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Overneath the Path of Misinterpretation (Alvis Alendran&Malicious Lullaby)

Her eyes closed and a light grimace came onto her face. She shook her head to try and dismiss it but in doing so, it was like she rattled her already spinning brain off its axis and that didn’t help one bit. A small groan came from her and her hand came to her head. She took a deep breath before exhaling coolly. “I got what I deserved. Bad things happen to bad people.” Her slur wasn’t so terrible now but she had a problem just trying to think and talk.
“What did you do? What happened to you?” Even though his voice was as big as he was, Mallory found comfort with Hrothgar. He was so nice. No questions needed to be asked. And considering what happened, it was nice to know she wasn’t so alone. That even bad people could still have friends too. Or at least, nice allies.

Both girls watched. Amy anticipated and Esther’s eyes were wide, drinking in Harrison, practically undressing him as he undressed himself. Her tongue came out to lick over her lower lip slightly and Amy just grinned a little bit. Although now she was starting to wonder if her lack of performance would decide the fate of her job here. All Esther was thinking of was the way Amy’s fingers moved inside of her and when Harrison was completely nude, she wondered what it’d be like to ride that monster.

There was no need to scoot. There was plenty of room in the tub. Esther shifted to rest back against Amy while Harrison got well acquainted and the girl’s hand came up to her left breast, giving it a whirl, her fingers playing with her nipple, all the while her fingers continued to move in and out of her, occasionally stopping so her thumb played with her clitoris. Esther bit down on her lower lip to stifle a moan. She was just getting started and she was a moaner but she didn’t want to show just how badly she needed this. Although, if the fact she was in a tub with a woman naked and being pleasured when she was just about to go to town with Harrison on the hill wasn’t a dead giveaway at how badly she needed this, no one would know what would be.

As if to cement the entire thing, Amy kissed him back, hungrily almost but not over much either and Esther simply melted. Years of no sex and she was about to jump back into the game by a threesome? Yeah, this was her lucky weekend.
"It is to my experience, that bad things happen more often to good people." hrothgar observed. What he'd done. That was not something he liked exploring. But she might need the frame of reference. "I was once on my way to joining the police in my home town. And then thye suffered a cut to staff, and found that i was no longer suited to the task. Two years of my life...just wasted. So I...sought out a release. I found thugs int he alleyway. And I started to fight them. This brought more. And soon...soon I had help from my brother, who had been following me. We fought together. And in the end, I found that I was still standing. But my brother...he needed the hospital. His face is scarred rather badly to this day from that fight. My twin, the one person I should have been protecting, watching his back, and he was the one person I failed to do so for when he most needed me. He will carry the mark of my failure for the rest of his life." Hrothgar explained.

Harrison liked the hunger in Amy, the kind of energy he wanted in a partner. Esther was no less ready to go, being well primed for anything by Amy continuing to work on her. Harrison broke away from the kiss, and went lower, pressing his lips to her neck, before dragging his teeth along it. One of his hands moved around to rub the side of Amy's body. He wanted to tear the two women apart, lay them both out and work on them both himself. But having them like this...that was certainly not something he was complaining about. His free hand pressed inot Esther's other breast, not wanting to take the action from Amy, but wanting to make his own work known. He kneaded softly, but firmly, before rollingthe nipple between his fingers. He laid another biting kiss on her neck before kissing her once mroe. He was getting his rhythm going, and he switched to Amy, taking another fiery kiss to her, and moving a hand around to the side of her breasts, caressing them as he felt himself wanting nothing more than to bury hhimself in both women. He was not goign to remain restrained for very long at all the rate things were going. Espeically if either of the women did more to push him along.
Mallory listened, surprised she had even been able to do so but with a story like that, where each sentence left her hanging until the end, it was hard not to follow. Somehow, by some sort of miracle and she wanted to see him, Mallory sat herself up. She was expecting Hrothgar to be in front of her so imagine her surprise when she turned to look behind her and there was the shirtless teddy bear. Her eyes took a scan, looking him over. Muscled completely but she could see some booboos that made it perfectly clear he had gotten hurt when he came to save her. She didn’t comment, instead looked him square in the eye. “Your brother knew though what he was getting into if he followed you. Right? So how could it be your fault?” Then she looked down and realized she had been lying her head in his lap all along. “You’re not a bad person. If you want a prime example of a bad person, look at me. I’m evidence of it.” Although maybe it would be bad if he looked at her. She wasn’t very…clean. Semen and all.

Esther’s eyes closed. From what Amy was doing to her and now what Harrison was doing when their lips parted, she was hooked, line and sinker. She gave in, letting all inhibitions go and letting her enjoy what she knew she deserved. The long-overdue and awaited passion of sex. Even as the attention shifted to Amy, the girl reveled in it but she didn’t stop fingering Esther. Her moans started to break through into the air as her inhibitions left. Amy stopped fingering Esther for a moment as Harrison kissed her again but she didn’t take them back. Her left hand left Esther’s breath and curled around Harrison’s neck, kissing him in return with a fiery passion, while her thumb rubbed over Esther’s clitoris in concise circular motions, fast too. That was enough to make her body start to shake, leaning back into Amy more, her hand moving over her wrist.

