Guided By the Force (Zellsantal and Scanthach)

He gave a nice slap on her smooth olive colored ass as he was pin by her and feeling her riding him as if there is no tomorrow. He eyes didn't leave hers as they watch each other as if they were seeing who would blink first. Kaless's anger seem to be forgotten as he made love with this jedi, he would tell she was different then others he met, she have a fire that he never seen before and that alone he believes why he couldn't say no to having sex with her. It almost made him wounder if all jedis was like the one in past. He push the thought away for he he wasn't here to think about the past but rather the pleasure hes getting from her. The rate they are going they will end up passing out after this round, which be alright by him. As of right now he id holding off long as posable until either she cums or he couldn't hold back any longer.
As he slapped her ass she gave a playful moaning giggle, not braking eye contact, she moved her hips back and forth biting her lip as she felt him deep inside of her, moaning agen. As she looked him in the eyes she realized that she was his, something inside of her told her that she was always his, the force had guided her to him and that this was meant to be. She started to question everything she was told but quickly pushed that aside as she wanted to focus on the present, on him. Any and all negative feeling she had felt for him washed away as she still continued to looked him in the eyes and realized that he was making love to her, she smiled softly and leaned down, kissing him deeply and thrusting harder, she couldn't hold back any longer and her eyes roll in to the back of her head as she started to cum and moaned deeply in to mouth, her body twitching with the pleasure of her climax.
At the moment she was coming he grip her hips and push her down as he raise his hip up with a thrust. Kaless gave a loud moan as he once more came inside her, his seed could be felt going into her womb. He held her for a little while until he empty his ball sack, afterwords he leg go and fell lemp on the bed breathing hard. He came a few times in her already and wounder if she will get pregent after all the fucking they did. He would worry about that later, right now he need to rest and he's guessing so dose she. He would sleep with her just his time sense if she did try to escape he would able to deal with her.
As he came inside of her agen and she felt his seed enter her womb, it triggered another small orgazim to run threw her and she let out a moan of pleasure. She kissed his neck as he held her close while he finished and the minute he collapsed, she to laid there limp on top of him, still kissing his neck she wisperd teasingly "I think that was a tie, wouldn't you say?" She laid her head down on his chest and cuddled up to him, almost purring lightly. It started crossed her mind that with all the times he had filled her womb with his seed if she was pregnant, she would worry later, right now she needed to rest, that took a lot out of her, she should have thought about escaping but she didn't, she didn't want to leave his side, she felt strangely..... happy. She sighed contently in to his chest and gave him a little squeeze and fell asleep hugging him with a small smile on her face.
Kaless felt her lay on top of him and pass out on top of him as well, he move a blankit over their naked bodys before he himself start falling asleep with his an arm around her.

Aoife would see her younger self of a teenager, just learning to use the force and being trained but her first master named Shin. Shin was a male blue skined twi'lek, he stood tall and well trained body even if he was old enough to be her granfather. She learned much from her first master, he even saved her from the slave pins of a hutt and thats when they first met. They done much together as if almost a father and daughter kinda thing, that was until a few years go a sith killed him. She wasn't with him at the time when it happen, rather they were both on differect planets on their own missions. She finds out that the Jedi masters knew who did it but would not tell her for the soul fact that might lead Aoife to the darkside and they didn't want Shin's best student to go that path.

As she was her younger self it went to an old memory, metting a young man her age named Rion. He tryed to impressed her, even showed her an cave he goes in every so often even though he was told not to. Rion showed her what looked to be an odd door which she finds out by her master that it was made by force users but couldn't figure out what it was. Shin have fallowed them at that time as he sense something here in the cave, he told the two of of them to leave so he could get a better look of this door without geting any of them harmed if something went wrong.

In a flash she would see that it was another time it seems as she have watch Shin fighting a sith. There were two of them but one stood away and only watch with his hands behind his back. This sith was coverd in light armor and his face coverd with a mask. the other in dark black robes with his hood covering his head and face. At the end however Shin was on the ground with lightsaber cut apart from his hand with the red blade close to his neck. "Any last words jedi... before I kill you for your crimes?" the hooded man asked. "You know not what fully happen that day... but one day you will find out and relize what you've done." Shin said in reply. "I saw what you done, you didn't help them but killed them you basterd! Now let death deal with your foolish soul!" the hooded man cried out just before cuting Shin's head off.

