Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Masashi moved closer to her as they walked onto school grounds. Masashi's keen hearing picked up on every single whisper and murmur. 'Freak', 'Monster', 'Vampire Bat', 'Yuki-Onna'...Masashi's head dropped slightly, hating the names the other students called him and Koishi.
Koishi's hearing wasn't as keen as Masashi's so she didn't hear the names, and if she did, she did a good job of hiding it. Once they entered the building, she closed her umbrella and lowered it, her eyes still not liking the bright lights in the hallway. "Don't listen to them, you're better than them anyway." Koishi murmured to Masashi softly, not letting to of his hand.
Koishi gave him a small playful nudge, then frowned when a wadded up paper flew through the air and hit Masashi in the face. She turned, a scowl on her face, ready to take that paper and shove it down whomever's throat that had thrown it, but no one was even looking at them.
Koishi was practically bouncing she was trembling so hard. It wasn't fair, why were they picking on Masashi? He wasn't do long anything, he hadn't done anything wrong. "Fine.." She muttered. "I gotta get to class, you'll be okay from here, won't you?"
"As long as they don't stick gum in my hair again.." She muttered, hesitantly letting go of his hand. "I come find you at lunch." She said.
Koishi felt odd when she left Masashi, she didn't like leaving his side, it made her feel like she had lost an arm.

Koishi took her seat at the back of the room next to the window, setting her bag on the floor and looking out the window, resting her chin on her hand.
Masashi sat at his desk and fixed his glasses. He actually hated homeroom; his teacher would always call on him to answer and come to the board to answer a problem on the board, knowing full well Masashi couldn't see. He wanted to be home school but didn't want to upset Ayane, knowing his mom wanted him in Raira to make friends.
Mutters went around the room in both classrooms; in Masashi's people made mock clicking noises, snickering and laughing, in Koishi's, they pointed at her and whispered, obviously it was about her appearance.
Koishi chewed her gum harder, watching the people on the streets below and trying to block out the whispers and waiting for class to start. She thought about slipping out of class and finding Masashi and ditching to hang out on the roof, but class started and the whispers died.
At lunch time Koishi was wondering the halls, looking for Masashi so the two could go eat their lunch on the roof like they always did.
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