Breaking her lips from his, Amy looked at him. “How about we all move this to the bed. More room, less water, more fun.” She looked to him and then to Esther, pressing a kiss to the back of the girl’s head. “Hmm?”
“I second that notion.” Esther spoke, her breathing having turned to soft pants by now. She was ready to get this show on the road. As was Amy.
"Had I not gone there, had I not been reckless, he would not have been there to be so wounded. The blame is mine." hrothgar said calmly. He looked at Mallory, trying to see his bad person, and just not seeing it. "I see a woman who has made a bad choice. And I see one who is punishing herself for it. Which does not usually show signs of a bad person. But tell me Mallory Joyner. Tell me what makes you this bad person, so I might know fully."

Harrison was tempted to tell Amy to hell with that, and bury himself in her right then and there. but the bed was likely a far better idea. He blew out a sigh, and took his bearings. Amy was not a large woman, actually being a little on the slender side. Esther was also not overly heavy...maybe he could do it. He nodded.
"The notion is seconded. And carried." Harrison agreed, standing up, and out of the bath, offering a hand to each woman to help them out. he was also glad the door were larger than standard. he'd done it originally to make it easier to move furniture around, but this would work as well. As each woman hit the floor, he moved, sweeping an arm to their knees, and then sweeping them up. It was not the easiest task he'd set out to do, lifting both women at once. His knees protested, reminding him he was too old for this kind of tomfoolery. But his pride reminded him that it was a little damned late for that kind fo thinking now, wasn't it?

He walked, the ladies leaning aganist his shoulders, facing one another, and letting them get and arm around him to steady themselves. His steps were measured, but swift, making it seem as though it was less of an effort than it was. Showmanship was half of anything in life after all. He reached the bed, and sat down on the edge. He leaned back carrying both women with him, putting one on either side of him. He kissed Amy first, taking the moment moment to get his bearings before switching to Esther and pouring out some of the passion that he felt budding. His cock jerked at the thought of being at the bed with two young women like this.
Mallory nodded her head. He made sense with that. Still, she didn’t think him a bad person if he thought he was for that. But when he asked, she bit her lower lip and looked down. “You can’t see it? I’m covered in semen. I betrayed my best friend who had done so much for me without a single hesitation.” Her voice broke and her eyes watered. “I’m such a bad person that I’m nothing to anyone. I wasn’t even anything more than a fling to a guy I liked a lot. I thought…” She swallowed hard and looked back down again, her hand coming up to wipe her eyes, only smudging her already smudged make up even more. “I thought a lot of things. Wished for a lot. But good things don’t happen to bad people. Bad things happen to good people, unfortunately, when it isn’t deserved. Bad things happen to people who deserve it. I deserve it. I’ve done nothing good.” Tear drops fell into her lap and she sniffled. “I’m a bad person.”

Amy released Esther who whimpered almost at the loss of the contact. She worried that it might be too good to be true and she’d be blocked again. Both girls stepped out, offering their hands to him and her earlier worries were put to rest when he took both of their hands and hoisted them up. She wanted to say something, even Amy did too, about how he picked them both up together but neither said anything. It was one thing for a man to want to exert himself to this kind of task, it was another to wound his pride. And both of them weren’t about to block themselves, Esther especially.

Bodies dripping wet, it was a distraction easily placed away as they came to the bed, Harrison in the company of two very willing women on his lap. While Amy and Harrison kissed, Esther looked down at the monster and she licked her lips. Her hand moved to his cock and she wrapped her fingers around it before she started to stroke. And then his lips were on hers and she kissed him back with much fervor, need and passion, something that only enhanced since their time on the hill while Amy moved her hand around Esther’s encouraging the girl to stroke more. She leaned in to kiss Harrison’s neck and promptly slid off of his lap. Esther’s hand left his cock and moved around his neck as she engaged in a serious make out that she couldn’t compel herself to leave even if she tried.

Moving onto her knees before him, in between his legs, Amy became face to face with the rather proud monster he sported, her hand wrapped around him and stroking while she leaned in and let her tongue lick the head before wrapping her lips around it. She sucked and a very soft, almost inaudible moan and sigh came from her. A truly fine specimen.
Hrothgar realized he was trying to reason with a half hysterical woman who was largely still drunk. But he coudn't leave her like this. He had to try and get something through to her. All he had was honesty.
"I see a woman who has made choices that she is not proud of. i see one who sees herself a bad, so does not see anything she does to herself as undeserved. And I see a woman whom had she meant nothing at all to me, I would not have come for her, and hospitalized nine people to help. Those are your bad people, and I th bad thing that happened to them. But you. No, you are a person who has made bad choices. And they weigh on you. The choices a bad person makes, they feel nothing for them. Why should they? They are bad people." Hrothgar tried to explin, cursing again and again that he was largely not suited to this kind of thing. Seeing her tears, he followed his impulse, and reached out one massive hand. He brushed her tears aside so very gently.

