Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise gave a small shake of the head. "Okay, I'll go first- Shizuo, have you ever kissed another man?"
Makise blinked before she took her shot, poured another, then took it again. "Nope, not a virgin." She said. "My turn: How about you? Are you a virgin?"
Makise rose her eyebrows in surprise. "Really? I'm a little surprised. Okay your turn." She asked.
Makise made a face, picked up her shot glass and downed it. "Yeah, the pay is fine, and it keeps my mind occupied." She said. "Hm. You ever have a crush on anyone- besides Mika that is." Her cheeks were tinted pink already.
((I thought Maki hated working for Izaya after the shit he made her do to Shizuo?))

Shizuo downed his shot and went to pour another but stopped, only taking the one.
((.-. Shhhhh.... She loves to hate him, remember when Shizuo told Maki off and said that she just wants big brother Izaya to love her? That was sorts true. >.>))

Makise blinked. "Please tell me it isn't Tom- it isn't Tom, is it?" She asked.
Makise blinked. "Okay, okay- so, who is she? Did you meet her on the job?" She asked, putting her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands.
"I- does it matter? Just answer..! This is exciting, does she love you back? Does she know that you like her?" Makise asked.
"Well, why don't you tell her?" Makise said, grinning like an idiot. "Would you tell her if you could?" She asked, taking a shot for fun.
Makise filled up their shots again, motioning that the game was back on. "It's your turn now, I know I have a ton of questions, but I'll have to get them fair and square." She said. "He isn't saying what I think he's saying... Is he?"
Makise's cheeks flared more than they already were, picking up her shot glass she tipped her head back and downed the vodka, setting the glass down. "Yeah, I do." She said. "My turn.... Is the girl you like in Ikebukuro?"
Makise took a shot, then set her glass down and stared at Shizuo for a good ten seconds before pouring herself another shot and downing it. "I'm kidding, I like guys."
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