Overneath the Path of Misinterpretation (Alvis Alendran&Malicious Lullaby)

"Fuckin' 'ell, I'm..." James cursed out between groans. Aaron panted, and then his eyes half rolled up as Esther started coming, tightening on both cocks. Aaron lost it first, shooting up into her ass. James, he had another idea. He shifted his hips way back, popping out of her, and rubbing himself along her sex, bumping along her clit, and coming. The shots landed on her stomach, on her still braclad breasts, and one shot on her neck. Both men were panting, and Aaron pulled himself out of her. They all half staggered over to teh coach, and collapsed.
"Not bad James." Aaron gasped.
"You too ya git." The Birt agreed. Aaron kissed Esther hard and full, and then let James do the same.
"And you Esther..."
"Fuckin' spectacular girl." Both men relaxed on teh couch, and fell into a light doze.

Harrison grinned as Amy came hard enough he thought she might lose her mind completely. He scream as she bit down on him made him grin. When the aftershocks of it all finally quieted. Harrison lifted her up to kiss her again, before rolling them over, and sliding himself out of her. He still tucked her up beside himpulled to his front. He leaned forward and bit her ear lightly.
"Take a breather." He whispered to her, feeling largely spent himself for the moment.
Oh, it was so good. Too good. First in her ass and then all over her. Well, James would pay for that later but it didn’t mean she didn’t take pleasure in it. It was all so sexy, dirty and naughty. Esther felt like she was releasing years of inhibitions and the good girl act. It was the best therapy ever and well, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel attractive. Not that she needed a bunch of guys porking her to feel attractive. It still felt good though.
Sitting back on the couch, she felt highly uncomfortable and her bottom stung. She kissed both men in return with what little passion she had left and as they shared their compliments before dozing off, she looked at them both. Good lord, she needed a shower.

Standing, a small wince crossed her face and she pulled her shoes off and socks. Undoing her bra, she let it fall to the ground before going to find a shower. And she found one. Well, she felt she could indulge and take a nice warm shower. Once the water was nice and hot, Esther stepped in and let the hot water rain down over her nude body. Her hands moved up to wash over her face and then further down, effectively washing the cum off of her body. Her body still tingled and sizzled with the afterglow of sex and orgasm. What a day!

Amy did lose her mind a little bit. She kind of forgot who she was all until Harrison brought her back down to Earth and nestled her to his body, her back to his front. Her eyes closed and she nodded. “Good deal.” She whispered before she soon fell into a nice little napping slumber, her hand over his arm that draped around her. She felt so good but she was also so tired. Two orgasms back to back, both incredibly intense ones? Yeah, she’d need a good nap especially if there was more. But man, she had never had better sex than with Harrison Trenton. He was a real catch.
James swat Aaron, bringing them both to a semblance of wakefulness.
"Gonna take this one." James said, pointing to the bathroom, with the running shower.
"Knock yourself out. Limey Cockbite." Aaron drawled. James winced.
"Don' say shit like tha. Make me not wanna go in there...." He stared at Aaron's smirk. "Clever fuckin' git.." James muttered, making his way to the bathroom. The shower was a simple stall, a box of glass with a door on it. Of course, the door had broken a year back, and James had never bothered fixing it. So when he looked inside, he saw Ether having her shower. And oh, did that ever get him back to full attention. With a grin he walked into teh bathroom, and pushed the door shut.

He advanced on her calmly, making sure she could see him coming. Gods, she had a real look to her like that, stark naked and with the hot water pouring down her. He gave her a cocky grin, one she might recognize on him. He advanced, bringing her to the wall, and pressing her back to it. The water poured over them as he kissed her, bringing his hands to her shoulders, pressing her hard into teh wall for a moment. The he smiled, adn grabbed her hands, putting them overtop her head, while his other hand lifted one of her legs. He winked at her, beofre pushing his cock inot her again. And it was still every bit as good as he remembered it. He started out a little slow, leaning forward to drag a few teeth along her ear before nipping at it, beofre picking up his pace, each thurst enough to cause a slap as their bodies came together.
Her hands moved into her hair and her chin tilted up, letting the hot spray of water rain down on her face. God, that felt divine but it did nothing to sate her libido. No, not even the many sex sessions she was going through was sating her libido. If anything, it felt like she would be insatiable and that scared her a lot. She always prided herself in having a healthy sexual appetite but right now? She felt like she was seriously bingeing. At least it wasn’t food…

