Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shizuo stretched and scratched his head, looking around the room. When he didn't see Makise in bed, he sleepily gathered that it was her making him food and stood, fixing his clothes tiredly
Makise knocked on the door. "I made breakfast, I just finished up if you want to come and eat." She said.
Makise nodded and went back to the kitchen pulling a bottle of milk from the fridge and setting it on the table before she sat down, checking her phone for messages as she waited for Shizuo.
Makise looked up when Shizuo came in and she pocketed her phone, digging into the pancakes she had made.
"Looks good." Shizuo said, "Mika made the best pancakes when we were in school...always made mine with ice cream..." He mumbled under his breath before eating. He understood that he couldn't be with Ayane ever again...but his heart still ached.
Makise made a noise. "Hey now, don't beat on yourself." She said and took another bite of pancake.
Shizuo made a noise and finished eating and finished his milk before standing. "Thanks. I gotta go to work. Don't burn down the house and don't let anyone in. Got it?"
Makise nodded and saluted to Shizuo. "Hai, Taichou." She said and stood, picking up the plates and going to wash them off.
Makise finished up the dishes before she went to lock the front door, going to start cleaning up, texting Ayane as she did so. "Ohayo~!"
"As do you, Aya-chan..~! How did you sleep last night?" She texted as she made the bed.
"You could say that. Izaya was a good dog last night." She responded, glancing back at Izaya as he sat at his desk; the collar still around his neck
Makise blinked down at her phone and stared for a moment before replying hesitantly. "Um....?"
"Haha, yeah...he's such a masochist...he enjoys being called a dog and getting hit for doing something wrong...he's so weird...but its so cute..."
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