Overneath the Path of Misinterpretation (Alvis Alendran&Malicious Lullaby)

Mallory grinned broadly at him as if she had just gotten exactly what she wanted. That’s because she did. She got to have pie now and not just any kind of pie. Cherry pie! Once at the place, she got out of the truck and walked with him, an extra pep in her stride. The inside of the bakery smelled like fresh baked goods and it made her mouth water. She was distracted by everything until she heard such a loud and proud happy Scottish accent. That was when she turned and saw the man and she smiled.

When the pie was brought out, her eyes widened and she wanted to cradle it like it was her new baby. But she refrained, obviously. Something told her that wouldn’t really help her case. She might just be dubbed as the crazy pie-loving girl. Bidding him goodbye, she walked out with Hrothgar, eager to go to her new home at his place. Not to unpack. No, to eat that pie!

It was so sexy the way he kept her hands pinned above her head. It was so sexy how he took her. He made her feel sexy in this moment. This man who was like a god in bed, a celebrity in his career and just an all around good person was making her feel so amazing. For one, Esther wouldn’t even know her name is Esther Martin when this was over. And she didn’t want to think about when it was over because she wanted to keep feeling this amazing feeling. Of no inhibitions, of letting go and not playing anything safe anymore for any fears. She had turned a new leaf and it was marked by this sex. “Harrison.” She gasped his name when she felt her body start to really respond. Another orgasm on its way and already she knew it was going to be one hell of an orgasm. Her eyes closed and she cried out loudly, his name even in the mix of her sounds of pleasure when her orgasm hit. Already. It wasn’t her fault. It was his. He was just way too good.
Hrothgar kept a careful hand on the pie, seeing the looks that mallory was giving it. on some leel he wondered if he let her hold it if he would then see her buried face deep in the pie as she savaged it. Amusing as that might be to watch, he kept the pie to himself. Leading Mallory back to the truck, and climbing back in, and set it gently on the back seat. He got them moving, making his way back to his apartment. He kept a eye on mallory, making it an exagerated gesture, tesing her with the diea that he might not trust her not to make a dive for the pie. Pulling into the lot where he could park his truck at the building, he gave Mallory a mock-cautious look.
"If I let you carry the pie, will it make it upstairs?" He asked her, his voice matching the look.

Hearing his name called was always a good feeling. It gave his ego a little bump forward, not the it needed it, but it brought him to the brink faster. His hand went between them, sliding along her clitoris even as she was shuddering int he midst of her orgasm, bringing her another layer to the experience. he felt her contracting around his length, and his mind went to the time's they'd shared already, which made him back himself out of her seconds before her came. His cock pointing up her body, he came. His seed landed on her stomach, and then just beneath her breasts, The rest managed to settle onto her stomach again, and he kept his breathing steady as he finished. He slid around to be beside her, and kissed her, before leaning back.
"Suppose we'll need a shower before breakfast then. See you in the dining hall?" He asked, keeping a hand on her face.
Mallory wasn’t aware that Hrothgar kept looking from her to the pie. She was just thinking of all the ways she might eat her slice. What it would taste like. What it looked like. How the crust would be. All of that. Only when they got into the truck and the pie was right there, did she finally catch on to why he was looking at her and the pie the way he was. He thought she was going to tackle that thing and devour. She had half a mind to do so in fact but refrained. She didn’t want to amuse him too much. Not yet at least.
Once they arrived, she got out of the truck and looked at him. She grinned and then shrugged. “I don’t know, do you trust me enough to find out?”

Her eyes stayed closed and she breathed deeply through her nose. She had felt the warmth of his seed being sprayed onto her stomach and chest. No matter. She was going to need a shower anyways, now more than ever after that little move. Besides, it made her feel even sexier and possibly a lot more turned on. Esther didn’t know or realize, she was apparently a lot more into the kinkier aspects of sex than she ever thought. Especially since after they kissed, he suggested a shower. Her mind raced with vague depictions of what they could possibly do in the shower as well. She was on a roll.
Turning her head in his direction, she opened her eyes half way and smiled a tired but obvious post-orgasmic-bliss smile. “Hmm, we don’t get to shower together?” She teased him, though she was being a little serious too. “I’m sure we both can be on our best behavior while showering.”
With all of the mock severity he could manage, Hrothgar lifted the pie, and gingerly handed it to her.
"The I suppose we will find out." He answered her, giving her one last severe look before smiling, and getting out of the truck. It was an easy task to assemble her boxes in a pattern that he could carry, and heft the entire stock up. After all, she was now carrying precious cargo. He led her back to the front door, which was luckily being opened by one of his neighbours. They gleefully greeted him and kept the door open. It seemed the people knew what he did for a living, and were glad to have him around as a neighbour. Mallory's things were taken to her new room, and set down. Hrothgar wondered if she was into the pie yet when he returned to the kitchen.

