Overneath the Path of Misinterpretation (Alvis Alendran&Malicious Lullaby)

Once again, Harrison thought about refusing her, and once again found no reason to. And also no real reason that made sense for turning her down. He nodded to her.
"I do believe I'd like that Amy." He said with a smile, one that let her know that he knew exactly what she was insinuating. "I'll be making a few calls, seeing what work can be sent to me. Should that not prove too taxing for my day...I will let you know." He told her, beginning to walk past her. He slowed himself, and then stopped beside her. He didn't spare much time, making it an almost playful gesture, but leaned forward to plant a short, but quickly intense kiss on her before moving on. He had to make it to his office after all. it was looking to be a fine day indeed.

"Non-perishable. Such as the cereal in the cabinet? I choose it since it does not go bad. Well, not for an extended time. Most of the food outside of the fridge is similar. I have been working away from this place for so long, I did not wish to waste the food." He explained. He felt he'd come a long though, since he'd spent most of his life eating Meals Ready to Eat, the rations served out the military. Terrible in taste, largely unpalatable, but loaded with nutrients, and able to last forever sealed in foil. At least he was eating actual food these days.

"Ah, an easy one! 1972, Dodge Dart. Thing was rusted half to shit, and held together with good wishes and the prayers of Ethiopian children. But she was my first car, adn I drove that rusty piece of shit for four years before the body fell apart. Moved the engine into a different car, and dorve that for another three hundred thousand miles. Gods damn, but they built them slant sixes to last! Leaning Tower of Power! Don't make 'em like that any more. And shit, I'm rambling." He smiled at her. "So, one for you...stupidest thing you can remember doing! That worked out well for you in the end?"
It was short and quick yet it made her feel the bubble of passion from it as well it blossoming into her. She was very much looking forward to tonight, if he had time and wasn’t too swamped. She wanted her fix.

“Oh!” She then grinned. “Well, in that case, I have a long list of non-perishables. Starting with fruit roll-ups and gushers all the way to all sorts of junk food and yummy cereals.” She got really excited over having all of her kid favorites that she still enjoyed as a twenty-one year old. “Oh and, poptarts.” She added with a bit of an embarrassed flush to her cheeks. “I can’t help it. I’ll only have the kind of digestive system and stomach for so long. Might as well enjoy it while I can.” Although she liked to think that she’d still be well in her golden years and enjoy a fruit roll up or gushers. “I uh…like to snack?”

She giggled. Of course. Typical men. She had yet to meet a guy, gay or straight, who didn’t enjoy a fine car. She almost had to roll her eyes but if she was remotely into cars as a lot of other people were, she’d probably smack someone upside their head for rolling their eyes at her. “Men and their toys.” She teased.
“Oh wow…um…” She had to really think on that one too. She had half a mind to say last night but she had a feeling he might drive them into their untimely demise. “Probably my freshman year of college.” She said softly. “There was a frat party that my best friend at the time went to. She got saddled and stolen away and I was given one too many shots. But, I did get over my singing fear. I sang on stage with some others who actually managed to smuggle a karaoke machine. I know, totally not what happens at frat parties but it made for good time. It helped me get laid that night too.” And then she grimaced as the unbidden memory with Chad came to her mind. “Not that the last part is anything to brag about.”

“What is the craziest thing you ever did, period?’
Harrison settled into his seat in the office, and made sure the door was closed. he slid a panel on the desk aside, showing a laptop screen that he raised. He waited a moment for it to boot, and then found that Lloyd was at his desk. Odd. he keyed in a Skype call, and saw the older man's face show up.
"Harry! What do I owe the pleasure? I know that look. Not coming in tomorrow?" Lloyd said calmly.
"I'm at the estate. Thought I might stay a few days." Harrison explained.
"I know that look too. Do you have a girl out there?" Lloyd winked at that statement.
"No, she's gone home now."
"So why are you staying... Oh Harry, are you fucking one of your staff now?"
"Lloyd! Really?"
"Oh God, you are! Harry, what the fuck is up with you and fucking your employees?"
"Yes! You can get away with that kind of crap! Bastard! Is she cute?"
"Of course. new girl. Shows...excellent enthusiasm." Lloyd rolled his eyes.
"Prick. Okay, I'll forward some of you calls, adn get some papaers faxed over. Nothing critical right now. Take the night off after you sign off on the first few. Dick."
"I value your friendship too Lloyd." Teh older man rolled his eyes, and disconnected.

