Overneath the Path of Misinterpretation (Alvis Alendran&Malicious Lullaby)

They were finger-licking good and so juicy. The crispy coating held the juices inside. When she took her first bite, juice dribbled from her lips and down her chin. But Esther being drunk Esther right now…well.
She held the wing with one hand while her free hand came up and wiped the juices from her chin with two fingers. She then licked them and pushed them into her mouth slowly. Her eyes fluttered closed. The juices were really good or she was just really hungry. Either or and she honestly wasn’t thinking of what her actions looked like. They were just that finger-licking good she didn’t want to waste a single bite. Or drop.
When her beer came to her, she placed a wing down and took a hearty sip. To a new leaf.

Amy offered a kind smile to him, no suggestive look in her eyes that was saying she was basically fucking him with them or undressing him with her eyes. Not yet at least. “I’d love to.” She was technically off the clock right? Wait, was the staff ever off clock? Even when they went to bed? She didn’t know exactly but she wasn’t about to question anything right now. She’d been looking forward to this since this morning before she got rain-checked. Setting the tray down on a nearby little table and placed some cubes of ice into each highball glass. Setting the tongs down, she picked up the decanter and poured them each a nice amount of the whiskey, ending with a nice flourish. Capping it, she picked up the two glasses and walked over to him, handing him one before finding a comfortable spot at the foot of his bed. Her eyes flickered to his as she took a sip, a small sip. It was a fine drink. She wasn’t going to waste it in a gulp.

“Long day?”
Aaron leaned back to look around Esther, and cocked and eyebrow at James. The Brit shook his head and shrugged. This was new territory for him with Esther as well. last time they simply flirted, and then very nearly had sex on the floor of a storeroom/office in the school. But whatever was going through her mind, or not, she was doing a pretty job of getting both men to be looking forward to getting her on her knees or back. James took a heavy slug out of his beer, his face still grimacing at the cold. The battender had been right. Fucking Limey. Aaron opened his mouth to say something about what she was doing, but James shok his head. Aaron got the message. Don't mess with the show. And the sooner she ate, the sooner they left. The sooner they left...well, the sooner the fun could begin.

Amy clearly had taken to teh lessons that Gerald insisted that every staff member undergo, so everyone could pour a proper drink. Though the little flourish wasn't expected, adn Harrison had to admit, it was a nice touch really. He was finding himself relaxing a little more. Why should this be complicated? Amy clearly enjoyed the time they'd spent together, and was looking forward to more. And so was he. Why make it complicated? He smiled as she asked after teh day, and he took a sip of his drink. It did have a bit of age. Fifteen year scotch, which put it to a middle quality, but it was a fine taste. And ultimately, that was the important part.
"Not too long. But I was working on a Sunday, which I don't normally do when I'm not working a case. So it's...put me a little off I suppose. And you? Has Gerald been giving you a hard time?" Harrison asked, thinking that it wouldn't kill him to indulge in soem small talk, a little build up.
She had no idea what she was doing. As far as Esther was concerned, she was eating and drinking. But the last of her beer signaled the end of her need to eat. She had gotten through maybe three wings before she decided to pay more attention to her really large beer. And at the end of it, Esther wasn’t wasted. But she was really, really, really happy, so happy that the word ‘no’ was not in her vocabulary at the moment.
Swiveling in her chair after placing the empty beer mug glass down, she smile at both of them. “So how we feeling boys?”

The drink was really good. The way it felt going down her throat? Burning. So satisfying. It filled her stomach with a burning warmth. Definitely the kind of drink she could get used to for winding down after a busy day.
Kicking her shoes off, she brought her legs up and crossed them over the other in like a half lotus. Oh wow, that felt really great to be off of her feet.
Looking to him, she smiled. “It’s nice to have you around Mr. Trenton.” She smiled. Whether he was here working or just being here, it was nice. Kind of felt like a complete family in a sort of way, not that she viewed him at all in a familial way. Not. At. All. “Oh yeah, he and everyone have been. It’s not exactly a secret of my indiscretion from last night and my attempt this morning.” She laughed a little nervously. “But…considering you haven’t actually fired me, I guess there’s not much that can be done.”
“You’re not going to fire me, right?”
At Esther's question, both men nodded, adn slammed back their beers, gulping them down, and slamming the mug to the bar at the same moment.
"Feelin' like a million bucks lass." James announced. Aaron leaned over to poke his shoudler. James stared at him curiously.
"I agree. A little dried up, crinkly, and well handled."
"Fuck ye Aaron."
"No, I think I'll leave that to Esther." Aaron said bluntly, winking at Esther. James had to laugh at that. He'd never known Aaron to be this...punchy. It was good to be sparring like this with him, especially when the prize was the woman between them. Though the way it was going they might just have to share...

