Guided By the Force (Zellsantal and Scanthach)

She moaned and let out a light giggle "its more the will to survive and something inside me tells me not to resist this.... it can lead to the answers im looking for... the ones from my dreams" she looked over his face for a minute looking over his every fetcher then settled looking deep in to his eyes and continued "same eyes from my dreams..... it is you, its always been you......" she stared at him agen for a long minute before leaning in and kissing him deeply, exploring his every mouth with her tong. The deeper she kissed him the more this felt right, something inside of her told her not to stop but screamed at her for more.
Well it made sense, even a sith did what was needed to survive but how she was on top of him stil and then kiss his lips deeply it was enough to turn him on again. He knew he was still inside of her and his cock was still rock hard in her as well. Her kiss surprized him as he never had a jedi acted like this, the were always asking for death or something in that way. Aoife in the other hand... was breath taking. I beep sound could be heard on the speakers were Sparten started to speak "My lord the probs have finsh there scans and have returned to the ship, shall I plot a crose to a near by empire outpost or station?" he asked.

Kaless blinked as if geting out of a trance, yes much work he have to do though this woman seem to take his thoughts away from that. Froceing himself to clear his mind he flip them over and break the kiss, he was starting to pat hard but took a momont or two before replying "No just some were in space, I will be looking into the data shortly." he said in reply as he looked into her eyes. "I'll be back to finsh what I started here, Aoife. So you better be ready when I get back because if you don't I just might have to punish you." he said with a grin before slowly sliding out of her. He wanted to still fuck her but he also wanted to the lost power as well. He had his fun and not it was time to work, he would be back though to do her again once he spin some time with the data from the ruins. He got off of her and started geting his cloths.
She stared at him back in the eyes at he got off of her and she felt him slide out letting out a small gasp as she felt the tip of his dick finely exit her now dripping wet and bleeding pussy. She was breathing heavy and trembled slightly from the cold rushing over her body from him no longer being on top of her, she looked up at her hands and back at Kaless "My I have my hands back, I am no threat to you at this time and promise i will not try a thing or you can punish me as you see fit if i do, I cold and well........" she crossed her legs and smirked ".... I need to go the ..... bathroom" even with her dark skin Kaless could see she was still blushing.

She was speaking the truth, she had no reasons to lie, but then agen he had no reasons to trust her, but she tried anyways and she did have to go to the bathroom. "And my i have my cloths back for a least a blanket to keep me warm while you are gone? its freezing in here!" She was never shy about speaking her mind and made it clear what she wanted, she thought if she is to be a captive better make the best of it. She shivered agen lightly from the cold and looked up at him, smiling lightly she said "Please?... Lord Kaless?"
(Sorry for the long wait been bussy, and I thought I said she was unchained while in the middle of there sex? But thats alright can work with it.)

She was a wild one that he would give her, she wasn't the type not to speak her mind. For now he could put up with it sense she cant use her force powers as long he have the collar on her. "Though that door is the bathroom." he pointed to the door that was in the her cell, the bonds on her wrist suddenly came off of her and drop of the floor with only the collar around her neck that was left on her. "You cloaths will be given back soon and there is a blankit under your bed, sense you been soo willing I will grant this to you. But... if you fuck with me in any way I wount be so kind, remeber that." he told her before walking out and closing the door again. A click sound could be heard at the moment that the door was shut which ment that the door locked itself.
(No worries and my bad, it all works in the end ;) lol )

She shook her head slowly and watched him leave the room, she sat on the bed for a minute taking in what all just happened and she wanted to cry but had no reasons to at this point, sher she was a prisoner but in all honesty she felt she was were she needed to be to find her answers. She took a deep breath and looked around the room and then to the bathroom, getting off the bed slowly, still in pain from the penetration of his massive cock, she walked to the bathroom.