"As do most of us. I myself tend to favour Bacon. And Ham. And jerky. THings that contain a lot of meat." Hrothgar admitted with a smile. "I used to hunt in days gone by. I fear I acquired the taste for a high protein diet after that." The big man remembered those days well. Him, his father, and brother, knee deep in teh marshes, tacking prey, and bringing it down. The tradition after the kll, the roasted meat that they carved from the animal...it had been savage, primal, and glorious. And what was more surprising was when he had found that his mother had been the better hunter of his parents, taking the boys into the forests to show them how one hunted proper prey. Like a bear. His family was an odd one to say the least.

"Shit, craziest period? Wow, that's...a big question." He paused, thinking about it. He nodded, settling on one. "Started when I borrowed this here car..." he tapped the dash for emphasis. "...to impress a date. I pull up to pick her up, adn she's there with her twin sister, adn I figure, why not, I'm already doing stupid shit, I ask her if her sister might want to come along. And she said yes! So I'm out with twin sisters, and things got hot and heavy, and insane, there was a lot of drinks and food, skin and shotguns going off and fighting off the sister's boyfriend that I didn't know existed unti he swung a pool cue at my face, and holy shit that was a wild night. Got some great memories of it, and a few scars to prove it. Shit that was nuts." he smiled at the memory, though his ribs twinged in pain of the memory of some of the parts. "Let me tell you Esther, never have sex with broken ribs. You might be able to do it, but it's a bad idea, and you pay for it later. Okay, you, uh...most embarassing moment you had before you were 19!"
Mallory couldn’t stop grinning. He was fun to talk to, made it easy to talk and she didn’t need to lie or not be herself. Although what ‘herself’ was at this very moment, she wasn’t too sure but she had a feeling it wasn’t anything bad. Well, it couldn’t be worse than who she had been in the past. “Yeah and it shows. Well, if I might add too. Really well.” She said softly with a gentle smile. She speared a potato with her fork and ate. She was already getting full and she was only just clearing her first plate. Well, the first plate was packed with a lot of food after all and perhaps there was only so much she could eat. Plus, she had been on an empty stomach for the most part. It was bound to happen. You get fuller faster on an empty stomach.

She laughed softly. Did he really just admit to taking one of Harrison’s cars for a joy ride to impress a girl? Wow, that was either super cliché or just one of the best stories she ever heard. That by the end of it, her jaw was on the ground of the car and she had a hard time picking it up back. And when she did, all she could muster out was, “Yeah, duly noted.” She laughed again and shook her head.
Then she cringed and grimaced and looked as though she were in pain. “Most embarrassing moment eh? Gee, I got a lot of those before I was nineteen.” She thought back to the worst one. A deep sigh came from her.
“Well…” She started and then decided to change it at the last minute. The one she had in mind was too embarrassing and one of the reasons why she even joined color guard. “Oh! I got one now.”

“I think I was in…sixth or seventh grade. The time when having crushes was such a major thing but what was more major was getting the courage to go up to a crush and actually speak to him. Well I did because my friend pushed me to. I said hi to him with a really awkward wave. He took one glance at me, looked as though he was completely disgusted or clearly wasn’t into chubbier girls and then looked away. I was mortified and I practically ran away to cower at the lunch table. It was in front of all his friends too.” She grumbled. She wasn’t bitter but she certainly did hate middle school and high school. Although high school improved as the weight came off.

“Does Harrison know you took his car one time to impress a girl and how did you escape unscathed?”
Hrothgar smiled.
"Why mallory, a man might take a comment like that as you perhaps hitting on him." He said without thinking. Gods, could he have said anything dumber? He sincerely doubted it. he grabbed a pad of paper off of the fridge, and a pen. he began writing quickly. "I think I can remember most of what you said you were interested in. I should be going out tomorrow, so I can pick them up, along with several other things. Make sure there's enough food here for two people with a healthy appetite." He said sa quickly as he could. Gods, there were times he did not have the sense of a brain damaged newt.