Harrison had images of climbing into the shower with her. He knew exactly where his 'best behaviour' would take him. He ran fingers through ehr hair.
"My best behaviour would have you pressed against the wall and screaming my name again." He told her honestly. "And as much as I might enjoy that..." he leaned forward and kissed her again. "...we should get some food before we lose ourselves too much in this sort of thing." He told her, getting to his knees. Truth be told he wanted to keep losing control with her. But he was going to need a little bit of recovery time, and he didn't think he was going to find it in the shower with her.
Mallory giggled and then forced herself to stifle it but the smile on her face wouldn’t go away. She held the pie to herself, holding it like it was the most precious thing in the world—it really was. If it dropped, she’d probably cry.
Walking up the stairs and to the apartment, she walked in, knowing she didn’t need to help much since Hrothgar had it taken care of plus his neighbors were so nice and helpful. She made her way to the kitchen where she set the pie down. She couldn’t wait anymore. She had to get a peek. She opened the box and saw the beautiful pie that sat inside and she whimpered almost. “You are going to be so yum.” She mumbled before shutting the box. Shocker, the pie still lived and wasn’t half in her tummy yet.

Turning, her eyes traveled over him and she grinned. “Chill. It’s not in my tummy.” She then held her finger out though. “Yet.”
“Do we eat pie now?”

Esther felt the weight of his words resonate deep inside of her, right in between her legs. She kissed him back, wanting more than to just kiss him, wanting more than for him to simply kiss her. Their lips parted and a small frown came over her face. “Aw, poo.” She pursed her lips before a small smile came over her face. “Well then, before you go could you just help me to stand? I don’t think I can actually feel my legs at the moment.” She laughed a little bit. It was true. Her body still buzzed post orgasm.
Hrothgar went to one of his cupboards, and withdrew a pair of plates. Larger ones than normal, asht pie was large enough to warrant it. Next he withdrew a pair of forks, and a kinfe that looked like it would be more at home in a duel than in a kitchen, but Hrothgar slid the pie out of the box, and set the knife to the pastry. The cut was smooth, though the crust flaked wonderfully. Breaking the lines of crust, Hrothgar made teh cut properly, smoothly drawing the blade. He used it to lever a piece out, and onto a plate. Stabbing a fork into it, he handed it to Mallory.
"Yes. We eat pie now." He acknowledged with a wink. "You've waited long enough."

Harrison stood, and he had to admit the thought of Esther in the shower did restore part of his stiffness, but he purposefully ignored it, and rached down to her, taking her arms in hi hands. His mind kept wandering to place this might lead, as he pulled her up to her knees. It wouldn't take much effort to bring her mouth to his cock and have start to- He ended th line of thought at that, actually having to shake his head to get teh image out of his mind. This was a truly rare moment, a woman he'd become involved with so recently to have managed to get into his head so thoroughly. He kept a grip on her, giving her the leverage she'd need to pull herself to her feet.
Mallory watched as he got to work. Plates, forks and a big knife that actually had her gulping, fearful that it might be detrimental to her health. Still, she watched as he swiftly cut a slice and watched with even more eager anticipation as he brought the plate to her with a fork in it. The fork in it caused the filling to spill out just a bit, she seeing the red and she had to purse her lips tightly to keep from drooling or letting her jaw drop. She was so excited to eat this pie and rightfully so, she believed.

She took the fork out and took a bite, big enough but small enough as well. The crust was heaven on her tongue and the filling made her eyes close and a warmth traveled inside of her, it was so delicious. She ate and leaned against the counter. “Oh my god. I want to make love to this pie.” She murmured to herself, taking another bite.

Esther let herself be pulled up. Her mind was still buzzing and all she could think about was wrapping her arms around him and taking what she wanted. He had pinned her arms above her head, making it impossible for her to try and touch him. His hands were on her arms and she was being pulled up, to her knees and then to her feet. The moment her feet touched the ground, she pushed her body up and her arms came around his neck. Her body pressed against his and she brought his face down and her lips met his. It wasn’t a hungry kiss. Just a kiss. A deep kiss. Slow and letting her just feel and taste. Just one more kiss and then it would have to stop. She wanted to hold onto it for just a moment more before she would have to cut the addiction.
Hrothgar paused as Mallory professed her feelings for the pie. He smirked.
"That would likely be messy. And awkward. Especially as you are not alone." The big man pointed out, digging into his own slice. Hamish had done exception work once again, making a pie that was worth fighting for. He'd yet to find a pie worth dying for. But fighting for, that was a good standard to have. At least Mallory seemed to be adapting to the fact she was living with him well enough. Though from the look of it, he might have to keep his pie supplies stocked up as long as she was here. At least she'd be getting a lot fo fruit intake. That thought made him smile a little.

harrison took the kiss readily, replying in kind. It was a deep, yet easy thing. It would be easy to plunge deep into her and- another line of thought that was terminated. He finally let the kiss break, and smiled at her.
"See you downstairs Esther." He said calmly, prying hiself away from her, and grabbing his clothes. He'd need pants at least to go wandering the halls. He wondered if he should go back, and grab the shower. But he knew that it would most certainly end in screams and exhaustion, and not a little bit of enjoyment. He got out of sight of the bathroom, hesitating, weighing his options. he nearly went back in twice before finally getting his pants on, and leaving the room.