(In that moment She would wake up from a dream)
As Aiofe laid there asleep on Kaless, she began to twitch lightly in her sleep, as the dream kept switching old memories, she began to mumble and whimper in her sleep. When it switched to her old masters death, tears began to seep out of her closed eyes and she began to twitch even more, whimpering louder now as she slept. Her hands dung in deep to the bed and pined Kaless underneath her for a minute as the room shook with a light rumble, this was not an uncommon occurrence, in fact it happen more often when the dream came and took over her subconscious, she had no control and for the whole minute could not be awoken.

When the dream finely ended and she did wake up, she jumped up out of the bed almost screaming and fell in to the one corner of the cell, her eyes glazed over, her mind stunned and confused. She sat there curled in the corner holding her hands out like she was being attacked staring at the floor, eyes glazed and tears running down her cheeks, she started breathing hard and blinked before putting down her hands and looked up at Kaless, tears still running down her eyes and temporarily unable to speak.
At the moment that Aiofe screem the sith lord quickly jumped off the bed and felt to the side of it only to hit the ground. He quickly charge his left hand with force lighting ready to fire at anything and anyone he thought would be a threat. He quickly look around the room only to see Aiofe at the corner with tears in her eyes and her skin a bit pale as well as if seen something out of pure horror. 'What the hell?' he thought to himself as he start to calm down, he was glade that he wasn't being underattacked though if he was Sparten would have said something. "Whats wrong, what got you so scared?" he asked though he figure she might have had a nightmare of some sort or maybe the froce showed her something.
Aiofe sat there trembling from what she had seen, shaking her head still confused and spoke in almost a whisper "why? ...... why would it show me that...... it.... it can't be... true" she looked over at Kaless, her eyes still seamed glazed over "... the force can be.... cruel at times.... showing me things i don't want to see...." she curled up in a ball, hugging her knees and wisperd "... things i didn't want to know..." she began to cry agen uncontrollably, trying to push the dream out of her head she closed her eyes tightly and took a deep breath trying to stop her sobs. She took a few more deep breaths in and out and then opend her eyes, looked back over at Kaless and spoke in a whisper agen "Has the force ever showed you things you didn't ever want to see?" she has a strange blank look on her face for a second then it turned to sadness.
So the force show her a nightmare or something else as she put it 'didn't want to see'. In some way he did felt sorry for her, though he didn't know much about her past other then being a slave but still she is right on one thing, the force can be cruel at times and thats the only thing they would agree one at the moment. "About a few times a week for the past ten years even after I killed the jedi that killed my family. I would see it over and over again and only a few times its a different dream. Part of the price for useing the darkside I guess, either way I've learn to deal with it." he said as he got closer to her and lower himself to her level. "What did it showed you?" he asked her.
She squinted for a minute trying to remember what she had all seen in her dream and then started to speak slowly "A seen parts of my child hood........ after my old master saved me right shortly after my patients dyed... i was 12... just started learning the force..." she closed her eyes trying harder to remember what she had seen and spoke softer "It showed an old memory of this old door.... a rather odd looking one... my old master told me to leave while he investigated it... i.... i don't remember anything after that....and then it showed me something i know i was not there to remember..... something i could have stopped if i was there!..." tears started to fall from her eyes agen as she opend them back up and looked Kaless in the eyes saying "... it showed me my old dear master's death....... his murder!.." she looked down at the floor still crying ".... by a sith.." she wisperd quietly.
He wasn't sure what to do really, he seen childen cry all the time for many things but a jedi like her? "Let me guess the jedi masters didn't want you to find this sith to get your revenge. If that is the case it's what I said before, they might as well be driods to lock away there feelings and emotions. But I'm sure your master wouldn't want you to cry over his death but rather to move on, maybe the froce is trying to help you do just that and maybe helping find the killer you seek." he told her. It was better saying it that way then how he would have said normaly which was to deal with it becuse shes a jedi. Still it would feel to harsh on her, maybe he was starting to feel more sorry for her then he should. In ether case he hope that would at lest help her feel better.
She slowly nodded at Kaless still looking him in the eyes "They would not tell me no matter how much i pleaded with them, they said it was for my own good, that i didn't need to know..." she nodded saying "maybe this is something i needed to know..... your right!" she leaned forward a little bit still looking him deep in the eyes "The force is trying to tell me to move on and find the killer and its telling me to stay with you! That with you i just may find all the answers i seek!" she smiled softly she realized that he was actually trying to make her feel better and oddly it was working.