"He turned you down for...? What a moron! And look at you now! Gods, he missed out!" Aaron looked at Esther, as though imagining what she might have looked like with a little extra weight on her. "Shit, he was missing out then. Morons. Anyway!" He mlooked back at the road a moment before answering. "Tell harrison i borrowed this car? Shit no! This caar was made before world war two! If he knew I'd swiped it for a night without clearing it with him, he'd flay my ass and fly like a flag to warn other people off of doing something that stupid! And that'd be the fun part!" He shook his head at the thought of Harrison in full wrath mode. "The car was fine after the night, just not me. Ribs all fucked up, bit of rock salt in my shoulder, couldn't really see out of left eye too well for a week. But damn it was a wild night. Now, you. Most gratifying moment of righteous revenge you've ever enacted?"
Mallory blushed and shifted in her seat a little uncomfortably. Oh wow, she could understand why he might get that impression and well she’d be a complete dimwitted cunt if she didn’t think really was handsome. That was such an understatement. She could still remember being in those arms, both last night and today. And a part of her just sort of wanted to be in his arms again because it was the safest she felt. Ever. She didn’t comment at first and let him go on about the list. “For the record Hrothgar,” she began. “If I was hitting on you, which I won’t acknowledge or deny to in that compliment previously, you’d know it without a single doubt, and a single ‘perhaps.’” She said softly, looking him straight in the eye as she said it. Now she was hitting on him. Oh god.

Esther shrugged and laughed a little bit. “I was a really heavy girl in middle school.” She said softly, very softly because she wasn’t exactly proud of it. It’s why she hated middle school. Middle schools were means! “He really wasn’t missing out then Aaron. I promise you that.” It was a work in progress. She was still young. She had time to gain better confidence in herself, even after her three rounds with Harrison that morning. The very thought made her wish she could call in sick for a week just to indulge in her new addiction. Whether it be him or the actual deed. With him. She had it bad.

She tuned herself back in to listen to Aaron as he explained and that was when she burst out into a fit of laughter that was so therapeutic, so cathartic, tears actually sprang to her eyes. All because she could imagine Harrison probably chasing Aaron down and killing him. Man, if he only knew this information earlier. Of course, Esther wouldn’t tell a soul. No way, she found it entirely amusing.
“Sorry, the image of Harrison that way and you attempting to run after the night you had…” She giggled. “Killed me.”
She didn’t know where it came from. She didn’t know how she blurted it out but she did. It came out like word vomit or something. “I had sex with my former best friend’s major crush this weekend, Harrison.” Oh wow, she really just went there.

“U-Um…what’s your favorite color?” Her cheeks turned red. Really red. As if she was contemplating jumping out of this car to her demise, red.
Hrothgar was quiet, looking at Mallory as she spoke. Looking at the blush, and then back at her. He set his pen down, very unsure of things, but feeling the need not to make this new haven for her uncomfortable. He pondered his response, especially in the wake of her last statement. He decided to just shoot for honesty, and hope for the best. It was all he could do really.
"Mallory...I want you to feel safe here. And I'll do whatever you need me to do to make that happen. SOmeone to listen to you when you want to talk. Someone to..." He tapped the chicken plate with a smile. "...feed you to bursting when you're hungry. Whatever you need. I will be here for you." He promised her, reaching his hand out and gently patting hers. it was a huge paw of a hand, and it dwarfed hers utterly, but there was a lot of gentleness in that gesture.

Aaron suppressed the urge to slam on the brakes, and skid the car to a halt to make sure he'd heard that right. But he drove on.
"Uh, I'm drawn to a deep shade of crimson, been that way for a long time. Good colour that. And you slept with my boss to get back at your ex-best friend?! Gods, that explains why you and he were making moon eyes at one aanother! And...ah shit so was Amy. Her too?! Was that a morning to night thing, or was that both at once?! Gods, where am I working? Who am I working for?! I'm going to need a drink when I get to town!" Aaron declared, shaking his head.
She didn’t know why. Her eyes watered up as he said it all and she bit down on her lower lip, shrugging her shoulders a little in defeat and she swallowed hard. “Thank you.” Her voice choked and she looked away and swiped at her eyes. She needed to not cry at everything but it was hard not to. That’s it, tomorrow during her lunch, she was going to find good therapists and make an appointment with one. Mallory never cried this much and it was confusing her. She didn’t know why she’d be crying this much. And she wasn’t about to have Hrothgar kick her out because she couldn’t get a lock on her emotions.