The shower in his own room helped. A little. he did have the thought that it might have been mroe fun if Esther had been just outside of the shower, since he could have bent her over another counter, savaged her. Hepounded the side of his head with his hand. Gods, this woman was stuck in his brain. he'd need to do something about that, and he was figuring that whatever he was going to do go get his mind off of her didn't involve stuffing his cock into her again. That would be fun too, but likely not help. Gods damn it, what was wrong with his brain? He kept asking hismelf this as he worked his way towards the dining hall.
Mallory giggled. “Mm, but at least it’d taste delicious. I’d taste delicious after that.” And then she stopped talking because she realized that would be a very inappropriate conversation to have. Having pie stuffing and its juice all over her that with a swipe of her finger, she could easily clean herself off in certain areas. But she wasn’t about to divulge into that. Food and sex didn’t go together, unless it was chocolate, whipped cream, ice cream or wine.

Her first slice was gone in a matter of moments and she reached for the knife to cut another slice. Just one more, she rationalized and then she’d go to unpack her boxes and make her new room a little more Mallory. Although she wasn’t going to open all the boxes. Just the necessary ones. She meant it when she said this was just a temporary stop. She didn’t want to burden Hrothgar.

Esther almost gave a whimper when he ended the kiss. Instead, she smiled at him and nodded, letting him leave her. She looked back longingly, watching his beautiful derriere and bit down on her lower lip. She had to stop. Esther knew she wasn’t able t have sex the way men could, devoid of emotions. She wasn’t about to profess her love to Harrison. No, but she’d have yearnings.
Shaking her head to rid her mind of such disastrous and ignorant thoughts or wants, she moved her jelly-like legs to the shower that was beside the rather large bath tub. Leaning in, she turned the water on though opted for a cold shower since her libido was still singing for more sex. She took a ten minute shower, washing the cum off of her body after tasting it of course. He tasted…yum. Once more, she dispelled the thoughts and after soaping up her body, washing her hair and conditioning it, she was out of the shower and hurrying to get her clothes on. She suddenly felt more awake and after her shower, realized just how hungry she was. Man, she could eat an entire basket of those stuffed buns she had the night before. Right now, she just wanted food. Lots and lots of food.

After she dried her body, she grabbed on a pair of jeans and a tank top, matching bra and panties underneath, orange color, her favorite color. She pulled on a crème colored sweater but didn’t button it. Nope, she let the nice amount of cleavage that her tank top allotted her remain on display. Maybe she was trying to impress. Or maybe she just felt a lot more alive and a lot less of a prudish nun. Esther also resolved to pack her bag away, figuring she should leave after breakfast. The sooner she got back to reality, she sooner she could go back to her life and not have little wishes here and there. Leaving her hair wet but towel dried, she went out of the room and towards the dining hall. She set her bag at the bottom of the stairs, off to the side and then walked into the dining room. Her stomach growled. Yeah, she worked up an appetite alright.
Hrothgar watched as Mallory cut another piece of the pie off for herself. yes, he was definitely going to have make sure that he kept the pie stocked in the house. It would, if nothing else, give her something to enjoy in the coming days. Mallory had all of the signs of a person ready to bolt out the door when she could, and Hrothgar knew that she likely looked on him as a very temporary solution to her housing problem. Truth be told, he could use the company some days. WHile he was frequrently not home, working at the office, or on a job himself, he'd never had an issue with someone being around when the activity stopped. It made the days easier.
"It seems the pie will not last out the week." he observed with a smile, still working on his first piece. There was no accusation in his tone, only an observation.

Harrison made it into the dining hall. he noted a blank spot on the smaller table, and figured it was about the right size for Esther to be spread out on if he was to- Gods, his mind was as far into the gutters ight now as he'd ever had it, and that included back in his early college days. He sank into his seat a few moments before Esther made her appearance. She most ccertainly had a 'freshly scrubbed' look to her, which supposed was better than the alternative, which was a 'just fucked' look. He smiled at her, and the kitchen door opened, food being brought out. it was not Amy doing it this time, and Harrison suspected she was in something of an unpleasant conversation with Gerald about proper conduct with guests and Harrison. Or she was off with some of the other younger servants, bragging about the night she'd had.
"Breakfast seems served as it were Miss Martin." Harrison observed to her. Food had indeed been laid out, eggs, scrambled to perfection, with sides of bacon, sausages, toast, and a few hashbrowns. A true breakfast of champions.
She took another bite of her pie, or well was going to when Hrothgar made his ‘observation’ and she stopped suddenly. She put her fork down and bit her lower lip, looking down at her slice and then the gap in the overall pie. Her cheeks flushed probably the color of the cherry filling and she put her fork down. “I-I guess…I’m hungry?” She asked, looking at him and then down at the pie. “Maybe I’ll finish this later.” She nodded her head, moving from where she stood. She rummaged around until she found some saran wrap and covered her second slice of pie, taking the fork from it. She put the covered plate in the fridge and then put the fork in the sink. Glancing to Hrothgar, she nodded. “I’ll go unpack now.” She sort of made a beeline to her new room and shut the door a crack. Well that was super embarrassing.