She looked him deeply in the eyes for another minute smiling and then leaned in the rest of the way towards him and gave him a tender kiss and then pulled him in to a hug whispering "thank you.... it has been years sins his death and it is time to move on, its just having seen his death after this whole time is hard......" she squeezed him lightly and barred her face in to his neck, breathing slowly, taking in his sent and sighing lightly.
Kaless blinked as he heard what she was saying, putting that way did made some sense to him though how she suddenly felt better was new to him. Though his training even when he did try to help one of his fellow sith they seem to not care either way and just move on then later find out that they died shortly after. This however was the other way around and the feeling of how she held him was.... different. It felt very nice and wanting as well. Though they were still naked it did in fact felt good to hold her like this "um your welcome." he said. "My lord we have reach Nar Shaddaa and should I find us a landing port?" Sparten asked on the ships inner comlink "Yes Sparten, take as in, we should be ready to depart once we land." Kaless said in reply though didn't let go of her just yet "As much as I want to go another round with you I to belive work comes before pleasure, so go and get that outfit on and the sooner we get done with this the sooner we can get out of this hutt world."
Aiofe nodded still holding Kaless close for a minute, she couldn't explain it but she felt strangely better as he held her close. She kissed him tenderly on the lips before she stood and walked over to the bed, she bent over and picked up the sheet that fell on the floor and wrapped it around her. She smirked to herself wanting to see if she could test him once agen, she loosened the sheet around her back and let it slide down gently looking over her shoulder at Kaless and said softly with a smirk "You sher we don't have time for a quicky?" she had no idea as to why she was acting like this, just that she wanted to and liked it, liked teasing him, it was becoming fun and she wasn't going to stop any time soon.
Oh she was a teas alright, trying to ask for a quickly fuck just before the work they have to get done. He couldn't help but smirk back at her "You know I would but really finding the ruins have to come first, if we keep on staying on the ship like this well we would never get anything done." he said before he rose up. However maybe later today we can have more fun for out selfs. " he said once more though he didn't relize he just been nice to her without giving her a hard time. Ether he was geting soft or something more about this dark elf then he knew. Ether case he wounders if her outfite will keep his mind on his mission or would he end up doing her on the way?

(sorry for the short post, half awake here lol, will post a better one next time)
She continued to smirk at him over her shoulder and then gave a little shrug "your right.... there is a lot of work a head of us, there should be plenty of time after were done" she turned around and walked towards him still with the sheet wrapped around her "I guess I'll go get ready then..... if your not really in the mood.." she gave him another little smirk as she walked past him and to the cell door, she looked over her shoulder back at him and gave him one last smirk before going and getting ready for what was a head.

She wondered as she got the outfit on if he would at some point give in and she was thinking of ways to test him more and more, every chance she got, she had no idea why she wanted to just that she was driven to deep down, she smirked at her self as she was thinking this and quickly shook her head agen trying to clear her mind off all thews dirty little thoughts and focus on the task a head of them both, it could get dangerous and she needed to be focused if she could not use her force powers to help her, she needed her mind and her wits.
Dammit that woman is going to make him into too horny for his own good, he wished she was a sith more so, at lest then he wouldn't treat her like shes his slave. Kaless took a deep breath and calm himself as well. As he said before they had some work to do and afterwords he would have his way with her again, and yet she would enjoy it as well. He was starting to like this dark elf and it only been a few days sense she came on his ship, he's still woundering why he haven't killed her and what is it that the force wanted him to do with her? Questions like this is best for another time, for now he needs to worry about geting to those ruins and to do that is to make a deal with a hutt.

