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Overneath the Path of Misinterpretation (Alvis Alendran&Malicious Lullaby)

"Well, this has an advantage over that place. We have seating." He waved back at the bench, and stepped over to the plinth, and began fiddling with the base. "And, unless the staff have become much mroe clever than I hope, we should have..." With a grinding sound, a small plate of stone came free in his hand, and he reached in. He drew out a few bottles of water. "...something to drink." He replaced the stone plate, and handed a bottle to Esther, taking a seat on the stone bench. It wasn't terribly cold, especially after a few more moments of his sitting on it.

"I'll admit, on a night like this, it does have a good effect on most people. It took awhile to get the place set up properly. But once I found the hill, and spent some time on it, I thought that the bench might be a good diea." Harrison admitted.
Turning back to the seat, Esther walked over to it and sat down. She watched him produce water and grinned. “Are there any other hidden nooks and crannies I should know about? In the estate? I’d hate to stumble upon your deepest, darkest secrets.” She teased, graciously taking a bottle of water and uncapping it. She took a sip, the cool water a great welcome down her throat. She took a few more sips before capping it once more and setting it down in her lap.

Looking back out at the scenery, her eyes took a detour of their own. First the scenery and then her head turned beside her, gazing up at him. “Might? I believe that might be an understatement.” She brought her legs up and crossed them crisscross-applesauce. “By having this bench, people can just relax and look out. Honestly, this helps. I don’t think I’ve had a proper vacation in a while. It’s nice to just escape for a little bit.” She said softly. “I’m sure it’s nice for you too. Leave the city for a bit, relax and wear clothes that I’m sure no one’s ever seen you in or seen you in a while.” She couldn’t get over it. She really couldn’t.

Not because it was bad to see. No way. It was a treat.
"Oh, don't worry about the mansion. The dungeon is coded to a finger print scanner, so you can't stumble into that." harrison said casually, taking a drink from his water bottle. It was crisp, cool. He'd filled it up from the stream last time he'd taken them out. He thought about the clothes he was wearing. When had he worn them last. "Once. The clothes. Once, since college. And not recently." He admitted. Gerald was an excellent Castellan for the mansion, but he had a habit of being a bit of pain in the ass. Still, it was a small price to pay for the way he ran the place.
Esther snorted and shook her head. She wasn’t going to ask. The idea of a dungeon didn’t comfort her at all.
“I have a feeling it’s all done so you don’t forget. When was the last time you wore them before tonight?” She asked curiously. “And keep in mind, I’m not taking no for an answer. You must answer. It’s all part of the beautiful game that they call ‘Twenty Questions.’” She grinned. “But for your sake I won’t ask twenty.”
"Oh don't worry. If I think you're getting too curious, I'll just roll you down the hill into the stream. That should take your mind off of the questions." Harrison said with a wave of his hand. He thought about the time he'd last been dressed like this. "It was...just after I'd closed my first big case for the firm. Lloyd insisted that I handle it, and I knew why shortly after I closed it. The closing lawyer got a large percentage of the settlement, and it was a high end corporate case. So I was doing well, five figures a year, closing on six, when this case was done. And then I ended up with an eight figure paycheck. I went from on my way, to made it, in that one case. And lloyd promised more to come. And he was right. So there I was, barely into my mid twenties, and already a millionaire. So I bought this land. And came out here. Dressed like this. And spent a while getting to know tha landscape. Then I went bac into town. Commisioned my first truly top end suit. And then put these clothes away, for I thought was forever. Gerald disagreed apparently."
She grinned. His humor was becoming of him. Something she never doubted of him. In the short time she knew him that is.
She listened to his story and found herself smiling the entire time. It was nice hearing it. Also nice knowing that considering the kind of person he used to be before turning into a big hot shot lawyer, he didn’t seem to forget or want to forget for that matter. Just because he didn’t go around telling this story often, didn’t mean it wasn’t still there. Just like she didn’t often enjoy telling a lot of stories about herself. It didn’t mean they weren’t still there. Skeletons, as she often thought of them to be. But this one in particular about Harrison didn’t seem like a skeleton. Just a stone. A stepping stone.