Harrison took another drink, and smiled at Amy.
"Now why would I fire an employee with such admirable traits? Attention to detail, good initiative, drive to succeed, willingness to take the lead in difficult tasks...I have a glowing revieew for you." He said with a wink and a smile. The words made him feel...lighter. There were no titles here, and Amy was showing herself to be remarkably relaxed with him, and he had to admit that helped him quite a bit. A few drinks, and they'd be well on their way.
Esther grinned and hopped off the bar stool she sat on and pulled her jacket closer over her body. “Well come on then, put away the claws and stop acting like a bunch of pussies.” She stuck her tongue out at them before she turned on her heel and walked off towards the door. She often told herself she wasn’t going to drink again. It seemed to have some serious repercussions that she didn’t really need but she got herself into those situations usually. And nothing remotely worth while came from being a meek little mouse. That and she didn’t want emotions to plague her either. So why not really take advantage of her still present youth?
She’d never learn though, would she?

Amy’s eyes once more stayed on him as she took a sip of her drink, small but she let it linger on her tongue before swallowing. A cool exhale came from her lips and she stood up then, beginning a slow sway towards him. Once in front of him, she placed her drink down and settled herself in his lap, straddling him and her hands came to play with his shirt a little bit. “That makes me very happy to know Mr. Trenton.” Then she leaned in. “So, since I’ve got such a rave review at the present, tell me, what can I do to make you happy?”
James and Aaron both exchanged glances. They nodded as she starte for the door.
"She called us pussie mate." James observed.
"She did." Aaron confirmed.
"Can't let tha slide."
"What da ya think?"
"Tempted to fuck her right over the hood of the wraith. But we might get arrested."
"And thas nae good."
"Me apartment's ten mins up tha road."
"Get her in the fuckin' Wraith." Both men came up behind Esther, and put arms around her shoudlers.
"Well now lass. We'll get ye set right then." James said as they cheerily led her over tot eh siler Wraith, adn opened the door for her. James was staring at the car. Aaron had a wicked thought.
"Want to drive?"
"Fuckin' right!" James snatched the keys, and hopped into the drivers seat, starting the engine. Aaron got in the back with Esther.
"Well now, how's about this?" He asked Esther, leaning forward to kiss her.

Harrison watched her coming, making a little bit of a show out of the way she moved. he wasn't one to complain. Her swinging into his lap, also not a subject of complaint, putting her right in front of him. He knocked back his drink, not wanting it to get watered down by the ice. Hm. Ice. That could be amusing to work with as well. But for now, he set down his glass, and his hands came to run up her sides.
"Oh, I'm not too hard to please. I think we'll be able to come up with something that will do the trick." He said in a slow, lazy tone. As he smiled, he brought her closer, adn leaned up to kiss her.
It startled her a moment when arms were around her shoulders but quick glances and she saw it was just Aaron and James. Well wasn’t she a lucky lady, being escorted out to the shaggin’ wagon by these two fine men. Both men in which she could already envision naked and doing bad things to her.
She’d been steering herself to the front seat but soon found herself in the back seat. She started to think twice about it until Aaron got in back with her and James got into the front, manning the wheel. She had a thought to maybe warn James about handling the car but when Aaron leaned forward to kiss her, all thoughts escaped the tip of her tongue. Instead, her lips met his and her hands moved to cup around his cheeks and she scooted herself closer to him. Well let the games begin. She was in for quite the night. So much for extra prep work for tomorrow’s reality check.