Sniffling, she wiped her nose and then swiped her eyes again before looking at him. “Thank you, I really mean it Hrothgar. I’m really lucky that you don’t mind being my friend.” Though not like he had much of a choice. He was kind of pushed into it by Harrison. So maybe she was waiting too for the worst.

Her hands moved to her face and she slid down in her seat. A groan came from her and she shook her head. “No, I didn’t sleep with him for revenge. It didn’t even occur to me like that at all but now that I think of it, it is kind of like that.” She grumbled.
“We had a threesome last night. But then this morning, well it was just Harrison and me.” She swallowed hard. “How about this, how about I take you out for drinks to say thank you for driving me here and in return, you don’t go tell the entire staff that I bumped uglies with your boss? Hmm?” A good bribe. That and she just really wanted a drink now. Several.
Hrothgar moved his hand up to Mallory's shoulder, and kept enough of a steadying pressure on her to make sure she knew he was both here, adn was ready and willing to support her.
"It is not that I do not mind being your friend Mallory. I am pleased to be your friend. You are quick witted. You have a fine sense of humour. And you have been more amusing company than I have had the privilege of being in for some time. I meant it when I said you would be welcome here. For as long as you would like. Never forget that." His voice was as soft as he could make it, which admittedly wasn't very much.

Aaron shook his head as Esther explain about the threesome, adn the extra sessions.
"Damn, why do I always miss out on the fun parts of working at the estate? Shit. That must have been wild." He sighed, knowing that he was the hired help, and that meant he wasn't the appealing one like Harrison. "Be honest with ya, you don't need to buy me hush drinks. Just got to ask. Folk at the estate take confidentiality pretty seriously. And I'm only having the one drink really. I got to drive this old tank back pretty soon, or the boss will wonder what's been keeping me. And if I damage it...well, my ass aint real big, so it won't make much of a flag, but I think Harrison will be willing to try it out anyway."
If he kept saying so many nice things, she was going to blubber like a baby. She kept trying to push those emotions away and kept chiding herself mentally for being such a baby right now. She was twenty-one. Not a child. “Thank you.” Her voice came out shaky and a little choked and she quickly reached for her glass of water and downed about half of it. Placing it down, she took in a deep lungful of air and she sighed. “I’m sorry. I’ll book a meeting with a therapist tomorrow. Asap.” She promised. That way he wouldn’t need to deal with a crying and sobbing mess. If she knew anything it was that men hated crying, emotional women.

Esther smiled. “Well then I need a drink. A really big one. So we can have one together once we get back into the city. I’ll find a way home on my own after that, okay?” She didn’t want to get him in trouble and there had to be something wrong that qualified her needing a stiff drink if she actually thought that having sex with Harrison was her own petty way of getting back at Mallory. No, no it wasn’t. Was it?

“I’d really like you to not get fired Aaron.” She said softly. “Do you want to get back to twenty questions or have we learned enough about each other already?” She grinned.
Hrothgar nodded.
"It may be for the best I think Mallory. I wiah naught but the best for you. So should you need anything, a ride, someone to wait with you before your appointment...I will be there if you like. I do not open my home to those I do not wish well upon." He told her. Not knowing if it was the right move or not, he moved towards her, and gave mallory a hug. He did recall that most of the people he knew had often informed him that a hug was often a good comforting gesture. And it was something physical, which he was typically good at.

Aaron sighed, nodding, and smiling.
"I can get ya home. There's a watering hole on the edge of town. A bunch o us middle income goons like to hang around there. They've got good drinks, and a good grill. Actually..." He lifted a small phone from the dash, and held it to his ear. After a moment he spoke. "Gerald sir. Could you do me the favour of informing His Imperial Majesty Trenton that I will be stopping for some food? Thanks." he hung the phone up, ad smiled back at Esther. "Ya like wings? These guys have the best in New York."
Mallory worried her lower lip. “I was thinking of making the appointment during my lunch tomorrow. I don’t know if I will get an in tomorrow or whenever. I’ll let you know, okay?” She didn’t want to burden him even more. But the idea of him possibly waiting with her in an office before she had to pour out her heart and soul and demons to a total stranger who would be billing her by the minute, or hour? Yeah, it was a lot nerve wracking since she didn’t open up to strangers easily. She didn’t know anyone who did.
With nothing more to say, Mallory welcomed the hug. She absolutely adored to be in his arms. They were so strong, so big and it was like hugging a teddy bear. Odd analogy but oddly true too. Her arms curled around his neck and she rest her cheek on his shoulder. She was going to indulge. Five more minutes and she’d pull back. But until then…she would be happily tucked in his arms.

