Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"And." She shuffled a bit closer. "One of the other nurses noticed some blood on her thighs.." She whispered. "Now she said nothing happened, but we'd like to ask you. Has she ever been.. Attacked?"
Shizuo clenched his fists tight, "No. But I did throw her..." He stopped and swallowed his pride, "boyfriend...out of the house before....she was chasing after him when I heard the car screech."
The nurse gave a sympathetic look. "Has he ever been abusive to her? Ever forced her to do anything she didn't want?" She asked. "I know this is hard, but they're mandatory questions."
She nodded and finished writing down on her clip board. "Alright, she's the second door down, you can go talk to her, but you'll have to sign some forms before you leave."
Koishi sat in bed, looking at her casted wrist with a frown. It still throbbed and she let out a groan, leaning her head back to stare at the ceiling.
"I don't know how she'll take it...she's got enough stress going for her right now." He answered.

((Ne, m'wife~? What happened to Masa and Izaya~?))
"Mm." She looked away, frowning.

((Oh~ Don't worry~))

The door opened and Izaya entered, dragging a now fully conscious Masashi through the door. "Darling~! We're home and out son would love to talk to us~!"
Shizuo sighed softly, "Look...I don't condone any of this incest bullshit you two suddenly got goin'...but I won't forbid you from seeing him, you two can still be friends just...no more..." He stopped and rubbed his face, "Christ, I need a smoke..."

"I'm not talking about anything, dammit!" "Oh, Masa!" Ayane embraced her son tightly, nearly sufficating him, "K-Kaa-san...!"
"Why the fuck not?" Koishi stared out the window with a scowl. "He's the only boy who's nice to me." She said bitterly.

Izaya moved over an sat down in his chair. "So~! Why was Shizuo trying to kill you, Masashi~?" He smirk was playful, but his eyes deadly.
"He's your cousin, for the hundredth time." Shizuo snarled, "I don't care if he's the incarnation of Susano! You are not sleeping with your-!" He stopped and lowered his voice, "Your cousin."

"I called him Shizu-chan, like always..." "Masa." Masashi moved his dead eyes to his mother, "What?" "What happened?" "Nothing happened!!" Masashi snapped and shoved away from Ayane, "It's none of your guy's business what I do to make Shizuo mad! Leave me alone!" He hissed and stormed to his room.
Koishi scoffed. "And what are you gonna do? Put a chastity belt on me? I can do what I want, and I love Masa." She said. "He makes me feel good and he makes me feel wanted."

Izaya sighed and stood up. "I'll talk to him." He said and headed down the hall to Masashi's room. "Masa?"
"I can pull you out of Raira and home tutor your ass. And follow you around when you leave the house. Don't think I won't do it, Koishi." He stated firmly

Masashi sat at his desk with his braille, "What?" He growled out
"He's the only one that loves me and accepts me!" Tears stung at her eyes. "He thinks I'm pretty and he holds my hand and he makes me feel safe and he do isn't call me names." Her tears started to flow down her pale cheeks. "He doesn't call me Yuki-Onna like every other boy in my class and he wants to make me happy... Fuck it isn't fair...!" She sobbed. "He's always made me feel like a real person when everyone else treats me like a monster! A freak!"

"Unlock the door, Masa. We need to talk." Izaya's voice was soft.
"Koishi..." Shizuo sat on the bed next to her and placed his hand on her cheek, "Look...I won't keep you from seeing him...ok? But...I don't feel right knowing you two are doing...that..." He said gently

There was silence before a familiar clicking and the door unlocking, Masashi opening the door and dead-staring at Izaya, "There's nothing to talk about. But fine, come on in." He turned and moved to where he knew where his bed was and sat down.
Koishi's lower lip trembled and she moved forward, hugging Shizuo tightly. "B-But I love him, Otou-san." She hiccuped. "I any help that..!" She whispered into his shirt.

Izaya closed the door behind him, moving over to the desk and sitting in the chair. "What happened?" He asked. "Shizu-chan doesn't just try to pound people into absolutely nothing for a name."
"I know, Koishi..." Shizuo placed his hand on her head, "I know..."

"He does with you all the time. Don't try and lie to me to get me to talk. I'm not a little kid anymore, you can't butter me up." Masashi said, "I know every trick and every little faint word choice you use to try and trap me into spilling my guts. I'm not saying anything."
Koishi cried into his shirt, holding onto him with her good arm. "Please don't hate me, Tou-san..! Please don't think I'm a freak..!"

Izaya made a thoughtful noise and leaned back in the chair. "Alright, then I'll make a statement. You've been fooling around with someone."
Shizuo frowned and held her tight, "You aren't a freak, Koishi. I could never hate you. You're just like me when I was your age..." He said, "The only one I had was Ayane...she made me feel...normal..."

"I will neither confirm or deny that statement." Masashi stated, glad his glasses were broken so he couldn't nervously fidget with them. If he did that, Izaya would know everything without having been told anything
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