Amy smiled a suggestive little smile as her hands wound around his neck, drawing her closer as he met her half way. “Good.” She whispered just before her lips touched his in a soft and small kiss, as if to test the waters once more after last night. Test the waters in the sense of getting back to familiar ground. After all, her chance was interrupted today. It wasn’t a covert distraction technique. And Amy wasn’t oblivious. But now it was her chance again to simply indulge and with Harrison alone. Now she’d know his true potential and he’d know hers. Deepening the kiss, her arms slid around his neck, allowing her body to scoot even closer to his, her hips pushing down into his own and her chest pressing to his.
Aaron wasn't much for messing around at this point. He had enough beer in him, and was in a competitve enough mood to make some headway fast when it came to Esther. The car was rolling, James loving the feel of the old brute, and spared a glance in the rear view. His eyes widened as Aaron leaned into Esther, laying her out on the seat, and getting a hand up around her breast.
"Cheeky bugger..." James muttered as he put some speed into it, figuring that the only way to remedy this was to get them to his place, drag them inside, and fuck Esther completely silly. Aaron broke off the kiss to plant a hard one on her neck, then lower to her collarbone, before returning to her lips. His hand ran up her side, hiking the sweater she wore up. He had it up to just under her breasts. James realized he had to hurry, or he might be interrupting them mid thrust.

Harrison smiled into teh kiss as she came in. There was a certain feel about how she was moving, as though she were...almost making something of a claim on the action, reaffirming that she was in the right to be there. And that was fine by him as she slid close to him. She was a fine kisser, and he pushed a little space between them, one hand running down the line of buttons on the black vest she wore as part of her uniform. The urge to tear it off her was tempered by the knowledge of exactly how much it cost. He provided them after all. He pushed it off of her, and then pulled her back close.
Esther was all sensations and already quickened breathing. And she got into it really well. Her back touched the seat of the backseat and her legs accommodated, opening to press her knees lightly against his side. Her hands moved over his shoulders and then down his chest, already working to unbutton the vest he wore. She had half a mind to maybe just rip it right off but the feel and texture of the cloth screamed expensive and so she decided to be patient enough. Once she had that unbuttoned, she worked to unbutton his shirt underneath it but her fingers slowed and soon stopped as his hands moved on her, his lips on her skin and she closed her eyes, relishing the feel. It made her feel oh so sensitive. A little bit of a moan came from her before her lips were caught by his. Her hands moved into his hair and she pushed her body up into his. She didn’t know how long the drive was going to last. All she knew was she was already too hot and heavy into the game to stop. That would just be mean. To suddenly stop. She had enough interruptions all weekend. No more.

Her arms accommodated, moving out of the sleeveless contraption before her arms moved back around his neck and her body pushed back into his. She held him close and savored his lips, the taste and feel of them. When it was really good sex, it was hard to stay away from it. And that’s how it was right now. She couldn’t stay away from him. Not after last night and not right now, especially. She hoped there was more to come.
Her hands slid down his chest, her fingers touching over the buttons of his shirt before she began to unbutton them. Her lips parted from his and she traced little kisses across his cheek, down to his jaw and then going further along his neck, until her hands touched warm bare skin. She pulled back and pulled his shirt open and pushed it off his shoulders. Amy’s eyes greedily looked over his chest and her lips parted. He was a truly fine specimen all around. It took all she had not to bite his pecs.
Aaron let ehr work on his vest, beofre smiling as she let out her moan, and then pushed her sweater up over her head. Once it was clear of that, he'd let her worry about getting her arms free. His hands came down and brought both of her breasts together to massage them, and then gave the side of her neck a light bite. He pulled back and noted a bright red mark on her shoulder. Huh. Apparently his boss was a bit...possessive of women. Interesting. But by then he was leaning back down, and sliding the straps of her tank top down, wanting to see mroe, feel more, and get farther.

James spared a glance, and saw clothes coming off.
"Bollocks..." He muttered, and put a bit more foot into the gas. Not long. Only a few minutes. How far could they get in a few minutes? Farther than he'd hope he figured.

