Overneath the Path of Misinterpretation (Alvis Alendran&Malicious Lullaby)

The first tap had him awake instantly, ready to spring into violent action if needed. But he knew he was home, and that the alarms would have picked up any intruders. His eyes snapped open as Mallory shook him. Hiss eyes then went a little wider. That was...quite an interesting outfit she'd picked. Especially to wake him in the middle of the night with. He pushed himself up onto one of his arm to look at her. Hrothgar had never found a need to wear a shirt to bed, and well toned and chiseled muscles were visible in the pale moon light.
"Mallory? Is everything all right?" He asked her. Something might have gone wrong, or she was having a nightmare. After what had happened to her, he wouldn't be surprised. And if so, he'd help however he could.

On the other hand, he could see a certain potntial in how she'd come to him, dressed in something like that. It fairly screamed 'Take me!' and he had the thought of doing just that, pulling her onto teh bed, adn give her a good proper fucking right there. But he pushed that thought away. It certainly wasn't likely why she was here, and after everything she'd been through, it would certainly be a rather damaging thing for her to go through.
Any chance she could have had to go back out and change into something a little less revealing, definitely a little less sheer, went out the window the moment she saw how he reacted to her choice in clothing. Or sort of lack-there-of. It made her cheeks flush and she stood up straight a bit so she wasn’t practically dangling her cleavage in his face. But in standing up right, she was able to get a good look at him. How the moonlight streamed over him and allowing her to see him shirtless. Again. Plain and clear this time. She swallowed hard. Wow, he really was a wall of muscle. A wall of delicious muscle. No wonder she loved being in his arms so much.

“N-No—I mean yes. I just…I woke up and you were gone.” She said softly. “Imagine my shock to wake up in bed since the last thing I knew, I had fallen asleep on the couch, with you, in your arms.” She said softly, nervously toying with the hem of her night dress. Because the last time she came onto a guy, it didn’t exactly end well. And the last time she had sex with a guy(s) definitely didn’t end well. And here she was, wearing a slinky scrap of material basically complaining about the fact he hadn’t been there when she woke up. Holding her. With her. Maybe even kissing me awake…
Hrothgar smiled, seeing how nervous she was, and decided to take the edge of of that as best he could. He slid back from the edge of the bed, clearing a space beside him, and gently taking her hand in his, and giving her a little tug closer to him.
"I did not want to seem...presumptuous. Nor did I want you to awake with a sore back from how you'd been sleeping. But you are certainly welcome here." He told her, even pulling back the sheets, letting her slide in with him. Once she was in the bed, he put an arm around her, bringing her close to him, face to face. "Is this...more to your liking?" He asked her softly. Oh, he could assume a lot right now, but if she simply wanted to feel safe while she slept, he'd oblige her gladly. He was going to assume nothing at this point.
She went willingly and smiled a little shy smile. “Thank you.” Lying down on the comfortable bed with him, her body moved into his and she once more fell at ease. Mallory would have been more than content to just be here in his arms like this and go back to sleep. She’d be able to go back to sleep with wonderful ease but she didn’t want to just be content. Looking up at him at his question, she bit down on her lower lip and nodded her head but while she nodded her head, she said, “No.” Before he could say or do anything, she leaned up and let her lips meet his in a tentative kiss. As If quite possibly their make out session that had happened had actually been a dream and not real life.
She was still tentative, nervous, and he well knew why. And that was fine with him. He'd do what he could to put her at ease. When she claimed it was not to her liking, he had a moment of concern, before her lips met his, gently. Well, that explained things quite amply. He returned the kiss, a little more confidently. He enjoyed it after all. They'd spent some doing doing just this, though she hadn't been dressed quite like this. His mind still wandered to just how easy it would be to pull it off of her, and have his way. But he instead placed a hand on her back, and pulled ehr a little closer to him. The movement slid the night dress up just a little, not his intention, but a side effect. His other hadn came up to cup the side of her face, though it did cover much of her head. He kept his arm around her, liking the feeling of her this close to him.
The way he responded told her that their make out session had indeed been real. It had actually happened and this was just validating that. Her hand moved over his side and then around his back, feeling his warm skin. It made shivers run up her spine and her body happily moved closer to his. Oh, her mind was racing with naughty thoughts. What had happened the other night at the bar didn’t exactly scar her. She wasn’t suddenly afraid of sex considering she was quite numb during the bad part of it. But it did bring down her confidence by a lot. That on top of everything else that had happened. This right now, this was the most comfort she had. Mallory wasn’t always usually a girl who needed comfort. But considering everything, she needed it now. She never anticipated it from Hrothgar but the way she felt from kissing him? That just didn’t happen. Not to anyone. Definitely not to people like her who bad things happened to, deservedly.