Esther smiled and nodded. “Sounds like my kind of place then.” She said softly, sitting back but watching him, as he made the call. A giggle came from her of how he addressed Harrison and she noted how much more relaxed Aaron had become. She wondered when that happened? Before or after she told him about her nookie dance with his boss.
Her neck poked out in an ‘Are you kidding me’ gesture and a snort came from her, not so ladylike but she never prided herself in being a complete lady. “Please, do bears like honey? Of course I like wings. It’s an excuse to get down and dirty and no one can say otherwise. They scream, ‘rub me all over your mouth and fingers’” She grinned. She had no idea where that came from.
Hrothgar just...held her to him. It seemed as though she had needed it. He gently rubbed her back with one of his hands, an affectionate gesture. He hadn't been lying. he did like Mallory, she was a fine person in his book, just one that had made a few choices that had landed her in a bad position really. She may have done things that she was not proud of, but who hadn't? She was only human after all, no different than the rest of them. Not really thinking about it at all, he leaned his head down to rest gently on hers.

Rub me over your mouth and fing- Aaron old boy get your mind out of the gutter! He berated himself at teh images that her hrase had conjured up in him. But he kept it from his face. He smiled as he saw teh ramshackle looking building with a dozen cars outside. He pulled the Rolls into a spot out behind the building, and shut the car off.
"Now, don't let the outside fool ya. This is a great place. Come on. I'll show you some of my favourite people." He said to Esther, leading her to the door, and holding the door for her. The interior was pretty well kept actually, with an assortment of solid table and chairs, a nicely built bartop, and low lighting to give the place a kind of comfy atmosphere. "Hey fat ass!" Aaron called, adn teh bar tended turned and glared good naturedly at him. "Get me and the lady a drink!"
It felt really good. To just be in someone’s arms and allow herself that moment of vulnerability, to actually let it show, and just feel. Not worried that he might just rebuff her because she got a little emotional or a little bit like…a girl. But the moment she felt his head rest gently against hers, her eyes fluttered closed and she sighed contently. A smile graced her face and she nuzzled her cheek against the warmth of his shoulder. “I like this.” She whispered.

Esther didn’t think that what she said was anything. Then again she probably should have since it was a very inappropriate statement but at the moment, nope. She was just suddenly very hungry for a good draft beer and wings. They arrived and she looked out the windshield at the place. She laughed a little bit and shrugged. “I’ve learned a long time ago never to judge a book by its cover.” She said softly before she got out of the car. She adjusted the sweater she wore over her tank top and kept it unbuttoned but pushed the sleeves up to her elbows.
Walking in, she took in the ambiance of the place and oddly felt at home given the outward appearance of it but it just seemed so…familiar. She was smiling really big as she walked in and at how Aaron was. Oh yeah, this was really familiar. It made her think of her parents.

“I’ll take a draft beer.” She chimed in kindly. “A really big draft beer.”
Hrothgar felt mallory settling into him, and contemplated what he might do. THen she spoke, and he knew that she was unlikely to actually let him go any time soon. And that meant they would have to move somewhere else. His leaning forward like this was likely to play hell on his back after a few more minutes. He did the only thing that came to mind, which was to keep her close with one arm, and scoop her up with teh other, and carry her across the open room to teh couch. He sat down on it, still holding onto her. Whe he answered her, he found it a surprisingly honest one.
"So do I."

