Overneath the Path of Misinterpretation (Alvis Alendran&Malicious Lullaby)

Her hand came up to swipe over her mouth and her eyes met his. Wow, she actually did it and her worst nightmare of puking all over the guy during it all didn’t happen. Thank goodness because otherwise that would be a tough one to explain to Harrison. After all, it was his car. But she wasn’t actually thinking about Harrison right now which was quite an impressive feat. So the next set of actions really took her off guard that she almost didn’t know how to react. One minute, she was in the car. Next, she was outside of it and suddenly a world of pleasure filled her deeply.

“Oh…” Esther moaned a deep moan, her hands making what felt like an imprint on the hood of the car and the sound of skin slapping, his cock moving out of her wet channel that she could almost hear it if it were not for the skin slapping, it was all an intense mix. That and the fact they were out in some place public but what shocked her the most was she hadn’t even stopped him. She let it happen and succumbed to it. She was feeling too good. Too good to say no and right now, and maybe for a while, she just wasn’t going to care. She was twenty-three, almost twenty-four (or something of that nature since even I don’t remember) and she hadn’t really lived, ever. Why not live up something that she just hadn’t gotten enough of in her past? She was still young. So much to do, so much to see, so many cocks…
Aaron had his jaw set in a toothy grin as he pounded into Esther relenetlessly. There was nothing refined, or even overly skilled in what he was doing. It was just simple primal lust, and the need to visit it on Esther. They might be in a secluded place, but with the sun beating down on Esther, it made for a very arousing picture to look down at. His hands moved up, and snatched down the straps of her top dragging it down her body, putting her bare skin on the hood of her car. He put a hand on the back of her neck, using that point to keep her on the car, keep her impaled on his cock, even if she didn't seem to mind being there, regardless of the setting.

He felt the car starting to rock as he worked into her harder, surprising himself with just how hard he had to be fucking Esther to make such a thing happen. He ground into her, then slapped her ass, remembering that it had seemed to be something that moved her along quite nicely.
It was rough. It was animal. Totally and completely more than she would have expected from Aaron. Hell, everything that was happening all weekend was more than she would have and could have expected from anyone. It was a delicious surprise and she was becoming very greatly and beyond satisfied. It didn’t mean she still didn’t want more. She’d always want more. Something about getting a taste of something she didn’t have for so long and often before. She wanted more. She wanted to indulge more. She wanted to live.

And right now, she was living so much, she could make Satan look bad for not living it up quite enough. Esther was so wet, her body kept being pushed into the warm metal of the car and each time she was pushed into it, she could see her breath fogging up the sheen of the hood for just a little bit before it disappeared. She felt her legs start to shake a little bit but she didn’t stop herself as she pushed her bottom back into his front, each time. The way he kept her pinned down was really hot, really, really hot and it made it difficult to push back into him. Instead, she was now completely at his mercy. Esther liked being at a man’s mercy like this.
Aaron could not even believe that he was doing this, especially to a woman that had apparently been screwing his boss not even that long ago. He wondered if Harrison would have an issue with having 'shared' a woman like this. Then he stopped thinking about anything like that. He leaned forward, grinding his hips into her hard, pulling her off of the car long enough to bite down on her neck, dragging his teeth along her. Esther was going to have a lot of explaining to do if anyone saw her shoulders and neck. His hips plunged up into her, using the angle to get a bit better leverage, before pushing her back onto the car.

Teeth grit, Aaron could feel himself coming up on a finish, and his breathing was broken up and ragged.
"You love it like this, don't you?" He hissed out, not even knowing why he was talking. He let go of her neck, gripping her hips so he could throw himself into the effort with all her had. The slap of his hips on her ass was now hard enough that it was starting to obscure teh handprints that had bee n left. It was like spanking her with every thrust. He gave a short, sharp barking groan as he held himself inside of her, and came hard. He held himself in her before dragging her back to him, and kissing her, still buried inside of her. He let that last a moment before breaking it off, and smiling, sliding his cock out of her.
She was going to look in the mirror tomorrow morning when she got ready for school and see that her neck and shoulders looked like she was part cheetah or leopard. Nothing a good solid foundation couldn’t cover or she could cover up. She’d probably cover up. Especially since James did work at the school as well. She really didn’t need a reason to attract his rather wandering eye. But right now, she wasn’t going to think of that. Right now, Esther couldn’t think of anything but the raging pounding she was getting from Aaron, from right behind her. Her legs shook again and she moaned a deep and loud moan. She could feel it so deep in her belly. She was going to cum. She was so close.