She went into the shower and turned it on hot, standing under the hot water for a long time and cleaning herself up. After she went back to the bedroom and curled up on the bed pulling out the blanket from below and closed her eyes, she took a deep breath and tried to clear her mind, but her dream and the need to peace it all together kept creeping back in to her head, she soon fell asleep with these thoughts and soon after found herself having the same dream but different, more focused in on his face, it was clearer now and she knew it was him, but why! After a while she began to tossed and turned and began to mumble in her sleep, breathing deeply.
It would be a few days sense then as Kaless have been trying to go though the date he gotten from the ruins. He had Sparten given Aoife her clothes back and feed her as well while he kept on working. He didn't seen her for that time either, when hes working his mind was on the task and nothing else. He finaly decise to see what this dark elf could do so he went ahead and have sparten lead her to the room where he did all his resceach at. Once he knew she came inside he still working while he started to speak to her "Alright, sense you seem t know some about the ruins I want you to tell me then what some of these mean. Some of the wrighting is hard to figure out and it is why it's taking me so long. So then show me what you can do.. Aoife."
Aoife walked in and looked around the room then to Kaless, she had not seen him in a few days and she took that time to meditate and clear her mind. As her eyes fell upon Kaless she caught her breath flashing back to a few days earlier, she took a deep breath and walked over to him looking at the what he was trying to show her.

She bent down and looked closely at what he was showing her and squinted in concentration, she had seen righting like this before, in her dreams and in her visions when she meditated, she herself didn't understand what it ment but it looked more then just familiar to her "I have seen this...... but what it says I still have yet to figure that out myself." She looked up at Kaless and made eye contact with him "Where did you find these? these are not from the runes down at that planet... I know there not! I looked my self and could not find a thing!" She started to wonder if what he said about his dream were true, did he really have the same dream she did? and why? she thought to her self looking deep in to his eyes.
"These are from other ruins that I have been, four to be a fact if you count the ones we were in. On all of them mention what is callled the Dagger Of Power, sounds like an item that is the key to what I'm after." he said before he push a button and then images of the ruins they both were in came up. Some of the writing were too old and have faded over time so I haven't got all the detels but still got a nice admout of infomation. From what I gather is that the Volk was once the most powerful race know in the universe. Useing the froce to their will ad take on anyone that dared to challange them. One day however an device have been man that would make them stronger with the froce but it seem it made one too powerful and thats when a war between their kind started and thats how the two factions of sith and jedi were born. Infomation about this device is very little so I know hardly anything of what it could do. The dagger is part of it some how but what I don't know as of yet." he told her.

"It seems there a few more place's that must be found so can maybe find out where the device is at. I have rumors of were two other ruins might be, whcih we are heading to now, to nyserda." he said once more and waiting for her reaction to all he just said and to see how useful she can be as well.
She looked over the data and thought about it for a minute and then smiled looking back up at Kaless "From all the information you have told me, I gather many things from it all. The one big one is that they lost all knowledge of this power the minute they started fighting and split, they stopped working together with the force and started to use it on each other, at that point we all became weaker" She smiled agen and walked over to the nearest chair and relaxed.

She pondered for a minute before speaking agen "If you wish to find this device as I wish to get to the bottom of why I have been having these dreams then we must work together and together we can figure out the why and were" she looked at the information laying around her and nodded her head " Nysrda is no better place then any to continue looking" She tilted her head off to the side a bit and asked "Is it said what these Volk look like? Maybe that will help with were to start looking after Nysrda."

((Sorry for the delay! Been a really busy day. :s ))
His brow rose as she smiled at him, he wasn't sure how she could be happy to be here when she should be wanting to find a way out of the ship and get back to her order. Or maybe she was acting just to wait to let his guard down? In either case he would be carful with her. However her theory was about the same to his about how the froce user's used to work together but gotten weaker when they became two factions.

"There is no mention about what they look like other then their humanoid, but let me make something clear to you. You are still my prisoner and slave as long as that collar is on you, the only reason you in here is to see what you know and how else you would be useful, nothing more then that. Meaning that we are not partners, you are means to an end and nothing more, do I make my self clear.. Aoife?" he asked and give her a minute to let that go in her head before speaking again "Now then, being we are heading to Nysrda you will need to he wearing one of these." he said before pulling out from a box a two piece slave outfit. Being we will be in the hutt home world you will need to be wearing this at all times while we are there. You might be useful to help convice a hutt to let us enter the ruins I seek." he said to her as he hands her the outfit, he was grining as the though that she would have to please an hut might be fiting. There was something though, as if something buging him to lay off on her and to cut her a little slake but the memeroys of the past kept him doing just that and his hate for the jedi still hangs around him.