Right now though, she was starting to think that maybe, just maybe she deserved a reprieve, a chance, a break in all the bad that was happening to her because of her poor choices and mistakes. One thing for certain, while they had only kissed, Hrothgar was so not a mistake.
She felt the sheer material of her night dress slide up a bit, felt the strength and warmth of Hrothgar holding her to him and her lips parted from his slowly. “I like it. Right here.” She whispered, , her finger tracing over his lower lip as her eyes scanned over his face, as if wanting to memorize every detail, before landing on his eyes. “Do you…like my night dress?”
The kiss went on for a little, Hrothgar enjoying it. WHen Mallory backed herself away from him, he had to smile at her. He listened to her question, and cocked his head slightly.
"It's rather...fetching I must say." He said to her, his hand actually moving lower, and large fingers slid under the hem of her night dress, sliding along the smooth skin that he found there. It was not going to take much to have it up high enough to reveal a lot of her to him, but he was willing to take his time. He pulled her tight to him, and rolled onto his back, putting her on top of him, willing to let her lead a little at first. He might be much more of a domineering individual most of the time, but he would go as far as she wanted, as fast as she wanted right now. Still, the sight of her over him like that, the moonlight shining on her, made quite a view, and he felt hismelf stirring to hardness.
She smiled and her breathing hitched when she felt his touch on her skin, bare skin, underneath her nightie. She liked that feeling, she liked his touch, so much so it apparently sparked some electric feelings in her body. Like shivers. More shivers. As if a kiss wasn’t enough. His touch sort of sealed the deal.
It took her a little off guard with how he pulled her on top of him but she liked where she sat. She looked down at him, her hands resting on his bare chest and her leg on either side of his hips. She was completely bare and nude under her nightie and here she was, sitting on him, or rather sitting in his lap. It took all she had not to suddenly gyrate.

Her hands moved up his chest and around his neck, allowing her body to lean down onto his. The hem of her night dress rode up too and she settled her lips back on his but in a more…aggressive way, certainly not tentative like she had started before. She kissed him like she mean it, because just kissing him did wonders to her. She wanted him. Only if he wanted her. She didn’t want pity sex.
That tentative way she'd been moving was gone, as though she'd rediscovered her confidence, or at least enough of it to show a little aggression. And that was fine. He'd always liked some aggression in his women. The kiss was like a flag going up, announcing that she was willing and ready. Which suited him just fine. He put an arm around her shoulders, keeping her close, while the other went down, getting a feel of her ass, before sliding his hand up her night dress, hiking it up and up until his hand was nearly at her shoulders.

He felt himself stirring now, at full erection, and a part of hims was just desperate to see Mallory impaled on his length. But he also liked taking his time with her like this. It was...fun. He moved his arm from around her, letting her get a little distance, before he slid a hand around to get a palm to her breast. He thin material didn't provide much real coverage, and the rough callous on his hand was only barely diluted by the silk. He broke the kiss, and gave her a playful growl, before lifted her night dress up, and pulling it over her head.
Oh, if he kept touching her like that…magic would happen. The rough skin of his hand was a delicious contrast to her smooth skin. It felt wonderful. What felt even more wonderful was him underneath her, fully erect and hard. Instinctively and because she damn well wanted to, Mallory pushed her hips down into his, gyrating them a little bit and absolutely loved what she felt. She stopped though, because if she kept going any further, well that would just be embarrassing.