Him asking her, talking to her, the way he asked it, considering the entire situation, it was strangely her undoing. “God, yes!” She had to really make sure she didn’t cry out too loud but she was still loud enough. She came with him, milking his hot seed while her walls contracted tightly and clenched around him, a wave of some serious pleasure washing over. She was left completely limp as the last waves of her orgasm started to wash away and she was left in the delicious post-orgasmic haze. That kiss was the perfect way to end things, perfect way to truly seal the deal and it left her sated. For today. Anymore today and she wouldn’t be able to wake up in the morning tomorrow. She knew once she got home, she was passing the fuck out.

Her breaths still came in quick pants, starting to regulate as she felt her heartbeat slow down and she pressed her cheek against the hood, her body still bent over and she pushed herself up on shaky legs. Turning, she leaned back against the hood since she couldn’t stand on her own. She righted her clothing and went back to being decent yet her body was still buzzing. Pushing her hair out of her face, she gathered it up to let some air pass over her skin, cooling it down. “Well then…I think you should really take me home.” She was so ready to pass the fuck out. The moment she went horizontal, she would be out like a light.
As she put her arms up to keep the hair off of her, Aaron ahd the sudden impulse to press his hands into her breasts, feel her up, put her on her knees and Gods dammit, there was just something about this woman that seemed to inspire sexual aggression! He blew out a sigh, putting himself back in his pants.
"Yeah. Probably a good idea." He admitted. He went around the car, and held the door open for her, before climbing into his own seat, and getting the Wraith in gear. Pulling back onto the road, he started to drive. He felt...almot glazed. There was a certain difference in the way he felt after going quite that wild on Esther, something he'd never done to someone before. He'd had his wild nights, but nothing like that.

He pulled up in front of her building.
"Well miss, here we are. I hope you enjoyed your weekend, and hope you'll come back to see us again soon." He said in a slightly mocking tour-guide voice. Over dramatic? Absolutely.

Hrothgar opened his eyes, finding Mallory still sleeping on top of his chest. He smiled, and very gently moved, getting her up in his arms. He carried her into her room, and laid her out. He put a kiss on her forehead, and closed the door quietly. It was getting late enough that they'd have both woekn up regretting the choice of sleeping arrangements. He dressed for sleep, and crawled into his own bed, sleep finding him quickly.
Probably? Probably was an understatement. It was a damn fine good idea for obvious reasons. But she wasn’t about to get into that. Esther climbed into the car and sat back, her muscles relaxed but her entire body so sore. She couldn’t even count how many times that day. One, two, three, a thousand?!
God, she was acting like a total tramp. She had to settle her libido down and not open her legs anymore. That’s it! As much as she enjoyed living it up, she wasn’t about to open her legs to every guy. If it had just been one, yeah, she’d do it often. She just had sex with three different guys in one day. The realization was dawning thickly on her. As much as she’d like to keep having fun, she had to be responsible. She was going to need to learn how to finally say, ‘no.’

They pulled up outside of her building and she glanced to Aaron, rather sleepily too. Leaning over, she kissed his cheek and smiled. “Maybe.” But she said it teasingly as she got out of the car and grabbed her bag. She waved to him and then turned, sauntering off and disappearing in the building. Once inside, she dropped her bag, went to her room and crawled on her bed. Setting her alarm, she got comfortable, kicked her shoes off and cuddled her pillow to her. She was out like a light. So much so, she didn’t even bother to check to make sure Mallory had gone. She walked right passed that key too.