Turning her head just a bit, she saw through the steam James. A grin formed on her face and she watched as the sexy Brit advanced on her. She didn’t move and neither did she turn off the water. But she kept her eyes on him, not to keep her eye on him but to simply watch him. It was sexy. Very sexy at how he walked, looking at her. She definitely saw him coming alright. Soon feeling the cool tile against her warm back, a stark contrast, she looked up at him and her hands moved up his sides as she tipped her chin back to kiss him with a heated passion. She thought she could have passed out with them as well but she wouldn’t have been comfortable. Not that she needed to be clean. It was an Esther thing. Had always been. No real way to explain it. Right now though, she could go for another round, or five. Could someone die from too much sex?

Those thoughts dispelled away from her mind when she felt her arms above her head. Her back arched a bit and she let out a soft sigh, her breathing hitching for a moment mid-exhale before a soft moan came from her. There he was, back inside of her again. She was still so wet and so ready for him. Incredibly sensitive feeling but that added to the bang. Her head tilted back as the thrusts began to really hit hard, their skin slapping together. It was a stimulating sound as much as it was a stimulating feeling and she couldn’t stop her moans. It was a natural inclination to try and pull her hands from his hold on them but that was just because it was a natural inclination to hold onto him as he ravaged her. Like he was doing now. Shower sex officially ticked off of her fantasy list of places to have sex.
James could only grin as he had his way with Esther, and she seemed to be loving him for it. Which was perfectly fine by him. He felt her pulling at his hands, trying to get them down, but he didn't relent. She was a handful, in all of the right ways. He held the lobe of her ear in his teeth amoment, before whispering to her.
"Don' miss tha show lass." He whispered. "Far wall." In the direction of his words was a large, full length mirror that was likely positioned for exactly this. Esther would be able to see James fucking her hard from the other side, be able to see her hands over her head, her own face as she reacted to what he was doing to her.

James ground his hips into her, a part of him noting the marks on her shoudlers that looked like she'd been bitten. Sweet Esther seemed to have been a very naughty girl lately. The hot water made the sounds of their bodies colliding louder than otherwsie, but it was exactly what James had been hoping. The sound of it, the feel of it, knowing that she could watched what he was doing to her....it was all a grand mess of erotic passion for him. He wished he had a free hand but he'd have to drop her leg, or let her hands go, adn he wouldn't do either of those.
Shivers. That’s what she felt. Shivers! More than she was currently feeling right now when he whispered. See, James had this really sexy voice with a really sexy accent all on his own. When he whispered? It was deep and gravelly and a direct hotline to her pussy. Still, her eyes opened and she turned her head and gasped at the sight of James ravaging this girl she hardly recognized as herself. Her cheeks turned even more red, her skin already so flushed but she couldn’t take her eyes off the sight. It was so sexy. Her lips parted, the little rock of her body into the wall each time he thrust and just the fact he had total control and power of her because he held her hands up above her head. The very sight alone brought her closer and she finally tore her gaze from it to look at him. “Kiss me.” Esther moaned, leaning her face into his, her lips so close to him. “Kiss me James. Or fuck me like you mean it. Is this the best you got?”
James had to admit he wasn't overly surprised at Esther's comment. She'd been a saucy thing even before when he'd met her. And now, like this, how could he be surprised. He resolved to do both really. He kissed her fiercely, thorwing all he had into it, wondering if she'd flick her eyes to watch the two of them make out in the mirror. At the same time he started backing out of her enough that he was risking popping out, but it gave him more time to build momentum between strokes, each on actually jarring Esther a little, bouncing her from her foot flat on the ground, to the ball of her foot.