(no problem, we all get that some times.)
Aoife's eyes narrowed as he called her his slave...... his slave? She thought, prisoner yes but no ones slave, before he could do a thing she had moved silently from her seat and him pinned down on the desk with slaves outfit in one and and her hand on his chest holding him down. She grinned her hips in to his and looked him deep in the eyes while saying "I am your prisoner yes........" she leaned in close and whispered in his ear "But i am not ones slave! Not the jedi orders.... not you" she moved her hips and pressed her body closer in to his "I a slave to no one" She nibbled on his ear a little and smirked, then before he knew it she was off of him and on the other side of the room undressing to put on the slaves outfit.

She looked over her shoulder at him and smirked agen "I am only doing this because i understand the tactics behind it when it comes to dealing with the huts...." her smirk faded a bit as she continued to say "... but I am no ones slave! I am your prisoner..." she turned her back and continued to remove the rest of her cloths and started to examine how to put on the slave outfit.
He watch her actions as he though she might try to hit him, really he wanted her to so he have a chance to hit her back but insteed she pined him to the desk, that got him by surprized. His hand started to charge with froce energy and ready to send a bold of force lighting at her but her other actions stoped him and how she talked well... it turned him on. For some odd reason he wanted to take a hold of her and fuck her where she stood. His heart was racing while the force energy vaded form his hand, how is it she could get him this turned on by just being this close? A jedi wouldn't do such things, could they?

He wanted to say something but couldn't, normaly he wouldn't be this kind to a jedi, though after seeing her geting naked infront of him he couldn't help himself but wanting to tease her. He walk up behind her and then bring his hands over and cup her breasts only to pull her against his chest. His thrumb and mid fingers of each other lightly pinch her nipples "Oh really? So you understand that a hutt might want to have his way with you would you be ready to do something like that, willing to for that matter? And why are you against being thought as of a slave or was that due to something of your past?" he asked her.
The moment his hands touched her breast she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, when he pinched her nipples she bit her lip and leaned in to him saying "If that is what needs to be done to insure we get what we need then........ yes, I'd do it....." She dropped the slave's outfit that was in her hand and reached reached up and touched his face gently and continued to speak "as for willing to do it... not really willing as obligated if i have to.. no...." She reached around with her other hand and grabbed his ass, giving it a light squeeze and pulled him even closer to her saying "what I am willing and ready for is whats going threw your mind this very minute..." she looked up in to his eyes, her face started to blush as she realized how badly she really wanted him, she had no idea why, just that he did turn her on in ways she had never expected, she knew this was wrong, he was a sith and she knew she shouldn't be wanting this but she did, she wanted it more then shes wanted anything in her life.

With her hand that was touching his face, she looked him deep in the eyes and said ".. and as for my past...... its exactly that..... my past.." She started to lean in close to his face like something was pulling her to him saying "and i thought you didn't care to know about my past...." She couldn't fight it anymore, this feeling over whelmed her and she slid her fingers threw his hair to the back of his head and pulled him to her, locking lips and kissing him deeply.
He couldn't understand it, he should have been pushing her away and froce himself onto her but insteed he felt as if he's leting her do as she wish. Feeling her hand on his face while her other one his ass only to give it a light squeeze but that got him more turned on. She would feel his cock forming a tent in his pants and lighting poking her ass. Looking deep in her eyes he felt such lust and need like never before. Kaless had a feeling she was going though the same thing and nether understood why they feel like this to each other. He said nothing and let her pull him to her for the kiss, part of him said this was wrong and that he should be slaping the shit out of this jedi bitch. However he couldn't stop and indeed wanted this.