Mallory was fast asleep, even as he carried her and got her settled and situated in her own bed. Once the blanket covered her, she turned onto her side, facing him but remained sleeping, a very quiet snore coming from her. She was having a nice dream. A dream filled with a kind giant named Hrothgar and his big, strong, protective arms. Her favorite new teddy bear.
Aaron let her go. He didn't follow his instinct to run her down, and do her again. He blew out a sigh. He wondered if it would be considered poor form to consider Esther 'very fuckable'? Probably. He put the car back in gear, and rolled away from the curb, getting under way. Fuck, he was going to need a nap. Or just call it a night, and sleep it off. That sounded like a good plan. He pulled to a drive through, and got a coffee, pounding it back quickly. Feeling at least awake now, he drove towards the estate. Damn fine day it was.

Harrison woke, finding Amy still beside him. He paused, thinking. They hadn't been out to long. But long enough. The sight of the naked woman beside him stirring him back to his normal hardness. He slid off of the bed, adn found his belt sitting on the floor. With a smile, he went back around to Amy. He placed a gentle kiss on her mouth, bringing her slowly around.
"Hello again." He murmurer, as he gently brought her arms over her head. The fact she seemed to need to stretch helped him along very effectively. He wrapped the belt around her wrists, and pulled it tight, beofre tying the other end to the bedpost. He smiled at her. "I hope you're ready." He said in that same pleasant voice.

He walked to the table that held the liquor. He lifted the bucket of ice. A little melted in places, but largely good, he carried it back to the bed, kneeling beside Amy as he lifted a cube from the bucket, smiling at her. He brought the ice down, running it down her neck, rubbing a moment in the hollow of her throat. He brought it lower, running it between ehr breasts, adn then up one, touching across her nipples. With a grin, he put the by now half sized cube in his mouth, leaning down and puttint his lips around his other nipple. He pushed the ice around it with his tongue, making a trail of cold, followed by heat.
She was having a pretty nice dream, a bit steamy too considering the last thing that had been on her mind before they passed out for a bit. And then all of a sudden it felt like it was happening. The feel of lips against her own was so real that her eyes fluttered open a bit tiredly and she learned it was not a dream at all but real life; Harrison was kissing her. Well that was certainly a lovely way to be woken up. Amy could most definitely get used to that.
Turning onto her back, she looked at him as their lips parted, her mind spinning a little bit and she was still waking up from sleep, so much so that she didn’t realize what he was doing. She just felt the stretching was natural and it felt so good considering things but it was only when she felt a tight restraint around her wrists, did she looked up. “Oh, hi.” A little giggle escaped from her.

Then curiosity got the best of her. “Ready for what?” She knew what but something told her she didn’t really know one bit. Amy tried to sit up a little bit to see him but she couldn’t really since the leverage she needed was currently restrained. All she saw was Harrison coming back and with something, but she didn’t know what. Only when he knelt did she see and her eyebrow rose. Ice? Really? Oh god, he was a kinky son of a—
She gasped softly and her eyes trained on the ceiling before fluttering closed. That was…strangely delicious, especially the places he was starting with, like her neck, the hollow of her throat. What took her for a spin was the icy coolness against her breasts, over her nipples. It made her insides clench and her body almost jerked. But then her body did jerk with his new torture/pleasure tactic and a little moan came from her. Her body didn’t wriggle but she was pulling on the belt that kept her wrists restrained. This was new, this was different, this was…unbelievably erotic.

Ice play. On her list. Officially.
Amy certainly responded...positively to his first forays. He gave her a smug, satisfied smile, his eyes half lidded now, enjoying the moment. The ice was melted now, and he wasn't surprised, Amy was heating up under teh ministrations. He lifted another cube, water dripping from his fingers, and he let that ice water drip along her stomach. With that same smile on his face, he ran the cube up the middle of her stomach, leaving a trail of cold water. He circled arounf the base of her breasts, and smiled as he leaned down to blow gently on the trails of water, bringing just a little mroe chill, but the tingle of water drying as well. This was a careful thing to do. It was deliberate, patient, and excruciating to be put through. Well, excruciatingly pleasurable.