“It seems that Gerald, along with the rest of your staff is quite mischievous.” She said softly. “Or he and them just care about you and find ways to tell you in their own ways, rather humorous ways. I’m sure it threw you for a loop that the clothes you asked to be left out for you, were these rather than what you were expecting?”
Harrison nodded.
I've a low end kind of outfit. It looks something like a suit, but not really. It's something that cleans easily so I can wander around freely." He explained. Esther was astute in assuming that Gerald and the staff tended to be mischevious. It was one of the reasons he kept his distance, to let them get used to working with one another, and settle into good routines unhampered by trying to impress the master of the house all the damned time. He looked back at Esther again.

She was more than astute in that observation. The more time he'd spent with her, even during his time with Mallory had shown her to be a very interesting woman. He'd never planned on being with Mallory, it had been something that just sort fo happened as things went along. If it had been Esther who had wanted to play pool, he might very well have ended up in Esther's bed that night. He'd never know now. But he had to admit to himself that he certainly wouldn't have been complaining.

It was always the burden of being the elder in a relationship that some women just couldn't see it as something good. An older man, maybe to some just an old man, and if she couldn't see past that, he'd never seen the point in wasting the effort. But then, Esther had made more than a few comments here adn there tht gave him every impression that his age didn't slow her down in the least. But he still didn't know her intentions, or if she simply liked to flirt. But there was a way to find out. He slid along the bench, getting closer to her.
"Seems to be getting a might chilly out right now. If you like I can stay a little closer." He said to her calmly, with a hint of playfulness in his voice. "Help keep you warm." he set and arm around her shoudlers as he spoke the last. She had every opportunity to brush it off, and he'd call it a night there. Or she otherwise, and he'd see where thigns went from there.
“So…house clothes.” She grinned, looking at him, as if it was such an obvious way to call the clothes he was wearing. Not a low end kind of outfit but just something to wear around the house. Although if she lived in an estate like this, she’d probably want to be fancy all the time, just because she could. They say a girl’s best friend are her accessories…
Thank goodness she never really believed it.

There was a slight chill of breeze that even with what she wore, she felt it right through the fabric of her shirt, seeping right into her skin. Perhaps it was the amount of wine she consumed during dinner considering her lack of actually eating. Still, it was enough for her to pull her arms closer to herself, as if to try and cocoon into her shirt to provide maximum warmth from what she had with her at the moment. That and the finely chilled bottle of water didn’t help too much either. What stunned her was the bit of distance closed between them and all by him. Just the heat radiating off of his body was enough for her. Or she just wasn’t cold at all. Either way, it was a good excuse. Given the circumstances, she had no intention to pull away.

Casually, just as casually as his hand slid around to rest on her shoulder, Esther’s hand seemed to just move to rest on his leg closest to hers. She even pressed her leg against his and slid her hand up his leg slowly. Esther never really made a move on a man. If this could be defined as such. Perhaps things could change. A little bit. “I think it’s obvious I don’t mind.” Now she looked up at him and with a bit more boldness that surged through her, she moved her hand up a little higher before getting a bit gun shy and slid it back down. But then she moved it back up, slowly of course. And her eyes didn’t leave his gaze. She didn’t know what else to say. Perhaps actions could speak louder than words?
Harrison had to admit to feeling a bit of a surge of pleasure that she didn't draw away from him. She leaned more into him, and then her hand ended up on his leg. That could be nothing or it could be, no, never mind, there was exactly one thing it could be given how she was moving her hand now. Her statement was fairly bold, even blunt. The locked gaze, the look in her eyes, it was all leading up to a certain conclusion. And what was he to do, back away, leave her dejected and rejected here on the bench? Hardly.

There was really only one thing he could think of doing. Well, one thing he thought might actually accomplish anything pleasant. There were plenty of other options that would cause problems, but he was avoiding those for obvious reasons. Her intent was clear. The only potential hang up was if she was doing this out of spite to mallory, trying to use Harrison as a means of revenge. That thought lodged in his mind for a moment, before moving on. he rather doubted it. And if she was, then so what? He'd been used for that in the past, and he could honestly say that he had ever regretted it.
"Then you probably won't mind...this." He murmured, leaning himself towards her. His free hand came around as he pulled her closer with the arm around her shoulders, and he gently cupped the side of her face, and kissed her.
Her heart seemed to beat faster. It was kind of this ‘Do or Die’ sort of feeling. Do if he did something and took her rubbing his leg as something more than it could casually be. Die if he ignored it completely and just looked the opposite way entirely. Oy, she’d never live that down and would probably be convinced she was born to be a human repellent. That would be unfortunate and in the waiting time for something to happen that she wished she had big enough ovaries to make it happen herself, she became more and more convinced. That or the universe just didn’t want to relieve her…ache.