"I.. I don't but if your going to be willing to be a good girl then I at lest need to know a little bit about you." he said though it was odd even coming from him. Still he didn't want this to stop so he kiss her lips this time and he slide his tongue to play with her own. One of his hands slide down between her legs and start rubing her pussy lips.
The moment his fingers touched her pussy she let out a soft moan in to his mouth as he kissed her, she took a deep breath and kissed him back harder and leaned in to him. She started to move her hips in a circular motion grinding her ass against his hard cock, the moment she felt it poke her, she moaned deeply in to his mouth as she kissed him. Why did this feel so good? she thought to her self as she kissed him, the more he touched her, the more it drove her mad with passion. It felt so wrong but yet so right all at the same time, something inside of her pushed her for more, she wasn't in the mood for talking so she continued to kiss him with more and more passion.

After a minute she couldn't take it anymore and lost all control, she spun around in his arms her lips still locked to his and pushed him back a few steps in to the desk and pressed her body against his, her lips never braking contact, she slowly started to undue his pants, this feeling inside of her getting stronger, pulling her to him, she couldn't fight it any more and reached underneath his pants and griped his cock in her hand and started gently stroking it, moaning in to his mouth as she felt how hard he was getting and felt herself dripping wet with pleasure and lust.
Dammit he couldn't stop after after she move her self to where she have him up against a desk. He couldn't keep his mind from hating her, she's a jedi and he shouldn't let her push him like this, hell she shouldn't be doing this to him anyways. Jedi's normaly against things like this, unless that first time he fucked her some how wanting to be like this. In ether case he didn't break the kiss as she held it for a good while, even while her hands moved to his cock he didn't let her go. His hands on how her hips and pressing more onto him.

Kaless's cock was already hard as stone and ready to be use at anytime, after a few minutes of her rubing his cock he had to let go for her kiss just so he can catch his breath. He could tell she was already every wet and looks to be ready as well. He couldn't take it anymore so he pushed her up against the wall before he took everything off and now infront of her naked. Having her up against the wall he slide his hands onto her hips before kissing her lips once more while his cock slide between her legs only to have it slide across her pussy lips but not in her as of yet.
As he pushed her against the wall she smiled at him liking how rough it was betting, oddly enuf it was turning her on even more and as he striped off his cloths she bit her lip with excitement. When his lips toughed her agen she moaned and leaned in to it and the moment she felt his cock touch her pussy, she let out a small grone biting his lip playfully.

She should be hating this, hating him, but the more he touched her the more she wanted. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him harder with more passion, bring one leg up and wrapping it around his hip, bringing him even closer to her, feeling his heat against her body, she moaned agen.
Kaless couldn't hold himself anymore, he aline his cock and let the tip hit against her pussy lips. He took one hand on the leg that was already warped around and then he quickly lift the other and have it against his help as well. In doing this she would slide down his hard cock, when that happen he couldn't help but give a loud grone for she was still tight like before. "How, how are you geting me like this? Is it some sort of new skill? I thought the Jedi was against things like this." he said almost in a whisper.
As he brought up her other leg and she slid down on to his hard cock, feeling it go in, Aiofe let out a loud grown along with Kaless and arched her back, pressing her breast aganst him. "No skills...... never been with anyone before....." she started to breath heavy as she could feel his cock go deeper, ".. they say it wrong to like this... I'm not suppose to" she started to move her hips, her pussy wanting more "... i can see why..." she trusted hard pushing him all the way in and moneing loudly "... it feels soo.... fucking.... good!" She bit her lip and looked him in the eyes agen with lust saying "Its all i can think of now..." she leaned in and kissed him agen.
"Heh your telling me all you Jedi are a bunch of virgins? The way you guys act you might as well be droids and nothing more." he told her as he thrust himself in and out of her. Each thrust would hit her womb and he could feel it as well. He grins as he looked into her eyes she was so far into lust she might just do anything for his cock which gave him an idea, if sex was the key to keep her in his contorl then he would give it to her. Yet it seems that was easy anyhow, he would have his way until he felt he had enough of her and move out for another woman but still... he wasn't sure if he wanted another woman. His lust was clouding his mind and the pleasure felt too good to think about anything else.