The bartender smiled at Aaron, and then leaned down. he placed a heavy glass stein on the counter, brimming with foam. The beer had a rich, malty aroma to it that spoke of a likely home or micro-brewed concoction. The mug had to hold at least three pints. A large draft beer indeed. And tehn the tender slid it to Aaron, before drawing out an even larger mug, likely a five pint, and filled it with a grin, sliding it to Esther.
"Enjoy. Get you anything else?" The man asked. Aaron took a slug from the glass, and exhaled after, looking satisfied.
"Yeah. Bring us out an assorted platter of wings. Three pounder." Aaron supplied.
"This cash, or Trenton account?"
"Account of course. I'm on the lock after all." The tender laughed, and moved off to pass the order off to the kitchen. When he opened the door, teh scent of wood smoke drifted out. "Did I mention they use old fashioned wood fired stoves at this place?" He asked Esther.
Mallory worried for a moment that what she was said was totally out of bounds. So when he started to move them, she thought he was trying to pull back from her or break the hug. That put her heart on a rapid beating pace until she realized he had no intention of letting her go as he carried her to the couch. There, she settled in beside him, at his side and draped her small arm over his broad torso. Looking up at him, a smile played onto her face and she nodded her head. “You’re my favorite. Officially.” Her hand moved from his torso up to his cheek where she gently cupped it.

Esther watched the first of the beers being given. That was really big alright and she was looking to a very night time here. When she saw the one being brought to her, her eyes widened and the stupidest and most happy smile came over her face as she happily took it. Yeah, she was going home drunk tonight and would be terribly hung over tomorrow morning. In other words, it was going to be a field day for her kids. The least she could do for them.
Taking a big sip of her beer, she swallowed the cool liquid and sighed a very relaxing sigh. Now that was a damn good beer. Turning to Aaron, she grinned, the smoke of the wood fired stove wafting through her nose. She smiled. “Then those wings will be delicious. Finger-lickin good.” She giggled.
Hrothgar was looking at Mallory, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that there were very few places this could lead, save for the one they seemed to be heading towards. Her hand touched the side of his face, and he heard what she'd said. His breathing was steady, though there was a faint cry of alarm, that he should not do what he was thinking of, but before he knew it, he'd gently placed a hand to the side of her face, his hand actually covering most of the side of her head. He was moving his face closer to hers, slowly, as he was making sure that she had every opportunity to refuse him. Gently, tentatively, Hrothgar kissed her.

"Never have 'em any other way." Aaron nodded in agreement.
"Know what ye are then lad? Ye are a bloody fuckin' wanker!" A voice said from behind him. Aaron grinned, adn turned around. A lean, wory man was there.
"James! You fucker! Haven't seen you in a year!" The two did a fast hug, a manly thing with a lot of back thumping.
"And I see yer keeping company tae good fer yaself again." James winked at Esther as he spoke. "Miss Martin. Fancy meetin' you here."
Her eyes caught his and that made her breathing hitch. Oh no. His hand was massive, and she had a feeling he could probably smother her with just one hand alone. But he didn’t and it was such a comforting feeling against her cheek and her head. She found herself leaning her cheek into the roughness of his hand that was a striking contrast to her soft skin and hair but she liked it. It was striking, strikingly comforting. Not something she expected but maybe considering things, it wasn’t too shocking. She was vulnerable but that wasn’t hindering her senses from anything. She might not be a good friend but she wouldn’t do that to a guy. Lead them on. She wouldn’t condone that ever.
Before she even comprehended where this might lead, his lips were on hers and they were so soft. Her eyes fluttered close and she kissed him back, her hand around his cheek sliding down to his wrist. Ooh, talk about major thump-thump.

Esther smiled and took a big gulp of her beer again, when she heard a very familiar voice and accent that made her insides liquefy. Turning, she saw a familiar face that she hadn’t seen since she was running away from him and her boss. Thank goodness for this huge ass beer otherwise she might be inclined for something else. The guy exuded sex. He was cute, had a sexy accent and voice and the last she remembered of him he was just about to—Bad thoughts. Bad thoughts. Bad thoughts!
She smiled at him and nodded her head. “Likewise James.” She said softly. “Would you care to join us? You can witness the ultimate battle of wings as I kick Aaron’s ass in all you can eat wings.” She grinned. Not that there was going to be a competition. But it sounded fun to say.
Hrothgar felt her leaning back into him as they kissed. His arm went around her, and gathered her to him a little closer, going so far as to pull her onto his lap. From there she was sitting roughly level with him. He felt the normal surge of reaction he normally did when going to this point with a woman, the urge to simply tear teh clothes from her body, toss her onto the couch and ravage her blind until she screamed out his name. But he also knew that she had just endured quite a bit of unpleasantness in that regard, and it wasn't likely to him that she would be seeking more of the same. Unless she found it somehow therapeutic, being with someone she felt safe with. But still, he would not push her away, nor would he be the one to push her towards anything like that. He broke the kiss off, getnly rubbing a thumb along her cheek, keeping his eyes on hers, and he smiled, leaning in to kiss her again.

