Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"But Aya-chan...! That means I won't get to see you as often...!" Makise typed quickly.
"I know...I know...And it makes me sad because I love working there....but it's getting so difficult...Izaya is procrastinating on finding you a house..."
"I dunno if that'll work... He's kinda immune to that stuff. Anyway I don't think you should quit, I think you should make Izaya move out here, the only problem then will be making sure Shizuo doesn't see him or hear him."
"If Izaya moved out to Ikebukuro, he would spend all his time terrorizing Shizuo...and I will not be held responsible for Izaya's actions. Izaya will listen to me. Trust me." "Izaya~" Ayane called from her spot on the couch, pocketing her phone, "You want another reward tonight, yes~?"
"Hai, hai. I trust you." Izaya peered over his computer and blinked, then smirked slightly. "Of course, Ayane-sama~"
Izaya stared at Ayane. "Well, right now is a horrible time to buy homes, it seems that there are no houses available for rent, or for sale in Ikebukuro; even here in Shinjuku everything is packed." He said. "She'd be lucky if I was even able to get her a hotel room." He said, flashing a sad, sheepish grin. "Gomenasai, Ayane-sama."
Ayane scowled and turned away from him, "You're a bad dog, Izaya." She stated bitterly. She then got an idea, "Maki! MakimakimakimakimakimakiMAKI!!!!"
"I had the most beautiful idea in the world! My apartment is still unoccupied! And since I haven't been around 'kebukuro in a long time, I'm sure people have realized that I don't live there anymore! My apartment is free for you to use!" She texted excitedly, grinning up a storm
"Whaaat? For real?! Arigatou, Aya-chan! I'll tell Shizuo when he gets home..! You're awesome...!"
Izaya looked over to Ayane again. "What is it, Ayane-sama?" He asked, curious about her happy squealing.
Izaya chuckled and stood up, moving over to Ayane and kissing her shoulder softly. "Is that so..~?"
"Hai, hai~" He said and headed back to his desk, sitting in his chair and heading back to work.
Makise popped her head out of Shizuo's bedroom, grinning brightly. "Welcome home..!" She left the room and came out. "I have great news...! Mika said I could stay at her place...!"
Makise nodded. "I really enjoyed being here, thank you so much for taking me in, Shizuo." She said and bowed.
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