He ran the ice up the side of her neck, lingering a moment on the bite mark on her shoulder, before tracing the line of her jaw gently. He leaned in to kiss her, while he rubbed the remains of the cube against her. Soon it was only ice water. He pulled away, and smiled down on her. Foreplay was lovely, but he felt he needed to do one last thing to complete the moment. He went to his closet, adn found a tie, returning to her. He kissed her again, and when he pulled away, he started wrapping it around her head, covering her eyes. Once she couldn't see him, he felt it was time to really get started again. His fingers, still chilled from teh water, touched lower on her, a brief moment of contact with her clit, before another cube came around, starting under her ear, adn sliding down with slow, torturous precision.
If there was a ever a time she wanted to wipe a smug look off of someone’s face…well it would be now but then she’d be lying. He had every right to be smug considering she thought him to be a total freak for wanting to do this. But all those thoughts were dispelled considering how wet she was. Not from the now melted ice and the wet streaks on her body. It was amazing how arousing this was. It was total, complete and utter torture but what could she do? Beg, plead, succumb… She thought to herself and she almost snorted. That would be too satisfying although if he kept this up…

Her body shivered just a little bit as he blew on the water streaks, giving her a chilly feel but also warm from when his warm breath hit on the non-wet skin. She opened her eyes again to watch him, anticipate the next act of coolness but was finding it hard to concentrate and finding it hard to keep her eyes open, slipping back into the realm of pleasure that came from it all. She wanted more though and that was when the torture began.

Lips, his lips and her body pushed up to follow them but she was once more reminded of her restraints holding her back. Then everything went dark. No, now the torture really began. Another moan came from her and then she started to squirm. A small bit of contact to her clitoris had her squeezing her legs shut, trying to rub a little by that action to maybe try and stimulate herself while he stimulated everything else. Her moans were soft and gentle but the ever pressing need was growing more and more incessant. “Oh my stars…” She gasped softly, tilting her head back. “Please, Harrison…” And let the begging begin.
SMug. It was still the one word that best defineed him right now. A smug, smug bastard.
"Please?" He murmured to her, reaching out and lifting another cube with his other hand. "Please, what Amy?" He asked her, every so gently. The cubes in his hand came around, circling both nipple, while his tongue slid along the chilled path to her ear, his teeth catching on her lobe, chewing gently, before pulling away, dragging his teeth along her. "What are you asking me for?" His whispered to her, the ice drawing lines down her body, curving lines that interested, parted, adn tehn met again, his face moving to blow again, bringing that tingling chill and feel to her midsection.

He needed a new cube, and he grabbed it swiftly, hesitating to let a few drops reach her neck. On an impulse, re ran the cube along her lips slowly, before leaning in to kiss her again. The cube running along her body as he moved lower, he flicked his tongue out, sliding along her clit. With a smile, he gave a firm, hard lap along her sex, circling her clit, all the while the ice cube ran along he body, lingering under her breasts, running along them with carefully precise movements.
She could practically hear the smug radiating from his voice and tone. Amy almost whimpered a most childish whine but it caught in her throat and instead turned into a small moan, thankfully. He was taunting her now, wanting her to actually say it but she couldn’t. Not because she didn’t want to but the words literally seemed incapable of forming at the moment. She was all sensations, quickened breaths and absolute need for more than what he was giving.

The more he did, the more she writhed in agony…and pleasure. It was just painful because it was hitting right on the tip of the iceberg but wouldn’t do more. Like he wasn’t giving her all. Just teasing her. And that’s exactly what it was. It felt like her body was so cold, but it was so hot, she felt on fire. The desire burned deep. “Mm…”
Before long, she felt the coolness of the ice on her lips and that was when she leaned up. She was thankfully met by his lips and wished one hand was free at least to wrap around him and keep him close. Then she felt his lips slide down lower and the ice was certainly running its course, traveling along her. Amy bit down on her lower lip before her hips jerked at the feel of his warm tongue along her down below. She tried to push up a little bit, needing more. Shivers ran up her spine from where the ice cub lingered, right under her breasts in that spot that was oddly arousing, not that this entire spiel wasn’t incredibly arousing. “Just like that…More, please, more.” Amy needed more. She didn’t want to rush, but man did she want to just beg him to fuck her like there was no tomorrow.
It hadn't been quite what he'd been hoping to hear, but frankly, he was as fired up now as he could imagine being. And he wasn't willing to wait longer. He movedalong the bed, running the fast diminishing cube down her body, beofre sliding up between her legs, and sinking his cock into her. He blew out a breath as he did so, an leaned up, kissing her as he worked his hips forward. His hands raked along ehr sides, while his hips rolled, grinding into her, before running his tongue along her neck, dragging teeth along her. His hips punged into her repeatedly, one hand cuppingthe side of her face, keeping it closer to him. Blindfolded she might have been, tied down she might be, but there was still something much mroe...intimate, and personal about fucking her face to face.