She slowly pulled back, not yet breaking the contact of their lips and sat up on him. Their lips soon parted and her arms moved up willingly. This night dress was in the way and she was more than happy to be naked, to really feel him without the armor of clothing. Looking down at him, she took in a sharp intake of breath before sliding down his body enough to grasp the rim of the pants he wore, although first untying them. She pulled them down enough to let what was so tightly confined in there out and her eyes went wide and her jaw drop. “Holy moly…” That was perhaps the most biggest thing she had ever seen. He officially gave a new definition to ‘monster in between his legs.’
Hrothgar looked as she reacted to freeing his cock. Oh, she'd not been the first one to be shocked at it. And after all, why not? A full twelve inches long, and better than three thick, it was a truly fearsome thing to behold. Hrothgar sat up, bringing her face to his in a kiss, while his hand slid down her body, large fingers pressing against her clit, before sliding into her a little. He wasn't going to lie, he was desperately wanting to do mroe with Mallory, now that there was absolutely no doubt as to what was going to happen between them now. He leaned down, his teeth closing on the side of her neck, drawing them along the skin until they left a faint mark.

A hand came to her face as he kissed her again, cupping her gently, then a little more firmly. He smiled at her as he drew back. He flicked his eyes lower for just a second, before guiding her head lower, towards the towering cock that stood errect.
Her cheeks flushed red as she looked at him, only now having her reaction processing. Did I really just say ‘Holy moly?’ But all thoughts were pushed away when he brought her in for that kiss. She was easily susceptible to it and kissed him back. She pushed her body up, attempting to push it into his, maybe rub herself against his cock but stopped when his fingers went to her all time happy place in between her legs. Wow, mighty fingers…she moaned into the kiss and as their lips parted, her head tilted to the side and the invisible hairs stood up. She liked his mouth, she liked kissing him, she liked whatever he was doing to her, holy moly, she wanted more.

But even Mallory knew the signs, knew the angles and definitely knew when a guy was insistent upon something. Though she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t more than curious as to what he tasted like and what it’d be like to have such a massive appendage in her mouth. See if she could work magic on him like she did…way back when. So she went, her body sliding back down his so she straddled his calves and her hand came up, fingers wrapping around his girth. She stroked him slowly at first, just watching his length as she did so, completely wowed. And then she leaned down, before sending a glance up to Hrothgar and then looking back down as her tongue ran up along him. Oh wow…he was so hard against her tongue but so wonderfully smooth and tasted yum. Like Hrothgar. She allowed her tongue to run along him, slowly, as if taking the first few licks of a popsicle, getting a good grasp before slowly, she allowed her lips to wrap around the bulbous head of his cock, her favorite part. She knew now she would not be able to deep throat him. But if she could bring him to heel, that alone would be an impressive feat.
It was certainly seeming now that his earlier worries about whether she would be all right after her experience were entirely unneeded. He groaned as he felt her tongue along his length, taking her time with it, before taking it partly into her mouth. He sighed faintly, his eyes closing as she got to work on him. He had long ago made his peace with teh fact that few, if any, women would actually be able to handle his entire length orally. Even trying was worth something to him, and Mallory was certainly making an attempt at making the moment good for him. Given his size, he knew that this likely wasn't going to go on for too long. After all, her jaw would only be able to handle so much.

Still, he wasn't one to allow her to go unrewarded for her efforts. Not wanting his arm in the way, he still reached around her. Not for the first time, he was glad of his size, since it let him reach around her, and slide a finger back inside of her. It wasn't perfect, he was only able to make it in to the second knuckle. But that still put thrre or more inches into her, and he started to pump his finger, giving her something to keep her attentions up.
It was a lot more gratifying to be able to please a man like Hrothgar. He was ten times bigger in muscle and stature, had a bigger appendage and probably felt less than the average man. And if not, it would still be more gratifying to please him and bring him to heel than any other guy. And she liked the sounds she was hearing right now. What took her by surprise quite a bit was the sudden feeling of a finger inside of her. Not just any finger, his finger. And his finger was the equivalent of two, maybe even three and it felt…heavenly. A soft moan came from her and she sat up just a tiny little bit to be able to push back into his hand, to take that one lone finger into her a little deeper. The last time something or someone was inside of her it hadn’t ended well. A part of her was afraid of that. But then Mallory would tell herself it was Hrothgar. Everything became better after that.

