Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"I really was here on business, Hime-sama, but there seemed to be a miscommunication between Shizu-chan and me. He came out of no where, claiming I was bashing on you and I was only using you, I don't know how he got that idea." He shrugged.
Ayane blinked, "What...? What do you mean...?" She asked. She pulled up a chair and sat next to him, "Well, I guess when you recover, you're gonna have to look into it, huh?"
Izaya gave a small nod. "Of course...~ Now the only thing that bothers me is I had to take off my beloved rabbit suit...~" He taunted playfully.
"And I can't wait." Izaya said. "In fact, I have a surprise for you once I'm better, and I think you'll rather enjoy it~"

((I think you know what's gonna come next~~))

"Hai~<3" Izaya said and leaned back. "I think I might be getting a little rusty."
((I actually don't and that's why its scaring me the most...! XDD))

Ayane stared at him before punching him hard in the arm, huffing in annoyance.
Izaya only grinned. "A punch from Hime-sama can keep me going for days<3" He swooned, rubbing his arm.
((You? Stuck? Ha! I got this! Bythewaydontforgetsengoku!))

After a couple a months, Ayane carted Izaya out of the hospital and back to his apartment. "So, Izaya...I kinda...have something...you need to know..."
"Hime-sama, what's going on?" Izaya stood up out of his wheel chair and cupped her cheek. "Tell me?"
Izaya blinked, being stunned by her words before a large grin spread across his face and he held her tightly. "Hime-sama that's great news~!"
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