The contact of a small, soft hand on his cock was enough to make sure Harrison was spurred onwards, and he felt Amy encourage Esther along for a moment, before sliding away. He did hope she wasn't thiking to make an escape. He felt Esther getting her arm around his neck, leaving his cock unattended, until another, differnt hand went around it. He felt lips on the head of his cock, and groaned into Esther's mouth, loving the feel of being able to spend passion on making out with a woman, and still feel warm, soft lips on his cock. he carried Esther backward, laying himself down, but not moving his waist so as not to deny Amy the access. He put an arm around Esther, keeping her with him, but pressing the other to her breast a moment, before sliding ti lower along her body. He rubbed his hand along his slit, his palm rubbing along her clit while his fingers rubbed her. He leaned a little farther forward, his teeth catching just a little on her lip, nibbling just a little, a spur for her he hoped.
Mallory looked at him as he explained. She wanted to believe him but at the current moment, she couldn’t see it the way he saw it but neither was she in a position to argue. What could she argue really? She just sniffled and let more tears fall. Even as his hand came up to brush them away so gently, that probably only made the dam break loose and more tears followed, making her break into actual sobs. Her hands came up to her face and she covered them and just let her cry the way she hadn’t at all since everything happened. It was all too much. She betraying Esther all those years ago and still today, Harrison just ending things the way he did, making it clear Mallory was nothing more than a dalliance, fun if you would, nearly being raped in the apartment last night and then throwing herself for a round of pleasure that went south into an actual rape when she became less cooperative and being thrown out. “Why are you being so nice to me?” They didn’t even know each other. He didn’t know what or who she really was. A bad person.

Her body went down with his, lying beside him and not letting their lips part. Not because she wanted to hog. No, not at all. Because she wanted so badly to just keep kissing him. He was a very good kisser and she was losing herself in the passion. In the lust. Amy on the hand was becoming very well acquainted with Harrison in a different but related way. She pulled her mouth off of him to press kisses along his magnanimous length, to trail her tongue along him, to simply taste him. All before she went back in and took him back into her mouth and soon a couple more inches aside from just the crown. He was massive, far more than any guy she had slept with but she was determined.

Esther moaned into his lips, her hips ever so lightly jerking from his hand in between her legs. It was such a welcome touch, just as Amy’s had been. A soft moan came from her as he nibbled on her lip and her eyes opened. She parted her lips from him and bit her lower lip, where he had nibbled. Her lips were swollen and tingly in the best ways from their kissing and she realized something. A smile played onto her face. A little shy but also not, something very unlike Esther. That was when she sat up and moved from him, going up higher on the bed until she was right beside his head. Making sure he was lying completely on his back, she swung her leg over the other side, straddling over his face and held herself up long enough to look at him, making sure he got the idea before she lowered herself to his mouth. Esther Martin was so not a little girl anymore and she would take what she wanted—needed.

Amy looked up, not taking her mouth from him, to see what Esther was doing and she grinned around his cock. She put her attention back to it, her hand cupping his balls and massaging as she took an inch or two more of him. Then she really began. Her tongue rubbed along the underside of his cock each time she pulled back and then went back in, never completely taking him out of her mouth. She started slow as she got ore comfortable and accustomed to his length and girth before she began to go a little faster, he mouth like a suction, tight, warm and wet.
Hrothgar did the only thing he could think of when a young woman started to sob in front of him. He slid forward, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him to give her somethig more stable to lean against.
"I am nice to you because I see a young woman who has found herself in very bad straights. I am nice to you because I have no reason not to. And because I want to do so." He told her, keeping his arms around her, but not so tightly that she couldn't push him away if she wanted.

Harrison was enjoying the moment with Esther, not to mention the feeling of Amy around his cock. When Esther broke away fromt he kiss, and moved. He had a faint idea of what she might be after, and when she swung her leg over him, he was right. he was game enough for this, bringing his arms up to place his hands on her thighs, keeping her in place while he started. She was already more than damp, she was ready to go, and he ran his tongue along her to start things off. Licking firmly, strongly as he shifted enough to get his upper lip on her clitoris, and use that to rub along her. He plunged his tongue into her, working her along solidlywhile he slid hand along her leg before moving it to join his tongue, adn rub along her slit. He withdrew his tongue, and apread it wide, running it up and down her, making sure that he missed no part of her, before plunging it back inside of her. he jerked slightly, diriving himself a little deeper into her as Amy started to take him more fully into her mouth, and really set to work on him. She was past the preperation stage, and into the stage of getting things done properly. He wanted to sit up, put a hand on her head, help her drive his cock into her throat, but he had a slight problem with that, and was currently on his face. Only one way to fix that. he moved his hand to plunge two fingers into her body, and then kept his tongue moving along her. It was time to dive Esther as mad as possible.
She didn’t pull away from him. Even if him embracing her was the last thing she expected, especially considering she was pretty much naked and soiled all over. He no doubt should want to get that on himself or even want to touch her but he did, he embraced her, comforted her. And right now, Mallory was in no position to try and keep a façade when it had been broken a lot earlier. She wept in his arms, burying her face into his solid chest, her hands on his arms. She even listened to him, taking in his words, maybe not quite believing them but she didn’t try to refute him this time. Mostly because she was sobbing but also because if he could see what he was saying, perhaps he was right? Maybe she wasn’t all bad? Especially if she was a wreck about it all.

Esther’s eyes closed and deep sigh came from her. Finally. Something rather than nothing at all. Even if she didn’t actually get to have a man inside of her tonight, she’d maybe feel the release she had been needing so badly. He worked her so well. She leaned back to rest her hands on his chest for support, to hold onto, especially when he really began driving her mad. Her moans were soft at first and then became louder. Her hips moved, very slightly giving motions, like she was riding his mouth. Only very slightly because otherwise she was in a world of pleasure that escalated so quickly. Especially since Harrison clearly knew his craft.