Aaron blinked himself to wakefulness, hearing the sounds of what was probably some pretty intense sex going on in the bathroom. He looked around the living room, and settled on a small black disc in the corner. He blinked, and got up to look at it. Looked a bit like a...yep, it was a security camera. James was ever a bit paranoid about his place getting robbed. He looked around, adn found a laptop. Flipping it open, he poked around until he found a file marked security. He panned back in the camera footage, finding a particularly fetching point with Esther being dropped onto a pair of cocks. He wondered exactly how she might feel about this. He'd find out before he emailed himself a copy.

James was panting into Esther's mouth, loving the heat that rose around them from both the sex and the hot water. He felt himself start to swell inside of her, knowing he was only moments away from coming inside of her. He didn't break the kiss. It wasn't worth it.
And she got exactly what she desired because of her comment. Not only did he kiss—and kiss him back she did—but he also fucked her harder which she loved. In which the way his cock rapidly thrust in and out of her, so deep that each time it hit the end of her channel, she felt an explosion of pleasure that made her fight a little bit against the fact he kept her hands held up high. She moaned louder even and felt the build up deep in her belly. It was going to be a big swell. A tsunami.

Her lips parted from his but her mouth still lingered to his and she moaned deeply. She was going to cum and it was going to be intense. Granted, all of them had been but it’s just because if it wasn’t being done by her, it was always so intense, that it felt like it was literally rocking her world.
Her walls clenched tightly around James’ cock and she tilted her head back, crying out loudly as the pleasure surged through her. Her body trembled and shook from the inside and it lingered. It would always linger.
With a load, long groan, James came up inside of Esther. Feeling her getting off around his cock was enough for him to just hold, and ride the feelign for a few moments. He spared a glance himself at the mirror, and liked what he saw there. More than a little. But he kissed her again, and then let her leg fall. He slid his cock out of her. He leaned his forehead on hers.
"Much obliged lass. Hafta do it again some time." He breathed out to her. He stepped back from her. "I'll let ya finish. Aaron will be need'n it after ye I think."

Aaron chuckled, looking at the video again, and finding it more than a little hot. There was just something about watching Esther getting drilled from two angles that appealed to him. Man he needed a shower. James emerged, going into another room, and emerging with pants at least.
"Have fun?" Aaron said without looking up.
"Did indeed! She's...bollocks, forgot about tha'." He said looking at what Aaron was watching.
It was a delicious feeling, being filled up with more cum. She never quite fancied it much before but she did fancy the sexy feeling that came with it. And she felt like she was doing something naughty. Really naughty that someone like who taught high school English shouldn’t do. Plus, she felt incredible. She kissed him back and let herself relish the close comfort. It made it feel less like a random hook up. Made her feel less cheap. “Likewise.” She said softly and bit down on her lower lip. “Of course. I’ll be out in a jiff.” She assured him before he went away. She sighed softly and ran her hands over her face and her wet hair. Pushing herself off of the shower wall on wobbly legs, Esther finished her shower and cleaned up where she needed to.

Once she was out, dried and dressed, she used a brush to come her wet hair away and to let it dry on its own before walking out of the bathroom. She walked a little…slower than usual just because every part of her was sore and still buzzing from the excitement of it all. “Forgot about what?” She asked suddenly, hearing them. She walked over to what they were watching, more specifically well, what Aaron was watching and her eyes widened seeing that video. She recognized it. How could she not? That was her in the middle of it getting stuffed with two cocks!

“Delete that. Now. Or so help me, I will do unspeakable things to you both that would make it fucking impossible for either of you to get laid or even pee properly.” Had to hit it where it hurt after all. She didn’t care if it was never released. Just the fact hat it existed was enough to make her worry about her job and career. Because if anyone ever saw that…
Aaron opened his mouth to try and say something that might smooth it over. But James spoke up.
"She's a teacher ya daft wanker." The Birt said firmly. Aaron nodded.
"Right! See, these are thigns I don't know. And can't deal with until I do know them. James, it's your system, deal with it. Aaron stood, adn let the other man move in, and hit a few keys. He purged the space from the memory.
"And it's done. A shame though. Was a right hot thing ta watch." He groused good naturedly. Aaron sighed, adn walked into the washroom. The shower came on again, and he started to get himself clean. It was only sensible when taking a girl in the ass that you make sure you cleaned yourself afterwards.