Esther smiled at Harrison and then saw the spread for breakfast. Her eyes widened and her lips parted. She was looking at it probably the same way she looked at Harrison naked. With need rising up. She was so hungry. Taking a seat at the table, she crossed a leg over the other and took her plate. She tried to be minimal on her portions but in the end, she had a completely full plate. “Indeed, Mr. Trenton.” Her gaze flickered up to his and then she looked down at her food, her cheeks coloring a little red. Images of what they did last night and their three rounds just this morning came to mind. She had to stop thinking about it otherwise she was going to want him for breakfast again and probably pass out from lack of food. Oh, the best way to pass out. From really amazing sex. Her cheeks burned redder and she cleared her throat as if to clear her mind. “So um…” She picked up her fork and adjusted herself in her seat. “Is it okay if I go after breakfast?”
Hrothgar watched as she put away her pie, and put his face in his hands. That was masterfully done. He should be impressed on how easily he chased her into her room. The only thing that might have done it faster would to have drawn a gun on her. He shook his head a little before opening his fridge. it was getting towards a time that one could think about lunch. He quickly primed the oven, and slid a dish from the back of his fridge into it. He only had time to prepare food on rare occasions, so he took that time to have things ready to cook on hand. He set a timer, and let it count down. Maybe she was hungry. She had said that. He sighed. He was just not that great with people. He gave the oven the time it needed, and it pinged to announce the contnts were ready. He withdrew the food, cursing softly asthe heat made it through the towel that he used to protect his hand. He made his way down the hall, and put a hand on the door knob, making sure the door didn't open when he knocked.
"Mallory? There is some food if you would like a lunch...?" He paused, and sighed. "Sod it. Mallory, I am terrible at dealing with people. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I think it's a good thing that you have an appetite. Come out and eat?"

Harrison had to wonder if Esther was embarrassed about what they'd been up to this day. He found it hard to believe really, after all, she'd been so enthusiastic about it at the time. She was energetic, she had passion, she a kind of raw sexual energy and appeal that he found in so very few people. He blinked, and took a bite of his food to dispel the thought of Esther back on this table again. That was getting hard to shut off. She wasnted to leave after breakfast. He could give her a ride home, make sure she got ther. Maybe come in for a few minutes. Maybe bend her over the breakfast bar like he had with her room mate. He closed his eyes. Gods above, he needed to get a hold of himself.
"Of course, if you'd like. I hope that nothing that's happened here has made you feel unwelcome." He answered calmly.
Her stomach growled the moment she set into her room. Sure, she had cereal but then she thought back to yesterday, or at least tried to and couldn’t think of the last time she had eaten. Breakfast? Before all shit hit the fan? And then after that, all she had was cereal this morning and now the pie. Yeah, she was pretty hungry but she wasn’t about to eat him out of his own home. She was a tiny person yet she had quite the appetite, always had. And it sort of all just went to the right places. She had a fast metabolism and it was always easy to keep extra weight off. Except around the holidays. The holidays really fucked her over by a few extra pounds but then they easily came off as well especially with her job. She didn’t sit in a desk all day long. She was rummaging around and constantly moving, all the while still taking calls. It was busy and hectic and a lot of time needed to be a busy lawyer’s assistant.

Nonetheless, Mallory kept herself quite busy although she kept cursing to herself when her stomach growled. And it didn’t help that the smell of food in the oven, the delicious smell, wafted from the kitchen to her room, making it worse. It seemed timely too when she Hrothgar, just as she was putting up some clothes. Putting them over her bed, she walked to the door and opened it and managed a meek smile. “Well, if you’re offering, I can’t say no to that, right?” If she was going to turn a new leaf, she would have to chip in for groceries. She had to, otherwise history would only be repeating itself and then she’d only prove she really was a bad person. “You should tell me what things you like, how much of it so there can be an even and fair trade about expenses.” But then she added, “At least while I’m here.”