After about two hours they have landed the ship, when he seen Aiofe come out with the slave outfit on it was hard for him not to just take her right there. If he felt this way the hutt just might think nothing more then trying to get a piece of her, it pains him that he might have to go that way though he hope it doesn't. They rented a hover car and start driving to met this hutt though he told her who it was "This hutt we are metting is Naga the hutt, what we have to do is some how persuade him to look at some ruins that is within his lands. If it's money he wants that would make things much easyer, if it's something else however that might be a problem." he said to her.
All the color drained from her face as Kaless named the hutt that they were going to, she trembled lightly and blinked quickly a few times, fighting back some of her child hood memories, she already knew this hutt "Na.. Naga..." she said white in the face. She bit her lip with a worried look and looked away, curling up in her seat, the wind streaking threw her hair making it blow in all detections around her.

As she listened to him tell her the rest, she began to bight her nails in a nerves manner and then looked over at him with a questioning look "what do you mean if its other things that might pose a problem? I thought that's why you needed me? to get him to do what you want....." she looked at him more closely with course eyes "is there something your not telling me...... or maybe...... something you might want to say before we get any further..." she had leaned in a little closer to him trying to get a good look at his face, wondering what was going threw this mind.
Kaless was in the front so he didn't see her reaction about Naga though hearing her question it would be reasonable for her to ask what else might be in their way. "I'm not the only Sith interested in the ruins so others might able to make better offers then I can, Naga might have me go off and take out some street punks that been giving him a hard time. It really all depens and for hutts you never know what goes though those worm's mind." he told her before looking back at her and notice she seem nerves or something "is everything alright, you looked as your about to go though hell or something." he said though he waited for a reply.
She looked at him for a minute, wondering if he really did care if this was going to torture her or if he was going to enjoy it more if she said anything, she shook her head and replayed "its just....... its...... its nothing" she leaned back in her seat and continued to look over at him still wondering if he would care or not and wondering of Naga would remember her, she was only one out of thousands of slaves he had and she way very young, its nothing to worry about she thought to herself, taking a deep breath and sought to try and change the subject "What if we come across these other sith? do you think they will try anything? Should you be needing my help?"
Though Kaless did brought her light saber with him but it was mainly another one for himself if needed. "I woun't need your help in any type of combat, I mean I did beat you and on top of that I have Sparten who is programed in slight saber combat along with useing other weapons as well. As for the other sith oh I am beting on it, if they want to make a deal with me we might able to do that but more likely they would just try to back stabe us right after. Thats part of being a sith, you have to watch your own ass and get head of the rest of them if you want to live long enough to see the next day." He said in reply while the hover car started to land at a plateform.
She snickerd and mumbled under her breath "Cocky jurk..." then shook her head "that's insane, how do any of the sith think to survive if they keep killing each other! that is what makes me different from them, i stay true to my words!" she slumped back in to her seat and watched as they pulled on to the landing platform, thinking to herself how glad she is to be a jedi and not a sith, how she could never think of going back on a work when she gives it, betrayal was just not in her nature, she mumbled hoping he would hear it "... i would never betray you.... even if you are a sith."
"Thats the name fo the game, only the strongest survives and thats the sith way. Its how we weed out the weak, if your not strong enough to survive your not fit to live a t all. As for not betraying me thats yet to be seen, I don't trust anyone, more so to jedis. However if you do try to get away or kill me in any point of time your neck will blow along with your head." he told her more of a warning then anything else. Part of him didn't like this but then again live itself there's many things not to like, if he had the power he would rid hutts and all those that cuased so much harm in the galaxy. Once the hover car was on the ground he then gets out of it and waited for the others to do the same. They were infront what looked to be a slave markit as cells are in front of the place with slaves already out and waiting to bought, to his surprize however he notice a lot of them are dark elfs. He wounder if bringing Aoife here was a good idea but it was too late to turn back down.
Aiofe got out of the hover car slowly looking at all the slaves with a frown, she shivered at her memories agen and quickly moved beside Kaless and hugged his arm, slightly trembling with fear, she could not contain it any longer, being here was bringing back old memories she tried so hard to forget and put behind her. She when she noticed that most of them were of her kind, her fingers tightened around Kalesses arm with one hand while her other slid down to his and held his hand tight. This was a place she did not want to be but if she wanted to find the answers they seek then she needs to find her carriage and face some of her biggest fears. She looked up at Kaless fighting back tears of fear and smiled weakly "Lets do this.... and if anyone asks.... I am your slave and only your slave, I'm not for sale." she tighten her hand in his, took a deep breath and continued to smiled up at him weakly.
He could sense her fear which fear is part of the darkside. She must be turning if she fear this place this much, he belive it was because of all the dark elfs around. He felt her hand on to his and at first was going to just push it away but yet it felt wrong to just put her down like that. It was hard to keep his feelings in check as of late and wasn't sure how being with this woman was different then others but still he would play along with it. Maybe he would give her a hard time later once they get done talking to the hutt. Kaless said nothing to her but just push forword though didn't let go of her hand as of yet.