Harrison obligingly slid the shirt off of his arms, and then considered Amy. $300 shirt it was. Well spent. His fingers slid in betweent eh buttons, and pulled out to the side, popping them free, and scattering the buttons across the room. His hands lifted her up as he stood, and too a long step tot eh nearby wall, putting her up against it for now, and giving her a much less reestrained, mroe savage kiss. No sense in holding back now . It was easier to cut loose and slowly dial back as needed than it was to slowly unleash more of himself. And besides. He thought Amy would be up to the challenge.
She was a bit oblivious to marks that might have already been on her. She had no excuse really earlier but right now, she did considering she was too far gone to think of what…traces might be left. No, because she thought of nothing more than Aaron’s hands on her, his lips on her skin and the possibilities to come. Sitting up a little bit so her back was against the car door, her hands came to the hem of her tank top and she pulled it off, revealing the orange lace bra she wore beneath. It cupped her full pert breasts nicely, spilling a lovely cleavage that her tank top seemed to keep modest.

She gasped, recoiling only slightly to look down at herself. Her black and white bra was exposed from how he ripped open her shirt. Well she’d worry about that later, especially since she didn’t really have time to. She was up against a wall and kissing him with a heated passion and lust. Amy’s hands moved to his dress pants, her hands a little shaky for some reason. Either adrenaline or nerves or a mixture of both but she managed to get them undone and was pushing them down along with his boxers. Her fingers brushed over the velvet smooth as silk of the monster between his legs before wrapping around him. She started to stroke him and her lips parted from his slowly, she biting down on his lower lip.
James was finding it hard to keep his eyes on the road what with mroe clothes flying around. Esther was very nearly topless now, and Aaron looked like he was on his way to joining her. He saw his turn and took it. The speed inadvertantly threw Aaron onto Esther. Taking it all as a sign to not stop, Aaron was getting the buttons on Esther's pants, getting them open. James grit his teeth, and hunched down as he drove into teh underground parking area, moving the Wraith fairly deftly. His aprtment was only a few seconds from here. An open main door, adn then an open apartment door. He drag both of them out of ht car, and toss Esther onto a couch. Or the damned floor. But he was not getting left out of this! He shut off the car, adn opened the door, charging for the main door, wanting a clear path.

Aaron wasn't paying attention to James, he was working Esther's pants down lower. He had them to mid thigh, and grinned at her, tossing his vest off, adn pulling the button shirt off over his head, not caring that it wasn't the right way to do it. He leaned back in, and pressed himself to Esther, loving the feel of her skin on his. He didn't need James mucking things up. He had the thought of maybe seeing what other mischief he could get up to when he drove Esther home. Then he was lost in kissing her again.

Amy had her hand around his cock, and that was certainly not something he was going to complain about. He remembered well, she had some good skills with her hands and mouth. That thought gave him an idea. He turned, and carried them to teh bed, putting her on it, and promptly reaching up her skirt to pull her panties down. Not bothering to remove the skirt, he moved out of her reach, though he doubted she'd much complain when his tongue slid up her sex, and arounf her clit. Harrison Trenton got started on Amy with a smile.
Her legs were locked with how her jeans were pushed down to mid thigh, making it practically impossible for her to wrap her legs around him. But all worries were out the door once more when his lips landed on hers. She worked to get his pants undone, finding no harm in just getting them right down and dirty. After all, they were in the back seat of his boss’ car and she was burning up, bursting with need and energy. She wanted him in her already. Although that would be another person she could check off of her list that she engaged sexually with part of Harrison’s payroll. Seems they both had a thing for his employees.

Just as soon as she started, she was stopped. Amy opened her mouth to say something as her bottom touched the foot of the bed. Then she watched him remove her panties and bit down on her lower lip, all form of any kind of protest or potential complaint leaving her. The moment his mouth was on her, she understood and she would definitely not say anything, except moan. She kept her herself propped up, her hands in back of her and her legs over his shoulders and she tilted her head back. She saw heaven. The delicious, kinky, pleasurable kind that would make hell feel shame.
His breathing was heavy, and Etsher was getting him out of his pants. It was officially time for him to have sex in the back seat of his boss' car. Oh, he'd catch hell for this, he had no doubt, but hey, life was all about taking a chance on something fun. And Esther looked like fun. As she worked on him, getting his pants open, getting his hard cock out, he gripped the edges of her panties, adn drew them down, along with ehr pants, getting them off of her, and then sliding up to get ready to penetrate her. Gods, it was all so good, so-