Not embarrassed. Not embarrassed at all. But the thoughts that kept plaguing her mind, of all possible scenarios that he could take her all over the dining room hall. What could she say? She had it bad and was probably addicted at the moment. But it would be safer to leave today. Earlier today and find some way to get back into the swing of reality again. Her life, her job and adjusting to having no roommate. She’d have to put an ad out for a new roommate. Lord knew she couldn’t afford that place by herself. At least not for a long time period. She ate slowly, relishing the food and eating a lot. Maybe if she was so full of food, she wouldn’t be incapable of persuading Harrison to another round, or five.
Looking up at him, she finished the bite in her mouth and swallowed, shaking her head. “No no, of course not. I had a really great time and I am so thankful for this weekend.” She said softly. “But if I stay longer, it’ll be really difficult to get back into reality. I want to make sure I’m totally up to speed for tomorrow.” And mostly not think about all the ways she would want him to ravish her. But she wasn’t about to say that now. “I hope that’s okay. I mean you don’t need to take me back. I can call a cab.” She shrugged.
"You have just moved in. I did not expect you to instantly begin purchasing food for yourself. After you've had a few meals with me, I can get an idea of how much you'll be eating, and then I can let you know what it is costing. Sound fair to you?" He offered. "And if you refuse, then I will not let you have any of the quite enjoyable chicken that I have cooked." He gave her a mock serious glare, but softened it with a grin. Finances and the like, he was good at. He could do that! "Now come, I would hate for it to get cold, and waste the effort of cooking it." He said with a smile, leading her back to the kitchen. Dinner had been set aside. Chicken it was, but covreed in a kind of sauce that let out the scent of Parmesan and oregano. Roasted potatoes were beside it, along with baked carrots and the like. "I know it may not be much, but...it's dinner where I live." Hrothgar admitted.

"Ah, I understand perfectly. This place can take on an air of unreality the first few times you stay here. And I would hate for you to suffer at your job so soon after making sure you kept it!" Harrison said with a faint smile. "And I'll not hear of you spending the nigh on hundred dollars for a cab ride back to teh city. There's an easy solution." As he spoke, he made sure that his easy solution didn't involve tackling her to the floor in her apartment, or the back seat of his car. There was only one way to be safe. He looked to teh server. "Have Aaron bring the car around for Miss martin. Have him dirve her home. We brought her out here. We can make sure she gets home safely too."
"Yes sir." The server nodded, and took off to see the job done.
"There you are. Safe and sound." He smiled, and raised a coffee cup in a kind of toasting salute.
“No, I know.” She quickly interjected. “I just…don’t want history repeating itself, that’s all. You’ve been really nice letting me stay here, especially after everything. Hell, if it was switched, I might be a bit worried to have someone like me living in your house given the circumstances.” She said softly. “But no, all of that sounds perfectly fair, thank you. I just want to do my part and right by you.” Right by someone.
Nodding to him with a grateful smile, Mallory followed him to the kitchen, the scent of the dinner becoming stronger and her stomach rumbled now, rather than just meagerly growling. She saw the fine chicken and her mouth salivated. If this was how she was going to be fed in his home all the time, she’d never want to leave. “Wow…” She snorted, as he downplayed the entire meal. “Are you kidding? That’s not much?” She asked in disbelief. “Hrothgar, if this is how I’ll be eating in your place, I will never want to leave!” It’s why she never wanted to leave Esther’s. The girl made a mean lasagna, among other things!

Esther nodded her head and then regarded him with a light smile as he brushed aside her taking a cab. She was kind of thankful for that and then there was a bit of hope that he’d burden himself to drive her back himself. Not that she’d ever ask or expect it but a girl could hope right? Because then they could do wonders in his car, or even in her apartment. She quickly shoved another bite of food into her mouth to qualm her desires that were growing already and they were just eating breakfast. No sexual innuendos anywhere!
The growing dampness in between her legs was instantly squashed though and she did all she could to mask the little bit of disappointment by smiling. “Thank you. I appreciate it. I really do.” She raised her cup of tea to him an nodded her head before placing it back down, not taking a sip. She then continued the rest of her breakfast. It was for the best. If he did drive her himself, he would get nothing done and something told her that Harrison wasn’t the kind of guy who would spend an entire day on sex. And if he was, well why would he do it with her?

She had to stop thinking now, otherwise she’d be one of those girls. Looking up at him as she swiped the crumbs from her mouth after taking a bite of toast, she swallowed and spoke, “So what does your day hold for you? You going back into the city? Are you ready for work tomorrow?” She jested.
Hrothgar grinned at her reaction to his parmesan chicken. He set a plate down, and speared one of the breasts on a fork. He lifted it, the meat almost coming apartas he moved it. Well cooked and seasoned, the juices dripped from it. He did the same with a few potatoes and carrots, before turning and handing Mallory the plate. There was a lot of food in that serving, the chicken alone probably half a pound.
"Even after you find a place of your own...I would be pleased to have you by now and again for dinner." He said honestly, and for all the world, looked a touch sheepish as he said it.