James leaned back.
"Well lass, if the teachin' doenae pan out for ya, I think I might be able to ta find ye another career." He winked at her as he spoke, fully expecting her response.
Esther narrowed her eyes at Aaron. Oh yeah, she dared him with the evil look in her eyes that clearly said she was not bluffing about her threat to his penis and balls, to try and fight her on this one. “When someone usually says to delete the video or else it’s your penis, that usually stands to not argue unless you really could careless about the precious family jewels.” She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. Not that her mood was ruined. No, but she did want to roll her eyes, laugh or just punch him in the balls for actually thinking she would change her mind or that he could actually change her mind for her.

Once the video was deleted, Esther sat down on the couch and her lips twitched in a bit of a repressed smile to James comment. She rolled her eyes for good measure and shook her head. “Men.” Then she snorted. “Horny men, I should clarify.” She teased.
Aaron emerged after not too long, freshly scrubbed. He smiled at Esther.
"Hate to break it to you, but most of your clothes are still in the car. Might be an awkward walk back out there." He said with a smile.
"Or ye know, ye could get them fer the lass." James pointed out. Aaron cocked an eyebrow.
"So eager for her to be dressed?" James blinked.
"She walks te tha car then!" He looked at Esther again. "Was serious though lass. Ye could make a helluva livin' in that other line o' work. God the body for it, and ye clearly got ta moves fer it." Aaron was keeping a towel around his waist while he walked out of the apartment, adn headed towards the car. His own clothes were largely in the back seat too. Might be hard to do much without them.
Her arms crossed over her chest and she crossed a leg over the other. It was kind of sort of dawning on her that she was really naked. Something about post-orgasmic haze that blinded her from seeing that part. At least she was clean!
Although when Aaron emerged from the bathroom with a towel, a towel she did not even see, her eyes narrowed. And they were both expecting her to go out there naked to get her clothes? Fat chance.

She glared at Aaron and then turned to James, even as he was giving her a compliment. “Well thank you.” She stood up and nodded her head before stopping and looking back at him. “I think?” She laughed softly before she bounded after Aaron. She was right behind him when she swiped his towel. That’s what happens when someone doesn’t watch their back. She draped it around her body and felt largely satisfied. Although what she didn’t really take into consideration was Aaron’s rather lovely derriere being completely naked to her. Esther clutched to the towel around her and cleared her throat.

“That’s um…for not wanting to delete the video.”
Aaron turned around, his cock erect, and looked at her like he couldn't quite believe that she'd done that to him. As she stumblingly apologised in a way for taking it, the best thing Aaron could have hoped for happened. James was behind her, jerking the towel down, adn off of her body, before a hand landed on her ass with a loud clapping sound. He tossed the towel back to Aaron, who reset it around his waist, and left eh apartment, whistling. He was such a goon sometimes. He made sure to cast looks over his shoudler off and on, making sure she could repeat the moment.

The car had all of the clothes in it, and he swiftly got shorts and pants on. He was legally covered now. With a smile, he did start to gather up Esther's clothes. Besides, her in that tank top without a bra might make for a fin view anyway.
N a at him, a little shamefully, a little guiltily but all that went away in a heartbeat. “Hey!” She yelped as her arms came up to cross over her chest to cover it before she was spanked. She made a small ‘Mmff’ as she bit down on her lower lip. So not fair, two against one. Then again, she hadn’t really been complaining a while ago…

“Assholes.” She grumbled as she walked along and to the garage where she found Aaron. She hurried up to him and snatched her clothes from him before dropping them. She picked one article of clothing at a time, putting her clothes on quick. First her panties, then her tank top—as so she was at least covering the vitals—before yanking on her jeans. She opted to leave her sweater off. She was a bit…too hot right now for a sweater even though it was actually pretty nice outside. She felt better now. Not being on display. She might have relished it in the moment but she didn’t want a reason for their eyes to linger. She didn’t want to turn into a tomato!