On the other hand, Amy knew her craft well. She might not be able to take him all the way completely but she was determined and to boot, she had no gag reflex. After a good momentum, especially when it was made clear to her that he responded well to what she was doing, she went further, taking him deeper, all the way, letting her throat work him. She kept massaging his balls and moaned against his shaft. Moans filled the air and the scent of all kinds of sex started to perfume it. A job well done indeed.
Hrothgar held her, not caring about anything else but her comfort. Yes, she had been covered in things that didn't bear thinking about, but he'd been covered in worse in his time running security. When doing work abroad, he'd essentially been in war zones, and rather terrible things had happened. But this was almost euqally important. One person. One soul. It was his chosen profession to look after people. One at a time usually. maybe then, he could find it in himself to care for this one soul for reasons that didn't involve work.

Esther was riding the feeling, riding him. he leaned himself up as he kept going on her with his hand, his tongue creeping up to circle around her clitoris, before goign back to run along the edges of her slit. Amy around his cock had him intesely fired up, and her work was nothing less than excellent, adn he felt as she managed to pull him into her throat with a reaction. Wonders would never cease. He had the fleeting thought of making that a note on her performance review when her first one wwas due, but then he was back in the moment, all thougts of jokes and papers gone, and only himself and two beautiful women remained. he let go of any further restraint on Esther, his hand moving faster now, plunging into her rapidly, while his tongue seemed to be almost everywhere at once, across her slit, around his fingers inside her, up across her clitoris as his lip just kept on working her. The feel of Amy's throat contracting along his shaft was enough for him to feel himself tighten, and start to jerk. Oh, he was coming now, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.
After some time, Mallory stopped crying. She was just resting her head on Hrothgar’s shoulder, her eyes half closed and still wiping her nose so nothing got on him. She sniffled and pulled back a little bit. Looking at him and then down at herself, seeing the dried white spots all over her, she grimaced. “Can I take a shower?” She asked so softly.

She could feel herself building up and it was so delicious. She hadn’t felt this in forever and here it was, about to happen. It was like a nuclear bomb that was just dropped and before it really set, it was building up, everything raising like a big mushroom before it’d sweep over everywhere. That’s how it felt. It was building up, raising up everything inside of her like a mushroom and when he began to really finger her, really go at it with his tongue, all over her, that was when the nuclear bomb swept over her. Esther cried out as she fell so rapidly hard, the pleasure so intense from years of not having an orgasm and then definitely never having one like this. It was too good. Tears pricked the corners of her closed eyes.

Amy was rather pleased with herself. She pulled off and then went back in, but not in her throat. She worked her mouth and her tongue and would go back and forth, bringing him down to her throat. It was amazing and even more amazing to make this man who was so powerful and strong feel as good as he was. She hoped it meant something good. Something really good. Looking up, she felt a prize of joy and accomplishment as she heard Esther moaning out so loud and then feeling Harrison jerk before the warmth of his seed filled it. She drank in every drop and her eyes fluttered closed and a soft groan came from her, of appreciation.
Hrothgar nodded.
"Of course. The washroom is down the hall, first door to the right. I'll...see if there's anything I might have around in here that would fite you to wear." He was honestly not sure. Given his size, Giving her onee of his shirts would likely be like giving a child their parent's shirt to wear. But it was better than nothing. He led her to the door, knowing everything was laid out for use in there anyway. He let the door close behind her, and then went to his room, looking for anything that might be useful. Mallory was not a tiny person, but then he was something of a colossus. He wondered. He'd had a small party a few months back, and several of his old firends had stayed the night. Several of them had left clothes. He went into his room.

The box that he'd laid out the cleaned clothes was still in the back corner where he'd left it. he opened the box, discarding the first few items. They'd been worn by several fo his female friends had had dressed to draw the eye, adn he somehow doubted that Mallory was looking for anything of the type for a long while, if ever again. He found a shirt, one that looked about the right size for her, and a pair of jeans. hey'd likely fit a littel loose, but it was about the best he could do on this kind of notice. He set the clothes at teh door to the bathroom, and went back to thetable. He had a little more glass to dig out.

Harrison could feel Esther finding her release, getting off harder than he'd seen a woman do in a long time. It seemed it truly had been a long time for her. She was slackening off, relaxing as she came down a little, and he guided her with his hands to the bed beside him. Once she was off of him, he sat up, looking at Amy. She'd done very well, and he felt she deserved a bit of a reward for her efforts. And besides, he was barely a half hair away from going completely off his rock with lust. Lettign himself go a little, he pulled his cock out of her mouth, and bent low, lifting her off of the ground in a single motion. he kissed her hard, passion and fury running through him before turning, and carrying her onto the bed, laying her out beside Esther. Breaking off the kiss, he leaned up, and smiled, rolling Amy over, putting her on top of Esther as he began to grin with a certain predatory glint to his face. He moved to kneel behind Amy, sliding her knees apart, and rubbing the head of his cock agaisnt her. With a sigh, he pushed himself inside of her. The move was smooth and steady, gliding into her until his hips contacted her ass. He sighed in contentment, the move one he'd been wanting since the bath. One hand on her hip, he drew back, and then plunged back into her.
Mallory nodded and with his help, was able to walk to the bathroom. Her entire body was so sore, she clearly used up like some old rag doll. Unfortunately, after she shut the door behind her, flicked the light on, she turned and saw her reflection in the mirror. Mallory didn’t recognize the girl in the mirror. She didn’t recognize herself. This girl, covered in dried semen, runny make up and her hair was like a frizzy mop. She dropped the jacket that had covered her and then finally looked away from her reflection, ashamed. Going to the shower, she turned it on and waited for the water to be nice and hot. Removing the rest of her garments, she stepped in and let the hot water rain down on her. Her hands scrubbed herself furiously and she grabbed a bar of soap and doused herself in it. She started crying again but it was quiet and more like heavy pants as she tried to rid herself of the disgustingness that was herself.

