Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise nodded and headed for the kitchen. "Ne Shizuo..?" She called as she went through the fridge for ingredients. "Wanna know something wicked awesome about Izaya~?" A devilish grin lit up her face.
Makise giggled and shook her head, washing some rice. "No, but that would be pretty cool, huh?" She looked over at him. "He's absolutely terrified of dead fish eyes."
"He thinks that they're staring into his soul, that they're judging him." She said, shaking her head as she cut up the meat, then threw it in a pan and turned the stove on low, making a sauce, tasting it before adding it into the pan and stirring it slightly, letting it simmer.
Makise looked over to Shizuo. "The fish market just got a fresh delivery of fish today, wanna go and get some fish~?"
Makise finished cooking and served two bowls, rice under the meat and sauce. "Sweet and sour pork, hope you don't mind." She said and set down a pair of chopsticks for him before heading to go get a glass of water. "Want anything to drink...?"
Makise turned, pulling a bottle of milk from the fridge, smiling meekly. "Really?" She asked, moving over and setting the bottle in front of him. "Izaya doesn't like my cooking." She sat down and started to eat as well.
Makise gave a nod and continued to eat, thinking of all the different kinds of fish she'd buy.
"Judging him..." Shizuo was musing over Izaya's fear of fish eyes, "You would think a cocky shit like him wouldn't give a damn about anything judging him..."
Makise shrugged and finished chewing the rice she had in her mouth before swallowing it. "Izaya's kind of an idiotic moron, but not in the sense that he's ignorant, just in the sense that he's absolutely ridiculous."
Makise made a noise. "We can head out right now if you want to." She said and flashed a small grin.
Makise stood when they were done and she made sure she had money in her wallet. "This is going to be the best fucking thing ever." She said.
Makise headed out the door with Shizuo, heading for the market and picking out fish with especially creepy eyes. "I think we should get a bunch of different sizes and fill a bento box full of them."
Makise stuck her tongue out at Shizuo and purchased several small fish along with two large ones that had eyes that bugged out of their heads. "See one that catches your eye?"
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