Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shizuo got her to the ice cream shop and ordered their usual ice creams; choclate and gummy bears for Koishi and strawberry with strawberry bits for him. "Good memories, huh?"
((Wha's wrong with Shizuo...!? Does he have cancer!?))

"Otou-san, you're making a weird face." Koishi said, chewing a gummy bear.
When they got home, Shizuo got her a bottle of milk, "You go take it easy, ok? I'll call your mom and try to make it sound too obvious I'm lying."
Koishi opened the milk and headed to her room. "Hai." She said boredly, closing her door behind her.
Shizuo grabbed the phone and dialed Makise's number, waiting for her to answer.

There was a gentle tapping on her window and a familiar clicking sound was heard, "Koko? Shit, did I get the wrong window again?"
A tired voice answered, Makise. "Hai?"

The window slid open and the heavy smell of smoke came from inside. "Masa..!" Koishi smiled, cigarette hanging from her lips. "What are you doing here..!?"
"Hey..." Shizuo began, "Did I wake you...?"

Masashi smirked and moved inside, "I ran away for the night and I was wondering if my princess wanted some company~"
Makise yawned. "No... No, I'm up late again." She said, the sound of computers humming in the background.

"Okay yeah, but you have to be quiet, Otou-san's in the next room." She whispered, closing the window behind him and taking his hand.
"I got news...about Koishi..." He said, "I hope you're sitting down..."

Masashi nodded and took her smoke, moving it so he could kiss her lovingly
"What happened? Is Koishi hurt? Are you okay?" Makise asked, sitting up straight in her chair now.

Koishi returned his kiss heatedly, holding herself close to Masashi, closing her eyes.
"Calm down, brat, relax." He said. He took a breath, "Koishi got clipped by a car today...the asshole was on his phone and wasn't paying attention."

Masashi felt her cast and pulled away, "Koko? Wh-What happened? Did..." He clenched his fist, "Did Shizu-chan hurt you?"
Either Shizuo was getting better at lying or Makise was too tired. "Oh gods..!" She covered her mouth. "Is she okay!?"

Koishi took his hand. "I'm fine, it's just my wrist, I heal fast." She said. "Just calm down, okay?" She said, cupping his cheek gently with her broken hand.
"She's fine...only a couple bruised ribs and a sprained wrist. She's tough like her old man." He assured, "She'll heal up real fast and be as good as new in a couple days..."

Masashi leaned into her touch and made a noise, "It's my fault..." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, "I'm sorry..." He kissed her gently, "I'm so sorry..."
Makise ran her hand through her hair. "Alright... I'm so sorry I can't be there." She said, sounding guilty.

Koishi captured his lips in a soft kiss. "I know, but it isn't your fault.. I took a risk, and it was worth it." She said, kissing him again.
"Don't worry about it, brat...you got work. You can spoil her when you get back, how does that sound?" He offered

Masashi kissed back, tangling his fingers in her hair.
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