Her tongue moved slowly along him, relaxing the pad of it right behind the crown, along that sensitive ridge there, or so, before attempting to delve a little more. She took him deeper, slowly, more than the head of his cock and now just one inch. He was very wide, she had to go slowly but in doing so, she hoped she made up for it by the extra suction and tightness of her mouth, the slow and slick movements of her tongue and her hand. Her hand was moving, was always moving. Mallory was determined. Her confidence might have shaken after the ordeal but she never could back down from a challenge.
Gods preserve me from enthusiastic and ambitious women... Hrothgar thought as Mallory started to push herself back into his finger motion, and pushed herself to take more of him into her mouth. Damn, but she was good at what she did! Hrothgar grunted faintly as she worked on him, increasing his pace with his hand in response. He shifted his torso slightly, and it gave him just a bit more reach to work on her. With a breath, he managed to plunge his finger all the way into her, while another reached down and touched the tip of her clit.

On some level he wondered if this was what he should be doing. After all, it was only natural that Mallory might be drawn to him after he'd come to save her. Twice. But then, he was only human, and when a beautiful woman came into his room in the night, basically asking him to have sex, there was only so much he was able to resist. And Mallory was not one of those things. And she did seem to at teh very least know very well what she was doing. In both technique and awareness. It came down to trust. And he trusted her to make her own choices in all things. And tonight, she'd chosen him. Lucky him.
And that pushed her even more when she heard another sound from him. Once more inch and then another and she pushed herself to start moving her mouth on him. It wasn’t much probably since she was only able to work with three inches, not including the head of his cock but again, she tried to make it worth the while. That and with how he was pleasing her or starting to, she wanted to do more. It was inspiring her to. And all the while stroking him too. So she hoped that made up for it otherwise it was just mean to make someone so well endowed, that it was impossible to do anything for them with her mouth. It was probably not necessary or required but for Mallory, it was. It was a challenge. It couldn’t be turned down.

Especially with him pleasing her too? Why wouldn’t she want to keep going at him the way she was. But she did end up having to pull her mouth off of him and was panting a little bit. Stroking him still, Mallory looked up at him and she bit down on her lower lip. That was when she lunged. Not so much of a lunge but she did move so quick that the contact of his fingers to her clit and inside of her went away, her hand to his cock went away and all she knew was her lips were on his, kissing him with a passion and a fire that suddenly burned deeply within her. She really did want him bad. No more foreplay.
Hrothgar was certainly appreciative of her work, the kind of determination made him smile. Then she was off, adn throwing herself at him. He was a bit surprised, but not too much. She was apparently quite tired of waiting. And that suited him fine. Her impact might have knocked an average man onto his back, but Hrothgar took it easily, getting his hands onto her sides. He turned, keeping that kiss going, loving that fire, that passion, and returning it with all he had. He put her onto her back, getting over her. He got between her legs, his cock head stil moist from her mouth, and touching her stomach. With a shift, his hips pulled back, dragging himself along her, rubbing past her clit, before settling into the folds of her sex. He broke away the kiss long enough to smile at her, cup her face, adn then push his hips forward.