James slid onto a bar stool on the other side of Esther. Aaron sat down, and the tender slid a drink at James. he took a drink, and grimaced as he finished the smallish beer off. He raised a hand.
"Barkeep! Bring me another cup of your vaugely beerish frozen swill!" he roared out. The tender glared at him, and slid a larger mug.
"Fuckin' Limey..." The muttered response carried well.
"Still an asshole I see James. How'd you know Esther?" Aaron asked.
"Ah, we work in the same soddin' school! Only met her a few days ago. But we've been...close ye might say." James said with a wink at Esther.
Mallory couldn’t remember a time where she got a thrill just from kissing someone. No expectations of more and while she would love more with Hrothgar, after everything that happened, she didn’t want to go too fast with this one. Especially if he held the capacity to actually treat her well, not make her over think everything and it actually be a right fit.
Happily settled in his lap, their lips parted and her eyes opened to meet his gaze. Her heart might have skipped a beat, from the way he looked at her to how his thumb so gently grazed along her cheek. She smiled, her cheeks heating up before meeting him back in for another kiss, her hands sliding around his neck and her body pressed to his. She liked how he felt, no she loved it. Wherever this went right now, Mallory would be in heaven, either way.

Esther giggled and leisurely drank her beer, as if it were water. It was actually pretty nice for beer. She wasn’t a major drinker of it but it was a lot better than drinking wine like it was water. And after a while, one became accustomed to the taste of beer. Not too shabby. Not too shabby at all.
Looking to James, her head then whizzed to Aaron as he asked. Oh, that’s a fun story alright. She looked to James and her cheeks colored red. Her response was downing a good portion of her large beer before setting the glass down. Her hand came to her mouth to silence a little burp from the fizziness and then she smiled a shy smile. “Mm, close indeed. So close, yet so far away.” Considering they had been interrupted. Probably for good reason but it’d be even more good reason to pick up where they left off. Or she was just looking for another reason to get laid. She had a lot of time to make up for after all and she was staring by being a very, very naughty girl.
Hrothgar wwas enjoying himself, and he put his arms more fully around Mallory as she pulled herself to him. He turned, adn leaned back, carrying her down with him. He was laying on the counch, with her atop him. He put a little more into the kiss, a little more of the mounting feeling he was getting. He was happy to be with mallory here. Happy to be spending the time with her. Certainly very happy to be making out with her. He moved his hands up her body, running them along her sides. He wasn't intending on going much farther, but he did like to get a feel for a person that he'd decided to do something like this with.

Aaron laughed.
"Oh, still up to your shenanigans then. Surprised you caught Esther. Wait...let me guess. The accent again?" He asked.
"Prolly right there." James admitted.
"See, that's the problem James. You can lure them in with the accent, and leave it at that, keep charming them like that. The rest of us average guys have to actually be good in bed." Aaron took a drink as he spoke, looking at the shocked look on James face that Aaron had gone there.
Feeling the shift, Mallory let her body move with his, finding herself settled on top of him, long ways. Mm, she liked it right there with him. His body beneath hers was such a comfort and his arms around her--oh those arms. They felt just as she had hoped. She had never felt safer. It was a combination of everything. The way he was, how he felt, and the fact he didn't seem to mind a crying girl on his hands. Well, she wasn't crying now. She was far from it. Instead, she was feeling a better feeling she hadn't truly felt in a while. Happiness and contentment. Her lips parted from his and her hand came up around his cheek, her fingers brushing over his lips and then over his chin. She just smiled at him and scooted herself down a bit to test her head on his chest. Her eyes closed and either the mental exhaustion or just the whack flow of the day and change or the fact she was so at peace and comfortable right now, allowed her to drift.