The thought hadn’t even occurred to her about Mallory. That if something were to happen, it could be construed as spite towards her former best friend. No, she wasn’t even thinking about Mallory. She was thinking of all the many ways that Harrison could have her in bed, in a shower, over a counter…in a bed of grass.

And then it was like everything just fell into place for the first time in a really long time. Her hand on his leg suddenly stopped moving, her hand gripped his pant leg and she felt the warmth of his lips against hers, the pull of her body further into his and there was the faint sound somewhere she couldn’t seem to place when she squeezed the water bottle in her hand, causing a little squeaky-squeaky. Esther didn’t hear any of that. She simply kissed this man back, first gently and then with a sort of pressing need. No, she didn’t devour him with her mouth. She just took a soft kiss and indulged.
Harrison had given her every chance to back out, to pull away, to find an excuse, and she just didn't seem to think it was needed. The way the lips met, how she just folded herself into the motion, it was all just...perfect. And that was a feeling that he was not in any way eager to discard. She didn't dive into it whoe hog, throwing everything aside in a mad scramble for passion, she seemed to just... let it build up with a sort of insistant pressure.

He didn't want to make a wrong move, but he liked the thought of where this might be going. He didnt want to pass that up either. His hand slid off of her shoulders, and down along her back, his hand settling on the small of her back. He used the contact to draw her a little cloer, and her drew the hand back up, taking in the smooth feel of her shirt, and the much mroe enjoyable sensation of how smooth the skin was under that material. If they were going to do this... with a single motion, he reached a hand around, and lifted her legs up, and tunred her, laying her legs across his own, making it easier to get at one another. No sense in putting it off.
She could feel that one, he didn’t pull away as she tried to deepen the kiss and that he was trying to pull her closer. Absently, the water bottle seemed to fall from her hand but it didn’t go far. It was just right there and she didn’t even notice that she did drop it, especially since once her hand was free of it, Esther took a little bit of initiative. Nothing too strong like she was trying to just pin him down or anything. He was already moving her legs over his lap. So why not…make it a little bit more closer?

Her lips parted from his for a moment and Esther was momentarily halted with how just the very contact of his fingers along her skin felt. It made her breathing hitch and she allowed herself to really relish the feeling. And after that was when she made her move. Pushing herself up, she swung her legs off of his lap and then stood up. She didn’t keep herself parted from him for too long. She moved and straddled his lap, her hands moving to his chest, sliding up and down it slowly. Wow, he felt…good. This was so surreal. But before she could really think about it, her hand lightly gripped the neck of his shirt and she leaned forward pressing her lips to his this time. She really liked his lips. His mouth was a beautiful one that clearly possessed many hidden talents.
Harrison had the moment of thought that she might have changed her mind as she swung herself off. He was about to say something when she swept back in, making anything he might have said completely irrelevant. Long years of wear had worn the black shirt he had on to a very soft feel. Her hands moving along his chest were making it obvious she was clearly getting more and more into the moment. But if she wanted the position, he was certainly not going to try and talk her out of it. A woman who seemed to know what she wanted, and was willing to make a move to get it, this was something that he could certainly get behind.

Harrison was certainly not interested in holding back at this point. If she wanted to move thigns forward, he was more than willing. His hands went to her sides, getting a light grip on her shirt and pulling it up some, untucking it. Letting his hands slide lower, he brought them back up, under the material of her shirt this time, sliding it along her sides, taking in that silky smooth softness of her, and sliding her just a little bit closer to him. he put a bit more into the kiss, more of the growing sense of passion he was getting from the contact, the situation. It was like being back in college, when things just...happened, because they could. And that was a feeling he had lost touch with over the years. No time like the present to recapture that.
He wasn’t pushing her away. He wasn’t stopping her. He was receptive. As receptive as she was and Esther was so thankful. If she had the courage to go out of her way and go after a guy she liked, she certainly wouldn’t have had a dry spell. But she was just ill-equipped. All she needed was a nudge. The rest was in her hands because she did want it. She wanted him. Wherever this led. His lips were dessert. He…was dessert.

