Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Izaya didn't respond, his head hanging forward and his eyes closed. For once he wasn't smirking, and he didn't pop back up and say he was kidding.
Izaya didn't respond, only moving limply as Shizuo jabbed him in the shoulder. His breath can out unevenly, completely out.
Once inside, a nurse moved over demanding what happened to Izaya, who appeared to be dead at first glance, but after further inspection, he was only unconscious. "So, how did this," He motioned to Izaya with his pen. "Happen?"
The nurse started to write down his claim before he looked up with a frown. "Haha, very funny, now what really happened?" He asked as two other nurses came to wheel Izaya away.
The nurse shifted his weight uneasily, glancing away. "Sure, why don't you come to a room so we can check you out as well." He said, pointing to the blood on his shirt. "You got injured from this fight I presume?"
"No, that was earlier. Just a knife wound...I'll be fine..." Shizuo told him dismissively, "Look, that fuckwad's girlfriend will be here soon, she can take care of the rest. I have to leave."
The man looked a little skeptical, but gave a nod, waving him off before heading back to do his job.
Shizuo walked off, just as Ayane came bolting down the hall, "Sumimasen! Sumimasen!" She called, stopping at the front desk, "Orihara Izaya! Is he here?!" She looked panicked, worried and pale
The woman at the front desk looked up at Ayane, then down at her computer. "Yes, he is, but he's currently being tested to see just what happened. The shape he was in, it looked like he was hit by a truck."
"Alright honey, just go sit down okay?" She said and went back to typing. After almost an hour, a male nurse came out. "Ayane?" He called.
"Come this way please." He said and started to walk back down the hall to a closed door, stopping and waiting outside. "Do you know anything of how your boyfriend got this way?"
"He's fine. He as a broken nose, a concussion, six broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. I'm still very unsure as to how this happened though, but you can see him if you like."
Izaya looked over as the door opened, a sheepish look crossing his face once he saw who it was. "Hime-sama...?" He gave a cheeky smile, hoping she wasn't too mad.
Her worry suddenly vanished and was replaced with rage. Marching over, her hand raised and flew hard across Izaya's face, "Baka!!" She yelled, "That was your errand run!? Pissing off Shizuo!? What is wrong with you, its like you get off to making him angry!!" She snapped
Izaya made a soft noise when Ayane smacked his cheek and he listened to her, but dared not talk until she asked for him to.
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