Harrison smiled thinly.
"I can be ready for work any time. But I think that right now, work will be coming to me for a few days. It's been months since I spent any amount of time out here, and I think it might do me some good to have a change of setting while I work. So I can have things forwarded to me, and do some file work out in the gardens. Get a little sun too. I spend too much time indoors." Harrison admitted. "Besides, I think the staff could use the activity to have me around." He glaned around. "Maybe I'll throw a party. Bring in a few people from the city, and have them about. I have your address after all. Expect to hear from me." He winked at her as he finished.
She watched in wonder. It was like a food-tease, the way he served one plate. Even more of a tease when he passed the plate to her and she thought for a fleeting moment, he’d just take it back and be like ‘Psych!’ and she’d have no food. That would be really mean. Really, really, really mean.
Just as she might go to attack this beautiful plate of food that was oozing juices she really wanted to take a straw to, she looked up to him and smiled, her cheeks reddening and even her eyes almost watering. That was so sweet and she forced herself to not cry, forced herself not to get emotional. So then maybe what he was saying all this time was the truth?
“I’d really like that Hrothgar.” She placed a hand on his arm in a genuine little show of affection. She had already grown such a soft spot for this hulking man. Moving, she grabbed a fork and then sat down to enjoy her meal. And there was a lingering thought in her mind that was yet to be unanswered for obvious reasons; Pie for dessert?

She liked hearing him say that. Even she believed that if he was here, it’d be good for him as well. Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, relax in the comfort of his own home and even throw a party. Her smile broadened. “I already have a dress waiting to be worn again.” She giggled. “I hope you enjoy your time here Harrison. I think you could really use it. And I’m glad you see that too.” Because that was more important. That he saw it. Not that she saw it and believed it too.

Esther enjoyed her breakfast and finished soon enough. She finished her tea, not trying to nurse it. She didn’t want to be in his way and like she thought, it was best that she go as soon as possible. The sooner she got back into the reality, the better. And she took it with a grain of salt about the party invite. They had no reason to really talk to each other or stay in contact with each other. Now? She was ready to move on with her life and try to make herself happy. She could only rely on herself and she only had herself after all. No more wasting it away.
Hrothgar smiled as she touched his arm. The contact was a good thing, a sign that she did at least trust him. By the way she dug into teh plate so readily, it was clear that she was nto going to be a stranger to his dinner table. Which suited him fine. He'd always had to roll his eyes at the women who picked at tehri food, ate like birds, and seemed to starve themselves. The way Mallory devoured the chicken, it seemed clear to him that she would likely be willing to assault a plate of wings, or a ham with the sme enthusiasm. That reminded him, he did have a ham that could use a good being cooked in the fridge. Ham went cheaply when it still had a large bone in it, which suited him just fine, as it enhanced the flavour, and made buying it much more economical.
"Then it is settled. Perhaps on Saturdays, once you've a place, you will come see me for dinner. I will ensure that you never leave hungry." He promised her, diging into his food very quickly. Once he had demloished a good amount, he extended a finger towards her. "Besides. It seems as though you could use a few good meals." His finger prodded her ribs gently, playfully. "Put a little meat on your bones." he winked as he spoke, making sure she knew he was teasing her.

"Oh, I've little doubt I'll find something around here to keep me amused." Harrison said casaully. He watched as she started through her tea. It was clear she didn't really want to leave, but was doing what was best. Just like he was, having Aaron drive her back. Hell, the rate he was going he didn't fully trust himself not to bend her over the hood of his car and have her right there. The thought was pleasant to him, but he pushed it away, pressing it to the back of his mind. Gods, he had it bad. Work would help him though, it always did really. Would help him find a good centre, and purge him of distraction. He'd done it before, and would likely again.
"I look forward to seeing you here again at that time. You can meet some of the high brows that don't much care about being high browed." He told her. As she finished the tea, he felt a twinge of sadness. he was sending her home after all. "I'll walk you out." He stood, and walked with her.
Mallory ate her food with gusto and clearly the appetite of someone who most likely wouldn’t have her figure. Looking to him, she smiled, food in her mouth but she didn’t open her mouth. If anything, the food in her closed mouth puffed her cheeks. She nodded her head as she ate what occupied her mouth and then swallowed. The food was delicious and she was so thankful that he at least knew how to cook. She could learn but it might be a painful journey although he didn’t seem to be complaining about the food she cooked him this morning for breakfast. All she had to do was practice.

“Hey, I eat!” She made a face of mock anger. “It’s not my fault it doesn’t add anything.” She grumbled though with a bit of humor. The humor being that the food went somewhere. She was curvy for a reason though still slender. “Are we having pie for dessert?” She asked brightly.

Yeah, she was sure he’d have no problem finding something around there to keep him amused or entertained. The thought of Amy sprawled out, bent over something regarding no clothes on her or Harrison’s part came unbidden to her mind. Esther didn’t know why she didn’t like that thought and didn’t like the taste of jealousy that threatened to rise. She had no reason to be jealous, just like she had no reason to be jealous of when Harrison and Mallory were going at it. Hence why it’d be good for her to go now. Since all food was done and her tea was done, she had nothing holding her back.

“Likewise. You have a beautiful home and you gave me perhaps the best weekend I had in quite a long time.” Standing, she moved out of the dining hall with him and retrieved her overnight bag from the bottom of the stairs before walking out with him.
Hrothgar smiled, and nodded.
"As there is already a piece cut for you, I see no way to disuade you." he said with a wink. "Though perhaps to defend the pie, I will simply have to feed you more during the meals." He had to admit, it had been a long time since he'd been able to simply talk and joke like this with someone when he wasn't having to constantly check every window, every door, and every other potential point of access. It was a simple talk between two people. It was something he had missed from his life if he was being honest with himself. He did wish it could have started under much better circumstances. Oh well, they had however long living with one another to make new, better memories and reasons that they were friends. Food seeming to be a big factor.