“So now that we’re all dressed and you guys have officially established you’re total assholes…” She trailed off a little bit. Esther wasn’t entirely sure she was ready to go. It felt like she sort of uncovered lost time from her college days.
James, wearing a pair of pants from his apartmnt strode into the garage. He caught the look on Esther's face.
"Aaron, mebbe we keep her a little more?" He asked. Aaron laughed, and shook his head.
"Geez James! She just nicely got dressed again, and you want to strip her down again?" THe man asked.
"Blame me?"
"No, but I have to get her home. I'm likely in for it as it is! Let me take her home. She's not going to turn into a pumpkin on us." James barked out a laugh.
"Have ta do this again."
"Her place though."
"And spend the whole. Night. On her." James said this last with a grin, stepping towards Esther. Aaron put a hand on his chest, and walked him backwards.
"Hands off her James. Go back inside, will you? Let Esther get home, and we'll be in touch." James did a mock pout, and turned to go.
"Been a blast luv." He shouted to Esther, ambling into his apartment.

Aaron got the car running, got Esther in it with him, and pulled out ontot he road. The Wraith was rolling along smoothly again.
"Well, that was a bit more fun than twenty questions, wouldn't you say?" He asked her with a wink.
She had to admit, there was something amusing and sort of gratifying hearing these two guys go on about her. Aaron talking James out of another round, James talking about another time with her, spending the entire night with her. Her libido jumped at that and she even made a step towards James just because of that comment, even if it was to say goodbye. Aaron stopped them though and she had to frown a little bit. No goodbye kiss?

Waving to James, Esther was ushered into the car and buckled herself up. She glanced to Aaron and noticed just how close they were and the amount of space used. Her libido was screaming again and she wasn’t quite done yet. Besides, both men shared her and James got his own private show with her. What about Aaron? Only fair right?
Goodness, if she kept describing it like that, she’d certainly feel like a porn star and that the video unearthed before deleted was really her porno movie.

Ridding her head of that thought, Esther unbuckled herself and scooted closer to Aaron, turning on her side a little bit, just a little bit and running her right hand over his leg. “Possibly.” She said softly. “But then you did just have to go and ask another question now, didn’t you?” She grinned, leaning in to place soft kisses along his neck, small ones, as her hand moved more in between his legs to find that cock that had been erect the last time she saw it.
Aaron heard her seatbelt unbuckle, heard her sliding across the seat. he was about to turn to her when he felt the warmth of her being close by. He felt her hand on his leg, heard her softly speak. He was about to respond when he felt the soft kisses along his neck. He felt her hand between his legs, and that was enough for him to swell to full hardness very quickly. He kept his breathing controlled, not wanting to do something terrible like wreck the car. He wasn't exactly sure how far she intended to go, but by all the Gods and their mothers,he wasn't going to say anything to slow her down either.

Esther was not what he'd expected. When he'd first got a look at her when she'd arrived at the estate she'd seemed...well, not like this! He'd have never pegged her as having a nearly insatiable drive, never have thought she'd be making a seduction play on him while he was driving her home. He had the thought that it might be something of an effort to not go home with her, and spend the night doing wonderfully terrible things to her. But then, he'd likely be dead for leaving the Wraith out for so long in the middle of the city. Damn it all...
Alas, she found what she was looking for and he was already quite at attention. So, Esther being the very kind woman she was, also realized that if a guy was that hard, it must be painful or could be at least, to stay within tight confines of pants. Naturally, she took pity—and used it as an excuse—as she unzipped his pants and let her hand move inside to pull his cock out, stroking him. Her free hand moved around the back of his neck and she kissed the outer shell of his ear, starting to lightly nibble on his earlobe. “You’re so hard again Aaron.” She purred. “It’d be just downright cruel and sinful to pass that up, don’t you think?” But before he could really respond, Esther pulled back, doing it in such a way that made it seem like she was going to be cruel and sinful to pass him up.

