Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise made a noise. "So does that mean you have a lesbian fetish, Shizuo?" She asked, a little beyond her limit now, grinning like an idiot.
Makise made a face. "I dunno, I thought I was only interested in women...~" She said, leaning close to Shizuo, a taunting smirk on her face.
Makise walked down the street, holding Shizuo's hand and staying close to him as they walked back to Shizuo's apartment.
Makise watched Shizuo out of the corner of her eye, giggling behind her hand. "Shizuo, you can't even walk straight..!" She said, staggering herself and pressing against Shizuo, leaning on him lightly so she wouldn't fall, wrapping one arm around his waist as they stumbled up the stairs and too his door.
"I can walk fine...!" Makise said as she let herself inside the apartment, moving over and flopping onto her back on the couch. "You are the drunk one here, Shizuo."
Makise looked up at Shizuo, blinking. "What...? Is there something on my face?" She asked, touching her red cheeks.
Makise watched Shizuo, not protesting as he climbed on top of her, she just laid there. "Shizuo..." She murmured, reaching up to remove his sun glasses gently before setting them onto the coffee table.
Makise slowly propped herself up onto her elbows, her face inches from his. "No... I'm not uncomfortable..." She said.
"I.... I wanna try something..." She murmured, reaching one hand up to cup his cheek, bringing him closer to herself, lips inches from his. She pressed his lips to his gently, kissing him experimentally at first, then pulling away, lips still brushing against his.

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