Harrison sighed in amusement. Leave it to Aaron. He'd said bring the car around. He hadn't specified which car to bring around.
"Of course Aaron. It had to be the Rolls, didn't it? Couldn't just settle on the Lincoln?" Harrison asked. The driver, a young man maybe in his early twenties, grinned, and leaned on the car.
"Can you blame me sir? Might be the only chance I get to drive the thing." Aaron replied. Harrison gave a long suffering sigh.
"No, I suppose not." Aaron grinned, glad his employer had a sense of humour. "Just bring it back with a full tank." Aaron's smile faltered.
"Ah, sir! Really?"
"Price you pay for glory Aaron." The young man sighed, adn went to teh driver's seat. Harrison turned to Esther.

"I'm glad I could help you with your weekend. I'm inclined to say that we simply must have you back out the next time you feel a need to relax away from the city." he said to her. He was actually a little unsure. Did he offer her a handshake, a pat on the shoulder, a kiss? A swift and aggressive ravaging from behind? They both likely enjoy that, and he didn't see the harm in- Get a hold of yourself harrison Gods damn it! He leaned down and kissed her, not caring what protocol might be, he wanted to damn it. He put a little edge of hunger in it, making it clear that he wanted more, but was pressed for time. When he came away, he smiled at her, and went back to the mansion.
Mallory giggled and shook her head, looking down. She cut another piece of the very delicious and juicy chicken and nibbled on it—though not literally nibbled—savoring it before taking the full bite. Chewing and swallowing, she sat back and crossed a leg over the other under the table. “Hey, that pie deserves to be eaten. Why preserve something so delicious only to let it grow old and moldy and yucky?” She shook her head. “We wouldn’t be adhering to its destiny of being eaten and finding a home in our greedy bellies.” She grinned. Oh, she hadn’t felt this relaxed in a while. She liked it. The ease of just a good volley of jokes and jests back and forth with another person. She missed it. And it was a good telltale sign that it wasn’t gone forever because of her mistakes.

Esther bit down on her lower lip to stifle laughter but she couldn’t keep it at bay. She was a giggler after all so she giggled. The situation was amusing. With a car like that, she’d try to find an excuse to drive it anytime as well. Turning to Harrison, she smiled and nodded. “I’m inclined to say that I am very much looking forward to the next time I can come here.” She said softly. Whether it be to relax or just to see him—oh no, she wasn’t going to go there. No, she’d only come if invited. She wouldn’t seek him out. Especially if she had the right mind of what would happen the moment she left. Not that she expected anything. It’s why she wanted to go as soon as possible. Let reality sink in. They were free agents.

She expected a hug, even just a simple hand shake or awkward wave but the kiss goodbye caught her completely off guard, so much so that her overnight bag slid out of her grip and onto the ground beside her feet. Her hands slid up his chest and she returned the kiss with much passion and desire, a need that she feared wouldn’t go away, even when she returned to her apartment. And the disappointment that also added into the mix when he parted their lips, it was thick. Profound. She turned and watched as he walked away and sighed softly, a little sadly. She definitely missed being in the company of a man so intimately. Shaking her head, she picked up her bag and walked to the car and got in, putting her bag in the back and sitting up front. Why not? If she was going to enjoy the ride, all the more reason to enjoy it up front. Not in the back. That was boring.

Amy was a little bit free from the demanding Gerald, having gotten more than enough of an earful from him as to how she was to present herself. No, Esther was gone and she could maybe get that unofficial rain check from Harrison. She was there by the stairs when he came back into the mansion and smiled a suggestive smile. “Do I hear correctly? Are you staying with us for a little bit extra Mr. Trenton?”
"I would never stand between a pastry and it's manifest destiny, especially not one from Hamish. But perhaps it's execution need not be so swift and merciless." Hrothgar suggested calmly, scraping up the last of his dinner, and popping it into his mouth. Even after such a statement, he went and withdrew her slice of pie, and set it on the table before her with a smile, and cut himself another. After all, it was an excellent pie. And he did need to keep himself well fed. Might as well enjoy the process a little more than usual. Hrothgar didn't want to jump forward too quickly, but he did have the thought that one of the coming days, he may offer mallory a drink, and see how she took it. It might be a good thing to know whether that would trigger her into a downspiral, and be on hand to help her handle it. Esle, if she took it easily enough, it was a good sign of her recovering.

