Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Koishi sighed in aggravation, then finally spotted Masashi making his way down the hall and she hurried towards him. "Ohayo, Masa." She said, taking his hand.
"Hai..!" Koishi lead him to the stairs that lead to the roof, opening the door and carefully leading him upstairs, pulling her umbrella out and stepping outside before opening it and heading towards the benches.
Masashi clicked his tongue, even though he knew exactly where the bench was. He sat down beside her and pulled out his bento, opening it and smelling it gently to see what Ayane had packed him; sweet rice, marinated chicken, and steamed vegetables. Masashi smiled affectionately and grabbed his soda.
Koishi pulled out her pack of cigarettes, then stopped herself, frowning softly and putting them back into her back pack and pulling her bento out as well.
"Koko?" Masashi sounded confused. He could smell the tobacco briefly, "I told you that you could have one if you behaved. And since the school is still intact and no one was sent to the hospital, I don't see why you can't have one."
Koishi nodded and set her lunch aside, pulling her cigarettes out. "Thanks." She said, putting the cigarette in her mouth, lighting it and inhaling deeply.
"You're welcome...I'll keep quiet to Shizu-chan...but you gotta chew your gum for the rest of the day after this..." Masashi said. He felt like he was an over-bearing parent, but he just wanted to make sure Koishi would be ok. He hated every time she and Shizuo got into it about her smoking, so he tried to help her cut down. It barely worked.
"Thanks Masa... Otou-san was really pissed last time." She said, cigarette dangling from her lips.
"He means well." She said softly, looking out across the city. "He just loses his temper, ya know?"
"Oh." Koishi blinked, rubbing the back of her head and tilting her umbrella a bit. "I'm sorry."
He shrugged slightly, "It's alright...Kaa-san beats the shit out of him afterwards..." He shoved rice in his mouth so he wouldn't have to talk about it anymore
Koishi nodded, puffing on her cigarette and watching the small birds that landed on the railings.
"Being able to see..." He answered, "What is it like to look up at the sky and see what it is. I hear its this color called blue. Kaa-san says the sky is so pretty." Masashi removed his glasses, his colorless glassy eyes darting around. "I wish I could see everything. I wish I could see you and Kaa-san and Tou-san and Shizu-chan and Maki-obasan...I wish I could see the sky and the ocean and..." Masashi felt tears sting his dead eyes and he covered his face, "Sh-Shit..."
Koishi frowned and took his hand again, flicking her cigarette away and wiping his tears away. "Don't cry Masa." She said softly, red eyes sad. "Not everything is seeing." She said softly.
"Well for one, the city looks like crap and the smog makes everything look blurry anyway." She said.
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