Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Koishi's eyes widened and she swung the sign like a bat, trying to knock the mailbox away, but it hardly did anything. The mailbox slammed into her and crushed her against the side of a building, a groan coming from her as her head drooped forward, trapped under the heavy dented metal box.
Shizuo's eyes widened, flashing back to when he hurt Ayane. "Koishi!" He rushed over and moved the mailbox quickly, "Koishi...! Hey, kiddo...! You ok...!? Fuck, I'm so sorry...!"
Koishi winced when he pulled the mailbox off of her and she groaned in pain. "Fuck.. I think my wrist is broken.." She tried to move her hand, but she only let out a hiss of pain, indeed it was broken. "Brings back memories, doesn't it, Shizu-chan~?" Izaya stood behind Shizuo, an unconscious Masashi draped over his shoulder.
Shizuo turned sharply and glared death, "Shut your damn mouth." He growled. Masashi dangled limply over Izaya's shoulder; if he were conscious, he'd be ashamed that his old man caught him
Izaya smirked more, a cruel grin twisted on his face. "Take care of Koko~ She'll probably need to go to the hospital~ Ja ne~!" He chirped before turned to leave.
"Get back here, you asshole, I have to kill your son!" Shizuo snarled. He huffed and turned back to Koishi, "C'mon, kiddo, let's go to the hospital..."
Koishi frowned at her wrist, her ribs aching as well as her head throbbing. Slowly standing, she moved over to Shizuo with a limp, eyes downcast.
Koishi winced, but leaned against Shizuo's chest, shame washing over her. "Sorry I threw a trash can at you." She muttered.
The adrenaline was starting to wear off, making Koishi's wrist hurt more and more, making her whine in pain. "Kinda did.." She ground out through the pain.
"Izaya's a dead man." Ayane said, tone venomous. But then she went back to worried, "I'm glad you're ok...don't try arguing with Shizuo, just agree with what he says and I'll talk him down later, ok?"
Koishi smiled slightly. "I will." She said. "Ja ne." She said, hanging up as they entered the hospital.
Koishi was taken back to have her wrists taken care of and have her ribs x-rayed, leaving Shizuo alone in the waiting room.
After a while, a nurse came back to let Shizuo know Koishi had her wrist casted and she indeed have some bruised ribs. "What happened to her?" She asked, giving him a quizzical look.
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