However, with a little bit of space now, she was able to lean down, her head fitting right in between the steering wheel and him and her hand came around to wrap around him, stroking him once more while her tongue came out to lick along him, tasting him. He tasted…clean. Very clean. Which was very good. Considering where his cock had been last…
Esther was unzipping him, her lips at his ear. She was teasing him as she worked! This wasn't even the woman with a few beers that had wanted a round of sex! This felt like an entirely different person. And one that he had to admit he was really enjoying sharing space with. When she started to withdraw, he had the swelling moment of disappointment, before she darted back in. He groaned, his eyes closing a second as her tongue slid across him. He fought the urge to let go of the wheel, shove her head down on him...

Aaron tried to keep his brething steady, keep himself on task, keep tha damned car on the road. They getting into the heavier part of the city, which did force him to slow down. WHich was good really, giving what was happening in his lap at that moment.
"Gods...Esther..." He breathed.
It was so gratifying to hear him enjoy the little things she was already doing. Esther smile but didn’t let that moment to gloat to herself stop her from working on him. Her tongue ran along him and she let her eyes flutter close to enjoy the taste of him before wrapping her lips around the crown of his cock, giving an extra bit of suction to it. From there, she slid him further into her mouth, slowly, savoring each inch and truly tasting, able to taste every ridge and vein and the velvety smoothness of his skin in her wake. Esther would take her time too. Both Aaron and James had done a number on her. It was her turn to pay it forward. Or rather, in this case, pay it back.
Okay, it had become official. WHat she was now doing was dangerously distracting, and he found that he utterly did not care. This...terribly naughty woman was doing wonderous things to him while he tried to drive her home. His eyes looked around frantically. He had to give answer to this. It simply couldn't be left alone, let pass. With a deep sigh, trying to keep his eyes on the road, but at the bottom of his vision he kept seeing Esther's hair rising, then dropping out of view again. And each movement was...just Gods. Dammit. He spared her a glance again, before finally seeing what it was he needed.

It was a place he'd stopped many times before, a little out of the way park/garden that wasn't really frequented. Other than himself and the owners, it seemed no one knew it was really there. But all tucked away between several buildings, that wasn't surprising. He slid across a few lanes, managing it with a certain amount of confidence. Only a few more moments...then he'd be safe...but he needed to make it that far...
Esther had no idea what it was Aaron was trying to do. All she knew was he seemed to really enjoy what she was doing and she only hoped that he wasn’t about to drive them both into early deaths like what just happened to Paul Walker because that would really suck. And if their remains were ever to be found, she hoped it would not be with her lips on his cock in a rather uncompromising position. That would be a hell of an obituary.

Still, what was it that she could do to really drive this guy mad that he might either just cum down her throat or unleash a fiery lust that she had not seen yet at all? That he was just really getting started with her. And while she hadn’t been able to really do it too well, Esther was always one to indulge in a challenge or a few. So she did what she hadn’t been able to do as well as those without a gag reflex. She took Aaron all the way, her lips wrapped around the base of his delicious length and she held it there, tight, warm and managing it for a good thirty seconds or so before pulling her mouth right off of him.
Aaron was okay, the car was in park, he could keep himself together long enough to Holy shit what was she doing to him? His head lolled back, and he groaned. SHe held it for what felt like forever and a day, before sliding off of him. He had a hand on the handle of the door, and pulled it open. He was officially past the stage of niceties with this woman. He slid out of the car, and grabbe her arms, hauling Esther out of it after him. With a sigh, he pulled her body up to his, back to his front, and then stepped forward, pushing her.

He bent her body over the hood of the Wraith, his hand moving around to teh front of her pants, absolutely no thought for anything else right now. He needed to feel himself buried inside of her, and he needed to do it right the hell now. Her jeans pushed down to her knees, he pushed his rigid cock into her with a grunt, his hips slapping off of her.
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