Harrison grinned feeling the urge to simply torture Amy, he leaned up, and backed his way almost all out of her, leaving only the head of his cock in her. He rubbbed her clit a moment, and shifted his hips, moving around in her a little.
"Beg for it." He ordered her quietly, a note of quiet authority in his voice.
Quite frankly, her mind was in the crosshairs of losing any sort of semblance of sanity and coherence and mush. So much so, she couldn’t really give much. He had played her so well to the point that she couldn’t think. All she could do was feel and feel so good she did. Her body was tingling, needing the release he wasn’t yet giving her. She could possibly go certifiably insane from all the teasing. He was such a smug bastard, she wished she could do something to wipe that off of his face. Take the upper hand, somehow do something to blindside him and blow his mind. But he seemed to make sure that was impossible by restraining her and blindfolding her. Amy had to rely on her other senses since her sight was impaired from the blindfold, senses that she could hardly tap into. All she could hear was her own panting, all she could feel was the heightened pleasures and all she could smell was…sex.

It took her off guard, the sudden way he slid into her. A deep gasp came from her and her body pushed up into his, a soft moan escaping from her lips. She pulled on the belt restraining her hands, her innate need to want to embrace him, cling to him, speaking up. Her hips pushed up into his and she could feel his breath on her skin which made shivers run wildly up her spine. She loved the closeness. Even if she couldn’t see him, she could feel it. She could feel and hear a lot more than just her own desire. He was right there. He had always been.

A bit of a tortured whimper came from her when she started to feel his absence, sort of, and she pushed her hips up to try and meet him in case he came back. He didn’t. He lingered, teased her more and a soft cry came from her. This was torture! He was killing her. Yet there was such a sexiness in the way he ordered her, she couldn’t help but response. “Please…” She started off so weakly, though hopefully not desperate. “I need it. I need you. Please, Harrison.” It was clear, she was begging. How could she not? He did this on purpose. The smug bastard, and as much as she didn’t want to let him win, she didn’t want to seem desperate but in the height of passion, need and the fact he just wouldn’t freaking give in, anything went.

Besides, when he spoke in such a tone like that, she'd have to be a fucking fool to try and resist. That or she was simply asking for him to make her go certifiably insane. Question: could someone go insane from lack of getting off?
Harrison grinned as she tried to beg, the words barely coming out of her. He felt every urge to put her legs on his shoudlers, and fuck her wildly, but he just couldn't pass up the idea of drawing it out just a little bit more.
"Need me? Need me to do what? Beg for what you want." He told her in that same tone. His thumb rubbed her clit for just s second, nursing it all along, before he pushed his hips forward, sinking maybe an inch into her before pulling back.. He repeated the gesture with a grin. He reached a hand forward, his fingers circling along ehr nipples, still hard from the cold they'd been exposed to.

It was taking a massive effort, almost superhuman in willpower not to ravage Amy until she screamed out his name. The look of her writhing as best shecould while restrained had him chomping at the bit, almost desperate to get to work on her, wanting a release of savagery and passion, to see just how far he could take things with her. Just how far the night would go on for. He kept his teeth together, and teased her clit for a second again.
A cry of absolute desperation bubbled up in her throat but she kept it at bay, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. That same tone, so domineering and sexy, making her realize just how much she did enjoy being told what to do in bed, yet she couldn’t give in. She bit down on her lower lip, hard, breathing through her nose as normally and calmly as she could, considering he was touching all the right spots to make her go mad.
“Why?” She breathed. “Mr. Trenton can’t get off otherwise? That’s a shame. I thought a man like you with such authority and power had it in you. I guess I’m sorely disappointed.” She had no idea where it came from and even though her pants were evident as she spoke, she held a sort of steely and cool resolve as if she was actually disappointed in him. In his…inability to perform, to deliver.

