Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Izaya, seeing the chance to make Shizuo even more mad, he took it. "Aah, I guess you caught me red handed, Shizu-chan~" He said, letting his face twist into a cruel grin.
Izaya winked and jumped away from Shizuo, taking off down the street. "And why do you care so much, Shizu-chan~?"
"Are you sure it's not because you still love her?" Izaya barely dodged the sign and flashed him a mocking sympathetic grin. "I see the way you watch her..~"
Izaya's speed suddenly increased, pushing ahead of Shizuo before he suddenly turned around, grabbing Shizuo by his vest and pulling him against himself, pressing his lips to his.
Shizuo's eyes nearly popped out of his skull and his blood practically boiled, grabbing Izaya by his jacket and throwing him hard as far as he could
Knowing he was screwed, Izaya let himself be thrown into the air, a faint grin on his face, but it was instantly replaced with a scowl as he hit the side of a building before tumbling to the ground with a grunt. He laid there a moment in pain, listening to the cries of terrified people, who were unsure of where he had come from and how he survived, before he slowly pushed himself to his feet, feeling suddenly lightheaded he fell face first onto the ground, earning a well deserved broken nose.
"Finally! I'll finally get to kill you, you bastard!" Shizuo yelled, storming over. He stopped in front of Izaya and waited for him to jump up and run again like he always did. But he just seemed to lay there.
Blood trickled from Izaya's broken nose and he didn't move. He didn't pop back up and grin in Shizuo's face, he just lay there. He seemed to not be breathing for a moment before he sucked in a shallow, wheezy breath. "Hime-sama... Is bound to be mad...~" He cooed weakly, a very faint grin on his lips.

"Damn right." Shizuo growled, picking Izaya up and dragging him to the train station, "Come on, I'll take you back. Other wise she'd bitch at me for leaving you there."

((I just remembered that Shizuo still has a stab wound...!))
((Oh shit! Haha I completely forgot about that too! xD))

Izaya noticed blood was blooming on Shizuo's shirt and he touched the bloody patch with two fingers prodding a bit roughly at the wound, still obviously okay enough to inflict pain on poor Shizuo.
"You touched me first, Shizu-chan, I thought we were playing Touch Me Here...~" He said, wincing as he took in a breath. "You're always giving me mixed signals~"
"Shut it." Shizuo boarded the train and threw Izaya onto one of the benches. He looked to the red on his shirt and scowled, "Makise's gonna flip." He muttered
Izaya grimaced as he hit the hard seats, his ribs must be broken. He watched Shizuo from across the isle, sprawled halfway across the empty seats. "So you and Maki eh?"
"I just thought it was cute, that's all, Shizu-chan~" He must've hit his head harder than he realized, things were a little fuzzy.
Izaya let his head rest back against the seat, feeling blood drying on the back of his head. He gave a low chuckle at how bet up he had gotten and closed his eyes.
"How cruel... Telling Hime-sama on me..~" Izaya grimaced as the train shifted around a bend, making him shift slightly.
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