The moment she really felt his hands along her bare skin underneath, her hands that were gripping the neckline of his shirt lightly gripped it harder. Her back arched and her hands slid around his neck, chancing to sliding into his hair. He had really soft hair, really pretty hair and it made him far better for dessert. Whatever that meant. Well she knew but she wasn’t sure if she could push it towards that. She was hoping for it. She kind of really needed it. Not want. And if she didn’t get it, she was pitching herself off the second floor of Harrison’s estate.

There was this natural movement of things. A kiss happened, she being in his lap happened and as her lips parted against his, as if giving him the indication for more, for entrance, seeking more, her hands slid down his shoulders. She could feel how strong he was and it was mind-boggling. Her hands continued, moving back down his chest and under the lapels of the jacket he wore, sliding her hands underneath them. One more layer after his jacket off and she’d finally get her hands on what she really wanted. To gaze, to touch, to lick, to maybe bite.
The feel of her hands running along his chest, sliding under his jecket. The motions she made left little room for interpretation, and he slid his arms back to let her push the jecket off of him. He left it between his back and the bench. The stone wasn't exactly warm after all. But the motion was all he needed to know, it was a declaration of intent, and one that he could agree to. His hands went to her sides, and slid up, sliding her shirt up, a declaration of his own, that he was willing and abel to make good on this night. His heart began to beat faster, bringing his excitement up, wanting to push this farther. After all why not?

Hrothgar flexed his hand, hearing a faint crackling sound. Right. he'd not rtreated his own wounds yet. Well, mallory looked as though she might be out for a little while more. Time enough he hoped. He pulled his shirt off, and undid the body armour beneath it. He let it drop, showing a rock hard muscled physique that had a fantastic black and purple bruise on his stomach. The bullet had not come close to penetrating the armour, but it still hurt. He probed the wound a little, finding it tender, but nothing broken beneath it. Setting that aside, he sat down and drew out a small kit for working on his hand.

He drew the largest shard of glass out, and set it on the table It was still bloody, and he saw a few small pieces come off of it. he sighed. It had ground against teh bones in his hand, and likely send some splinters and pieces into the meat of his hand. Leaving his hand open, he wiped away the blood, and smeared a little salve on it. The pain dulled, letting him dig through his hand, picking out pieces of glass. he should really be at a hospital, or having a doctor take care of it, but he had thigns to do. it wouldn't be the first, or last time he did something like this.
And that meant that when he moved his hands to raise her shirt up, Esther knew that her action hadn’t gone ignored one bit, neither was he rejecting it. Good, because if she was left high and dry again, she might throttle something or someone.
Her arms lifted to accommodate as he took her shirt off and once it was off, she felt the chilly air pass over her exposed skin. Goosebumps started to cover her skin but then her hands moved to the hem of his shirt and she pulled it up. Her head tipped back a bit to meet his face. She kind of missed this part. Just to see the guy while they undressed each other. She was kind of a dork. But she certainly didn’t look like one. She looked like a half naked woman who was about ready to pounce if she wasn’t already straddling Harrison’s lap.