Esther drank. More. Especially as they went back and forth the way they did. One slam here, another there and one final grand slam, all having Esther knock back that beer until the large glass was empty and she was feeling a lot looser, at least as inhibition goes. A mall hiccup came from her and she covered her mouth, once more silencing a burp. "Boys, boys." She put a hand on either of their legs. They were right beside her after all. She took a glance at Aaron and smiled before looking to James. "There's enough of me to go around. So pick your jaw up off the floor James." She teased before shifting her attention to Aaron. "And you buy me another drink. And I think we can all be happy. Besides..." She began, a grin forming on her face. "I'll be the judge of who's good in bed or not. And you two just might pass the bar."
Aaron and James both looked at Esther, listening to what she was saying, and exchanged a glance. they both pounded back their beers, drinking it in a rush. Aaron felt he had one rather important question that needed answering.
"Well then Esther. Am I buying you one here, or am I buying you one to go?" He asked. James was busily getting out a little cash to pay his tab. After all, if she said to go, he wanted to be cashed out instantly. Of course, thent eh wings arrived, making him very tempted to declare them a to go food, bundle esther into a car, an run off with her. After all, he'd seen what she looked like underneath most of those clothes, and he was rather eager to see it again, in a place that no one would slow them down.

Harrison sighed, adn finished off the papers that he'd been working on, checking the clock. It has been a few hours, and frankly, he was tired of work. He stood, stretched, adn left the office, climbing the steps to the next floor. He saw a staff member approach him.
"Can we get you anything sir?" He asked. Harrison nodded.
"Yes. Bring me a bottle of whiskey from the cellar. Something with some age to it. I'll be in the West lounge...no, make it the master bedroom." He corrected himself.
"Of course sir. I'll bring it up to you personally."
"Appreciated, but no. Have Amy bring it to me. She and I need to discuss a few things."
"Of course sir." The staff member moved with a purpose to get it done. Harrison sighed, adn made his way to his room. He admitted freely he was looking forward to this. He just needed to shake off any kind of distraction. And Amy might be just what he needed to manage that.
Esther smiled at him and she nodded her head. “You’re buying me one more here. I need something to go with the wings.” It’s amazing how when it became clear that sex might be on the table, they were so ready to go. And as much as she was as well, she was also starving. With how much she had going on today, she would need the extra food. It’d go a long way and she didn’t fancy the idea of passing out somehow in the middle of whatever may happen. After all, nothing was really explicitly said or promised. But she had a feeling. A feeling deep in her belly that something really good would come from this. The wings arrived and she leaned in, taking a deep breath, letting the scent of them waft through her nose. Perfect. Now let the foreplay begin. She picked up one and they were finger-licking good.

Amy had been notified when that same staff member passed on a tray to her. The tray held two high ball glasses, a glass bucket filled with ice and a decanter filled with the scotch that was requested. She was told to bring it up to him in his bedroom. Her stomach did a somersault. Is this what she thought it was? She had to refrain from smiling too big as she did as was asked of her and she walked out to his bedroom, carrying the tray. Once she was outside of his door, she balanced the tray with one hand and knocked on the door before turning the knob, opening the door a crack but not all the way. “Mr. Trenton?”
The wings were heavy things, seared crispy on the outside, which had sealed in the juices. The sauce coating were varied, as it had been a mixed platter. Mild, medum, hot, suicide, which you could smell from a few feet away, the spices were so potent, Honey garlic, and a few that were in a butterbased sauce. Permesan pepper, a rare flavour, but one that had been a personal favourite of Aaron's since discovering it. He pointed to Esther, and the bartender slid her another mug, the beer still hissing from the tap pour. Aaron bit into a parm pepper wing, and let his mind move to what he was figuring. Esther would judge which one was better...were they all seriously considering this? Having the two guys double up on Esther? And she was okay with this concept? Well, he had been complaining that none of the wild and fun stuff that was a result of the estate went down with him involved. Looks like that wasn't quite true anymore!

Harrison was sitting in a chair, a smapler bottle of rye empty beside him. he'd thought to get a little bit in him before things started, wanting to see about getting a proper release from inhibitions. Truth be told, Lloyd's words had actually rattled him a little bit. Did he have a thing for his employees? If so, it was a new development. He shook his head. he needed to quit thinking. He heard the knock, and Amy speak.
"Yes, come in Amy." He rose, and opened the door for her. He then closed it behind her. "Good to see you. Care to join me for a drink or two?" He asked her with a smile.
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