Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise told the man that she wanted the tuna as well and he nodded, going to get it. "We'll take it whole." Makise said before he could chop the head off and discard it. He gave them a weird look, but nodded and wrapped it up, adding up the price; Makise paid for it and thanked him, picking up the bags of fish. "Wanna grab the tuna?" She asked Shizuo.
Makise made her way back to Shizuo's apartment and she bounced into the kitchen happily. "We can cook the fish later, let's just make Izaya some dinner~!"
Makise got out a bento box and started to remove the fishes eyes, placing them into the bento box.
Makise finished by putting the large red tuna's eyes on top and she put the lid on, turning and grinning at Shizuo. "Let's go." She said.
Makise followed Shizuo, holding the bento box in her hands as she walked down the street.
Makise took her seat and she glanced over at Shizuo. "Hey, you okay?" She asked, glancing at his fists.
Makise blinked and gave a nod. "Okay." She said, sending a couple texts to pass the time as they rode, looking up when the train slowed down to pull into the station.
Makise hurried to catch up, walking beside Shizuo with the box. "This is gonna rock."
"Hell yeah." Shizuo grinned as he followed Makise to Izaya's apartment.

Ayane sighed softly as she laid on the couch, hand red from smacking Izaya so many times
Izaya was actually sitting on the floor, having lost his couch privileges, cheek redder than a tomato. He looked to the door when he heard a knock and he looked to Ayane, as if asking permission to answer his own front door.
Izaya stood up and moved over to the door, opening it up and blinking when he saw Shizuo and Makise outside. "Shizu-chan~ Maki-chan~!" He greeted with a grin. "What happened to your face?- Never mind, I don't care, here." She held out the bento box to Izaya and he slowly took it. "We made you some food."
Shizuo was smirking so much that not even hearing Shizu-chan could bug him. Ayane stood and moved over, "How nice of you!" She smiled. She grabbed the back of Izaya's head and forced him to bow, "Say thank you, Izaya."
"Arigatou~" Izaya said, then opened the bento box and his smirk faltered and he stared in silence at the box full of dead fish eyes.
Izaya pulled a fake smile out of his ass and plastered it onto his face. "Of course I love it, but why not share?" He held it out to Shizuo and Makise, but she shook her head. "We already ate."
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