It was still extremely tight on him, also nothing new. He started to sink into Mallory, an inch, then two, then four, then six, making it halfway into her. He ran a hand over her stomach, faintly dragging his nails across her, and he swore he could feel a small lump where the end of his cock would be. But that was unlikely, and he was very likely imagining things. With a pleased grunt, he eased himself forward, lowering his mouth down to her breasts, running his tongue along her nipples, before feeling his hips make contact with her. He'd made it all in. It was likely as stuffed as she'd ever feel.
Any worry or woe that Mallory might have had was kind of nicely dissipated right now. Enough that she could just lose herself in this, lose herself with him. Feeling her back on the mattress and realizing him on top of her, she snaked her arms around his neck, one hand into the back of his hair, her fingers threading through it and her lips didn’t want to leave his. She found a very relaxing and pleasurable feeling with his lips. One she didn’t and couldn’t quite shake. Something unlike anything else. The obvious part of her was thinking it could just be that after everything, she was finding really good and warm comfort with him. The unspoken part…well that’s why it’s unspoken.

The drag of his cock along her was teasing. As if he was going to just take his time when it had been clear how badly she wanted him, to just wrap her body around his. And then finally, she felt him go lower until he was right at the spot, the perfect spot that she wanted him to be at. Time for the plunge. He was slow, and Mallory learned that she really was pretty sore after last night. He wasn’t in her completely and he stretched her so that she felt it more than she ever had. She looked up at him and gasped softly, watching his eyes, his smile, as if her gaze was hanging onto that while she accustomed herself to a completely new feeling. Like she was losing her virginity all over again. Although, thankfully, not as painful.

Her hands slid over his shoulders and then down his arms, her body relaxing more and her hips lightly pushing up into his, a soft moan coming from her. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes, all sensations and amazing feelings that were going through her right now, settling and settling well. When her body relaxed back on the bed, it felt like she floated down from clouds or something. He was in her so deep, completely and it shocked her that such a monster could be in her completely the way it was. But he was and she liked how it felt. She liked that fullness. Like she or things would never be empty again. She’d never be without. “Oh Hrothgar…” She gasped his name, pressing her cheek to the side of his head before cradling it, letting him do with her as he pleased. She trusted him. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her. The exact opposite really.
Hearing his name was enough that Hrothgar officially cast aside any thought about having a reservation about Mallory. He felt the slight movements that she made, pushing up at him, and held her close to him. He made sure to leave weight on his elbows. He had little doubt that if rest all his weight on her, he'd crush her. He slid his hips back, sliding himself out of her slowly, pulling back nine inches, and then slowly pushed back into her, drawing out each move to a gentle but firm action. Still, there was passion in what he did, and he was already radiating heat that seemed to warm the entire room. He turned his face to her neck, nuzzling against her a moment before planting a kiss, then giving her a bit of a bite.

His hips kept up there motion, his speed gradually increasing, drawing out the action, enjoying every inch he moved within her. Hrothgar could only hope that she was doing the same.
She appreciated every little thing with him even though there was nothing little about him in any way. The way he moved, the kisses, the fact that he didn’t crush her which was amazing to her. Even more, she just appreciated the way he was with her. Kinky, rough sex was one thing but even Mallory couldn’t ever deny that sex like this, with passion, feeling and even the sort of gentleness that Hrothgar was practicing with her was something she rarely got or ever felt. It was different than going all animal about it. It was something more she didn’t really know. Not saying she was suddenly mad for him or thought of him as her boyfriend. But she felt a closeness that she never even felt with Harrison or any of the guys she had been with in the past. Something…special.

She turned her face from her neck to her face and kissed him deeply, pouring any and every feeling she knew or was unknown to her or just downright rare into the kiss. Her knees slid up his sides and rest at his hips and her own pushed into his, enjoying every bit of all the inches that pushed into her, enjoying every bit of Hrothgar that he was willing to give her. She moaned against his lips and breathed deeply through her nose. This was something else entirely. He was something else.
Hrothgar felt her pulling closer to him, getting herself more fully connected to him. It had been some time since Hrothgar had felt the urge, the want to take his time with a woman like this. But Mallory just...seemed to be worth taking the time. The way she kissed, it was completely unrestrained, as though any emotional barriers were gone. The intensity was...actually a little off putting in some ways. But not in a bad way. It was like she was releasing everything that had ben bottled up inside of her, and now was just...living for this one moment. And he liked that in her. She likely needed it. His pace increased a little more, a hand going to cup the side of her face, keeping her close to him as he poured all he could into the kiss. He didn't think it was as good as hers, but it was all he had to offer. He made a faint grunt as he ground his hips into her, making sweet, passionate love to her.
And when the realization sunk in that that was actually what he was doing to her, she felt more than she had with sex in a really long time. Some of her past partners had been really good, one in particular, but they all paled now in comparison. Just because of certain things. They seemed so small, so stupid, so pointless probably but it made it a big deal for her. All the things she wanted and Mallory certainly never thought she really wanted this. This kind of feeling, where her heart beat faster, her body felt so good and she felt unbelievable pleasure and she wasn’t being pounded. It was like she was connecting with him. That was new.

