Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Masashi dressed easily and kept running, using the skills his father taught him to get farther away from Shizuo faster. He pulled out his phone and hit a button, "Call Tou-san." He said and put his phone to his ear, clicking his tongue so he could see as he waited for Izaya to answer
Izaya picked up his phone almost immediately, Ayane breathing fire down his neck. "Masa~!" He greeted. "I'm so glad you're okay~!"
"Ohayo, Tou-san. I can't help but hear how absolutely livid Kaa-san sounds! Wanna come down to 'Kebukurou and have fun with me and Shizu-chan~?" He offered, clicking his tongue and jumping over a stone railing
Izaya heard Shizuo in the background screaming about something Masashi had done to Koishi and his eyes narrowed. Standing up swiftly, he pulled his coat on and headed to the door. "I'll be back later, Hime-sama~! Don't wait up~!" He said before leaving, then his attitude changed again. "What's going on? No bullshit." His voice sounded as deadly as his knives.
Masashi laughed, "Oh, Tou-san~ what son of yours would I be if I didn't keep secrets from you~? See you later! Ja ne!" Masashi hung up and continued to run for his life. "Stop running, you little shit!!" Shizuo yelled
Koishi simply had to follow the path of destruction and sounds of yelling. She could only hope Masashi was okay. "Otou-san!!" She tried to get his attention and stop him.

Izaya made a face, heading down to the train station.
"Calm down, Shizu-chan~! I couldn't help myself~! Koko is a beautiful girl~! And her sounds where so addicting~" "YOU SICK FUCK!!" Shizuo ripped out another street sign and threw it hard. Masashi couldn't dodge in time and took the sign right in the back, tumbling forward and laying on the ground, glasses broken a few feet away. Masashi hissed, "Sh-Shimatta...I miss calculated..." He wheezed
Koishi's eyes widened and she gasped. "Masa!! Otou-sama, stop! Please!" She begged, sprinting forward as fast as she could.
Masashi struggled to sit up only to fall back down, "Damn..." "Now I'm going to kill you." Shizuo growled. Masashi rolled onto his back and grinned crookedly, "Kaa-san would be reeeeeeeally mad at you, Shizu-chan~ is that a good idea~?" He asked. Shizuo growled lowly, "Right now, the only thing I wanna do is rip that smarmy smirk off your stupid face!!" He yelled and pulled his fist back
"Otou-san, no!" Koishi barreled past Shizuo and fell in front of Masashi, hugging him tightly, her back to Shizuo as she used herself as a shield. "Please stop!" She begged, pressing her face to Masashi's shirt.
Koishi looked up at Masashi with tears in her eyes, slowly letting to of his shirt and moving away, tears spilling down her cheeks.
Masashi grinned at her, "Don't worry about me, Koko..." He told her. Before Shizuo could punch him, he rolled to the side and jumped up, punching Shizuo hard in the face to stun him before bolting off with a joyous cackle, "A dragon has no chance against a sly fox like me~!" "GET BACK HERE!!" Shizuo yelled and gave chase again
Koishi fumbled through her blazer pockets, pulling out her phone. Thank gods it was still there; opening her phone she dialed her mothers number, then rethought it and quickly dialed Ayane's number.
Ayabe answered halfway through the first ring, "Where the hell is Izaya and my son?" She growled out. She was at the train station, waiting for the train so she could get to Ikebukurou
Koishi was crying at this point. "Aya.." She hiccuped. "You have to hurry, he's going to kill Masa!" She begged. "Don't let him kill him!"
There was silence. "Koi, honey...relax...I won't let Shizuo hurt Masa...the train should be here soon, try and keep Shizuo as far away from Masa as possible. Can you do that, sweetheart?" Ayane didn't sound angry anymore, she sounded worried. Koishi hardly ever cried so she was concerned
Koishi nodded and wiped her eyes on her sleeve, pushing herself to her feet. "Just hurry.. Okay..?" She didn't wait for an answer, closing her phone and ending the call. She ran down the street, following the path of destruction, getting closer and closer, hearing her fathers screams now.
Suddenly a trash can flew through the air and nailed Shizuo in the back, Koishi standing a ways down the street. "Stop it!" It wasn't a request or pleading, she demanded it, pulling a street sign from the ground, the metal groaning and bending before finally snapping.
((Holy shit.))

Shizuo turned, looking furious at her, "What are you doing?" He hissed out. Masashi stopped when he heard Shizuo wasn't stampeding towards him. He heard Koishi's voice and frowned but used the opprotunity to keep running, "Wonder where Tou-san is." He thought
((Izaya's off being a dick~ Soon~))

Koishi glanced at Masashi as he ran, she needed to keep Shizuo distracted. "I love him, Otou-san, and I won't let you kill him." She said.
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