Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Izaya eyed the fish as Makise cut the fish and started to gut it. Izaya sighed softly and Makise glanced over as Izaya moved into the kitchen. "What do you need help with, Aya-sama?"
Makise held in a snort of a laugh, watching Izaya move over and pick up a knife and stand there, staring at the dead fish, who stated back with large dead eyes. "Go on, I need the eyes out so I can make some food for Gure. I found a really cool recipe for dog treats made of fish eyes." "Hai.." Izaya still just stood there, staring. "Go on, they aren't going to remove themselves." "Don't rush me, Maki-chan, I'm thinking." "You seem a little nervous, Izaya~" Makise taunted her older brother.
Ayane was fighting the laughter that wanted to erupt from her being, her body shaking as she washed the rice. Shigure heard the word 'treat' and was by the kitchen entrance instantly, tail wagging and panting with excitement.
Izaya finally moved toward the fish after a good minute of staring at the fish, taking the eyes out slowly, looking incredibly pale and rigid. Makise dropped an eye in front of Izaya, which made him jump and move a step back from the small eye. "What's wrong Izaya? It's just a fish eye." "Shush Maki." Izaya said stiffly.
Ayane covered her mouth to muffle her laughter, unable to contain it any longer. "Ok, we've tortured you enough, Izaya, you can go back to work." She said through her giggles
Izaya put the knife down and quickly left the room to go wash his hands with scalding water, even possibly take a quick shower. Makise busted out laughing. "Did you see Izaya's face when he had to help with the fish?" She giggled more.
"I should mail him some when I get home." Makise laughed, leanig agains the counter. Her eyes went wide however when a black cat trotted into the kitchen and Makise let out a muffled scream, moving away from the small feline as fast as she could, but it started to follow her, letting out a small meow, which made her scream again. "Izaya!" She moved a chair in between her and the cat, trying to block it from comig any closer; Izaya stood in the doorway, looking quite satisfied.
Makise kept as far away from the cat as she physically could. "It's not just a cat...! It's a black cat!" Makise said and shot a glare at Izaya. "Where did you get that cat?" "Oh, you know, around." "You asshole!" Makise said and looked back to Ayane to make sure the cat was still away from her. "You know I hate black cats...!" "Really? I could have recalled you loved them." Izaya said, feigning puzzled.
"Aw...are you superstitous, Maki?" Ayane frowned, "Here, I'll lock the cat in the bedroom. And if that cat magically escapes, I'll shove a fish eye down Izaya's throat."
Makise relaxed a little and nodded. "Thank you." She said, letting out a small breath, then glaring death at Izaya. "You have yours coming." She said and pt the chair back, Izaya watching with a chuckle.
Ayane went to lock the cat up, keeping her distance from Makise as to not cause her friend to have a panic attack. She returned and punched Izaya in the arm, "Next you'll torment me, hm? Or do you know better?"
Izaya rubbed his arm where Ayane punched him and he smirked at her. "It was only a joke, Aya-sama, I didn't know she'd get so worked up over it~"
Izaya chuckled and headed back to his desk, Makise slowly returned to cutting up the fish, still a bit on edge, worrying Izaya would let the cat back into the room.
Makise nodded. "I know, I just, I really hate black cats, they scare the shit out of me." She said, letting out a sigh.
"I'm just- I've been superstitious ever since I was little, and Izaya hasn't been exactly supportive." Makise explained.
"Oh, sorry, just muttering to myself...!" Makise waved her hand. "Shizuo already pummels Izaya, I think that's his punishment."
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