After her shower, Mallory grabbed a towel after shutting the water off and stepped out. She dried her body and then turned to look at the mirror again, looking at her reflection. She was clean. Her make up off. The semen gone and her hair wet and straight. Her eyes were red rimmed a bit, still wet with tears and she sniffled. Maybe he was right? A new leaf?

Wrapping the towel around her, she went to the door and opened it, looking down to find clothes. She snatched them up and shut the door once more, quickly putting them on. After towel drying her hair, she set the towel on a rack and picked up the remains of her clothes, throwing the skirt away but keeping the boots. Picking up his jacket, Mallory left the bathroom and she managed to walk to where he was. She wasn’t so very drunk anymore. The water helped, so did the pills he gave her and the shower helped even more. “Thank you.” She said softly, holding her boots and the jacket to her. The clothes were a little big on her but they didn’t swallow her up. They just made her look normal. Like Mallory.

The soft plush of the bed comforted her as her body was put on it. She lay on her back and let the after shocks of her orgasm take her over. A smile played onto her face and her eyes fluttered closed. Oh, she felt so good. She’d be thanking Harrison a million times over now, for the help on the case, for this weekend and for this orgasm. Honestly, she thought it was over. She was more than content if he decided to just go off with Amy and leave her. She would sleep with peace and happiness and have wonderful dreams about her orgasm, about many orgasms to come perhaps.

Amy was quite stunned. She drank him like he produced a delicious drink for her that satisfied her immensely. So the way he suddenly hoisted her up, she had a feeling but she still wanted to see how it played out. It seemed she was as shocked as Esther was when Amy was suddenly on top of her. Before either of the girls could really react, Amy moaned deeply as she felt the thickness and fullness of his Harrison’s cock inside of her. Her hands rest on either side of Esther’s head on the bed and upon realization that Harrison was indeed inside of Amy, Esther wrapped her arms around the girl and stroked her back and then moved her hand into her hair. She was in the moment, completely in the moment. Amy would probably ever be the only woman that she got sexual with. Right now, she wasn’t a schoolteacher. She was a woman enjoying many fantasies all in one. Amy felt such soft hands on her body and she looked down at Esther. Their breasts pressed together, Amy’s lower half rubbing against Esther each time Harrison pushed into her. Leaning up, Esther took her lips and kissed her and Amy moaned into the kiss. Kissing a woman and being taken from behind by a man like Harrison? What a way to go!
Hrothgar looked at Mallory, and nodded as she came into the room. He had gotten the last bit of glass out, and was in the process of doing a field repair on his hand. He was not the greatest at doing stitches with a single hand, but he'd done it in much worse circumstances. At least he could keep it clean.
"How are you feeling?" He asked her, not sure about it. She looked a little more aware, and that was a good sign. it would be a big factor in how she bounced back from this whole incident. Or didn't. He pulled the last stitch closed, and leaned down, giting off the string, and knotting it as best he could, before wrapping the hand again.

Harrison had a good view of all that was going on infront of him. Esther and Amy, two rather delectable women, and all three people seemed to be enjoying themselves rather pointedly. He had the thought of switching to Esther for a moment, but that might not be the right choice at this moment, not wanting to keep Amy waiting, and wanting to make sure Esther didn't sinply lose her mind utterly from a second orgasm too soon. With that thought he worked his hips a little faster, pushing himself in and out of Amy faster, while his free hand slid down her body, taking in the smooth feel of her, before sliding around to rub a finger along her clit, adding a little extra stimulation to the whole thing. His grin was still there, and he had the thought of lettign go even more. He didn't really want to break the kiss that the two women had going, but he also wanted to do more than he was. Soon. That last sliver of control was sliding away. Not even trying to hold onto it, he simply grinned as it was slipped back. Grinding his hips to Amy's ass, he resumed his thrusts, more speed, more force, more passion.
Placing the boots on the ground and then the jacket behind a chair, Mallory walked silently over to him, examining what he was doing. Yikes, that looked terrible. And then she got a look at his shirtless torso and she saw bruises. She was sure they weren’t there before. Biting her lower lip, Mallory sat down beside him in a chair and she took over wrapping his hand. Her hands were so small compared to his but she worked silently, actually able to concentrate and if he tried to intervene, a good little slap on the hand always worked. Rather than answering his question, her brow furrowed as she looked over the injuries he sustained and she shook her head. “Why don’t you go to a hospital to get these properly checked out?” She asked.