Once inside of the building gaurds could be seen everywhere with high rating armor and weapons to back them up. Even a sith would have a hard time facing all these odds alone, with this he had to say this hutt knew what he was doing but then again which hutt wouldn't if there all crime lords. Kaless looked at a set of doors with three gaurds at the door which he believes is were they need to go. He went to the gaurds and said his name and that he was being exspected. The gaurds called it in and in a few minutes they open the door for them to move though. Once though they came to a large room were in the very back of it lay a large fat hutt with some sort of pipe at hand and laying on one of his hover beds. In front of them lay two female slaves that are ether for sex or for show at the very most and both were indeed dark elfs. "Your a little early sith lord but I like that, it shows your egear." Naga said in his huttes language. "Thank you, I am always egear for knowledge great Naga." Kaless said in reply. "Yes, you sith always looking for old things that could help you become more powerful. I see you got one of my slaves as well." he said as he looked at Aiofe "though I dont think I remeber her, she is a looker for her kind as you can tell I have a thing for dark elfs." Naga said. Kaless looked over at Aiofe "I didn't get her here I'm afraid, I found this one and made her my own slave." he said before looking back at the hutt. Naga laughed "dame you are a lucky one then, she is indeed a looker, tell me are you willing to sell her? I would pay you a good price for one as she." the hutt said as he waited for a reply. Kaless only chuckles "for a hutt to ask to buy a slave from me, now thats a new one. As much as that offer is I'm afraid I have to say no. This one have been giving me some good... times in bed and I rather not give that up, I'm sure you understand." . The hutt nodded "I can't say i blame you but if you change you mind please by all means let me know. Now then as for the ruins.." The hutt was saying before taking a deep puff on his pipe.

"Though you got hear early I am afraid it is off limets right now, been having some.. troubles in the area." Naga said. Kaless knew something like this would come up, more likely the hutt wanted him to take care of this 'problem' of his. "Really, is it that bad that your mean who seem to be armed to the teeth can't handle?" he asked and at that moment the guard in the room looked at the sith lord as if they wanted to shoot him. "You could say it is, you see a small gang have some how got into the ruins and being I dont want any harm done to it my men are having a hard time not shooting anything that might harm its value and I'm sure you understand that." Naga said. Kaless blink in surprized as he did see the hutt's point and that could be a problem. "Then let me handle it, I'm sure I can get them to see reason enough to move on. In doing so would you let me enter the ruins?" he asked. "That seem a fair trade but there is one little thing.." Naga was saying but some one else in the shadows came in view "Which is that I got here before you and giving the same offer." said a female voice just behind them. Kaless only grins as he knew who it was "it been a long time, Tamra." he said as he turned around. There stood a human woman with blood red hair, jade green eyes and dark tansh skin. She wore some light sith armor with a black robe over it. She is in her own right a very fine looking woman even for a human, in some ways her body almost looked like Aiofe, well build body with the right curves and a nice size breast to match.
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