She moaned a little loudly into the kiss, not too loud but it wasn’t softly moaned either. Her nails raked down his back deeply, well as deeply as one could into someone’s iron flesh, and she swore she felt that kiss deep in her core and all throughout her. The way he kissed her back, it pushed her higher towards cloud nine. The pleasure she felt was already so much from his sweet movements, touches and kisses and she was soaring sky high, towards a very happy place. A very happy place indeed. With him.
The moans she was making, the way she dragged nails against his back, all of this was a fine sign of things for Hrothgar. He could feel himself coming close to a finish, The sight and thought of Mallory in the throes of just so much were a catalyst for him. What he did pleased her. And that pleased him mightily. Coupled with teh fact that she had been fantastic with him so far. He graoned into her, matching the pitch of her moaning, and his pace went to a slow, deliberate grind. He felt himself coming up, swelling within her, making it even tighter on him. He could hardly believe it. The kiss had just a bit more intensity, a bit more fire, and then...he released, shooting wave after wave deep into her. He held himself there, a few short thrusts as he came, before relaxing. He gave her a slow, pleasurable kiss, before backing himself out of her slowly. Once done, he rolled onto his back, put pulled her with him, enfolding her with one arm.
As if she was enjoying the best ride of her life, the best experience of Hrothgar, like she was on a hot air balloon that took her higher and higher until she hit the highest peak possible. Like her world came crashing down around her but not in a bad way. But in the best way and rather than her world, it was the pleasure. Everywhere. The way someone might color outside of the lines, she came outside of the lines, completely undone at the seams. She clenched tight around him and her entire body trembled inward, like pleasure bombs went off inside of her. Her lips broke from his and she cried out in absolute pleasure. She enjoyed the aftershocks in her post-orgasmic bliss. Her eyes closed, she felt the absence of him from her until feeling herself tucked safely at his side. Mallory rest her head on his shoulder and draped her arm over his chest, panting still but her breathing was already coming back to normal. She could feel that wonderful buzzing feeling, her body still vibrating or humming. Lying like this with him, after such passion and pleasure, she could sleep for a long time. As long as she was tucked at his side this way. She liked it. She liked him. Go figure.
Hrothgar let hismelf drift off, feeling sated and content. Mallory's recovery might just be faster than he'd have otherwise thought. And with a good benefit for himself as well. He let himself drift away, his sleep easy, but mixed with teh images of Mallory underneath him...

The night rolled away, and morning dawned. The alarm went off. James slapped at it, missing twice before he leaned out a little farther, and ended up on his face on the floor. Grumbling, he toppled the side table, putting the clock on the floor, while it kept shrieking at him. He unplugged it, only to find that the battery he'd placed in it was still good. He still couldn't quite reach it, and grabbed the toppled side table, swinging it into the clock, bashing it into pieces. he sighed, and rolled onto his back. It was Monday. Bugger.

He went into his living room, and crinkled his nose. It still smelled like sex in here. he moved into the kitchen, making a pot of terrible coffee. He took a drink, and almost gagged.
"Fuck me!" He declared, and finished getting ready. He had to get to school. If he was lucky, Esther might show up near the office, and that might make for a fine turn of the day.

It was a little past four, but Harrison touched Amy's shoulder. When she didn't wake, he kissed her again.
"It's four." He said to her when her eyes were open.
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