Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"No, Hime-sama, it's wonderful..!" Izaya said as he took another bite, tasting another fish eye.
Makise was have a hard time containing her laughter, Izaya not finding any of this enjoyable. "Anything you'd like to share, Maki-chan?" "N-No... It's fine..!" Makise giggled behind her hand and Izaya made a face at his sister.
Izaya shook his head. "The food was great, but for some reason I kept finding fish eyes in my food, you wouldn't have anything to do with that, would you, Hime-sama?"
Izaya grinned widely and waved his hand. "Don't even worry about it, Hime-sama." "I know that look, Ayane you're screwed." Makise looked back and forth between Ayane and Izaya.
"Of course...! And I will always forgive my Hime~" He purred and Makise paled. "I know that tone, Ayane, you're fucked." "Oh calm down, Maki-chan, I've grown out of my childish ways~" "Bullshit!"
Makise shook her head. "It's fine..." She said, pushing her plate away. "But I'm not really hungry anymore."

Makise sat in her house, lounging on her couch. She made a noise, looking at the time on her phone. It was already five thirty. She let out a breath and flipped her phone open, sending a text to Shizuo. "Hey, you have anything planned tonight?"
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