Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"But I am a freak..!" Koishi trembled, sniffling. "People call me horrible things..!" She said. "I don't even feel human anymore..!"

"Well you don't have to, your shirt buttons are off and I've had enough sex to know what someone looks like after they have it." He said. "So who was it?"
"Koishi, you aren't a freak. Who's opinion matters more? Some asshole's? Or mine and Masashi's?" Shizuo asked.

Fuck. Masashi blinked slowly, "I had a threesome with Aunt Mairu and Aunt Kururi." He answered blandly, "My sex life is none of your business."
She sniffled and rubbed her eyes. "Y-Yours and Masa's.." She muttered.

Izaya rose an eyebrow. "You had a threesome with your aunts?" He didn't sound like he was buying it.
"Exactly..." He brushed her tears away and kissed her forehead, "You aren't a freak or a monster. You're different and powerful, like your old man. Do you think I'm a freak and a monster?"

"Of course not." He scoffed, "I'll let you try and keep guessing though." He leaned back on his hands and titled his head slightly, a smirk slowly crawling across his face, "Are you asking about my sex life cuz you're jealous I'm getting more in one day than you have in about six months~?"

((SLAM!! xDD))
Koishi shook her head. "No... You're amazing and powerful.." She said softly, curling up close to him.

Izaya winced slightly but grinned. "I thought you enjoyed the quiet nights, but I can always change that."
"Damn right." Shizuo smirked, "And you're beautiful, different, independant and strong as fuck."

Masashi physically twitched, remembering those horrible nights, "You're an asshole."
Koishi laughed sadly, smiling softly. "You're just saying that.."

Izaya's smirk grew. "And those nights weren't even loud~ You should've seen when we were younger one summer when I got some Popsicles~"
((*gargled gibberish* I'mcryinggoddammitIzaya!!))

"I am not, kiddo..." Shizuo lightly tickled her, "Why would I lie to you?"

"OHMYGODDADSHUTUP!!" Masashi threw his pillow at Izaya, face flushed
Koishi nodded. "Can we go home..? I'm really tired.." She said softly.

Izaya caught the pillow easily. "Would you like to hear more~?"
Shizuo nodded, "Yeah, we can go home. Get some milk in ya."

"Kaa-san!!" Masashi called. The door cracked and a dark aura flowed through in heavy waves. Ayane looked calm but her eyes held murderous intent, "Kitsune~ Stop interrogating my son and get your ass to work~"
Koishi nodded and wiped the last of her tears away, sitting up. "Milk sounds good."

Izaya grinned at Ayane and tilted his head. "We were just having 'Boy Time', Hime-sama~"
"Yeah." She said, smiling softly. "Can I get chocolate with gummy bears..?" She asked.

Izaya pouted. "You never give me affection anymore..~" He got up and headed to the door, sauntering past Ayane.

"Anything you want, kiddo..." He told her, holding her hand

"Tou-san!!" Masashi hissed. Ayane glared death at Izaya, "And you'll never get it again if you keep this up."
((IMSORRY! *fling*))

Koishi nodded and stood, holding her arm close to stomach.

Izaya made a pouting face. "Such a cruel mistress~ Much like the night~" He winked and headed to his computer.
((*flings on you* I totes forgive you~))

When he brought her out, he filled out the paperwork quickly so they could go get ice cream

Ayane's hand twitched, aching to slap him as she followed him to his work station, "If I didn't care about Masa's self esteem, I would slap you so damn hard!"
Koishi took her fathers hand, walking close to him as they headed down to the ice cream shop they always went to.

"Speaking of our love child's self esteem, he's having sex now~!" He called nonchalantly.

((Oh God, Izaya, why?))

"Gonna bite the heads off the bears again?" Shizuo asked with a smirk

Ayane froze and Masashi threw his door open, throwing an old flick blade at Izaya's computer, "You asshole!!"
((Cuz he's an asshole~!!))

"That's the only way to eat them." She grinned happily. "Lil' fuckers have dead eyes."

Izaya flicked his hand and the blade clattered to the floor as well as his own blade. "Have fun~"
((If gummy bears have dead eyes, does this mean Koishi hates teddy bears? :O ))

Shizuo chuckled, "Reminds me of Izaya's irrational fear of fish eyes."

Masashi growled but stopped when he felt his mother's rage. "Masa." "Shimatta..." He muttered. He calculated who he would be able to outrun faster to get to which exit. The window was too close to Izaya but the door would give him enough distance to dodge Ayane and any other blades his father might use to pin him to one spot. Masashi grinned and bowed, "I'll be back later for dinner, love you, bye!" He quickly ran for the door and Ayane tried to give chase but he was too fast for her, "Masashi!!"

"Don't compare me to that life leech." She said, wiggling her fingers on her broken hand.

Izaya was going to pin Masashi to the wall- like he always did- but this time he let him go. "He'll be back, he always comes back."
(( :O ))

"Life leech?" Shizuo asked, "Technically, he's your uncle."

"Sex?" Ayane turned on Izaya, "Sex? My Masa? Having sex?" She didn't want to believe it. She glared at him and stormed over, "This is your fault, isn't it?"
"He's still a friggin' leech..." She muttered.

Izaya held up his hands. "I, in no way said sex was okay, promise..!"
Shizuo smirked and gave her hand an affectionate squeeze, "That's my girl."

Ayane fumed and slapped him anyway before going to the kitchen to start on dinner
Koishi smiled softly, but looked down at the ground, eyes still sad.

Izaya rubbed his cheek. "Kawaii~" He purred before starting his work.
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