Her eyed fluttered open a little bit but remained half open. The room still looked like it was spinning and felt like she was going to be sick. It wouldn’t take long one bit but she wasn’t about to throw up in this apartment that really wasn’t hers anymore. She was reeling from everything. But the only thing she could focus on was the fact her head was hurting, her vision was stable and she felt like she was going to throw up everything she drank and then more. That and she really needed a bath. For…obvious reasons.
“Mm.” A small whimper came from her when Mallory tried to sit up, her body sagging back into the couch and she remained motionless. When she looked, she saw multiple Hrothgars but they all appeared to be doing the same thing. Tending to something. “Hrothgar?” She murmured. “Why do you keep moving side to side?” That’s what she saw.
Harrison felt Esther sliding his shirt up, clearly not wanting to draw out things too much. What she wanted, she wanted now. He let her have that, copying her earlier motion of raising arms to let her get it off of him. He leaned forward a little, making sure the shirt didn't get caught on the bench. Once it was off, he felt the night breeze against his skin, felt the chill, but put it from his mind. he knew it felt colder than it was because his body temperature was rising steadily in the presence of this rapidly becoming unclad woman. using the fact he'd leaned forward to good advantage, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him for another kiss while carrying her back as he leaned against the bench. his hands trailed along her back, taking in the contours of her, the smooth skin, the patches of rippled goose-bumps, before his hands slid along the edge of her bra strap. he considered leaving it at that, but remembered that look she'd had, as though ready to pounce on him. he somehow doubted she'd appreciate drawing it out, or him taking too much time with thigns. With a deft motion he popped her bra open, but left them pressed together, content to leave it loose for now. He did enojoy the closeness. he wanted a moment before rushing headlong into things. THough he felt his own desire to unleash on her rising steadily. It wouldn't be long now.

"Because you have a hangover I do not envy." Hrothgar supplied, setting aside his tweezers, and wrapping his hadnd in a bandage to stop him from bleeding all over the place. He lifted a tall glass of water. Part of her disorientation was dehydration, and he could at least help with that. he also looked at his array of pills, and set aside a few anti-nausea pills. He moved closer to her, not really registering that fact he'd yet to return a shirt to his body, and knelt beside the bed. He offered her the water. Can you drink it, or do you need help?" He asked her.
Esther felt the motion of him leaning back against the bench and her body followed suit, more because he was guiding her against him but she wasn’t complaining. His bare chest against her mostly exposed one was a very nice feeling. Warm against warm and it kept the goosebumps at bay. That and well with the combination of a kiss and his hands on hers, the chilliness of the air seemed to go away. It was like they were glowing together in a bubble of warm sexual…need.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she felt incredibly satisfied with this. Sure, she did want to get things moving along quite nicely but she wanted to relish being in his arms, being this close, kissing and also making sure no interruptions came. Oh, well in that case, she should maybe speed it up a bit. Because of interruptions. She didn’t want to rush it but she didn’t want a repeat of what happened the other day.

Parting her lips from his, her breathing came quicker. Her eyes opened and then she looked down where her hands had now moved, over to the rim of his jeans to unbutton them. Her fingers were a little bit shaky since she kept telling herself this was happening, this was actually happening and no one would interrupt her. And then she’d mentally berate herself for jinxing it. She had a bad feeling that someone, either Amy or Gerald would come find them and make some big scene of this and ruin the entire moment.

And just as she unzipped his jeans, she heard a cough. No. No. NO! Looking up, her eyes landed on Gerald. Of all people. A frustrated sigh came from her and her forehead dropped to Harrison’s shoulder. Not in shame. In absolute frustration. She was officially cursed from having sex ever again. Kill me now…

He needed to stop moving otherwise she was going to hurl all the carpet. Taking a deep breath, Mallory exhaled coolly and closed her eyes, swallowing hard to stop the bile that was threatening to rise. When her eyes opened, she found Hrothgar right in front of her. In her current situation, Mallory had no idea the extent of his injuries, if he even had any. All she knew was she was seeing him and a lot of skin. Up close and personal, he didn’t seem very scary or giant. Just like a big teddy bear she could cuddle and hug. Right now, there were five of him. And either he was moving or her vision was so not sober right now, either way, she feared she’d suddenly hurl on him. Or it was one of those cases where ‘objects in mirror may appear close than they really are.’

