Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Koishi nodded, nuzzling against his chest and closing her eyes, her breathing becoming slow and steady.
Masashi made a noise and held her, "I hate how much like Tou-san I am...calling Koko princess..." He whispered. He sighed softly, "New pet names, for sure.."
Masashi soon fell asleep, waking up bright and early before even Shizuo did. He carefully pulled himself away from Koishi and got out of bed, leaving out the window quietly. He pulled out his phone and sent her a text.
"I'm sorry I had to leave before you woke up. Didn't want Kaa-san sending out a search party. I'll come back later to hang out, promise."
Koishi slept through Masashi leaving and her phone buzzing, hardly stirring at all, hair sprawled out behind her as she slept.
Masashi went back to Shinjuku and moved quickly to his apartment complex, sneaking his way up to the apartment and slipping in. It was really quiet, but he couldn't tell if anyone was up. If his internal clock was right, it should be a little before four; Izaya wouldn't be up for another few minutes. He slunk to his room but stopped when he heard movement. Ayane was asleep on the couch; she had been waiting for Masashi to come home. Masashi could tell it was her because he heard Shigure huff at him and he could hear her faint breathing. He frowned and moved into his room and closed the door quietly, moving onto his bed and sighing heavily
As soon as Masashi sat down he was greeted by being pulled down onto the bed, Izaya had his arm in a death grip. "Welcome home~" He grinned, though it was a cold grin.
Masashi tensed up hard, slowly turning his head in the direction he heard his father's voice, "Y-You...You're awake...early..." He tried not to sound scared, but it was difficult when someone like Izaya had you immobilized in a death grip, "G-Good morning...Tou-san..."
"So where were you~?" Izaya asked, laying casually on Masashi's bed, fox grin plastered to his face.
"Is that why you smell like woman's perfume and not sweat~?" He caught him in his lie, grip tightening on his arm.
"It's total coincidence that the woman I was with uses the same perfume Koko does." Masashi remained completely calm, "I've said it before, I'll say it again; my sex life is none of your business."
"It is my business and I'm sure your mother wouldn't like to know her son is sleeping around." He said.
((M'wife, I'm putting everything on my new phone and its really confusing! Dx I hate it!))

"Kaa-san would be fine...and I don't know about Koko..." He said softly.
((I'm sorry! Dx))

"And what about your old man~?" He cooed. "Who's going to help me get through the lonely nights~?"
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