Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

(("Why are you on the floor?" "I'm waiting for Izaya to FUCK ME!!"))

Makise was struggling in her chair, the last batch of drugs sending her into a hallucinogenic panicked struggle against the lead weighted wheelchair. "Let me go!! It's burning me!" She screamed, having been locked in a dark room with nothing but the four walls around her for company. "My skin's on fire! Please! I need water!!" She said, starting to sob hard.
Ayane stepped into the building with Shizuo and looked around, "You go find Maki...I gotta go find the good doctor." She said and Shizuo nodded, running off down the hall as Ayane looked for Namie's office.
Makise sobbed loudly, trying desperately to claw at her skin, but her wrists where pinned to either side of the chair, making it impossible. "Help me!!" She wailed, slamming her back against the chair, tears staining her cheeks.
"Makise!!" Shizuo called, swinging the street sign and knocking guards back left and right as he went, "Yo, Makise, you brat!! Answer me!!" He yelled. Ayane moved up to Namie's office and scowled, "Well, here you are, little worm."
Makise heard Shizuo, but her brain didn't quite register who he was or what he was saying. "You're killing me!! It hurts! Let me go!" She cried louder, shaking in her chair. "HELP ME!!" Namie looked over from her window where she had been staring down at the street, a scowl on her face. "What are you doing here? Are you supposed to be home watching your dogs?"
Shizuo followed the sound of her voice, beating down guards along the way. Ayane moved closer, scowling, "Izaya's a good dog, he'll behave."
Makise had tired herself out, whimpering and shaking her head, straining to pull her wrists through the cuffs, making blood ooze out slowly. "I-I'm gonna die...." She hiccupped and sniffled. Namie narrowed her eyes at Ayane. "That's nice, now what are you doing here?"
Shizuo broke down the door and dropped the street sign, "Makise?" He called gently. Ayane moved over, "Wondering why you kidnapped Izaya's sister; who just so happens to be my friend. Hm..." Ayane made a noise as she picked up a picture of Namie and Seiji, "How's your sibling doing, by the way~? I hear he goes to Raira~"
Makise shied away from the light and whimpered more. "D-Don't kill me... Please... My skin is on fire..! You have to put it out..! I'm going to die!" She begged him. "G-Get some water... H-Hurry..! Before it's to badly burned..!" Namie made a face. "Seji's fine, now leave." She said. "Take your little friend, I don't care."
Shizuo frowned and looked around, "Mika, if you can hear me, we gotta go!" He called before wheeling Makise out. Ayane set the picture down and smiled, "See you bright and early tomorrow morning, Namie~! I'll even make you breakfast~!" She said brightly before strolling out
Makise struggled. "N-No..! I need water, you don't understand..!" She started to cry more and she slammed herself against the wheelchair, slumping over in defeat. Namie scowled more and watched Ayane as she left, fixing her picture of Seiji before sitting down at her desk.
"Shizuo!" "Mika! Hey! C'mon, we gotta get her some help." Shizuo said. Ayane nodded and told Makise they would get her water soon, "You just need to endure for a little longer...!"
Makise only shook her head. "M-My skins gone.... It's all melted off...." She whimpered, closing her eyes. Makise's skin was still fine, she was only sweating. "It's all gone..." She groaned, looking down at her skin, that in her eyes, was charred beyond nothing.
Makise cried and muttered the entire way to the hospital, slumped over in her chair. When they reached the hospital, Makise was just staring blankly ahead, mouth open, muttering gibberish to herself.
After a while, a nurse came out to Ayane and Shizuo. "Are you the two who brought in the woman strapped to the wheelchair- Makise Orihara?"
"Yes, she's fine, though she had to be restrained. Once we, um... Unstrapped her from the wheelchair, she attacked a nurse. She's been sedated and we're flushing the drugs from her system. Are either of you related to her in anyway?" He asked.
They both shook their heads, "W-Well, I'm kinda in a relationship with her brother..." "You're what?" Shizuo glared down at Ayane and she kept her nervous gaze on the nurse
The nurse looked to Shizuo, then Ayane nervously. "Um, well, right now she's unconscious, but if you'd like to go in there and wait with her until she wakes up, then you're welcome too."
Makise was laying in bed, looking peaceful as she rested, her wrists strapped to the side of the bed.
Izaya replied to Ayane's text, making a soft noise as sat at home, trying to get Shigure to come over so he could pet him. Makise groaned in her sleep, rolling her head to the side, her face flushed red and she was sweating, having a fever.
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