Amy’s tongue pushed into Esther’s mouth and their tongues danced together. Esther’s eyes slid closed and Amy moaned into her mouth. Her body moved, felt like it was gliding against hers, with each thrust. And when Harrison started to speed up, Amy had to break the kiss and tilt her head back, crying out softly in pleasure. He was so big inside of her, stretching her, filling her so deep, hitting the right spot each time he drove home. That and well he was also stimulating her clit. It was a world of pleasure escalating so high, she didn’t expect it to be like this at all. She panted, breathed whispered acknowledgements of agreement to each thrust by saying ‘Yes’ almost repeatedly and to no one.
Esther leaned up and kissed up her throat. Her hands slid down to Amy’s bottom and she squeezed. Her eyes chanced a glance to Harrison and he looked so happy. Having two women. What man wouldn’t be? She looked back to Amy and raked her nails up the girl’s back which made her shudder. Biting her lower lip, her gaze dropped to Amy’s breasts and she leaned in, capturing her right nipple in her mouth. This was fun. This was very fun. She’d have several things to cross off her bucket list now.
Hrothgar paused as she took over starting to wrap the bandage around his hand. he was more than capable, but she seemed to find a certain amount of purpose in doing so, and he couldn't find fault in that. Besides,, it was easier than tying it off himself afterwards. He listened to her question about a hospital.
"Force of habit I suppose?" he answered, bu it sounded false, even to him. "Hospitals ask questions. Questions that I'd rather not have to answer to them. And besides. This is hardly the worst injury I've had to patch up on my own." He admitted.

Harrison let he last control drop. He was unleashed now. One hand gripped Amy's shoulder, pulling her back to him somewhat, arching her back, and putting her shoulderbladees to his chest. His teeth came down on her shoudler, hard enough to leave a distinct mark, before letting her slide back down to Esther, not wanting to have them apart for too long, whil his newly free hand came around to slide two fingers into Esther, settling on the idea that she'd had long enough to recover, based on how she was acting with Amy.

Pausing his fingering of Amy a moment, his hand came down on her ass as she pushed back into him with a loud crack, before he went back to his fingering. On an impulse, he drew his fingers from Esther, and moved down, plunging his cock into her for three full thrusts, while plunging his fingers into Amy, before switching back, and pounding Amy with every last ounce of his passion and frenzy.
She nodded her head at that. She’d really hate for him to have to explain why he sent nine guys to the hospital because of what they were doing. Her fault. Again. She sighed deeply as she gingerly tied the wrap around his hand, not too tightly but tight enough that it wouldn’t just come apart if he tried to use it. Taking her hands back, she rest then in her lap and looked at him. “I’m sorry for what you had to do. I hope I didn’t get you in trouble.”

Amy gasped at how sudden and quick she was torn from Esther but she didn’t complain, especially with how Harrison handled with her. Her arm wrapped up around the back of his neck, relishing in that moment of him just taking her, biting her, marking her as his for the moment before her body went back to Esther. Their lips collided into each other’s with heated passion and lust. It was clear there was no control left in any one of them.

It was a swift alternation. Esther gasped and her nails dug into Amy’s back when she suddenly felt the large presence of the monster inside of her, that was Harrison’s cock. It was so big, filled her so deep and while the presence was brief, it was something she really wanted. She understood now. And she really wanted more and wished he’d stop alternating. Amy felt the same. Both girls were greedy for that cock now because it was such a contrast from his fingers. But both girls still moaned either way from how he was having them both. Amy was nearly screaming and she could feel herself clamping down around Harrison and Esther bit down on her shoulder. She wouldn’t let herself think. She just lost herself in all this sex. She got what she wanted. And Amy got her first amazing orgasm that racked through her body insanely. She buried her face into Esther's neck to keep from screaming her head off.
Hrothgar fought the urge to snort at the thought of what he'd had to do, but knew it was not the appropriate reply to her concern.
"I did what needed to be done. And from what the place looked like, and how the men within conducted themselves, I doubt they'd be interested in police. Getting them involved would likely land them in a great deal of suspicion for many other things. So i would be safe from that. And as to anything they might try outside of the law... I've no fear of them. I do work in private security after all." Hrothgar explained.

Harrison fetl Amy getting off around his cock, and knew that she'd been given enough for the moment. His hands dropped to slide under Esther, and as he slid his cock out of Amy, he rolled them both over, switching their places, and then plunging into Esther without a second thought or any hesitation. It was amazing, Harrison was flying on instinct, lust and aggression. His hips pistoned into Esther, his hands raking down her sides as he gripped her hips. His hand went to plunge fingers into Amy, his fingers pumping into her while his thumb hit her clitoris with each plunge. His free hand crashed down on Esther's ass, once, twice, three times in rapid succession, her right cheek turning a faintly bruised shade of red. He ground into Esther, savouring the soft, hot feeling of Esther being wrapped around his cock. He felt himself starting to tighten, he was close to his own second orgasm. Esther was certainly a differnt feel than Amy was, and it was having a very specific effect.
Mallory nodded and she managed a pretty neutral look on her face. “Well, that and you are friends with some pretty high people in the law.” She was referring to Harrison without having to actually say his name. Looking down, she felt the heaviness of her eyes. She was ready to close them again and keep them closed and go horizontal. “Can I go to sleep again?”