Her hand fell over the edge of the couch and she touched his knee. Yeah, no, definitely not the car analogy. Her fingers traced over his knees. She wasn’t doing this on purpose. She was trying to reach the glass but it felt like someone had an acme block on her arm. She had no strength whatsoever. “I could try. But I might spill it on you.” Her words still came out in a bit of a slur, okay a heavy slur. She wasn’t just hung over. She was still rather drunk. And considering how much she had to drink, that wasn’t all too surprising. “This doesn’t look like my—Esther’s apartment.” Her head fell back on the comforting cushion and she looked pained, drunk, like she might cry and drunk.
Harrison felt Esther starting to unbutton his pants, felt himself getting ready for thigns to truly take off when Esther froze, and put her head to his shoulder. He looked back to see Gerald. He scowled at the older man.
"Do you mind? We happen to be in the middle of something here." Harrison said with false levity in his voice.
"My apologies sir. But there is an international call waiting for you. They say it's a matter of vital importance, and it simply cannot wait." Gerald answered. He mimicked Esther's motion and put his head on her shoulder, wanting to tell Gerald to get lost, and spend the rest of the night ravishing Esther until she couldn't remember her own name. But he had a life to maintain, things to do for this exact moment. He sighed, and kissed Esther again.
"I hate to say this...but I think I'll need a rain check on this. Soon though, okay?" He said with sincere regret and apology in his tone. He shifted hrer off of him, but made sure that her bra didn't fall. Gerald had been given a good enough view as it was. Growling as he fnished dressing, he followed the older man to the mansion, praying that this call was worth his time. He might have to kill someone otherwise.

"That would be because you are in my apartment. I knew that I would have thigns here to help you." Hrothgar explained. he sat n the couch, and gently lifted her head enough to put the glass to her lips. He let a little of teh cool water flow into her before crushing the pills between his fingers, and letting it fall into the water. "Now you must drink. It will help you more than you know." He said gently. Gods, she was in bad shape. He wished he'd been faster, known where she was, been around so she wouldn't have gotten herself into this situation...he wished a lot of things he couldn't have right then.
She wanted to cry out and beg him not to go, to screw the call and just screw her like mad, like he had been possessed by some animalistic urge and lust and go to town on her, make her forget who she was, everything. But of course, Esther being Esther didn’t say a thing. She simply smiled a weak smile and once she was deposited to sitting back on the bench, the warmth of him gone, her arms wrapped around herself. She was cold. Instantly, she fastened the clasp of her bra and grabbed her shirt, pulling it back on. Then her hands came over her face and she groaned. This was so not fair.

After a few moment of succumbing to her inner hell, Esther stood up and she grabbed the bottle of water she had dropped. She chugged it like it might possibly be laced with something. She was just thirsty but wished it was wine. Though wine probably wouldn’t help. Being drunk would only make things worse than it was. After some time, she found her way out of the gardens and back into the large estate where she rather sullenly made her way upstairs. It seemed for the most part, the rest of the staff was off on their own, off the clock and getting their rest or just letting the night die down to prepare for the next day. When she got to her room, she shut the door and stripped down. It was time for a bath to calm her unnerved nerves. She had just finished drawing one when she heard her door open. Already nude and assuming it might be Harrison to come and make good on that rain check, Esther hurried out of the bathroom, careless about her lack of clothes when she saw Amy standing there. The girl’s eyes went wide, as did Esther’s and her hands instantly came to cover over the most of her privy parts.

“Don’t bother.” Amy suddenly said, shutting the door and advancing on her. Esther stepped back, reaching towards the duvet and grabbing it off the bed to cover her better.
“I-I’m sorry, I thought you were—“
”Mr. Trenton?” Esther nodded, still ever so embarrassed.
“So I take it you two were off doing something…intimate?”
“You must be going out of your mind.”
“A touch.”
And then Amy shocked her even more when she began to undress. “Were you going to shower?”
Esther was wide eyed and her jaw was lying on the floor. “A b-bath.” She stammered.
“Can I join? It’s been a very long day.”

“Oh.” Was all she said as her eyes started to close again. It was better and easier to keep them closed. The room didn’t spin. Just her brain. She felt her head being lifted up but at the same time, she didn’t feel it. Someone might be able to put hot coals on her and she’d feel the warmth but not the stinging hotness that would make her hiss and probably scream bloody murder. Not that she was about to suggest it.
Soon, she felt the cool rim of a glass to her lips and she opened her mouth to accept what she hoped was water. It was, ice cold and so refreshing for her rather parched mouth and throat. She wanted more when it was pulled back and even tried to sit up a bit, her eyes opening to slits to see. Mallory didn’t have the energy or the time to question what he just put in her water. She blindly drank but considering he saved her, she doubted he was trying to pull a fast one. So she drank, her hand moving over his rather large one, tipping the glass back as she tipped her head back, drinking the entire contents. A soft sigh came from her when she finished and her head came back down to rest on his lap. Though right now, she couldn’t tell the difference between the couch or his lap. Her eyes settled closed and a soft hum came from her. “Did you get hurt?”
"No more than a busy day at work." Hrothgar asured her. It actually wasn't wrong either. he'd had some incredibly rough days, especially when he was working politics or the like. Being shot eleven time in the back during a single day was enough to make anyone think twice about their line of work. Hrothgar had thought twice, and gone back to work the following day. When Mallory had drained the glass, he thought tto move to gather a few things, but she seemed to have settled her head onto his lap. he reached around to teh end of the couch, and lifted a canteen of enriched water. It was useful on the job, when he might not have time to stop and eat. It had a lot of nutrients, and could be used to stave off malnutrition for a short time. "Did you want more water?" He asked her.

