Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Shizuo tries to pummel Izaya...and I think he's only succeeded once..." Ayane smiled, cooking the rice. She moved closer to Makise, making sure Izaya was preoccupied, "You're setting the eyes aside, yes?" She whispered
Makise nodded and smirked. "Yeah, I set them all aside just for Izaya." She giggled and uncovered a bowl of fish eyes.
Ayane moved to Shigure and smiled sweetly, "Go show Izaya some love, Gure." She ordered. Shigure stared at her for a second and she nodded before he hopped up and trotted over to Izaya's desk sneakily, moving to the power cord of his computer and pulling it out, effectively turning off his computer in the middle of an important job.
Izaya simply smirked as his computer screen kicked right back up, still on the same page. "Hime-sama, you do know that I purchased these back up generators because of our little Gure, yes~?" Izaya leaned down to coo at the dog, grinning up a storm as he tapped the generator lightly with his foot.
When dinner was done, Makise called Izaya in to the table once it had been set. "Hime-sama your cooking smells amazing..~!" He chimed as he strode in.
Makise and Izaya took their seats and Makise picked a few pieces of fish off a plate, then scooped herself some rice.
((They put some into his food before he came in~))

Izaya didn't have to make himself a plate, for he already had one made specially for him. "Arigatou, Hime-sama." He said before picking up his chopsticks. "Itadakimasu." He said before digging in; Makise watched him out of the corner of her eye, eating some rice.
Izaya took a bite and started to chew. Nothing. Makise continued to eat in silence, waiting and watching silently. Suddenly Izaya slowed his chewing, then stopped chewing altogether, looking rather startled.
Izaya's eyes flicked over to Ayane and he hesitantly swallowed. "No, I like it quite a bit, but I think I'm full." He said stiffly.
"Full? But you've hardly touched your plate! It really is horrible~!" Ayane covered her face and whimpered, "Why have you been lying to me about my cooking all these months, Orihara Izaya...?!"
"Wow Izaya, way to crush her." "Shush." Izaya picked up anotherball of rice and bit into it, immediately regretting it when he tasted the slimy texture of the fish eye.
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