And then James had to arrive to fuck it all up. He opened the car door, an caught Esther easily, dragging her out. Aaaron scrambled after him, grabbing Esther's legs, and glaring at James.
"Wanker. Coulda waited fer me." He snarled.
"Nope. Not going to now either." Aaron replied, and stepped forward, smiling at Esther as he slid himself into her. He grinned at James. "Lead on." James growled as he helped carry teh now stuffed Esther toward the door. They had to maintain a slower pace, just because Aaron was fixated on making sure he could still work his hips as he walked. He did hold long enough to kick the car door shut.

Harrison smield as he heard Amy moan out, and cut all attemtps at drawing thigns out. He was going to get this started, and get it started right now. After a few laps, he plunged in a finger, working on her, adn then another. He other hand came up and drew the fold of skin off of her clit, exposing the full length of it to his tongue, and stroking along it. He was not subtle, nor restrained, adn he found that he didn't care. he highly doubted that Amy would either. From the sound of it, she was having a blast. Once he'd gotten ehr off once like this, he show her a time, and himself while he was at it.
Her eyes lowered to see the full hard length of Aaron exposed and her mouth nearly salivated at the sight of it. Her panties and pants were off and she pushed her body down, her arms moving around him and he was so right there, so ready and then all she knew was the door opened and she swore it felt like she was going to fall out. She squeaked when her entire body was dragged out of the car and there she stood, in just her bra with James at her back. “What the—“ She started. So much was happening at once. Then just like that, when she was denied Aaron, he was right there, inside of her and she bit on her lower lip not to just moan out so loud at the sudden—but most welcome—invasion. “Oh my god.” It took her a moment for the full realization of it all to sink in but then there was a moment of stillness. Sure, Aaron was moving well and it was taking all she had not to moan so loudly in public but her hand somehow found the front of James’ pants and she unzipped them only before her hand moved in to find him, bring him out. Looking over her shoulder at him, she smiled a suggestive but welcoming smile before placing a light kiss on his lips. “Go for it.” She whispered in a little bit of a pant.

She wouldn’t deny Aaron but she wasn’t about to leave James out either.

Her hands in the back of her gave out of support. Her back touched the bed and her hands gripped the bedding tightly. A loud moan came from her, in surprise, as his fingers delved inside of her and she tilted her head back, her hips lightly jerking up from the bed. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling and she let out pants, soft moans and even tried to close her legs maybe. It was, it was really good. It’s not like she was about to cum right now but she was already fast on her way. With Harrison doing wonders to her, it wouldn’t take long. She could already feel it. First her clitoris and then fingers inside of her. Her world was going to explode all around her.
James heard Esther, and had a thought about what she might be saying. He stopped moving, and Aaaron took the opportunity to start moving his hips more rapidly, plunging in and out of her with a grin. James lowered Esther down, until he had his cock lined up with her face, and sighed, pushing it into her mouth. He'd felt her like this once before, but only for a moment. They'd been teasing one another back and forth, but this time? they were well beyond teasing. Granted, she had to let her head hang to take him, but she didn't seem to mind. He started moving again, and they got out of the garage. It was only a few more steps tot eh apartment, but James had to pause a moment to groan, dragging out the time until they were actually in private.

Harrison intensified his efforts, and thought about adding in a third finger, but had the thought it might be too much. Then he withdrew his fingers a moment, and made a tight cone out of the middle three, before pushing them back in. His work was relentless, and he had the cruel thought of stopping now, and then making her make the next move. But then he got lost in the thoughts of what he was going to to her after this. It would be enough to make the most dedicated pleasure seeker smile.
It was certainly a little bit awkward. Only for a moment. Okay, maybe less than a moment with how Aaron was relentlessly pumping himself in and out of her. It was enough to make her no longer capable of holding back a moan though she was silenced a little bit as a cock entered into her mouth. She remembered her brief little tease to James before they were severely and embarrassingly cock-blocked. He tasted as good as he did then, now and she worked her tongue and her mouth as well as she could given the severe awkwardness of the position. She felt like a roast on a rotisserie, just the very perverted, naughty kind. Not that she thought she was a pig…