Amy felt all too good. She was all heavy breaths and sensations. Esther rubbed her back and kissed along her cheek and then her ear until the timely switch. Now it was Esther on top of Amy as the girl recuperation but neither girls were really prepared. Esther cried out as Harrison just plunged right into her again. It felt so good. To have him there again and definitely for more than a brief moment. He was going so fast, so hard, her body rubbed along Amy’s who was shaking so much beneath her from his fingering. Amy clutched to Esther and both girls were moaning, letting the sensations get to them deeply. It wasn’t long for either of them, both of them reaching their peak rather quickly. For Esther, it was the spanks that got her, adding to the excitement and pleasure and spiking up the build up to the highest point that she started to clench tightly around his cock. She didn’t bury her face. She cried out in a deep pleasurable moan as her body erupted with pleasure, her second orgasm hitting her hard. Amy held tightly to Esther as her second orgasm mounted, her nails digging into the girls back deeply which added to her pleasure. It was like a symphony of orgasms, moans and sex.
Hrothgar nodded.
"Of course. Now that you seem in reasonable shape, I have a spare bed you may make use of. Come this way." He told her, his massive hand patting hers lightly. He led her down the hall, past the bathroom, and into a smallish room, but one that had a bed tucked against one wall, a dresser against another, and a desk off to teh side. "It's not the greatest of places. But it is clean, and I will be on hand should you need anyting. While I fear I can offer you naught but the safety of my home for now, it is yours for as long as you might want it." he promised her.

Seeing two women under him in the throes of orgasmic bliss was enough for Harrison. He buried himself in Esther, holding himself inside of her, and letting go in a long, hard orgasm that shot deeply into her. He felt her contracting around him, which drew him on for a few more shots, and as the feeling rushed through him he gave one last slap to her ass, aa gesture more of affection than anything. He slowly slid out of her, feeling sated and pleased.
"Well then ladies. Quite a night. he observed idly, sinking onto the bed, not bothering to care about anything like clothes at that point. his arms were spread, and one idly stroked down the side of Esther, before doing the same to Amy, a silent invitation to simply come closer, to spend the night ther on the bed with him. He only hoped they were as worn out as he, since if they tried for anything more, they'd likely be doing all of the work.
Standing, Mallory followed him to the small quaint bed room. She took in the place and sighed softly. That bed looked so comfortable and it took all she had not to just run to it and plop right down on it and let herself be knocked out. She refrained though and looked to Hrothgar and managed as big of a smile as she could given the circumstances. “Thank you so much.” She almost went in to hug him but stopped herself at the last minute and walked into the room. Turning, she looked at him and bit her lower lip. “Um, h-how much would you rent a room out? Hypothetically speaking.” After all, she only had tomorrow to find a place and be gone before Esther came back home.

Her body collapsed on Amy’s and she breathed hard. Amy carefully helped Esther to lay on her back on one side of Harrison before she tucked herself on his other side. Esther lay on her back beside him while Amy curled up to him. Her second orgasm wasn’t as intense as what Esther went through so she was still functioning but totally spent and exhausted. Esther on the other hand was going through delicious after shocks that still rocked her body and she was having trouble trying to figure out her own name at the moment, let alone getting her breathing under control. She out soon though, exhausted from everything all day and then this? Esther got her groove back. She was overly content. And Amy? Well she felt like she was invincible now, having been shagged by her boss.

That next morning, Esther’s eyes opened groggily. She was lying on her side, facing away from the other two occupants and let the details of the night before run through her mind. Je-sus, did she really do that? A hand came up to her face and her eyes closed again. She suddenly felt really embarrassed. She also felt arms around her and when she looked down, they look far too big and masculine to belong to Amy. Carefully, she sat up just a little bit to see and turn and found that the bed held just her and Harrison, Amy nowhere to be seen. A couple of hours earlier, before Esther awoke, Amy woke up and slipped out. She didn’t get a day off because the boss boned her. No, and she had some things she had to help in doing. She was already showered, in her uniform and working around the estate.

Lying back down, Esther stayed on her side, kind of torn about the situation. Was she supposed to stay or was she supposed to get up without waking him? It was a dilemma and a difficult decision considering she hadn’t been in this kind of position in well…far too long. And last night? Well her body’s current state of being so sore, tender and unbelievably satisfied and relaxed was proof that last night definitely wasn’t a hot dream at all. It was real. Really real.

After the conversation with Hrothgar, Mallory slept really well. She was determined to try and find some way to pay him something for letting her stay there. She was a bit reluctant to even accept but if anything, it’d be temporary until she had more time to actually find her own place. At least she had somewhere to go before she could really get back on her feet. For that, she was most thankful. That morning, when she awoke, it was early enough considering she probably slept enough when he saved her last night. Evidence of last night was her body. She was so sore. She couldn’t walk too fast and she hoped that by Monday, since she wasn’t working for Harrison anymore, she would be in good condition to work since she had a new boss. She felt a little dirty. She went to the bathroom and took a quick rinse before she went out through the house, slowly and feeling a little bit cleaner than she did after the first shower. Going into the kitchen, Mallory wanted to do something. She was a horrid cook. But maybe he had cereal? A person couldn’t mess that up!
Hrothgar slept little, mostly from habit. A bodyguard didn't sleep much. He had to be awake and alert very frequently. But he stayed within his room, waiting until he could hear aMallory moving around. He wanted to give her a little space, make sure she didn't feel smothered. Besides, he'd popped a stich in the night, and needed to redo it.

The kitchen wasn't much to speak of, just the essentials. it was clear that Hrothgar likely didn't entertain much. But then the first cabinet was pakced to capacity. There was enough high-nutrient cereal in there to feed a small army. And not one box seemed to be open. Half a dozen loaves of bread, one of them half gone. Everywhere one could look, there was huge quantities of food.