He wouldn't fire her over that, would he?
She was showing the spark, the sassy side that he had known would be ther. Especially considering how she'd been when it had been Esther and her with him. But that tone, those words...he was of half a mind fo threaten her with something truly different. He nursed her along a little, before he slid his cock away from her. He smiled at her, and put her leg on his shoudlers.
"Oh really? Then maybe I should...find a better way to find my ending? Hmm?" He asked her with a cocked eyebrow. He slid lower, sliding his cock along her ass, sliding a finger inside of her pussy, and working it a little, beofre grinning down at her. "How about it Amy? Should I find an...alternative route? Hmm?" He asked, his thumb rubbing along her clit again, each and every move coasting her along, making sure that she was still being brought to a fever pitch.
That whimper she suppressed somehow found a way of sounding from her, all because she felt the absence of his cock. Damn it! She should have known he’d do something like that. At this point, it was worse than being fired. She just wanted to be fucked in that way that she wouldn’t remember anything, not her own name, not even her life. He brought her up so high and she really didn’t want him to leave her dry. Or rather, needing and unbelievably wet, she probably hadn’t been this wet ever.
“N-No!” Where that came from, she knew exactly. It came from the need to prolong a pain she wasn’t so very equipped for and take back the pleasure and ecstasy she was more certainly equipped for.

She felt her body jerk a little bit, that familiar build up once more and she wanted it so bad and at the same time, wanted it to settle. She knew he’d stop and that would make matters worse, even more worse than they already were. “Fuck me.” Her leg not on his shoulder moved, sliding along his side slowly—after all she couldn’t see, she’d hate to go the wrong way. “Fuck me like you mean it. Please. I need you in me Harrison, oh my god, I think I’ll go fucking insane if I don’t.” And that was the truth. She caved. It was that or accept his cock in her ass, a place she wasn’t really ready to explore yet. Yet.
Harrison grinned as she turned down his offer of an 'alterante route', not unsurprisingly. He nodded as she confirmed everything with the begging. He slid his cock away from her ass.
"Well, maybe we had best hold off. Take some time to get our bearing properly." He said casually. As she started to lean her head forward, he slid his cock into her hard and fast. His hips slapped off of her, and he leaned down quickly, a fast, fiery kiss on her lips before moving to the base of her neck. No gentle teeth dragging this, he bit down, holding himself there, as his hips thundered into her, fucking her with every ounce of force and will he could muster. His hands went to her breasts, cupping them, fingers on her nipples, before moving to somewhat gently chew her earlobe.

His hips ground into her, pressing down on her to stimulate her clit. Oh, he was lost now, nothing but animal passion and instinct. His mouth found hers, all that fierce power going into it, feeling himself starting to tighten, coming on an ending for himself. And it was going to be a good one.
She’d happily give him anything else later but right now she just wanted him, inside of her where she ached the most with need and take her, hard, really hard. And he did. His words seemed to just go through one ear and out the other. Amy wasn’t tuned into anything but sex and Harrison’s cock that needed to be inside of her desperately.
And then he was and she moaned loudly, her body relaxing on the bed. He was finally back inside of her, roughly and completely. About fucking time.