Amy’s body jerked again when the third digit was entered, or rather fashioned the way he did it to be a bit accommodating but at the same time, add more to level of girth of three fingers combined inside of her tight confines. She was so wet around him and while her body had jerked, it didn’t stop shaking after. She was climbing so high and he was touching all the right spots to really make her spin. And then just like that, with a little push of her hips, she felt it happen, her orgasm as intense as the two last night combined. Her eyes squeezed shut and she was sure she saw stars. She came completely undone at the seams and it felt like a year’s work on his payroll vanished. Not she had even been there for a year. Orgasms were the best therapy ever.
James groaned.
"God save us." He muttered as Esther kept woking on him. Aaron ground his hips into Esther. He looked up at James, and moved his head. As if to suggest they keep moving. James fought the urge to go on his knees, and just finish up right here in the hallway. But then he liked living here, and he had utterly no doubt that he'd be kicked out of his building for having a threesome in the hallway. He kept carrying her into his aparment. Aaron pushed it door closed. Once it was closed, both men slowly moved to their knees, so as not to jar Esther overmuch. Once she was on the floor, Aaron leaned over her to get a better angle, and started working on her with more ferocity and effort. James reached out and started masssaging her breasts, taking time to roll her nipples between his fingers. Both men were getting pretty close to release.

Amy came as hard as he'd ever seen a woman managed, and he kept up some of the stimulation on her to drag it out a little. And after that, he was officially done with waiting. He moved up, sliding along her body, and sliding his cock into her in a single smooth motion. Sheathed in her, Harrison sighed in contentment. He kissed her, getting his arms under her shoulders to pull her closer to him. He began a steady roll of his hips, working himself in and out of her, each thrust in resting weaight on her hips, and rubbing along her clit. He was in full form now, all passion and eager.
The constant moving was going to kill her. But then it stopped and when some sort of senses started to come back to her, she realized they were inside an apartment. She pulled James out of her mouth and stroked him and then her eyes closed. Her lips parted and her eyes closed and now Aaron was really going to town. It was heaven and she could feel him so deep. “Oh my stars…” Turning her head a little bit, she pressed a kiss to the crow of James’ cock and took it into her mouth slowly, properly and really working on him. She wanted them both to cum. The pleasure she’d get from both of them reaching their climaxes? There was just something incredibly erotic and powerful about being able to bring two men to heel.

She was shaking, breathing deeply and feeling all too good. So much so that in her own world or excitement, Amy didn’t feel or realize Harrison had stopped and was moving up on her. He kept on going even when she was cumming and it made it so much better to the point everything felt extra sensitive now. And now? She gasped softly and her hands moved over his back as she felt the fullness and thickness of him deep inside of her. Her legs wrapped around him and she leaned up, her lips met his, kissing him with a raw and fiery passion. To say she felt so good was a really big understatement and by the moan that came from her into the kiss, it was hardly said loudly enough.
James just groaned as Esther found herslef in a position to do things properly, and he was most certainly not complaining. He had thought he had an idea of what she could do more than Aaron, after all, he'd been ever so close to getting things going with her before. But no, she was showing herself to be far more adept than he'd thought. Aaron and James both exchanged a glance, and groaned at nearly the same time. Aaron felt himself tightening, and thurst into Esther once, twice, and then came, shooting into her.
"Gods breath lass..." James hissed out, releasing into her mouth. Both men hesitated a moment, before Aaron drew out of her, and looked at James. There seemed ot be a lot of silent communication going on between them. Jame brought Esther to a sitting position, while they thought about what to do. Aaron seemed ot be catching his breath, so James put his arms around Esther, and kissed her, half turning her to face him this time.

Amy was certainly finding no flaw in the proceedings, as far as Harrison could tell. She was wrapped around him, getting herself as close as she could, pressing into his body, and he didn't argue, grinding his hips into her, pushing the both of them farther. He broke off the kiss, leaning down and biting her shoulder hard enough to leave a very prominant mark. It was like staking a claim on her in a way. A very old, very primal way. That thought gave him ideas for what he might do to her farther, assuming this act they were in the midst of didn't exhaust them both anyway.
It was one thing to find it very sexy to be able to make a man cum, let alone two. But the feeling of when came in her mouth and the other inside of her, now she just felt like a downright naughty girl who was getting her kicks while she was still young enough to get them. Four years wasted and for what? No, she was living it up now. The way she should have been when she was in college. Not that it meant she would go sleeping around with every Tom, Dick and Harry but at least when the time came for her to look back on her youth, she’d look back with no regrets.