Harrison smiled into the phone, all on instinct as he resolved the call. It had been corporately important, and had been a major business accomplishment. It would likely land him another million dollars a year. So it was good to have taken the call. But truth be told, he would rather have been buried cock deep in Esther right then, making her scream out his name as he did unspeakable things to her. he shook his head. Had to keep on task as he looked around the office. Well, her room was only half the house over. He could pay her a call. Finish what they'd started...

It sounded like a fine plan to him, and he stood, starting the walk.
“Thank you.” She said softly. “You didn’t need to. And I certainly don’t want to be an accessory to bringing another person pain.” Even if she was still a bit drunk, Mallory knew full well of what happened. And right now she didn’t think very highly of herself and the way things started to go towards the end of that gang bang, led to her official down spiral. But bad things happened to bad people. And right now, she believed she was a very bad person if all this happened to her. Especially if she let it. She wasn’t going to play the victim card. She just wanted to make things right. Her natural inclination to do that was maybe rid the world of her existence but then again, she wasn’t sober to think properly one bit. At least she wasn’t voicing this. “I’d love more water.” She wanted to sleep more but she knew that if she drank more water, it might make things better when she did wake up later in the morning.

Esther didn’t really have time to stop Amy as the girl undressed so quickly and was soon walking as nude as she was, to the bathroom. She pulled the duvet completely off the bed as she followed Amy to the bathroom, watching her climb into the back. The way her body moved, the way she bent to climb in, the full access—wow, Esther was so not into women. Yet she was checking this girl out. Either she was out of her mind, drunk or just so horny for anything, she might check out anyone who could possibly bring her some sort of satisfaction. It was enough to make her drop the duvet and follow Amy into the tub. Though when she tried to sit opposite of her, Amy grabbed Esther and tucked her comfortably in front of her, in between her legs, her soft breasts acting as quite the plush for Esther to rest her head back against.

Amy’s hands moved along her sides and then over her stomach.
“W-What are you doing?”
“Touching you. Don’t you like it?”
Esther bit down on her lower lip. She liked it. She’d like anyone to touch her, her body had been on fire since Friday.
“I’ll take your silence as a ‘yes.’” Amy whispered into her ear before giving it a small bite with her teeth, all the while her right hand slid over her stomach and further down south. Esther felt her body go tense in anticipation and the girl didn’t stop, her fingers lightly brushing over her slit.

“I-I’m not into women.”
Amy smiled and kissed her ear. “Me either. But I like to play.” She said this as her finger stroked over Esther’s clitoris and she gasped softly. The very touch from an unknown force and it was all too late to stop her. Esther needed this and Amy was very forthcoming. With her left hand, she turned Esther’s face back to her and her lips met hers. While stunned, Esther complied and kissed the girl back. A finger pushed inside of her and she moaned into the kiss. Amy smiled but she didn’t stop. She was just getting started. So was Esther.
Hrothgar smiled at her. Didn't have to.
"Of course I did. I said I'd look after you. I just wish I'd been able to find you sooner." He said softly, sounding sincerely regretful of the whole thing. he plied the canteen, giving her the enriched water. At least he didn't have to worry about her body needing food for a little while longer. He wanted to ask Mallory things, but none of them seemed like they would be the things that a person should pry into. He knew she was not a stupid woman, but she had landed herself in that situation, and she had to have known that it wasn't likely to be a good one. But how did one broach that kind of topic? You didn't. It was really that simple to him.

