Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

After a couple of hours had passed, Makise woke up, groaning faintly and looking over at Ayane. "A-Ayane...?" She called weakly.
Makise groaned more. "Like shit..." She said, then looked down at her arms. "Why am I being restrained?"
Makise blinked, then looked around. "Why am I in the hospital? How did I get here? I was at the market and then... Then..." She frowned. "What happened?"
Makise's eyes widened slightly and she laid her head back. "I was...?" She whispered. "H-How long was I out...? How long did they have me for...?"
Makise rubbed her wrists after the nurse had released her, sighing and sitting up slowly, her head throbbing. "I feel sick..."
Makise nodded and rubbed her temples slowly. "What about Izaya...? Where is he?" "Here~" Izaya grinned as he walked into the room, hands in his pockets.
Makise was just as surprised, if not even more surprised. "He should be here soon." Izaya said as he moved over to Ayane. "You underestimate me, Ayane-sama~"
Izaya moved closer to Ayane, nudging his knee against hers lightly. "So how are you feeling, Maki-chan~?" "Why are you here? What happened to the cheeky dickwaffle of a brother who doesn't give two shits about his siblings?" "Hurtful...!" Izaya said in a mocking tone.
Izaya winced and gave a small nod. "Hai...~" He said, then looked when Shizuo entered, a grin snaking across his face. "Ohayo, Shizu-chan~"
"I feel horrible, but I'll live." Makise said with a weak smile. Izaya had moved up behind Shizuo and was smirking up a storm. "Shizu-chan~ I got you something~ It's been dreadfully hot lately and I thought you'd like this~" He said, holding out a popsicle.
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