Then for a moment, Harrison came into her mind. She had no idea why. Maybe it was because after she swallowed James’ cum and she was pulled up to a sitting position, the way she was kissed…it wasn’t even reminiscent of Harrison but she thought of him. Though she was kissing him and that made her kiss James back, even if was thinking of someone else. And just as she was getting really into the kiss, she pulled back suddenly and her eyes opened. She looked as if shocked almost to see that it was James she was kissing but quickly pushed it away. “Kiss me again.” Her hand curled up around the back of his head and she leaned in, her fingers threading through his hair. No more thoughts of Harrison.

Her hips met his for each thrust, as much as she could at least until the pleasure started to become too much. She wasn’t just going to be motionless underneath him but she was moaning more, a little louder, a bit of an increase each time. Each time he thrust so deep and further into her, she felt it in the back, like an explosion of pleasure each time that coursed through her. It took all she had not to dig her nails into his back. But she held onto him nonetheless without trying to mark him. Although if this continued, she wouldn’t care soon enough because it was getting too good. Too good to hold onto any semblance of control. So when he bit down on her shoulder, she tilted her head back and cried out softly, her nails raking down his back. She couldn’t help it. He bit her. So she’d scratch him.

As if something possessed, Amy took the opportunity as leverage when she scratched his back to buck him off. She might be tiny but she wasn’t hopeless and since she pushed up, she managed to roll them over and took charge, straddling his lap and starting to ride him. Her hands moved over his chest, nails lightly pressing in over his pecs and she worked her hips really well. She did even this little roll of her hips which did wonders to herself, if it did nothing for him. She liked being on top.
James didn't need another invitation really, pulling Etsher to him, and giving her all he could as a kiss. on his knees already, he got a better hold of her. He was starting to lift her up, when Aaron was there helping him. James hiked Esther up, and then started to lower her towards his cock. James was a bit curious when he felt Aaron helping the guiding, how he was getting pretty close, and then he started to get the idea. James felt himself starting to slide into Esther, and had the moment of []iAbout fucking time...[/i] cross his mind. He was half in when he felt her shift. Aaron groaned, the head of his cock sliding into her ass. James started, and almost dropped Esther, which resulted in dropping her fully onto both cocks, spearing them both into her. Any slack that she might have had was gone then, taken entirely from the doubling up on her. James broke the kiss, and both men leaned back a little, and started to buck their hips. Each spared a hand to roam along her body, finding a place on her breast.

Harrison felt the nails raking along his back, felt the almost familiar sting, beofre Amy made to roll him over. He didn't fight it. He'd always anjoyed a woman with some aggressive tendancies. He groaned at her movements, appreciating the skill she was showing. His hands went to her hips, picking their speed up a little before he leaned up just enough to get teh angle he needed to bring a hand down hard on her ass. The he leaned back down, and took both breasts in his hands, rolling, kneading, massaging, all while matching every move of her hips. The only though on his mind was that he should have done this a long time ago.
Her legs wrapped around him and her arms around his neck. She closed her eyes and let herself go, get lost into the kiss that was made the feeling blossom and sizzle deep in her belly. She soon started to feel the impact of him pushing into her, James inside of her. Oh, finally. The ‘gods’ were finally taking pity on them and allowing them to pursue this ‘original sin.’ But what made her eyes shoot right open was the feeling of another cock at a much foreign entrance, south from what James currently was trying to occupy. She tore her lips from his and was about to say something when she felt the jolt of both pleasure and pain, in equal amount, surge through her. Pleasure from James and pain from Aaron inside of her ass. Oh, and here she thought she’d be able to stay a back doors virgin for life. This was a new twist.