Kaless then thought of something and grin on the idea, he use the force to make it feel like another pair of hands were coming from behind her and take hold of them, squeezing them like he did before and pinching her very niples. mean while she would feel as if another cock was also apon her but this one would feel going in her ass. As he gave a thrust in her pussy his force cock went in at the same time. He get his lips close to her ear as his hips kept moving "how much longer you think you can handle dark elf?" he asked her before he went ahead and nible on her pointed tipe ear.
She moaned and moaned as she could feel him deep in side of her, entering her very womb, it was so much pleasure, more then she had ever had. Her body tensed up the minute she felt another pare of hands playing with her breasts and the moment she felt his force cock on her ass she bit her lip and groaned knowing what was about to happen, as soon has his force cock entered her from behind at the same time as his real cock trusted from in front, she let out a loud scream of pleasure and slightly giggled at the same time "This is new....." she panted, leaning in to his ear and wisperd her response to his question "The real question is.......... how long can you last?" she nibbled on his ear and then started to kiss his neck, moving her hips with his, moaning loudly as she could feel his cock's enter her from both ends and his force hand playing with her breasts, it was lot to handle and she was enjoying every second of it, she was close to cumming but she didn't want to just yet, she wanted to prolong this pleasure as long as she could.
That was the qustion, how long can he hold out? Being how tight she is and how he was enjoying the sounds of her moans while thrusting himself balls deep into her. He couldn't hold much longer but he wouldn't cum until she did or trying to at the very lest. Hes the one in charge, not her even if she is a woman who is giving him dame good pleasure. "I'm a sith, I can out last you any time!" he said though only half of that was a lie. He wasn't sure how much longer he could last with woman like this but he wouldn't lighten up either. Kaless thrust hard and fast on her with both his cock and his force one, his force hands pinching her niples hard now to help give more wave's of pleasure into her. However he couldn't hold himself anymore, so after one final thrust in her he gave out a loud gron and shot his seed deep within her.
As he thrusts in to her from both ends, she smirked as he said he could last longer then her and wisperd back "We will see who out last who..." She held him closer as he continued to thrust in to her with all he had, and play with her nipples, she was holding back her climax till the very end, moaning louder and louder the more he pounded in to her, it felt so good, too good, the moment she felt his seed fill her up agen she let out a loud gron and tensed up as tight as she could and kissed him hard, moning loudly in to his mouth agen from her own climax.

After she stayed rapped around him for a few minutes and started to kiss his neck, she agen didn't know why she felt like this, about him, a sith. She tried to fight these feelings but something inside of her drew her to him, and only made her want more. She kissed his neck agen and nibbled his ear whispering "I really hope your not done yet..... cuz I'm almost ready for another round" she giggled softly as she continued to kiss his neck, while still holding him close to her.
(Sorry if I kept you waiting, forgot to sign out earlyer.)

He was patting as she told her she wanted more, dame he gave her one hell of a fuck and she still want to keep going? She's starting to be more his pleasure slave then a prisoner though he really couldn't help but enjoy it ether way. "Your such a slut but... I will say you are a good fuck." he said though at this time his force cock and hands were gone sense when he came he let go of useing that energy. He wanted more as well but part of him said that he had to push her back, the tast he needs to do next he would have to do soo but then again the sith lord really didn't have to worry about it until after three days. In that time he could play with her and have his way with her. "How about we take this in the cell room." he said before he start carrying her back to her cell room while she would be holding on to him. Once in her cell room he slays on the bed with her on top of her, this time he would let her have a little fun "Well then, if your pussy is hungry for my cock then start riding it." he told her.
(No worry ^_^ i do that all the time .... bad habit)

As he carried her back to her cell, she giggled lightly, she was in a way kind of having fun. She didn't want to like this but she just couldn't help herself, something about this man brought out a side in her she had no idea was there, not a dark side but a deviant one, a side to her that just wanted to keep challenging him over and over. She should have hated this man, the man that has her prisoner and the one that took her virginity by force, but she couldn't, in fact she found herself entranced by him, captivated by him and turned on to no hell by his very touch.

As he layed down on the bed with her, she looked over his face agen and then deep in to his eyes, she looked in to his eyes for a minute then smiled, not saying a word she sat up straght and slide his cock back in to her and started to thrust back and forth, holding him down were he was. She bit her lip and moaned loudly, breathing hard as she trusted faster and harder, looking him in the eyes the whole time with a lustful smile.
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