Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Izaya jumped away so Shizuo didn't whack him and he moved behind Shizuo, wrapped his arms around Shizuo's waist and brought him close by the hips, pressing himself against him. "Don't be that way, Shizu-chan~" He said before he blew on the back of Shizuo's neck.
Shizuo elbowed Izaya hard in the side of the head, "You're lucky we're in a fucking hospital, Izaya!!" "Shizuo, calm down!" "SHUT UP, MIKA!!"
Makise wobbled out of bed, moving over to Shizuo. "Sh-Shizuo...! He was only joking..! Please calm down....!" Izaya stumbled back, holding his head. "How mean, Shizu-chan~!"
Izaya gave Ayane a cheeky smile. "You won't even come to your dogs' rescue~? How cruel~" Makise made a face, moving out of the way before his hand could come in contact with her. "Don't hit me!"
Izaya chuckled and rubbed the side of his head where a red bump had already formed. Makise felt irritation heat up her body and she used the wall to steady herself. "No..!" She said defiantly. "I don't think you can just walk in here and tell me what to do and I'll bend over for you! That isn't how it works, Shizu-chan."
Shizuo snapped and turned on Makise in an instant, "Why do you flip your allegiances on a fucking dime!? One minute you're sucking Izaya's cock and the next you're sucking mine and Mika's!? Make up your goddamn mind!! Why do you even bother with him, anyway!? Did he not love you enough growing up!? Is that why you let him bend you over and fuck you over!?" He snapped
Makise's eyes widened and she stared up at Shizuo in disbelief as he snapped at her. The room was deadly silent now and Makise clenched and unclenched her fists, her jaw set. "I don't bend over to Izaya and I certainly wouldn't suck your tiny cock." She ground out.
Ayane slapped her hand over Izaya's mouth to keep him saying anything. Shizuo glared darkly, "If that's the case, why do you constantly do everything he says? It's not just because he's your boss, is it? It's because you want big brother Izaya to love you more, huh? Did he not hug you enough? Did he not say 'I love you' enough? Did he not comfort you when you were scared of monsters in your closet?" He growled lowly
Izaya held up his hands to show that he was innocent and Makise bit her lip hard. "I don't know, why are you such a cockbag? Is it because Kasuka didn't suck you off enough when you two where younger? Or is it because you're sexually frustrated because no one wants to sleep with you?"
Shizuo's eyes widened and he pulled his fist back, Ayane running over and grabbing his arm, digging her heels into the floor, "Shizuo, STOP!!" "Let me GO!!" He yelled and flung Ayane across the room, making her hit the wall hard.
Izaya moved over to Ayane quickly and he picked her off the ground. "Ayane-sama? Are you awake?" He said, making sure she hadn't hit her head. Makise had flinched and moved her arms in front of her so she wouldn't get hit in the face, gasping when Ayane hit the wall. "M-Mika..!" She looked to Shizuo and started to shove him to the door. "Get out...!"
Shizuo shoved her away and stormed out. Ayane groaned and held her head, "Izaya...?" She asked weakly. She pulled her hand back and looked, seeing blood, "Ah, shit...." She muttered, "My head freakin' hurts..."
Makise stumbled back and caught herself before she fell, using the bed as she stood up, then moved over to Ayane and Izaya. "Mika.. I'm so sorry..."
"N-No you didn't..." Izaya stood, carrying Ayane out of the room to retrieve a nurse so that they could check on Ayane.
Makise laid in bed, arm over her eyes in a futile attempt to stop herself fro crying. "Men are all assholes..." She muttered.
Makise rolled onto her side and pulled the blankets over her, sniffling softly. "I don't need him to protect me anyway."
"It isn't nice to call a woman such things, Shizu-chan." Izaya piped up behind Shizuo, hands in his pockets.
Izaya moved back and held his hands up, a grin still on his face. "I only came to talk, but then again, you don't listen to reason so this may be harder than it needs to be~"
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