It took her a moment to get comfortable, to find her bearings and for it to stop feeling incredibly uncomfortable but when the boys began to move together, it helped a lot. Pleasure and pain. Pleasure and pain. And then, more pleasure and less pain. Soon, it was nothing but pleasure. Her arms came up and her hands moved into the back of Aaron’s hair to get a better grip, leaning back into him but keeping her legs wrapped around James’ hips. This was a dream come true. Two men ravaging her and she was the star of her own porno fantasy.

Her bottom stung, that one spank to her ass to go along with the rest of hers and his movements combined? She was in heaven, riding a very sexy, powerful sex god of a man and finding him oh so responsive and not at all rejecting her. Her moans grew louder. Each time she pushed down on him, he met her for a thrust and it made it so much better, like that same explosion of pleasure that was going to make her turn into a puddle of mud. She was close. Very close. Her body singing with the pleasure fit to make even Dionysus proud.
Esther seemed about to protest, and Aaron about to pull out of her, not wanting to cause a problem, but then she said nothing. And then seemed to be applying herself to the task. Soon, she seemed to have buckled down quite comfortably, and set to the task. Aaron pushed her face to the side so he could take a kiss from her, all while continuing to help James bring her up and down on both cocks. And by the Gods, it was as tight and hot as he could imagine. James put his hand on the back of Esther's neck, and pulled her away from Aaron, taking a kiss from her, before Aaron used the time to bring his hand up hard into Esther's ass, even as he ground his cock into her. He did it again, then again, before getting a handful of Esther's hair, adn pulling her away from James. The Birt brought a hand up, hitting the other side of her ass, twice more, and then flicking a thumb across her clit. Anticipating him, Aaron broke away from the kiss to let James take her back, and he leaned forward to drag teeth along the back of her neck. James broke off the kiss, and moved to her left, drawing his tongue across her ear, not knowing that Aaron had done the same thing on the other side. Both men bucked their hips alittle mroe intensely, knowing they were getting close again.

Harrison began to grunt in time with his thrusts, getting farther adn farther along. Amy being over him like that, it made for more than enough of a visual to bring him to his peak very quickly. As he felt himself starting to tighten, starting to come, he reached his hand to her head, twining his fingers through her hair, and dragging her down to his mouth to kiss her, one arm wrapping around her body, and pinning her to him. He shot up into her, reveling in the feeling of it all, knowing that this was not going to be the last time he invited Amy to bring him a drink. It may not even be the last one that he did this night.
She was going to die of great sex and orgasms and go to heaven if these boys kept it up the way they did. The back and forth was just naughtily erotic. Like she was a plaything just being passed back and forth between them to kiss while their cocks piston out of her like there’s no tomorrow. Kisses, touches, licks, hair pulling, oh and spanks. The spanks. It was what brought her over closer to her undoing that she had a feeling would be unlike anything ever, not even with Harrison. Or maybe the same amount. She wouldn’t know. All Esther knew was there was such pleasure that it felt like it was too much, would be too much and she had half a mind—what was left at the moment—to make them stop and let her recuperate but not when she was on the cusp of such great pleasure. Shivers, more shivers along her spine and while one arm stayed around the back of Aaron’s neck, her other moved to James’ shoulder, holding on tight, her nails digging in leaving actual nail marks and she screamed. Everything went tight, her body exploded with a world of pleasure and she saw stars. Her toes curled and her legs tightened around James’ hips. In other words, they gave fucking to death a whole new meaning.

Amy love hearing him grunt. It was so sexy, so primal, so animalistic. Her breathing was coming out in fast pants, her moans weren’t every single time but she’d have her moments when it was clear that the thrust upward rippled through her body so well, if she was a flag, it’d be evident to see. Her head tilted back, her back arched and she felt the erotic pull of how he spanked her, like she was a very naughty girl to be doing this with her boss. She didn’t care, especially if it felt like this! Leaning down, her lips met his with a carnal ferocity. Her hands pressed down on the bed on either side of his head before giving up the strength when he began to really go at her. She moaned deeply and loudly into the kiss. It was the last straw, her hands moving to his shoulders to grip onto something more than the bed which didn’t seem to give way. Her lips parted from his and she bit down on the free spot of his shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut, muffling her screams only ever so slightly as her orgasm hit her hard. Harder than the Titanic hit the iceberg.
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