Harrison reached the door to Esther's room, his jacket already haning on a chair. Someone would find it soon enough, and see it got where it needed to be. He was about to knock, when he saw the door was just slightly open, as though whoever had closed it hadn't been thinking of keeping it closed. Or Esther was leaving it as an invitation for him. Hoping it was the latter, he pushed the door open, and blinked at what he saw. A pile of clothes, and they looked like they belonged to a staff member. A female staff member. Well, that was interesting. He stepped in, seeing the door to teh bathroom was open, and hearing a moan from within. Curious, knowing he very well might be landing himself in a terrible place, he was nonetheless inclined to pursue this. it wasn't every day that one found himself in a situation like this. It bore examination. looking inside he saw Esther and Amy, Amy clearly leading Esther in some kind of activity that one did not mention in polite company. Harrison took a second to weigh his options, and discarded the thought of a hasty retreat. You only lived once, and it was time to do something risky. He noted that Amy was now able to see him, and he smiled.
"Don't stop on my account." He said languidly. "Or did you two need some company?"
“Why?” She asked, her head turning a little bit to press her cheek against his leg. She found it very odd at how rough the material of the couch suddenly was but she was too out of it to care. It was still comfortable. Even if she was rather dirty right now. She hoped he didn’t mind that she might stain his couch. “I knew what I was getting into. I knew—“ She cut herself off a moment. She knew the ramifications of getting into a situation like that but she honestly didn’t think it’d go that far. That they’d force her when she didn’t want to do something. “I knew what I was doing. And I knew what they were doing. I-I wanted it.” It was simple. It was a lie.

Amy stilled her hand, her lips parting from Esther’s. She looked up to see the rather overwhelming but rather welcoming presence in the bathroom doorway and that was when Esther saw. Her eyes widened and shock was evident on her face before her already flushed cheeks turned even redder. “Harrison.”
“Don’t worry Esther. And don’t worry either Mr. Trenton. I was simply getting her ready for you.” Amy quipped, teasingly too. Esther blushed deeper and she averted her gaze elsewhere before Amy brought it back to her and pressed a kiss on her lips, a soft touch. Leaning into her ear, she whispered. “Perform for him.” Amy’s hand was still in between her legs and she pushed two fingers into her causing Esther to gasp and stifle a moan. “Perform. You know you want to. You’re soaked even more from the very thought of him seeing you like this. From anyone seeing you in an entirely different light.” She nibbled on her earlobe.

“H-Harrison, we’d love for you to join us.” Amy was stunned and so was Esther. The fact she even said it shocked the very red girl but she meant it. She didn’t know much, neither did she know much about herself. But ideas, ideas like performing for him or doing something so uncharacteristically not like her—something very naughty—was incredibly appealing. Looking to Amy, Esther smiled a little shy smile. “Right?”

The shock and awe was present on Amy’s face but her lips turned into a smile and she nodded her head. “Right.” Then she turned her head to him. “What’ll it be Mr. Trenton?”
Hrothgar sincerely wished that Maria was still there. he was adept at beating problems away, not talking them out. But he'd been told before that he had a good heart, and that counted for something when talking to a person in a bad place. He'd been in one before. The waver in her voice told him a lot.
"Mallory Joyner. You tale does not seem entirely right. But something happened to you, did it not? Something that made you do harm onto yourself. And you found this as a way to do it." he paused, collecting his thoughts. "You should know I think no less of you for succumbing to despair. You would not be the only person within this room to have done so in the past." He admitted.

Harrison didn't need mroe of an invitation than that. he pull off his shirt, and tossed it aside. His jeans followed suit, and as he began to advance, he let his shorts fall, showing his cock was already hard and ready. Watching the two women was certainly enough to entice him. Not for the first time, he was glad the baths in the Estate were larger affairs, able to hold mroe than a few people. He sank into the hot water carefully, making sure thateverything was still going well. The heat sank into his skin, and he gave a faint sigh. It was a fine feeling. The two women to his left? He had every intention of making sure that they both gave and received many fine feelings before very long. He leaned around, his hands coming up to the faces of each woman, cupping the side of each before planting a pasionate kiss on Amy's lips, letting her know that he expected quite a bit from her. He turned back to Esther, and gave her a kiss more inclined to encouarge her, let her know that he still hadn't properly cooled down from the almost incident at the hill.
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