Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise blinked. "You okay? You didn't get attacked by any gangbangers did you...?" She asked worriedly.
Makise made a face. "Okay... Do you mind helping me move my stuff again...?" She asked.
Makise set the last box down and turned to Shizuo, smiling at him, though it was a sad smile. "Arigatou, Shizuo." She said.
"I am, I just feel bad leaving you on your own- Who's gonna make breakfast for you, Taichou?" She asked, a teasing grin tugging at her lips.
"If you do stop by, that'd be great. I'll be sure to have breakfast ready for you when you get here." Makise said.
Makise nodded and smiled. "Okay, I'll have to go shopping tonight, text me what you want, okay?"
Makise nodded and waved as he left, going to get situated, grabbing a bag of clothes and going to get unpacked.
After Makise had gotten settled in, she headed off to go to the market to get food for when Shizuo was coming over in the morning. But she never came back. In the morning, the door was still locked and all the lights were off, no breakfast was cooking, and Makise wasn't in the house. Five miles from Ayane's old apartment, at Yagiri Pharmaceuticals, a woman sat slumped in a chair, hair messy and unmoving. It was Makise, and she had many puncture marks in her arms; her eyes shifted back and forth quickly over the ground, but she still didn't move, not that she really could though, she was strapped down to the wheelchair. "Ma'am, the drugs have taken affect and seem to be working just as you expected." A man said, scribbling down things on his clipboard.


Shizuo scowled heavily, wondering why Makise wasn't home. He tried calling her but that didn't work. So, he called Ayane. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? Maki's missing!?" "Ow..." Shizuo grumbled, rubbing his ear

Izaya blinked and peered over at Ayane, setting down his bowl and listening more intently to her phone conversation. "Ayane-sama?" He said questioningly.

Ayane raised her finger to silence him as she continued to talk to Shizuo. "What do you mean she's missing!?" Ayane asked loudly. Shizuo made a noise, "Exactly as it sounds. She ain't here." He answered. Ayane turned to Izaya, glaring, "Where's that stupid bimbo of a secretary you have? Namie? If you don't tell me, I'm kicking you out for the night." She said darkly.

Izaya blinked. "Namie...?" He thought for a moment, considering the consequences very carefully. "I honestly haven't heard from her for a couple of days now." He said. "Why do you ask?"

"Because Makise just suddenly up and disappeared, Izaya...! And I haven't seen that hooker in an awfully long time!" "If Yagiri has Makise, there's no way the cops will believe a damn word I say." Shizuo said

Izaya made a noise and stood, moving over to his computer and heading to work, silent as he typed away quickly.

Izaya watched Ayane leave and then continued on to work, clicking a link and pulling up a picture of someone, and though it was grainy and dark, Izaya could tell exactly who the photo was of. Makise. "Oh my...~"
((Prepare your ass, cuz he's goin' in dry!!))

Ayane got to Ikebukuro and went with Shizuo to Yagiri Pharmaceuticals to rescue Makise. Ayane fingered the flick blade in her pocket and Shizuo yanked a street sign out of the side walk
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