Aaron threw the car into gear, adn sent it rolling down the lane. Once onto the street, he put more foot into it, and picked up speed. teh interior however, remained nearly silent, such was the skill that went into sealing the cab off.
"So...Esther, right? You probably heard, I'm Aaron, and I'll be your driver." He said by way of introduction. "And, uh, I have no real skills at talking to people. So...is there anything you like to talk about? Because I don't want this to be a big awkward drive in silence, and I don't want to be funbling around at bad subjects." He winced at the last. He was awkward enough that it looked very legitimate. Poor lad.
Her cheeks reddened. Then she’d only eat the pie when she didn’t have an empty stomach because that’s how she ate the first piece so quickly and she wasn’t even aware of it either. It was just good and she was always a seconds or thirds kind of gal. But no, she could keep that in mind. Especially if she wasn’t paying for it. It technically wasn’t hers. “I won’t argue with that.” She said softly, a little extra softly and almost shyly. All just because she didn’t need him thinking she was a fat cow. Or that she ate him, of all people, out of his own house.

Esther was quiet, naturally, and her hands were clasped together in her lap. She stared out the windshield and bit down on her lower lip. Okay well this just might be a very uncomfortable drive back and it wasn’t short either. Was it too late to turn back around and beg Harrison to take her to save both her and Aaron from uncomfortable air.
Looking to him, she managed a weak smile and nodded. “Nice to meet you, technically and officially Aaron.” She said kindly. Her smile went from weak to a bit sympathetic. “Oh, you and me both then. It’s one thing to stand in front of a room among kids or even talking to their parents but anything more than that? I’m like a fish on dry land.” She laughed a little bit. “Dying and gasping for breath. The second part sometimes literally.” She grinned. Oh she hoped that this might be a lot less of an uncomfortable drive.

“Well there’s no real bad subjects to talk about. I’m an open book. For most part. Here, how about this. We’ll play a healthy game called 20 questions. That way there isn’t much chance of dead air and I’ll make the requirement that each answer needs to be more than just ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Let’s take the time to get to know each other. We’ve got a couple of hours. Might as well make the most of it, hmm?”
Harrison nodded to Amy.
"A few days I think. I've been away too long. I fear the staff may have grown...a little unbound. Only way I know to make sure it's not a problem is to stay for a spell." He answered. The smile she gave him lef tno illusions to what she was hophing for. He had the impulse to turn it down now, flatly, but caught himself. Why? Esther had been...very interesting to say the least. Very...well, he was going to have to call a spade a spade. Very gratifying to have around. btu they had made no promises, no commitments. They were both free to pursue other people. And he had little doubt a woman like her would have no trouble finding men willing to be with her.

"A young woman should have a healthy appetite. It is a good thing to see you have such a thing. Some fine cooking...or at least as fine as I can muster, and we'll soon have you satisfied." Hrothgar said with a smile. "And I am sure hamish will love the extra custom that we can provide for him." He paused, considering thigns. He had been on jobs more often than not as of late, but he'd been planning on taking some time to make sure the office was in good order. Which meant he'd actually have to spend time at home as well.
"Well, as I'll be home more often these days, I do need to restock the place with more than non-perishable foods. So what say we decide what things we would like to have on hand?"

Aaron perked up.
"20 questions! I love this game! I am totally in! I'm going to start, if that's okay! So, Esther, hm...We'll start easy. How did you meet my boss?" He asked, with a grin. This wasnt so bad. Esther seemed a nice girl. He could get along with her. At least as long as it took to get her home. He shok himself. He likely have no problems at all. She seemed pretty laid back, and so was he.
Amy smiled and nodded her head. “Well we’re lucky to have you then sir.” She said softly. “And…if you’re not busy later tonight or too swamped in work, I’d love to maybe…spend a little time with you.” She said quietly. She was bold, brave and didn’t mind putting herself out there. Besides, she knew what she wanted and now that Esther was gone, she could have Harrison to herself. There was no harm in simply indulging in what she enjoyed. And she certainly enjoyed having Harrison balls deep inside of her.

Mallory nodded her head. “I approve of these decisions.” She said softly. It was actually looking up already. It was real and she didn’t need to worry yet of when she’d have to get kicked out. No, she could really enjoy but still do her part. Provide while she was living here and also look for her own place. She meant it when she said that she wouldn’t take up too much of his space here. It was the resting place until she got her own place. Made enough money, make herself save up because she wouldn’t make anyone be what she made Esther be. A lackie, someone to live off of, mooch off of.
“Sure. Although how do you mean about non-perishables? Like…furniture?” She asked with a tilt of her head.

Esther smile, thankful that he responded well. Thank goodness otherwise she was more than ready to pitch herself right out of the car. While it moved. Looking to him, she gave him a nod as a green light for him to ask the first question. And wow, he really went in deep. “Well, I got accused of hitting on one of my students when it was the other way around. My roommate at the time worked for Harrison and she put in a good word.” She said softly. “He was my lawyer for the case.” She shrugged. “And…well he was kind enough to also take care of any other problems that also occurred that could need legal representation.” She said softly. She smiled at him and pushed her hair out of her face. “Hmm, what to ask you?” She grinned, as if she needed the extra time to think about it. “What’s the first car you’ve ever driven?” Considering his excitement over driving this one after all.
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