they gotten back to the ship and right away start heading back in to space where they wouldn't be botherd with at all. Kaless have finsh down louding everything that Sparten have scaned into the studdy room, it would take him a while to make sure everything was right and were the next planet he have to find. He felt close and soon the sith will bow before him and the other jedis will be wiped out. However maybe he would give the jedi a chance to join the darkside, it would only be right to do that at the very lest, sense Aiofe haven't done anything that he knew of that would stop him or other wise betray him. Still that memory hunts his soul and its why he couldn't fully trust her no matter how hes starting to feel for her.
Aiofe slowly walked threw one of the hulls in the ship, towards Kaless's study, pondering to herself, thinking about everything that had happened down on the planet, from the meeting with Naga and Tamra, to everything that happened in the runes, it all made her start to think that maybe they were really on the right track, that if they keep on the track that they have been fallowing that they will find what they have been looking for soon enough.

She stopped at the door to his study and leaned against the metal frame to the door, she watched Kaless for a few minutes and smiled, something about him still stumped her, one why did she feel the way she dose about him and if he did find all the peaces to this dagger what would he do with her then. She scratched the side of her head as she was thinking and then let out a small sigh thinking she will see when the time comes. Aiofe smirked as she continued to watch Kaless and then asked "Find anything new? Something we could use to find the next planet?" She gently pushed herself away from the door frame and in to the room and walked slowly towards Kaless, she was still waring the slave outfit and walked over to his desk, she leaned against it and down at the papers with a questioning look.
"Nothing yet, the sysptem is still trying to go though everything to translate everything and on top of that matching the star charts as well." he said while his back was turned to her though he roll his chair to turn around only to see her still in the slave outfite. He though she would take it off and have her other cloths on by now, he couldn't help but stare at her. There was something about her that he still couldn't figure out, but still some dirty thoughts been starting to come to his mind as he watched her. He blinked as he get out of his lustful trance before she could notice "Why are you still in that, I thought you would get into your normal cloths by now."
She looked at him from the corner of her eye and smirked "its a lot more comfortable then it looks...." she continued to smirk and moved to face him more and leaned more against the desk "... and to tell the truth I really didn't notice that I was waring it... wasn't thinking about what I waring..." she tilted her head with a questioning look "I can go and get changed it you like.... I mean if this is to distracting for you, I'll go get my robes back on..." she knew she was testing him agen and just couldn't help herself, it was really to much fun. She sat there on the desk and smirked at him waiting for his answer.
The way she lean on the desk got his eyes still on her but not her eyes, he could tell the smirk as well which made him relize that she is teasing the hell out of him. Sadly it was getting him turned on though trying very hard to not show it or keep having thoughts about her going to the bed and having his way with her. She could tell hes trying hold himself back though if she kept it up he would give in to it. He thought about how Naga must have seen her and the thoughts of that hutt even touching her with those small hands was enough to make his blood boil. Aiofe have proved to be useful in many ways, both in combat... and in bed as well.

It was becomeing very hard to hate her at all even if she is a jedi, is she really wanting him or more for what he is looking for the power of the first froce users. In ether case they both want the same thing which he could agree on with her. Its not the outfite that distract's me.... but you what..." he said as he got up and walk up infront of her with his hands going on the deck on ether side of her before looking deep in her eyes. He lean forword and kiss her very lips. The feeling of her lips was enough to get him turned on more and right now he only got one thing on his mind. Breaking the kiss he whispers "get into your cell room and I'll be there in a few minutes." he told her before stepping back from her.
The moment his lips touched hers she let out a small sigh, goosebumps running up her spine, her hand slide up his chest lightly and touched the side of his face gently she leaned back in to him, kissing him back. His simple tough was enough to drive her wild, his kiss put her in an almost trance like state, she let out a small moan of pleasure as he kissed her, still she didn't understand just why she felt this way about him but she knew that she was starting to fall for him ether way. When he broke the kiss she smiled and nodded lightly biting her lip, she stood up slowly from the desk and walked back over to the door, she looked over her shoulder at him and smirked "Did you want me to leave the outfit on for now?...... till you get there anyways" she let out a small giggle and smiled "I think I will..... just for fun..." she let out another small giggle and ran out of the room and back down the hull to her cell. She crawled on to the bed and waited for Kaless to come, excitement growing form with in and heat starting to swell between her legs, she wanted him as badly as he wanted her.
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