Before she could really even respond with a kiss, his lips and teeth were at the base of her neck and she tilted her head back, a deep and louder moan coming from her. It all felt so amazing and she needed it so badly. She could round of sex but going rounds of sexual torture from Harrison Trenton? No way.
Her walls started to clench and that build up she had felt earlier started again and she soared higher and higher. Her eyes closed beneath the blindfold and she pulled on the belt around her wrists crying out so happily when she felt the rush of pleasure surge through her body, originating from her very center. She probably cried out his name somewhere in the middle of her pleasurable screams but she wasn’t too sure. She just completely…lost herself.
Amy was writhing under him, and every part of his being was buzzing with teh moment. Harrison could barely think of what was happening, just so tied up in the moment. He felt her completely lose herself, contracting around his member, and finding a pretty impressively mighty release. He slammed into her a few more times, grunting with teh effort, before coming inside of her with a shuddering sigh. It was intense. And it was incredible. And he felt...sated. It seemed that he'd needed that as much as she had. Leaving himself inside of her a moment more, he gave her a somewhat tired, gentle kiss, before reaching up to get ehr hands out of the belt, and sliding the tie off of her face to see her face again. He slowly slid himself out of her, and lay beside her on his back. He made a gesture, like she might want to come closer, find a spot to relax near him.
"So...worth waking up for then?" He asked her in a teasing voice.
He kept thrusting and it prolonged the experience which kept sending her over. She was orgasming multiple times within one. No, just prolonging one experience which was overwhelming, incredibly. But nonetheless amazing that once more left her tired, really tired. Her body was still buzzing from it, the faintest touch probably bringing her incredibly sensations. Once she was free, able to see again, her eyes opened and adjusted to the light before closing to half lids. Feeling his lips on hers, she kissed him back slowly before the shift of weight on the bed happened and he was beside her. Amy looked at him tiredly and managed to curl her body into the waiting space beside him, by some miracle. Resting her head on his chest, she draped her arm over his chest which was a natural and lovely reprieve after having her wrist bound up above her head. Amy was already starting to fade into unconsciousness. “Can you wake me up at four?” She whispered. Or somehow make it so she got up at four.
"I think I can manage that for you." He murmured to her. He reached over, and pressed a few buttons on his clock. After that, he simply pulled a sheet up and over them, before settling back down with Amy. there was something inherently satisfying about falling asleep with another person beside him. Amy was either just too exhausted to think straight, or she agreed. He planted a kiss on the top of her head, and let himself drift back. He felt his eyes closing, and he slept to happy thoughts, and memories of Amy screaming out. It was a very fine day to be him it seemed.

THe night rolled along, steadily getting later. Aaron managed to sneak the Wraith back into it's proper place, which was a real trick given the size of the beast. He'd topped it up as best he could, before making his way to his room, and largely collapsing onto his bed. It was late, and by the Gods, he wanted to sleep. For a week or so.
“Thank you.” And once she was absolutely sure that an alarm had been set, Amy allowed herself to fall asleep rather happily and comfortably. She liked sleeping next to someone, preferably a man. And sleeping right next to Harrison all curled up like this was even better. He was a dream, a total catch. She fell asleep so quickly, she slept like a baby. She’d need it.

The pressing need to pee overwhelmed her and ultimately made her get up from bed. Oh, bed. It was then Mallory realized she was in bed. Alone. She had enjoyed so much sleeping in Hrothgar’s arms that she couldn’t believe she hadn’t woken sooner. She wanted to be back in his arms. Everything came back in her sleepy state while she was in the bathroom and her cheeks reddened. Oh…man could he kiss. She shook her head of the thought for the moment and decided to quickly strip down to a more comfortable choice of wardrobe for bed rather than what she was wearing. Stripping down to complete nakedness, Mallory found a little night dress in one of her boxes that was thankfully on the top. She could see it even in the dark, the one with the cute lacy cups, thin straps and sheer flowy skirt that came out of right under the lacy cups, the hem coming down to her mid thigh. Oh, was that screaming, ‘Take me?’ Regardless, she put it on before going to the bathroom.

When she was done with the bathroom, washed her hands and splashed a little water on her face and maybe putting some color and life back to her cheeks—she also realized she was trying to make herself more presentable to him, in which case she stopped—Mallory walked out of the bathroom and rather than going back into her room, she stood outside of his. Her hand came up to knock on his door when she noticed the door not closed all the way. She contemplated and bit down on her lower lip. Should she? Should she not?

Taking in a deep breath, she went with her gut. She pushed the door open as quietly as she could before slipping inside, shutting the door back to its original position of being left at a crack. She walked slowly and carefully in the dark, chewing on her lower lip. Every instinct was telling her to just get in bed with him. But instead, she found herself rounding to the left he was sleeping on and tapped his shoulder. Then she realized just who she was working with, a solid wall of muscle, and she actually shook him to wake up. “Hrothgar.”
Now her night dress screamed, 'Take me!'
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