Some shifting around on the bed brought Harrison wozily around. He'd been having a good dream. A very good dream. He looked around where he was, realizing he was in the room that Esther had been staying in, and that he was naked. Maybe not just a dream then. Esther was beside him, one of his arms around her, and he smiled. Amy was nowhere to be seen, and that left just him and Esther.
"Good morning." He murmured to her, bringing himself close, his lips beside her ear. He had the thought of just to keep rolling, pin her to the bed, and give her a very fine moment to wake up to this morning. but that might be seen as a little much, especially if she intended last night to be a single event.
Mallory was floored. She opened cabinets, saw food. She opened the fridge, saw even more food. She hadn’t seen so much food in one space probably ever and it shouldn’t have been surprising considering how big Hrothgar was. Still, she remained ever sure on her decision for cereal, at least for herself. Looking at the bread, she figured she could make toast for him. She wasn’t the greatest cook at all and feared to do anything too much lest she burn it. That’d be a waste. She found a box of Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch. This brought a big smile on her face at the sight of her favorite cereal but then her smile faltered. She remembered waking up Esther in college and some days early on in their apartment with a heft bowl of this cereal. It was both of their favorites.

Still, she took it out and rummaged around before finding a bowl, spoon and took the milk out. She made her bowl of cereal and then took a fateful bite. She nearly whimpered, it tasted so good. While she ate her cereal, she rummaged around the kitchen a little bit, finding a pan. How hard would it be to make eggs, bacon and sausage?
And if she didn’t do it now, she’d never learn and she was going to keep her eyes on it the entire time. Mallory got the pan set up and as the six eggs, lots of bacon and sausage cooked, she had her bowl of cereal in her hand, eating, her eyes glued to the pan.

It was cooked and she helped herself to another bowl of cereal. Plating the food, she did three slices of bread to make toast and buttered them before taking the big plate to Hrothgar’s room. She knocked on the door. Not bad if she did say so herself. Nothing was burned. Okay, the bacon was a little bit on the extra crispy side but she heard people liked their bacon extra crispy. Maybe he would too?

Her eyes widened a little bit. Oh, he was awake. She had to be normal. As normal as possible given the circumstances. If Amy was still here, it’d probably be so normal. She might know what to do when a man was spooning her. Esther had no idea. She felt…like a virgin all over again. As if last night had been her first time. It could be considered her first time all over again. In a really dirty, kinky threesome. Her eyes closed again and a shaky breath came from her as she felt his breath against her ear, his mouth right there, his lips right there. “Morning.” She spoke softly, her hand moving over his hand that was around her. Turning carefully, Esther now lay on her back and she looked at him. Her cheeks flushed and she looked away. “Did I really do that last night?” She whispered. Maybe she had been possessed. Yeah, possessed by serious horniness and sex.
Hrothgar answered the door to his room, the smell of food largely cooked properly coming to his nose. He opened the door to see mallory standing before him, holding what he could only define as a light breakfast. Despite the heap of food. He smiled at her.
"Well, thank you and good morning." He said to her easily, getnyl taking the plate from her hand, and not breaking stride as he took a bite. It was...cooked. And in a way that didn't raise any flags. Though he did have the thought that he was going to have to teach her something about using a spice rack on food if she planned to keep cooking as long as she was staying here. he stepped back inside his room, and looked back at her. "Come in. Be welcome." He advised, sitting on a smallish chair, and digging into his breakfast. He was nearly always hungry. And this breakfast would tide him over to a larger lunch. Which in turn would lead to his normal dinner. Though he imagined that Mallory would need some help with whatever she needed donw today.

Harrison smiled at Esther's disbelief.
"I have some very compelling memories and evidence that yes, you did do that last night." He told her. Sue him, he felt particularly smug and playful this morning. It was pretty hard to blame him. But he also wanted to ensure that Esther wasn't finding what had happened to be a single incident. If she wanted it to stay a one night thing, he'd agree to that without reservation. Though he did admit that he was rather hoping that she was of a mind to continue.
Mallory hardly knew the portion of food he usually and regularly ate. She could only assume by the amount of food brought to him yesterday before shit hit the fan by Harrison that he ate a lot regularly and for obvious reasons. Maybe she could have given him more but she felt it was a lot more than what she usually ate. Hell, she wouldn’t have been able to even eat half of what she made for him. All she cared about right now was that everything was properly cooked and considering he didn’t gag when he took the food, she was assuming all was good. “Good morning.” She managed a kind smile before walking in and sat down at the foot of his bed. “Thank you, for last night. Really. I appreciate it so much. And if you were being totally serious about me staying here, I promise not to be a burden and I promise that I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I find myself an apartment. Just considering the last notice and all…” She shrugged a little awkwardly and uncomfortably. “D-Do you think I could burden you a little bit more? Maybe ask if you could help me move my things from the apartment to here? If not, that’s totally fine. I can call a service.” She hoped.

She didn’t even really need his testimony. She had the evidence of her body. She was sore, deliciously sore and tender and her body felt so relaxed after such a long time. So did her mind. She was both physically and mentally relaxed. Emotionally? Well her emotions turned off. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment and Esther closed her eyes, sighing softly. But she had to admit, she was incredibly proud of herself for what went on. For letting go. For just giving into a lot of what she so badly desired. “I had fun.” She finally admitted, opening her eyes and looked at him. “I…wouldn’t mind doing that again you know.” Oh wow, she apparently really was turning a new leaf. Openly bargaining for sex. With him. Harrison Trenton. A sex god!
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